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PRE-SEMINAR Checking of guests, talking to one another… entertaining of guests, giving them rules.


1. Please turn off your microphone and camera so it would not disturb the flow of the program.
2. For the Q and A portion or Open Forum, everyone is encouraged to ask questions and take
part to our discussion.
You can ask for clarifications or share ideas in our chat pane.
At this point, you can turn on your camera and microphone if you are comfortable to do so.
3. The goal of this student orientation is to have a meaningful discourse in our community and
everyone is highly encouraged to listen well and talk respectfully.


Hazel: Good morning, Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo.

Ken: Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to greet everyone a lovely Tuesday morning. How’s the
weather there, Hazel?

Hazel: We have a nice weather here, Ken. And I hope the sun is up and shining there, too.

Ken: Well, it’s quite nice here. A perfect day for everyone of us to continue what we started way before
this pandemic happened.

Hazel: ABSOLUTELY YES. Despite the challenges we face today, here we are with our phone or laptop
screens, finally presenting what we planned for days and nights of painstaking efforts.

Ken: I could not agree more with you. So… what are we waiting for? We welcome you to our seminar

Hazel: Now may we request everyone to have a minute of silence for our virtual doxology presented by
DLSP Dance Company.

Ken: Please remain silent… well you can sing along, just keep your microphones off, for the audio-visual
presentation of our National Anthem and San Pablo Hymn.

Hazel: For the singing of DLSP Hymn, here is DLSP Chorale.

Ken: There we go, now we officially welcome you to our General Student Orientation for this year. You
know what, partner, I’m really missing doing this thing in person. But… we have no choice but to
continue this here virtually, with our pajamas and coffee right behind the screens of our phones and
laptops. Let us introduce ourselves first.

I am Ken Montejo

Hazel: And I am Hazel Martirez. We are from the Department of Teacher Education and both of us will
be with you today along with the organizations who pulled off this event.

Ken: DLSP really never stops and is full of organizations that are active and unstoppable, I should say.

Hazel: Indeed. That is why we conducted this orientation so that everyone will be updated about what
we have in our Dalubhasaan for this year. That is why also… we have our ever supportive dean to give us
his message today. To introduce him, may we call on Dr. Joel Melecio Cabael Director, Center for
Community Engagement and Development (ComED)

*insert speaker bio*

OPENING REMARKS (Prof. Randall B. Pasco, Dean, Student Development and Services)

Hazel: Thank you, Sir Randall for a very heartwarming message.

Ken: Now let us proceed to hear the messages of our respected guests.

Hazel: First to give us his message is none other than our city mayor, Hon. Loreto S. Amante

*message ni Mayor

Ken: Thank you, Mayor Loreto S. Amante for a moving message for us.

Hazel: Now let us welcome 3rd District Congresswoman, none other than our very own Cong. Sol

*message ni Cong Sol*

Ken: Thank you Cong. Sol Aragones for the sincerest message.

Hazel: Partner alam mo ba kung kelan nagsimula ang DLSP?

Ken: Such an easy question, of course it was in 1997.

Hazel: Very good! Pasa na sa recitation sa Local History. The reason I asked this question is that we have
a very special guest today. He is none other than the founder of our dear dalubhasaan, Hon. Dr. Vicente
B. Amante.

*message ni mayor vic*

Ken: Thank you Hon. Dr. Vicente Amante for a meaningful message. Now if we have the founder of
DLSP, of course it would be a delight for us to also welcome and hear a message from our concurrent
college president, Prof. Arthur B. Almario.

*message ni college pres*

Hazel: Thank you, college president Prof. Arthur B. Almario. We’re packed with very inspiring messages
from our guests today. And here’s the last but of course not the least. She is our Vice President for
Academic Affairs, Dr. Flerida A. Layba

*message ni Dr. Layba*

Ken: There you go, partner. We’re done with our guests’ messages and we’re very delighted to hear and
see you all. They have been supporting us since day one and a simple thank you is not enough. But still…
we thank you all.

Hazel: Teka lang partner ha. Mukhang matetest ang memory natin sa susunod nating gagawin.

Ken: Bakit?

Hazel: Tanda mo pa ba history ng college natin? Ako kasi…. Well.

Ken: Tingnan na lang natin yan, pakner. Here is another video presentation about the history of DLSP, its
board of trustees, administration, heads, teaching and non-teaching personnel.

*video presentation*

Ken: Tanda pa ba? Well, it’s nice to know the history of our school and to know important facts about
our city’s beloved dalubhasaan. Kaya isa pa ulit na recitation ang gagawin natin. Are you ready?

Hazel: Bring it on.

Ken: To give us the philosophy, vision and mission of Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo, here is Ms.
Allesmine Tolentino.

Hazel: Partner, tanda mo pa ba noong kumuha tayo ng entrance exam natin dito sa Dalubhasaan?

Ken: Oo naman. We’re both wondering about the programs being offered. And… kinda daunted by the
system of college. But we already knew in our hearts that we’ll take Bachelor of Secondary Education.
Hazel: Indeed. That is what we came for. Or should I say, teaching is what we came for.

Ken: But what about the other programs?

Hazel: Worry no more… because our program heads are here to present the programs being offered
from each department.

Ken: Alright! Let’s start with Prof. Vivian B. Asacta


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Vivian B. Asacta.

Ken: Now let’s give our screens for Prof. Cartney Lagaya


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Cartney Lagaya. Next is Engr. Jomar C. Escobido.


