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Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875

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Cultivating cybersecurity learning: An integration of

self-determination and flow
Hwee-Joo Kam a, Philip Menard b, Dustin Ormond c, Robert E. Crossler d,∗
Sykes College of Business, University of Tampa, 401W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606, United States
College of Business, The University of Texas at San Antonio , One UTSA Circle , San Antonio, TX 78249, United States
Heider College of Business, Creighton University, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178, United States
Carson College of Business, Washington State University, PO Box 644743, Pullman, WA 99164-4743, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Because there is a critical shortage of cybersecurity talent, information security professionals and re-
Received 4 December 2019 searchers should cultivate cybersecurity skills by encouraging individuals to pursue cybersecurity learn-
Revised 21 April 2020
ing. However, some aspects of cybersecurity require substantial effort and perseverance for conceptual
Accepted 12 May 2020
understanding to be gained. We propose motivation as the key to ensuring continuous engagement with
Available online 23 May 2020
and successful learning of such cybersecurity concepts. With a lab-based training program that taught
Keywords: participants about SQL injection attacks, we tested a research model that integrated flow theory and self-
Flow theory determination theory. Within the training program, we captured participants’ persistence in attempting
Self determination theory and successfully completing the training exercises while also measuring their perceptions of motivation
Cybersecurity learning and flow. We found that flow facilitated motivation and its key antecedents. Flow and task significance
Motivation had the strongest effects on motivation, while motivation fostered learning persistence and performance.
Cygotobersecurity talent
We recommend training programs that maximize flow and task significance.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ees could be retrained for cyber operations (Cordell, 2018). In a

similar effort, the Office of Management and Budget launched the
An (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study (Beuran et al., 2018) Federal Cyber Reskilling Academy, which is a partnership with the
revealed that there is a shortage of about three million cyber- SANS Institute that will train the current federal workforce on an
security professionals globally. Since then, the impacts related array of cybersecurity skills in line with Executive Order 13,870
to the workforce shortage have only become more pronounced (Heckman, 2018). Such initiatives leverage current employees’ ex-
(Oltsik, 2019). When there is a lack of personnel who are knowl- perience with bureaucracy and governmental policy while also cul-
edgeable in applying information security (InfoSec) safeguards, or- tivating diverse professional backgrounds (Power, 2019).
ganizational information assets will be vulnerable to cyberattacks The retraining effort will likely also encompass employees
((ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, 2018). Due to the critical- already serving in cybersecurity roles. Seventy percent of cyberse-
ity of this issue, the President of the United States (U.S.) issued curity professionals are open to new opportunities, with fifty-nine
Executive Order 13,800 to expand the cybersecurity workforce percent reporting that they desire to work for an organization
(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2017) and subsequently that trains employees on cybersecurity (Security Magazine, 2018).
signed Executive Order 13,870 (Executive Office of the President, Although training and professional development opportunities are
Abraham and Chengalur-Smith, 2019) to further incentivize the de- desirable to cybersecurity employees, a separate report found that
velopment of competent cybersecurity personnel. most employees are already offered training as an incentive to
One potential pathway to addressing the employee shortage is stay in their current organizations (Downs, 2019). These findings
to retrain current non-cyber professionals. The U.S. National Se- indicate that although cybersecurity training may provide an
curity Council reported an interest in using organizational train- avenue for organizations to retain or repurpose its existing em-
ing and aptitude examinations to decide which current employ- ployees in the short term, the training offered must move beyond
basic techniques and concepts to maintain a competent and robust

workforce in the long term. Indeed, the U.S. National Initiative
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H.-J. Kam), (P. Menard),
for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) stated that “an integrated (D. Ormond), (R.E. Crossler). cybersecurity workforce must be capable of designing, developing, im-
0167-4048/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875

