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 It is a nonspecific term used to describe any abdominal discomfort related to
 It is also called indigestion.

Dyspepsia includes a variety of symptoms

 Abdominal discomfort
 Bloatedness ( flatulence )
 Early satiety
 Epigastric fullness
 Epigastric pain
 Eructation or belching
 Heart burn
 Nausea with or without vomiting

(1) Functional
 No established organic cause
 Mostly psychological
(2) Organic
 Almost all GIT & hepato-biliary diseases can cause dyspepsia……e.g:
- oesophagus……….oesophagitis & cancer oesophagus
- stomach…………..peptic ulcer & cancer stomach
- duodenum………..duodenal ulcer
- small intestine……enteritis & lymphoma
- colon……………..colitis & cancer colon
- gall bladder………cholecystitis & stones
- liver………………hepatitis & cirrhosis
- pancreas………….pancreatitis & cancer pancreas
Extra-intestinal diseases causing dyspepsia…………………………e.g.
- congestive heart failure
- chronic renal failure
- pulmonary TB
- malignancy
- drugs…..e.g…..NSAIDs

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