Ken: Thank you po, engineer Jomar Escobido. Now it is time for Prof. Luzviminda Bandian.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Luzviminda Bandian. Now, let us give the mic and screen for Dr. Lota Q.


Ken: Thank you po, Dr. Lota Q. Baldemora. Let us proceed to Prof. Oscar D. Tapay Jr.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Oscar D. Tapay Jr. Are you there Prof. Sherwin Quizon? We’re now giving you the
mic and screen.


Ken: Thank you, Prof. Sherwin Quizon. Please take your mic and present, Prof. Alvin O. Tolentino.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Alvin O. Tolentino. Now let us bring back to our screens, Prof. Luzviminda


Ken: Thank you, Prof. Luzviminda Bandian. Last but not the least, Prof. Danver Reyes.
Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Danver Reyes and to the rest of our program heads.

Ken: How are we feeling already? Please don’t leave our meeting as we will have an intermission
number by our learners.

Hazel: Thank you for that intermission number. Now let us continue knowing more about our school by
giving the floor to our next set of speakers.

Ken: Let’s go. For the next coming hour, we will give each speaker 5 minutes to present their plans,
protocols and guidelines. The goal is to introduce what really our dalubhasaan is to our students
especially to our new batch of students. Shall we proceed? Alright. I think they’re ready so let’s call on
Prof. Alvaro Dioquino Jr. to discuss the academic continuity learning plan.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Alvaro Dioquino. Let us bring back to our screens again, our dean, Dean Randall
Pasco to present us the student development continuity plan.


Ken: Thank you, Dean Randall Pasco. Now from our college registrar here is Ms. Vrenali Tolentino.


Hazel: Thank you, Ms. Vrenali Tolentino. Now for the discussion of admission during transition, let us
have Mrs. Eileen Opena.


Ken: Thank you, Mrs. Eileen Opena. To discuss the scholarships, let us call the head of schoalrships, Mrs.
Joy Gutierrez.


Hazel: Thank you, Mrs. Joy Gutierrez. Now for the student discipline’s interim policies, the head of
student discipline Prof. Jeroze Jose Reyes is here to give us a presentation.


Ken: Thank you, Prof. Jeroze Jose Reyes. Now in these times, mental health is very important to be
addressed as we are spending our days inside our homes and barely spend a day with our friends and
our outdoor hobbies. So here is our guidance coordinator Prof. Aubreylyn Laguras to discuss guidance
and counselling.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Aubreylyn Laguras. For the health advisory, here is Mrs. Welenita Nuque.

Ken: Thank you, Mrs. Welenita Nuque. Let us proceed to the discussion of administration protocols and
give the screen to our administrative officer, Prof. Mark Francis P. Donato.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Mark Francis P. Donato. We are now coming to our last speaker for our morning
seminar orientation. To discuss disaster and management protocols, may we have our screens for Prof.
Layzon Briones.

Ken: Thank you, Prof. Layzon Briones. We are now having a break and will continue later at one oclock.
So don’t leave us and come back for another informative discussions from our speakers.



Ken: Did everyone have their lunch already? I’m finished and I could say I’m ready for yet another
meaningful and informative presentations from our distinguished speakers. Partner? Are you there?

Hazel: Yes, I am. This afternoon we will have three more presentations, an AVP of our student
organization, 5 more presentations and an OPEN FORUM so stay awake and do not fall asleep.

Ken: Alright, let us go. To give us a presentation about UNIFAST, here is our unifast focal person, Prof.
Carmila Morales. Ma’am?


Hazel: Thank you, professor carmila morales. At this moment let us bring back to our screens once
again, Prof. Layzon Briones.


Ken. Thank you, Prof. Layzon Briones. Now to let us know what we can do to encapsulate our culture to
our dear dalubhasaan, let us welcome to our screens, one more time, Prof. Alvaro T. Dioquino Jr for the
Cultural Development Continuity Plan.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Alvaro Dioquino Jr. Now let us move on to an audio-visual presentation of our
student organizations. Are you all ready?
Ken: That was such an interesting audio visual presentation. Our school is really committed to train
student-leaders and let itself be a training ground for competent workers in the future. We hope that
our newest batch of students are interested to join organizations that will hone their skills and develop
them holistically not only as a learner but as a person.

Hazel: Moving on, let us proceed to the presentation of continuity learning plan in ROTC program to be
presented by Prof. Layzon Briones.


Ken: Once again, thank you, prof. layzon briones. We are now proceeding to the discussion of continuity
learning in NSTP program to be presented by Prof. Raymundo Laguras. Sir?


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Raymundo Laguras. Now, let us welcome her to our screens. Our director of
gender and development, Prof. Amabella Reyes to discuss the GAD continuity plan.


Ken: Now second to the last of our presentation. Let us call on the director of community extension,
Prof. Joel Cabael to discuss the continuity learning plan.


Hazel: Thank you, Prof. Joel Cabael. Now for our last, but not the least, presentation for our orientation,
here is our director for Research and Development Center to discuss the research continuity plan for
learners, Prof. Kristin Ann Corcega.


Ken: Phew! We just came to the conclusion of our presentations! Are we all loaded with information
now about dalubhasaan? Now it is our time to ask for questions. I know you all are curious about how
college works so we are giving you the mic to ask for questions.

Hazel: Just simply type your questions or use your microphone if youre comfortable to do so.

Thank you everyone for joining our orientation. We welcome you all to Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San
Pablo and we wish you a great sem ahead!

I am Hazel Martirez.

And I am Ken Montejo.

Thank you.

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