plementing, and maintaining defensive and offensive cyber strategies.” vision (i.e., securing IT infrastructure), Operate and Maintain (i.e.,
(NIST Special Publication 800–181, 2017, p. iv) These are long term secure system administration), Oversee and Govern (i.e., security
goals, and the training that teaches employees about cybersecurity leadership and management), Protect and Defend (i.e., mitigating
should likewise tap into techniques that have long term impacts. cyber threats), Analyze (i.e., specialized reviews of IT infrastruc-
Cybersecurity requires individuals to understand both the tech- ture for cyber intelligence), Collect and Operate (i.e., use deception
nological perspective (e.g., database, software, computer program- to gather cyber intelligence), and Investigate (i.e., investigate cy-
ming, and networking) and the organizational and human per- bercrimes through digital forensic) (NIST Special Publication 800–
spective (e.g., administrative controls) (González-Manzano and de 181, 2017). This suggests that cybersecurity learning requires a high
Fuentes, 2019; NIST Special Publication 800–181, 2017). With such cognitive capacity to master the complex concept of software and
a convoluted subject, motivation in support of learning persistence network security, involves analytical skillsets for big data analy-
(Vansteenkiste et al., 2004) may be an essential building block to- sis, and combines managerial learning with technical knowledge
ward cultivating a pool of cybersecurity talent for addressing the in management decision-making. Overall, cybersecurity learning is
critical workforce shortage. multidisciplinary, relying on computing infrastructure, policies, and
Motivation has been shown to increase cognition, attitudes, and people. With such a complex subject matter, learners may experi-
positive behavior in short-term situational training programs and ence some difficulties to grasp the intricate concepts of cyberse-
have lasting effects in the long term (Vallerand, 1997). For em- curity. Therefore, learners’ motivation is very important to ensure
ployees who are being retrained to effectively learn cybersecu- success in cybersecurity learning.
rity in the short term and be driven to continue learning cy-
bersecurity over time, training programs must adequately sat- 2.2. Integrated framework
isfy the motivations of its employees. A widely used theoreti-
cal model for motivation is self-determination theory (Deci and Numerous studies (see Table 1) have examined individuals’ mo-
Ryan, 1985, 1980; Ryan and Deci, 20 0 0). Self-determination the- tivation in a learning environment context (e.g., e-learning or or-
ory proposes a positive change in learning outcomes through the ganizational settings). However, the motivation to learn cyberse-
satisfaction of basic psychological needs (e.g., needs of being au- curity, which is presently an important topic for addressing the
tonomous, feeling competent, and experiencing emotional connec- critical shortage of cybersecurity talent, has largely been ignored.
tion) (Deci and Ryan, 1980). Motivation toward cybersecurity learn- As noted, the challenges in cybersecurity learning may not ease
ing, which is critical for solving cybersecurity workforce shortage, the critical shortage of cybersecurity talent in both the private and
has largely been ignored by prior research. Integrating this frame- public sectors. These challenges may act as a deterrent for learn-
work into organizational-based cybersecurity training may likewise ers who may otherwise be interested in the area. Therefore, it is
show positive results. Therefore, we use self-determination theory important to motivate learners to be persistent in cybersecurity
to examine the following research question: learning.
RQ1: How are employees in cyber or cyber-adjacent fields moti- To study learners’ motivation in cybersecurity learning, we inte-
vated to learn cybersecurity? grate self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 1980; Gagné
While the impacts of motivation as conceptualized through self- and Deci, 2005) and flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). This in-
determination theory largely address long term impacts by sat- tegrated framework investigates the potential factors that influence
isfying psychological needs, employees in a cybersecurity train- the motivation of cybersecurity learning. Self-determination theory
ing program must be enticed to engage with the materials early proposes that intrinsic motivation is stemmed from humans’ basic
in the training. Otherwise, the employee will not have the op- needs of feeling competent, autonomous, and emotionally invested
portunity to continuously experience the critical factors embed- while performing activities (Deci and Ryan, 1985). Meanwhile, flow
ded in the training that is designed to bolster self-determination. theory posits that when individuals engage in a challenging activ-
Flow theory highlights instant gratification (e.g., hedonistic out- ity that matches their abilities, they will experience “flow” (i.e.,
comes) (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) and could be an essential com- become immersed in the activity), leading to intrinsic motivation
plement to self-determination in a cybersecurity training context. (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).
Self-determination theory and flow theory balance each other by Both self-determination theory and flow theory present a dif-
presenting different perspectives of motivation. Thus, we pose the ferent perspective of motivation. Self-determination theory focuses
following research question: on innate human psychological needs, and flow theory highlights
RQ2: How does flow influence employees’ motivation to learn cy- enjoyment and fun (Eccles and Wigfield, 2002). Conversely, self-
bersecurity? determination theory is designed to address the ultimate outcomes
This study presents the motivating factors that drive individu- of cybersecurity learning (e.g., the innate human need of feeling
als to engage in cybersecurity learning and addresses the critical competent), while flow theory emphasizes more immediate sat-
shortage of cybersecurity talents through some viable suggestions isfaction (e.g., hedonistic outcomes) (Eccles and Wigfield, 2002).
that promote cybersecurity learning. This paper is organized as fol- In this respect, both theories complement each other (Eccles and
lows. First, we build our theoretical foundation to develop a theo- Wigfield, 2002) to provide a strong theoretical foundation for this
retical framework. Next, we detail our research design and present study. Hence, we integrate both theories to examine how hedonis-
our data analysis. We then discuss our research findings. Finally, tic factors entice learners to study cybersecurity (i.e., flow theory)
we share our research implications, limitations, and conclusion. and investigate how to sustain their learning processes based on
innate human needs (i.e., self-determination theory). An integra-
2. Literature review tion of both theories provides multiple dimensions in the study of
self-determined motivation and serves as the comprehensive theo-
2.1. Cybersecurity learning retical foundation for the remainder of this paper.

The U.S. National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) 2.2.1. Self-determination theory
framework, directed by the National Institute of Standards and Self-determination theory was developed in response to prior
Technology (NIST) in the U.S. Department of Commerce, proposes motivational research that classified intrinsic and extrinsic moti-
that, to prepare individuals for the workforce, cybersecurity learn- vation as dichotomous constructs. Self-determination theory of-
ing should include the core knowledge consisting of Securely Pro- fered a more granular perspective of motivation by defining sev-
H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875 3

Table 1
Summary of literature review.

Research study Theoretical framework Research findings

Effects of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on employee Motivation theory & theory of Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation drive one to share
knowledge sharing intentions (Lin, 2007) reasoned action (Fishbein and knowledge for organizational learning.
Ajzen, 1975)
The effects of an organizational learning culture, perceived Organizational theories & motivation Perceived job complexity and proactive personality
job complexity, and proactive personality on organizational theory engender intrinsic motivation in organizations. Perceived
commitment and intrinsic motivation (Joo and Lim, 2009) job complexity also has a mediating effect on intrinsic
Organizational networks and the process of corporate Organizational theories & motivation The long-term orientation of promoting knowledge
entrepreneurship: How the motivation, opportunity, and theory sharing motivates employees to share knowledge.
ability to act affect firm knowledge, learning, and innovation Consequently, this facilitates organizational learning.
(Turner and Pennington, 2015)
Motivation in online learning: Testing a model of Self-determination theory (Deci and There is a mediating effect of need satisfaction between
self-determination theory (Chen and Jang, 2010) Ryan, 1985) contextual support and motivation for learning.
Simulated computer-mediated/video-interactive distance Theoretical framework related to A relationship exists between learners’ motivation and
learning: A test of motivation, interaction satisfaction, learners’ interactions class participation in distance learning. The innovative
delivery, learning & perceived effectiveness (Guzley et al., instructional design also supports learners’ participation.
The effects of peer intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on Motivational theories One’s peer intrinsic and extrinsic motivations generated a
MMOG game-based collaborative learning (Kong et al., 2012) positive impact on one’s intention to learn.

