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Cancer Controlled Program

Breast Self-Exam Total Percentage

Yes 53 36%

No 94 64%

Total 147 100%

Pap's Smear Total Percentage

Yes 35 36%

No 62 64%

Total 97 100%


This is the result of our tally about Cancer Controlled Program for the WRA (Women of

Reproductive Age)

The table show that there are only 53 out of 147 women aged of 15 to 49 years

old who practice breast self-examination and there are 35 out of 97 women who

dilivered had undergo pap's smear. Majority of them told that they don't know how to

perform the procedure. While, for those who not undergo pap's smear they are lack

knowledge about what is the importance of this examination and some claimed that

have fear on the procedure and they told that the health center is inaccessible.

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