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How the brand is now perceived

Brand Image

Brand Image is the image that customers (real and

prospect) have of the set of products/services
offered by a Brand. It is affected by the product, the
company itself, their corporate social responsibility.
The explicit and implicit set of
expectations, guarantees and
commitments that a product offers
its buyers or users.
Brand image answer the questions:
“What’s in it for me?”
“What’s important to me?”
“How does it make me feel about myself”
Brand Image
3 dimensions to brand image

❖Strength [how strongly the brand is identified with a brand


❖Favorability [how important or valuable the brand

association is to customers]

❖ Uniqueness [how distinctively the brand is identified with

the brand association]
Brand Associations



“Don’t ask or force a
brand to be different
from itself.”
Brand image
Brand image is the perception of a brand by
the receiver.
It is important to have a mission, a concept before
launching a brand
All marketing activities (communication, distribution,
promotions, etc.) will have an impact on the image
communicated and perceived by consumers
And... it is difficult to change perception!
Brand Knowledge

Thoughts Feelings


Beliefs Images

Brand Resonance Pyramid

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