eral forms of extrinsic motivation. Individuals’ extrinsic moti- a sense of control in that worries that normally preoccupy the in-
vation differs based on the degree of internalization, or self- dividual’s attention seem to vanish (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).
determination, exhibited within the motivational type (Deci and In a state of flow, an individual’s attention will be consumed
Ryan, 1980; Gagné and Deci, 2005; Ryan and Deci, 20 0 0). The by the object of attention (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Flow not
specific types of motivation on the self-determined spectrum only occurs with physical activity but also with symbolic sys-
are (ordered from least internalized): external regulation, intro- tems such as attitudes toward information systems (Agarwal and
jected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation Karahanna, 20 0 0) and information systems adoption decisions
(Vallerand, 1997). External regulation refers to an individual be- (Trevino and Webster, 1992; Zhang et al., 2006). Individuals who
ing motivated purely by rewards or sanctions (Vallerand 1997). In- enjoy activities such as ethical hacking will feel strong hedonic
trojected regulation is related to an individual’s motivation being processes that they stop being aware of themselves as separate
driven by the opinions of important others, such as the attain- from the actions they are performing. For these activities to move
ment of pride associated with verbal praise or the avoidance of from pleasure to enjoyment, individuals need to dedicate an un-
shame associated with verbal reprimands (Vallerand 1997). Iden- usual amount of attention and interaction (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990)
tified regulation is the motivation to perform some behavior that with the technology itself. For example, flow motivated novice
is not self-determined but may lead to the involvement in some hackers to hack (Voiskounsky and Smyslova, 2003). When individ-
other internalized behavior (i.e., an externalized means to an in- uals with ethical hacking knowledge comparable to novice hackers
ternalized end) (Vallerand 1997). Integrated regulation is the moti- designate more attention to learn hacking skills, they will quickly
vation to perform a behavior as an extension of oneself (Vallerand experience flow that leads to greater enjoyment. This enjoyment
1997). could then enhance factors that motivate individuals to engage in
We adopt situational motivation (i.e., task-based motivation) in- cybersecurity learning.
cluding four types of motivation along the self-determined spec-
trum: intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regula- 3. Theoretical framework
tion, and a motivation. The values of these four types of motivation
are computed to yield a single composite index (Vallerand, 1997), Fig. 1 below presents a proposed research model.
in which a high value tilts to intrinsic motivation via an aggre-
gation of the different degrees of self-determination. While a sin-
gle index showed high reliability and validity (Fortier et al., 1995), 3.1. Situational motivational determinants
Vallerand (1997) advised applying it appropriately in a study. We
argue that a composite index does not pin motivation down as a Drawing on self-determination theory, competence refers to the
dichotomous construct of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, thus of- innate human need to attain a sufficient understanding of a subject
fering a comprehensive view of motivation. through overcoming challenges (Ryan and Deci, 20 0 0). Roca and
Gagné (2008) empirically demonstrated that perceived skill com-
petence (i.e., individuals’ perceptions of their competency) intrin-
2.2.2. Flow theory sically motivated individuals to learn. In a cybersecurity learning
According to flow theory, flow is defined as “the state in which context, perceived skill competence refers to individuals’ percep-
people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to mat- tions about their abilities in acquiring cybersecurity knowledge.
ter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even We suggest that individuals who perceive that they have a high
at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990, level of competence will be intrinsically motivated to learn cyber-
pg. 4). Essentially, a person in a state of flow experiences the fol- security. We then propose:
lowing: (1) temporal dissociation: the transformation of time in that H1: Perceived skill competency positively affects motivation to
the passage of time is different (either faster or slower) than the learn cybersecurity.
absolute time according to a clock, (2) focused immersion: the com- Perceived learning autonomy pertains to individuals’ percep-
plete absorption of attention in that nothing else seems to matter, tion of the extent of control over preferred topic areas and learn-
(3) heightened enjoyment: the pleasure and enjoyment in that bio- ing styles. Self-determination theory posits that greater perceived
logical or social expectations have been met (pleasure) and extend learning autonomy raises individuals’ self-determination (Deci and
beyond what is expected or imagined (enjoyment), and (4) control: Ryan, 1980). Specifically, individuals who feel that they have the
4 H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875

Fig. 1. Proposed research model.

freedom to learn more about certain topics of interest will in- highly significant in terms of the overall impact on the community.
ternalize the learning process (Gagné and Deci, 2005), resulting Cybersecurity is often considered the next frontier in global war-
in greater intrinsic motivation to learn. Abraham and Chengalur- fare as protecting national information assets is critical to the con-
Smith (2019) also showed perceived learning autonomy produced tinued success and security of the country. In our research, people
positive outcomes in information security training. Thus, individ- will be more motivated to learn about cybersecurity when they
uals will be motivated to learn cybersecurity when they perceive perceive their cybersecurity skills will help protect their country
that they can control their learning process. We then theorize: or community. We then propose:
H2: Perceived learning autonomy positively affects motivation to H3: Perceived task significance positively affects motivation to en-
learn cybersecurity. gage in cybersecurity learning.
Another antecedent to motivation as described by self-
determination theory is perceived relatedness. Perceived related- 3.2. Impact of flow on self-determined motivation
ness refers to an individual’s perceived emotional connection to
other related individuals or objects (Ryan and Deci, 20 0 0). When People who are in a state of flow feel intrinsically motivated
individuals have an elevated perception of relatedness (e.g., an to change and do things beyond the present and into the future
emotional connection to certain people, things, or tasks), they ex- (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). As they find the experience so enjoyable
hibit a higher degree of internalization (Gagné et al., 1997; Gagné (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), individuals who enter a state of flow will
and Deci, 2005). Prior research has conceptualized relatedness as discover that their activities are intrinsically rewarding (Keller and
the interpersonal connection among trainees in a learning session Bless, 2008), motivating them to engage in the activity even fur-
(Niemiec and Ryan, 2009), but this notion does not fit particularly ther. The reverse is true as well; as an individual experiences anx-
well with the context of cybersecurity programs intended to bol- iety and boredom, he or she has a significant decrease in moti-
ster national or organizational security. Rather, we argue that per- vation and focus (Murphy et al., 2013). Liao (2006) demonstrated
ceived emotional connection is derived from the desire to protect that flow positively influenced students to participate in distance
one’s nation or organization and is typically manifested through learning, and Ghani and Deshpande (1994) determined that flow
an elevated perception of the significance of protective behaviors. motivated individuals to use computers in the workplace.
Under this premise, we adapt the task significance construct, as Prior studies have empirically established that novice hackers
conceptualized from Job Characteristics Theory (JCT) (Hackman and who experience flow will feel motivated to hack (Voiskounsky and
Oldham, 1976). Smyslova, 2003). Since learners have little knowledge of ethical
JCT posits that when an individual perceives a task to be signif- hacking, their knowledge base is very similar to that of novice
icant, the individual will be more motivated to perform the task. hackers. This suggests that, when these learners experience flow,
Significance, as perceived by the individual, may materialize in they will be more motivated to learn cybersecurity (e.g., ethical
a variety of ways including personal relevance, organizational ef- hacking) because they will find learning intrinsically rewarding.
fects, or impact on the community at large. Task significance rep- Hence, we propose:
resents another theoretical similarity to self-determination theory H4: Flow is positively associated with motivation to engage in cy-
that may apply to task-based situations regarding cybersecurity. bersecurity learning.
For example, based on the emotional connection with an orga-
nization, individuals may internalize behaviors that improve the 3.3. Impact of flow on situational motivational determinants
well-being of the organization. Similarly, when individuals perceive
their work on certain tasks has positive effects on the commu- Compatibility between one’s skill set and the demands of the
nity, they will be intrinsically motivated to perform these tasks task sustains flow (Keller and Bless, 2008). Flow propels individ-
(Hackman and Oldham, 1976). By exploring motivation related to uals to increase their competency (Csikszentmihalyi and Massi-
cybersecurity tasks, this study offers a research context that is mini, 1985) to face tougher challenges to alleviate boredom from
H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875 5

