Levoshin 100 ML

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W : 95 mm

H : 245 mm

wj‡fvd¬·vwmb BDGmwc
(†fU) Levoshin
Levofloxacin USP

Dcv`vbt Composition:
cÖwZ wg.wj. mjy¨kb G Av‡Q wj‡fvd¬·vwmb †nwgnvB‡WªU BD.Gm.wc hv 100 Each ml solution contains Levofloxacin Hemihydrate USP
wg.MÖv. wj‡fvd¬·vwmb Gi mgZzj¨| equivalent to Levofloxacin 100 mg.

Mode of action:
Levofloxacin is a synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial
wj‡fvd¬·vwmb GKwU wm‡š’wUK †d¬v‡ivKzB‡bvjb Gw›Uev‡qvwUK| GwU
agent, dependable bactericidal and mycoplasmicidal drug. It
e¨vK‡UwimvBWvj Ges gvB‡µvcøvRwgmvBWvj WªvM| GwU k¦vmZ‡š¿i is used in prevention and treatment of CRD. Levoshin
†iv‡Mi wPwKrmvq Ges cÖwZ‡iv‡a e¨envi Kiv hvq| wj‡fvd¬·vwmb Solution (Vet) is an antibiotic of Quinolone group that
KzB‡bvjb MÖæ‡ci Gw›Uev‡qvwUK hv e¨vK‡Uwiqvi wWGbG RvB‡iR inhibits the activity of bacterial DNA-gyrase enzyme, causes
Gb&RvBg‡K evav cÖ`vb K‡i Ges e¨vK‡Uwiqv‡K aŸsm K‡i| disruption of bacterial DNA replication & thereby causes
bacterial death.
wj‡fvwmb mjy¨mb (†fU) †cvwëªi k¦vmZš¿, cwicvKZš¿, g~Î I cÖRbb- Indications:
Z‡š¿i MÖvg-cwRwUf I MÖvg- †b‡MwUf e¨vK‡Uwiqv Ges gvB‡KvcøvRgvRwbZ Levoshin Solution (Vet) is very effective against diseases of
RT, GIT & Urogenital system caused by both gram positive
msµgY †hgb t Kwje¨vwm‡jvwmm, mvj‡gv‡b‡jvwmm ev cy‡jvivg †ivM,
and gram negative bacteria, like Colibacillosis, Salmonello-
dvDj UvBd‡qW, cvðz‡i‡jvwmm ev dvDj K‡jiv, †b‡µvwUK G›UvivBwUm,
sis, Infectious Coryza, Mycoplasmosis (C.R.D), Streptococ-
wm Avi wW Gi wPwKrmvq Ges fvBivmRwbZ †iv‡M wØZxq ch©v‡qi cosis, Staphylococcosis, Pasteurellosis, Secondary bacterial
e¨vK‡UwiqvNwUZ msµgY cÖwZ‡iv‡a e¨envh©©| infection in case of viral diseases, such as Gumboro,
Ranikhet etc.
gvÎv I cÖ‡qvMwewat
wPwKrmvq-1 wg.wj./1-2 wjUvi Lvevi cvwbi mv‡_ wgwk‡q ci ci 3-5 Dosage & Administration:
w`b LvIqv‡Z n‡e | Treatment-1 ml/1-2 litre of drinking water for 3-5 days.
cÖwZ‡iv‡a-1 wg.wj./2-4 wjUvi Lvevi cvwbi mv‡_ wgwk‡q ci ci 3-5 Prevention-1 ml/2-4 litre of drinking water for 3-5 days.
w`b LvIqv‡Z n‡e | Or as directed by the registered Veterinarian.
A_ev, †f‡Uwibvwi wPwKrm‡Ki civgk© Abyhvqx e¨envh©|
Side Effects:
Levoshin Solution (Vet) is well tolerated for poultry at
cvk¦©cÖwZwµqvt recommended dose. However, it may cause developmen-
wb‡`©wkZ gvÎvq †Kvb ai‡bi cvk¦©cÖwZwµqv †bB| Z‡e Bnv Ziæbvw¯’i tal cartilage abnormalities.
¯^vfvweK MVb e¨nZ Ki‡Z cv‡i|
mZK©Zvt It should not be used in layer within 14 days prior to laying
wWgcvov gyiwMi †ÿ‡Î wWgcvovi 14 w`b c~‡e© e¨envi Kiv hv‡ebv| period.

Ab¨vb¨ Jl‡ai mv‡_ wµqvt Drug Interaction:

Magnesium & Aluminium containing substances may hamper
g¨vM‡bwmqvg Ges A¨vjywgwbqvg A‡š¿ wj‡fvd¬·vwmb †kvl‡Y evavcÖ`vb
the absorption of Levoshin Solution (Vet) from GI tract.
cÖZ¨vnviKvjt Withdrawal Period:
gvsm-7 w`b, wWg-7 w`b| Meat-7 days, Egg-7 days

msiÿYt Storage:
Av‡jv †_‡K `~‡i, VvÛv I ﯋ ¯’v‡b ivLyb| Store in a cool & dry place, protected from light.
mKj Ilya wkï‡`i bvMv‡ji evB‡i ivLyb| Keep all medicine out of reach of children.

mieivnt Pack size:

100 wg.wj. I 500 wg.wj.| 100 ml & 500 ml

Manufactured by Manufactured by

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