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Writing Test 5 Part 2 Proposal

This proposal outlines a description of a research project intended to
be funded by an international organization with a travel grant. Based
on my research work, I’m going to present below what my project
implies as well as its benefits to the society.

Type of research
As far as the nature of this project is concerned, I’m focusing in
carrying out an educational study regarding high IQ children as well
as what the educational system provides them with in order to fulfill
their potential in terms of academic results. It is widely known that
these children don’t fit in their age groups, socially and intellectually,
and need special centers in which to learn. Usually, the governments
ignore these children and do nothing to help them develop and leave
them in the hands of their parents.

The benefits
This research project aims to gather information regarding these
children situation and try to improve it. It’s not only the children who
will benefit from this awareness increase by developing their
intelligence but also the society who can improve its technology and
economy based on their intellectual potential. It would be a waste not
to let them stand out from the crowd and and use their gift in order to
improve the quality of life.

It is my personal belief that by helping these children, we let them use
their birth qualities for something good. I want to carry out this
research project for public awareness and knowledge, that we have to
do better for them.

261 words

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