the former and seemingly less difficult challenges. For example, H9: Motivation to engage in cybersecurity learning facilitates
learners who experienced flow while using an e-learning system the actual learning performance.
were more likely to explore the system functions and increase
their knowledge of the system (Liao, 2006). Similarly, once cyber-
security learners are “hooked” to learn ethical hacking, they will 4. Research methodology
expand their hacking skills to face greater challenges. We then pro-
pose: To thoroughly examine the efficacy of incorporating motivation
H5: Flow is positively associated with perceived skill competency and flow into our theoretical model, we geared our study toward
of cybersecurity learning. one of the harder, more technical concepts from the NICE frame-
Flow also enhances perceptions of autonomy concerning an work (NIST Special Publication 800–181, 2017). Ethical hacking em-
individual’s actions (Fullagar and Kelloway, 2009; Kowal and ulates real-life cyberattack scenarios to discover system vulnera-
Fortier, 1999; Mills and Fullagar, 2008). For example, individuals bilities. However, unlike traditional (or black-hat) hacking, ethical
who are fully immersed in playing video games need a higher level (or white-hat) hacking prevents rather than exploits vulnerabili-
of autonomy to feel they are in full control of the game. As the ties. We argue that framing cybersecurity training with an ethical
complexity of the game unfolds, immersion leads to the need for hacking approach promotes an understanding of system vulnerabil-
controlling more complex movements of a character and is critical ities (i.e., cyber offense) and on identifying the best security coun-
to perceptions of autonomy. For cybersecurity learning, individu- termeasures to mitigate these vulnerabilities (i.e., cyber defense)
als who immerse themselves in a complex topic require a higher (Beuran et al., 2018). This suggests that ethical hacking incorpo-
sense of autonomy to decide their own learning. Such autonomy rates the key components of cybersecurity learning (NIST Special
may include the freedom to decide one’s learning schedule. Hence, Publication 800–181, 2017), making it relevant to our study. Ad-
we propose: ditionally, by building our study around more challenging con-
H6: Flow is positively associated with perceived learning autonomy cepts, we should be able to apply our findings toward training built
in cybersecurity. around less difficult concepts, thereby broadening the study’s gen-
The concept of task significance is rooted in the perceived im- eralizability. By designing our training around an ethical hacking
portance or relevance an individual develops at an emotional level technique, we observed optimal variance in the impact of motiva-
during an activity. Immersion in a particular activity will result in tion and flow on our cybersecurity training outcomes.
an emotional connection with others through shared experiences We ran an online laboratory experiment followed by an on-
as well as with the activity itself and its overall purpose, hope- line survey to decide each subject’s (N = 133) level of motiva-
fully for some greater good. For example, in an online gaming en- tion to engage in ethical hacking. Our subjects were undergrad-
vironment, gamers communicate and form connections with oth- uate students who were primarily majoring in management in-
ers during gameplay, especially in games featuring team-based ap- formation systems (MIS) with a good majority declaring a sec-
proaches (Teng et al., 2012). Individuals will also form an emo- ond major in the business discipline. Most of them are either ju-
tional connection with the game due to the hedonic benefits expe- niors or seniors. The average age was 24 years old. There were
rienced during flow, thus increasing the perceived significance of 104 males and 29 females. Although our sample skews heavily
the given task. Eventually, this flow experience may result in on- toward male participants (78%), our respondent pool is reflective
line gamers feeling their gaming activities create a positive impact of the current state of the cybersecurity workforce, which is be-
on the online gaming community. Similarly, individuals who reach tween 20% (Morgan, 2018) and 24% ((ISC)2 Cybersecurity Work-
a state of flow in cybersecurity training programs may gradually force Study, 2018) female. Our subjects were enrolled in a database
form positive perceptions about the significance and importance of course where they were asked to participate in this study after dis-
cybersecurity to a nation’s or an organization’s well-being. Hence, cussing the importance of data security. They were incentivized
we propose: to participate by receiving a nominal amount of extra credit to
H7: Flow is positively associated with perceived task significance their course grade. Additionally, students were encouraged to par-
of cybersecurity learning. ticipate in the study to help the researchers with the project re-
gardless of the extra credit. Participation was completely voluntary.
Most students who participated had good grades (A’s or B’s) at the
3.4. Actual learning behavior time of participation. Furthermore, 77% of the students continued
to attempt problems beyond the minimum required number of at-
Motivation affects attitude, cognition, and behavior in a variety tempts. Students formed an appropriate sample for this study be-
of research contexts and often results in increases in positive affect cause they are majoring in technology-related fields and lack the
and self-esteem (Chan and Ahern, 1999). For example, motivation skills necessary to perform security-related tasks. This is similar to
in education leads to continued learning (Vallerand, 1997). In con- people in the workforce that would need to develop cybersecurity
gruence with prior studies (Vansteenkiste et al., 2004), individuals skills to take on security roles within an organization.
who participate in a cybersecurity learning program may become This study involved SQL injections (SQLi) where attackers use
more intrinsically motivated and exhibit positive learning behav- malicious Structured Query Language (SQL) to manipulate the
iors (e.g., persistence) that ultimately end the successful comple- database server to do something other than intended. Three SQLi
tion of the program. Hence, we propose: exercises were built with PHP scripts that connected to a MySQL
H8: Motivation to engage in cybersecurity learning facilitates database server. Subjects who agreed to participate were asked to
the actual learning persistence. execute SQLi attacks against these PHP pages. Most of the subjects
Motivation also leads to more effective cognitive processing had a basic understanding of relational databases and web appli-
such that learning efforts are strategically managed (Pintrich and cation development, but they had very little knowledge of SQLi.
De Groot, 1990) and performance is improved. This is evident in SQLi attacks require an understanding of the database structure,
fundraising among callers (Grant, 2008) and academic performance SQL, database security, and the frontend web user interface. Be-
(Fortier et al., 1995; Giesbers et al., 2013; Schmidt, 2005). In cyber- cause SQLi attacks demand an increased understanding of IT which
security learning, motivated individuals may begin acquiring net- often requires high amounts of motivation to attain, the challenge
working skills to serve as a foundation and contribute to the mas- to successfully run an SQLi attack can feasibly be used to examine
tery of more advanced ethical hacking skills. Thus, we propose: motivation.
6 H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875

Fig. 2. Feedback for an error in SQL injection attempt.

Subjects were invited to participate in this study via email. They The final exercise (i.e., blind SQLi) assessed the participants’ ability
were first presented with an electronic consent form followed by to run multiple queries to guess and check the results and narrow
an introductory survey and an online video that presented the im- down to one specific value.
portance of ethical hacking. A subject could either watch or skip The actual learning persistence (PERS) of the subjects was cap-
the video. Then, all subjects were presented with a problem and tured by summing up the number of attempts in all the exercises.
were asked to run an SQLi. The subjects either successfully ran an We argue that the number of SQLi attempts represents the inten-
SQLi or tried at least 10 times. After the 10th attempt, an “I Give sity of one’s commitment, which eventually denotes one’s learn-
Up!” button appeared where the subject could continue with more ing persistence (Meyer et al., 2004). We also assessed the actual
attempts or end the exercise. In each attempt, the subjects could learning performance (PERF) by tracking the number of exercises
refer to videos on how to launch an SQLi. They were also free to completed by the subjects. As the subjects progressed, the next
use any Internet resources. Moreover, subjects received feedback if exercise became harder, so overcoming a harder exercise signifies
they made a mistake when running an attack (see Fig. 2). Upon learning performance.
a successful attack, the subject was presented with a harder ex-
ercise. This cycle continued for three exercises. If at any time the 4.1. Measurement items
subject clicked the button to give up or completed the last SQLi,
they were redirected to a final Qualtrics survey that evaluated the Using an online survey, we measured latent constructs us-
perceptions of skill competency, task significance, autonomy, moti- ing a fully anchored 7-point Likert scale (i.e., 1= strongly dis-
vation, and flow. All instrument items were randomized to reduce agree, 4=neutral, and 7=strongly agree). All measurement items
order effects (Podsakoff et al., 2003). were adapted from prior studies (Agarwal and Karahanna, 20 0 0;
The difficulty of these exercises has been consistently demon- Hackman and Oldham, 1976; Vallerand, 1997) (see Appendix A).
strated based on prior focus groups (i.e., students) and their rank- We first ran a pilot study (N = 37). The results of our pilot study
ing of the difficulty level of each SQLi exercise. Hence, we pre- were not included in this study. Additionally, participants in this
sented the exercises in order based on the difficulty level. All par- study were different from those in the pilot study. Overall, the
ticipants had a general understanding of select statements and feedback we received from our pilot study enabled us to refine the
a less foundational understanding of update statements. We de- questionnaires by removing any ambiguities. The feedback also al-
signed the exercises by referring to the ethical hacking exer- lowed us to improve our questionnaires by using the best practice
cises implemented by the Open Web Application Security Project (i.e., wordings and order) suggested by Dillman et al. (2014). Fi-
(OWASP) (OWASP, 2015). The first exercise (i.e., string SQLi) eval- nally, Perceived task significance (TS), autonomy (AUT), skill com-
uated the participants’ general knowledge regarding select state- petency (COMP), actual learning persistence (PERS), actual learn-
ments and their ability to take advantage of an unprotected se- ing performance (PERF), and situational motivation (MOV) were
lect statement. The second exercise (i.e., stacked SQLi) evaluated first-order reflective constructs. FLOW was a second-order reflec-
the participants’ knowledge of update statements and their abil- tive factor defined by four first-order reflective constructs: tem-
ity to run multiple queries instead of a single query as expected. poral dissociation (TEMP), focus immersion (IMR), heightened en-
joyment (ENJ), and control (CTL). MOV is measured by first reflec-
H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875 7

Table 2 4.3. Data analysis

Composite reliability (CR) and Cronbach’s alpha (CA).

Construct CA CR Construct CA CR We ran bootstrapping with 10 0 0 re-sampling for hypothe-

AUT 0.832 0.900 IMR 0.915 0.946 ses testing (Hair et al., 2016) because 10 0 0 resampling is ade-
COMP 0.883 0.928 TEMP 0.861 0.915 quate for the estimation of standard error and confidence interval
CTL 0.805 0.885 TS 0.829 0.897 (Hesterberg, 2011). Table 4 and Fig. 3 show the results of hypothe-
ENJ 0.928 0.955 ses testing. Additionally, the R-squared values for all the endoge-
nous variables are shown in Table 5. We also presented the ef-
Table 3
fect size (F2 ) for each hypothesis. Wilkinson (1999) recommended
Discriminant validity.
using effect size along with null-hypothesis significance testing
AUT COMP CTL ENJ IMR TEMP TS (NHST) because NHST is sensitive to sample size (Cohen, 1992).
AUT 0.866 Moreover, Aguirre-Urreta & Rönkkö (2015) urged IS researchers to
COMP 0.607 0.900 use effect size in the Partial Least Square model. Since effect size is
CTL 0.370 0.415 0.848
not sensitive to sample size, it produces an accurate measure of the
ENJ 0.460 0.414 0.721 0.935
IMR 0.303 0.341 0.641 0.728 0.925 magnitude of the effect between two variables (Ferguson, 2009).
TEMP 0.423 0.320 0.552 0.727 0.695 0.885 Effect sizes larger than 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 signify small, medium,
TS 0.418 0.336 0.299 0.423 0.278 0.285 0.863 and large effect sizes, respectively (Cohen, 1977).
Our results reveal that perceived task significance (β =0.388,
p < 0.001, F2 =0.310) and flow (β =0.381, p < 0.001, F2 =0.267)
tively capturing four types of motivation along the self-determined produce a medium effect on self-determined motivation. Although
spectrum (intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regu- perceived learning autonomy (β =0.239, p < 0.001) facilitates mo-
lation, amotivation) and then calculating a single composite index tivation, it creates only a small effect (F2 =0.085). Conversely, per-
(Vallerand, 1997). ceived skill competency shows no significant impact (β =−0.015,
p > 0.05) on motivation. Moreover, flow creates a medium effect
4.2. Construct validity and reliability on perceived skill competency (β =0.450, p < 0.001, F2 =0.254), on
perceived task significance (β =0415, p < 0.001, F2 =0.208), and on
Using SmartPLS 3 (Hair et al., 2016), we assessed our theoret- perceived learning autonomy (β =0.481, p < 0.001, F2 =0.301). Fi-
ical model, and construct validity as well as reliability. The key nally, our results show that self-determined motivation generates
advantages of using PLS-SEM are (1) it relaxes the normal distri- a positive effect on the actual learning persistence (β =0.472, p <
bution assumptions required by the maximum likelihood method, 0.001, F2 =0.287) and performance (β =0.388, p < 0.001, F2 =0.177).
which is often used to estimate covariance-based (CB)-SEM; and In addition, Table 6 below presents average attempts of SQLi at-
(2) PLS-SEM is better in estimating complex models with smaller tack (i.e., learning persistence) for each exercise. Interestingly, the
sample sizes (Gefen et al., 2011; Hair et al., 2019; Khan et al., result of Pearson Correlation (see Table 7) reveals a significant cor-
2019; Shiau et al., 2019). Due to these reasons, PLS-SEM is a bet- relation (0.612, p < 0.001) between learning persistence and learn-
ter methodology for our data analysis that serves the predictive ing performance. This suggests that learning persistence (i.e., mea-
purposes (Gefen et al., 2011; Khan et al., 2019; Hair et al., 2019; sured by the numbers of attempts) correlates to learning perfor-
Shiau et al., 2019). Therefore, we selected PLS-SEM to first assess mance (i.e., measured by the successful completion of the exer-
the validity and the reliability of our measures with a measure- cises).
ment model, and then to evaluate our research model for hypothe-
ses testing. 5. Discussion
Due to the single composite index as discussed, MOV is not as-
sessed for Cronbach’s alpha (CA), composite reliability (CR), and 5.1. Research findings
Average Variance Extracted (AVE). Prior studies have empirically
established the reliability and validity of a single composite index One of the major aims of our research was to determine how
for self-determined motivation (Fortier et al., 1995; Tremblay et al., employees in cyber or cyber-adjacent fields were motivated to
2009). Similarly, PERS and PERF were not assessed for CA, CR, and learn cybersecurity. To do so, we adapted self-determination the-
AVE, as each construct has only one indicator variable. ory to the context of cybersecurity training and tested extant re-
Table 2 below shows that both CA and CR for each construct lationships from this theoretical foundation. We found that the
exceeded 0.7, indicating good construct reliability (Chin, 1998b; key tenets of self-determination theory mostly held except for
Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Moreover, Table 3 below confirms perceived skill competency. Contrary to self-determination theory,
convergent validity as the AVE for all constructs exceeded 0.5 perceived skill competency does not affect self-determined motiva-
(Fornell and Larcker, 1981), and establishes discriminant validity as tion; but in congruence with self-determination theory, perceived
correlations of each construct with any other construct is less than autonomy and perceived task significance do. This suggests that
the square root of the AVE (Chin, 1998a). novices in cybersecurity are more attracted by the autonomy and
We also examined the factor loadings of each measure- task significance associated with training than by the desire to ac-
ment item on its intended construct (see Appendix B). All the quire cybersecurity knowledge. Due to the complexity of cyberse-
items loaded greater than the threshold of 0.70 with p-value < curity topics and the relatively short training period, participants
0.001, and the difference between loadings on the intended con- may not perceive a high level of skill competency, thus limiting
struct and any other constructs was greater than 0.1. Thus, our competency’s impact on trainees’ perceptions of motivation.
data show both convergent and discriminant validity (Gefen and Although perceived autonomy supports self-determined moti-
Straub, 2005). For the second-order reflective construct (FLOW) vation, its effect on motivation is relatively small. With the nov-
(see Table B-3 in Appendix B), each path of the first-order to the elty of the subject matter, participants may not realize whether
second-order latent variable (LV) was larger than 0.70 with t-values the lessons offered fit their learning styles. As a result, they may
larger than 2.0, thus confirming convergent validity (Chin, 1998a). not know how to take charge of their training. In contrast, per-
The R2 values of all the first-order LV exceeded 0.60, signifying ceived task significance generated the most substantial effect on
good reliability (Doll et al., 1994). self-determined motivation. A key factor may be the proliferation
8 H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875

Table 4
Results of hypotheses testing.

Hypothesis β Mean Standard deviation t-value p-value F2 (Effect size)

H1: COMP → MOV −0.014 −0.016 0.066 0.210 0.417 0.000

H2: AUT → MOV 0.239 0.233 0.066 3.623 < 0.001 0.085
H3: TS → MOV 0.388 0.380 0.057 6.797 < 0.001 0.310
H4: FLOW → MOV 0.381 0.393 0.077 4.933 < 0.001 0.267
H5: FLOW → COMP 0.450 0.474 0.080 5.623 < 0.001 0.254
H6: FLOW → AUT 0.481 0.510 0.079 6.073 < 0.001 0.301
H7: FLOW → TS 0.415 0.435 0.090 4.630 < 0.001 0.208
H8: MOV→ PERS 0.472 0.468 0.089 5.288 < 0.001 0.287
H9: MOV → PERF 0.388 0.387 0.086 4.485 < 0.001 0.177

Fig. 3. Results of hypotheses testing.

Table 5 of high profile cyberattacks across the news. The impact of these
R-square values. cyberattacks has been felt by private citizens, thereby increasing
Construct R2 values Mean Standard deviation awareness of heightened cybersecurity on their nation’s critical in-
frastructure. Gradually, these citizens may feel they must learn and
AUTO 0.231 0.258 0.082
COMP 0.203 0.225 0.076
apply new cybersecurity skills to help protect their nation’s or or-
MOV 0.628 0.639 0.065 ganization’s well-being.
PERF 0.150 0.152 0.066 The other major goal of our research was to determine the ef-
PERS 0.223 0.225 0.080 fect of flow on motivation within a cybersecurity training program.
TS 0.172 0.191 0.076
To do so, we integrated flow theory with self-determination theory
Table 6
to complete the theoretical foundation of our research. As hypoth-
Participant attempts by exercise. esized, flow creates a positive effect on self-determined motivation
and situational motivational determinants (i.e., innate psychologi-
Exercises completed 0 1 2 3
cal needs) encompassing perceived skill competence, perceived au-
Total participants 34 20 21 2 tonomy, and perceived task significance. Finally, motivation posi-
Minimum attempts 10 9 15 60
tively affects training persistence and performance, suggesting that
Maximum attempts 28 26 37 64
Average attempts 13 16 25 62 self-determination leads to the completion of a cybersecurity pro-
Average attempts per exercise 13 8 8.33 20.66 gram and produces good training outcomes.

Table 7 5.2. Theoretical implications

Correlation between learning persistence and learning per-
Our findings provide implications for cybersecurity training in
Learning performance an organizational context. In general, our results revealed that per-
Learning persistence Pearson correlation 0.612∗ ∗ ceived flow and perceived task significance generated larger ef-
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 fects on self-determination, suggesting that these factors played
N 133 a significant role in motivating learners to engage in cyber-
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). security training. Traditionally, flow exhibits short-term effects
H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875 9

(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), while task significance is shown to have comes. Accordingly, this study makes a theoretical contribution to
more lasting effects (Hackman and Oldham, 1976). Conversely, we the extant literature by providing empirical evidence that indicates
found that flow and task significance had a relatively equal im- the prediction of actual training behavior.
pact on motivation despite being measured within the same cross-
section period. Therefore, we propose that instant gratification (i.e., 5.3. Practical implications
flow) and purpose (i.e., perceived task significance) go hand in
hand to motivate learners to participate in cybersecurity training. To attract cybersecurity talent, organizations should stress the
Future research may build on this work to empirically demonstrate criticality of cybersecurity (i.e., importance to organizational secu-
the longitudinal effects of both flow and task significance on cyber- rity) rather than its complexity. Organizations may also want to
security trainees’ motivation. foster a good working environment to cultivate the significance of
We also suggest that cybersecurity training may incorporate cybersecurity training that will eventually safeguard organizations’
both hedonic values (e.g., the fun of ethical hacking stemmed from information security. With a supportive and friendly working en-
flow) as well as utilitarian values (e.g., obtaining skills that are vironment, employees will value their organizations and will per-
both useful toward protecting information assets and highly val- ceive that their organizations are a community that they are part
ued by the government and private firms). Cybersecurity training of. As a result, these employees will be more motivated to engage
may be an ideal scenario under which fun and utility may co-exist in cybersecurity training for protecting their organizations’ infor-
(Okan, 2003), thereby capitalizing on the benefits offered by both mation security.
hedonic and utilitarian approaches. For example, the training tech- These firms can also empower training through autonomy. For
niques used to teach ethical hacking are often considered fun by example, organizations can design retraining programs such that
participants, but the same techniques are critical for implementing employees work on cybersecurity skills based on personal prefer-
both offensive and defensive security strategies in organizations. ence. Essentially, employees could customize their niche within the
Future studies can further explore how hedonic and utilitarian as- cybersecurity needs of the organization. Moreover, cybersecurity
pects of cybersecurity can be leveraged equally for maximum im- training programs should emphasize both the fun of cybersecurity
pact on trainees. tasks and the importance of protecting against cyberattacks. For
Furthermore, as individuals understand how and where adver- example, training programs based on ethical hacking could help
saries launch ubiquitous cyberattacks, individuals may interpret employees realize the seriousness of cybersecurity policies and the
the environment and develop perceived task significance as it re- broader implications of cyber threats via fun tasks such as vulner-
lates to their nation’s critical infrastructure. Gradually, some indi- ability testing.
viduals may develop a personal connection to cybersecurity train- Moreover, it is noteworthy that perceived skill competency does
ing based on a sense of duty. In an organizational context, such not enhance the motivation of cybersecurity training, possibly be-
a personal connection suggests that employees may be motivated cause the difficulty in cybersecurity training does not attribute to
by a sense of duty of protecting their organizations’ IT infrastruc- high perceived values in skill competency. This suggests that the
ture. This further suggests that training transcends individuals, ex- complexity of the subject matter does not attract individuals to cy-
tending to the social context (Crossan et al., 1999). Future research bersecurity training. Hence, organizations may want to avoid over-
could explore the interaction between cybersecurity training and whelming employees with a high volume of information during
social environment using Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977), training program deliveries. For example, the instructions of cyber-
which suggests that inner forces (e.g., desire to learn) and social security can be delivered in smaller chunks with shorter training
environment (e.g., communities or organizations under cyberat- timeframes. This is to sustain employees’ interest in cybersecurity
tacks) generate a positive impact on human behaviors (e.g., engag- training.
ing in cybersecurity training).
As noted, employees’ connection to cybersecurity (i.e., perceived 5.4. Limitations and future research
task significance) motivates individuals to engage in cybersecurity
training. In an organizational context, we further suggest that per- Since most of our participants showed an interest in choosing
ceived organizational support promotes self-determined motivation a computer-related major, this study may have introduced some
in cybersecurity training through encouraging organizational com- biases. However, most of our participants had no prior cybersecu-
mitment among the employees (Shore and Wayne, 1993). As em- rity experience, so this study still provides an adequate rationale
ployees perceive that their organizations care about their well- for what factors affect the self-determined motivation of cyberse-
being (i.e., perceived organizational support), they will shape a curity training and may be generalizable to others (e.g., working
personal connection to their organizations, and gradually augment professionals) who are interested in cybersecurity. Moreover, our
their perceptions about the critically of cybersecurity in their or- cybersecurity training is relatively short, so the participants may
ganizations. As a result, they will be more willing to protect their not realize their competency in such a short time. To address this
organizations’ InfoSec (i.e., organizational commitment) (Shore and shortcoming, we suggest a longitudinal study involving in-depth
Wayne, 1993) by engaging in cybersecurity training. Accordingly, cybersecurity training be conducted to bolster competency levels
future studies can explore the relationships between perceived or- and impact motivation. Additionally, this study presented a cyber
ganizational support and self-determined motivation in a cyberse- offense (i.e., SQLi). Unlike cyber offense, cyber defense (e.g., net-
curity training context. work monitoring) is more tedious which suggests that it may be
Finally, self-determined motivation generates a positive impact less “fun” compared to cyber offense (Kam and Shang, 2019). Fo-
on actual training behavior encompassing actual persistence and cusing on the fun aspects of cybersecurity may elicit more positive
actual performance in cybersecurity training. In a prior study that responses which may lead to bias, but we argue that introducing
adopted self-determination theory, Chen and Jang (2010) failed cyber offense to novices is a good recruiting strategy that helps
to establish that self-determined motivation predicted the actual address the cybersecurity workforce shortage.
training behavior involving performance (e.g., final grade) and en- A further limitation is that subjects were motivated to partici-
gagement (e.g., hours spent per week for studying). To the best of pate in this study by receiving a nominal amount of extra credit.
our knowledge, this is one of the few studies to incorporate users’ Despite this limitation, the results indicate 77% of subjects contin-
actual behavior in motivation studies and demonstrates that self- ued to attempt problems beyond the minimum required number
determined motivation predicts actual training behavior and out- of attempts. This may serve as a representation that subjects were
10 H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875

motivated to engage in ethical hacking and pass exercises rather nation’s or an organization’s well-being. Organizations can also in-
than just get through the experiment to gain extra credit. corporate “fun” into cybersecurity training and minimize cognitive
Another limitation of our study is the relative complexity of cy- overload during course deliveries. Finally, this study contributes to
bersecurity as compared to other fields or topics. Individuals who the InfoSec research by (1) presenting the motivating factors of cy-
try to first learn a subject matter with high cognitive demand may bersecurity training; (2) providing empirical evidence to establish
not be solely motivated to acquire knowledge. The complexity in that self-determined motivation predicts actual training behavior;
the subject may serve as a barrier to training as compared with and (3) addressing the critical shortage of cybersecurity talent by
easier subjects. For example, individuals may fail to cognitively suggesting how to attract individuals to the cybersecurity work-
process heavy information, which then causes cognitive overload force.
(Moreno and Mayer, 2007). Cognitive overload reduces motivation
(Paas and Van Merriënboer, 1994), as individuals may lose moti- Declaration of Competing Interest
vation due to excessive information processing. Although manip-
ulating subject complexity fell outside of the scope of our work, The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
future motivational research should examine the cognitive capac- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
ity to learn a complex subject as a new factor on motivation. influence the work reported in this paper.

6. Conclusion
Appendix A
Our findings reveal that perceived skill competency generates
no effect on, and perceived autonomy generates only a small effect Table A-1
on the self-determined motivation of cybersecurity training. Con-
versely, both perceived task significance and perceived flow pro- Appendix B
duce high impacts on motivation. To promote cybersecurity train-
ing, organizations can stress the criticality of cybersecurity on a Table B-1, Table B-2.

Table A-1
Measurement items.

Construct Measurement items Reference

COMP I feel I have been making progress with learning SQLi in this training program. Vallerand (1997)
I feel that I’m doing a good job learning the material in this training.
I feel that I can manage the requirements of this training.
TS Performing penetration tests (e.g., SQLi) is likely to significantly affect the lives of other people. Adapted from
Hackman and
Oldham (1976)
Penetration testing (e.g., SQLi) is very significant and important in the broader scheme of things.
Penetration testing (e.g., SQLi) has a large impact on people outside my group or organization.
AUT The concepts I learn in this training program are compatible with my choices and interests. Vallerand (1997)
I feel that what I’m told to learn in this training program fits perfectly with what I prefer to learn.
I feel that I have the opportunity to make choices with respect to what I learn in this training program.
MOV I am performing penetration testing…
…because I think that this activity is interesting.1 Vallerand (1997)
…because I think that this activity is pleasant.1
…because I think that this activity is fun.1
…because I feel good when doing this activity.1
…because I am doing it for my own good.2
…because I think that this activity is good for me.2
…because I decided that this activity is beneficial.2
…because I believe that this activity is important to me.2
…because I am supposed to do it.3
…because it is something that I have to do.3
…because I don’t have any choice.3
…because I feel that I have to do it.3
…but I am not sure if it is worth it.4
…but I don’t see what the activity brings me.4
…but I am not sure it is a good thing to pursue it.4
…but personally I don’t see any good reasons to do this activity.4
Temporal Time appears to go by very quickly when I engage in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi). Agarwal and
Dissociation Karahanna (2000)
(TEMP) Sometimes I lose track of time when I engage in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi).
When I engage in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi), I end up spending more time than I had planned.
Focused Immersion While engaged in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi), I am able to block out most other distractions.
(IMR) While engaged in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi), I am absorbed in what I am doing.
While engaged in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi), I am immersed in the task I am performing.
Heightened I have fun while engaged in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi).
Enjoyment (ENJ) Penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi) provides me with a lot of enjoyment.
I love the thrill of penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi).
Control (CTL) When engaged in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi), I feel in control.
I feel I have control over my penetration testing attempts (e.g., performing SQLi).
I have complete control over my computer interaction when I engage in penetration testing (e.g., performing SQLi).

1 Intrinsic motivation.
2 Identified regulation.
3 External regulation.
4 Amotivation).
H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875 11

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Murphy, C., Chertoff, D., Guerrero, M., Moffitt, K., 2013. Design better games! Flow, rity courses, including digital forensic, ethical hacking, principles of information
motivation, & fun. In: Hussain, T.S., Coleman, S.L. (Eds.), Design and Develop- security, secure coding, and security analytic. Dr. Kam has published in the refer-
ment of Training Games: Practical Guidelines from a Multi-Disciplinary Perspec- eed journals and conference proceedings, such as Information Systems Frontiers,
tive, 1st ed.. Cambridge University Press. Computers & Education, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Information
Niemiec, C.P., Ryan, R.M., 2009. Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the class- Privacy and Security, Proceedings of European Computer Information Systems, Pro-
room: applying self-determination theory to educational practice. Theory Res. ceedings of Information Conference of International Conference etc. Dr. Kam is also
Educ. 7 (2), 133–144. doi:10.1177/1477878509104318. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certified.
NIST Special Publication 800-181, 2017. National Initiative for Cybersecurity Educa-
tion (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework. National Institute of Standards
Philip Menard is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Cyber Security
and Technology (NIST) doi:10.6028/NIST.SP.800-181.
at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He received his Ph.D. from the Depart-
Okan, Z., 2003. Edutainment: is learning at risk? Br. J. Educ. Technol. 34 (3), 255–
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264. doi:10.1111/1467-8535.00325.
interested in the impacts of security measures on organizational end users and se-
Oltsik, J. (2019). Is the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage Getting Worse?[Cybersecurity
curity education training and awareness (SETA) programs. He has published at JMIS,
Snippets]. CSO.
JAIS, Computers & Security, Information & Management, Information Systems Fron-
is- the- cybersecurity- skills- shortage- getting- worse.html
tiers, and JCIS. He has presented his work at several conferences and workshops
OWASP. (2015). OWASP Mutillidae 2 Project.
and has served as a reviewer for several IS journals and conferences.
Paas, F.G.W.C., Van Merriënboer, J.J.G., 1994. Instructional control of cognitive load
in the training of complex cognitive tasks. Educ. Psychol. Rev. 6 (4), 351–371. Dustin Ormond, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Creighton University. He is teach-
doi:10.1007/BF02213420. ing cybersecurity subjects including principles of information systems and ethical
Pintrich, P.R., De Groot, E.V., 1990. Motivational and self-regulated learning com- hacking. Dr. Ormond published in Computers & Security, Journal of Association of
ponents of classroom academic performance. J. Educ. Psychol. 82 (1), 33–40. Information Systems, Journal of Computer Information Systems, and Information
doi:10.1037/0022-0663.82.1.33. Systems Frontiers.
H.-J. Kam, P. Menard and D. Ormond et al. / Computers & Security 96 (2020) 101875 13

Robert E. Crossler is the Philip L Kays Distinguished Professor in Information Sys- nal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information
tems and an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the Carson College of Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal,
Business at Washington State University. His-research focuses on the factors that and Journal of Strategic Information Systems. He was named an AIS Distinguished
affect the security and privacy decisions individuals make. He has published in Member–Cum Laude in 2019.
leading MIS journals, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Jour-

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