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Article -1

Subject: Drug Trafficking In Latin America

Sponsors: China, Iran, Pakistan, Zimbabwe

Signatories: Canada, China, France, Iran, Pakistan, Zimbabwe


​ ith grave concern that prior measures taken by the United Nations and independent
Heeding w
governmental bodies have failed to reduce drug demand, production and trafficking

Shocked t​ hat at least 246 million people, ranging from the ages 12 and up, consume illicit drugs

Noting further that the scourge of drugs extends to all geographic regions though more prevalent in
some such as Latin America,

Highlighting that the problems associated with mass production and trafficking in drugs from the
South can only be solved in all its aspects if the demand from the North is eliminated

Fully aware​ that drug trafficking is a problem that transcends fences, borders and walls

Realizing that drug use generates and perpetuates cycles of poverty, violence, various criminal
behaviors, social exclusion and impaired health situations

Recognizing further that national sovereignty and specificities of each region must be respected in the
efforts against drug use,

Taking note that drug policies must take into account the problems associated with different kinds of
drugs and socio-economic situations,

Deeply disturbed by the social, financial and health impact of drug trafficking and use on peoples,
men, women and children,


This Block:

01. Endorses transnational efforts aiding the disruption of drug trafficking networks through
a. joint border control and border safety operations of regional and supraregional
character carried out through states and facilitated by the United Nations;
b. financially supporting nations that are cursed by drug production and trafficking;
c. establishing an international database of known drug trafficking offenders;
d. sanctioning known non-state entities supporting or involved in drug trafficking;
e. addressing the problems caused by corruption at all levels of independent
governments and law enforcement;
f. providing larger non governmental security in known drug and protection racket
ridden areas to avoid corruption;
g. communicating and contacting the native port and custom authorities of the security
threats and also the measures to be imparted for combating narcotraffic;
02. Recommends promoting healthy and drug free lifestyles, especially among youths by, among
a. encouraging states to increase the penalization of drug production and trafficking;
b. establishing clinics with specialised staff that are well versed in the prescription of
non addictive/non opioid based medicines;
03. Emphasizes the importance of the reduction of demand and supply through
a. reduction of demand through better information of members of civil society about the
true danger of illicit drug use;
b. establishment of social support as an example to set up rehabilitation systems;
04. Requests further research into trafficking routes through a Special Commission of the
International Narcotic Control Board be conducted and
a. encourages member states to financially support the International Narcotic Control
b. focusing on blocking the flow of financial resources to global players in drug
05. Urges all member states to help curb the effect of drug trafficking on their citizens by
a. encouraging proper medical training for treatment of newer and lesser known drug
based overdoses for all first responders;
b. calling for specialised ambulance and medical facilities fitted with all required
equipment for drug based illness treatment;
c. establishing free rehabilitation and medical services in emergent situations;
06. Start educating the people in North America and the Caribbean who get influenced by drug
traffickers through
a. online classes;
b. offline real world courses;
c. counselling;
07. Campaigns by aware schools from around the world against drug trafficking in Latin America
and the Caribbean must be supported and aided by the cooperation blocs countries in the form
of UN fundraiser’s;
08. NPOs in the affected region must start :
a. an extracurricular activity or project to spread awareness and prevent narcotics
b. support campaigns for those protesting against the use of narcodollars;
09. Propose that the Latin American and Caribbean countries form a police and military union
that will fight narcoterrorism
10. There can be a spy network from the governments of the cooperation bloc consisting of the
respective countries’:
a. ambassadors to Latin America;
b. UN representatives;
c. intelligence agency head;
d. MFA heads;
e. foreign affairs minister;
11. The given issues must be addressed to the leaders of affected countries in the form of:
a. diplomatic talks;
b. treaties;
c. press conferences;
d. new trade deals;
12. Cocaine must be used under license in the following cities and towns:
a. Lima;
b. las Vegas;
c. medellin;
d. mexico city;
e. tijuana;
f. managua;
g. santo Domingo;
h. montreal;
i. tegucigalpa;
j. havana;
13. There must be CCTV cameras in the streets of affected regions in relation to the given agenda
14. We must have UNICEF and WHO public speakers tell children in schools the
economic,social, and mental demerits of using excessive narcotics
15. Urges the following UN bodies and agencies to strengthen economic sanctions against drug
a. IMF;
b. WBG;
d. UNGA;
16. Urges countries to expand efforts to target economic corruption and narcotic crime with the
Latin American and Caribbean governments in their country respectively
17. Suggests a diplomatic summit held at the UN headquarters in New York ,moderated by the
UN Secretary General ,Antonio guterres ,next month discussing the upcoming plans to
prevent drug trafficking and that the UN provide safes to drug stores and chains either free of
or at a lowered cost depending on the size of the dispensery
a. The safes will be connected to a centralised network protected by a password
known only by the UN secretary general;
b. Using algorithms designed by UN Technology and Innovation Laboratories that
change the passwords on every use and combines retinal and fingerprint scanner
18. Requests opinion from different jobs in society including :
a. medical NPOs;
b. medical NGOs;
c. humanitarian jobs;
d. healthcare innovation jobs;
e. intelligence jobs;
19. Urges major ports to keep record of all events within the relevant logs for all the
communications and activities that are observed between the ship and also the native
20. Proposes a Introductory counter-drug institutional network at the provincial and local levels, a
body coordinating drug-related activities of the police (the leading enforcement unit in terms
of drug seizures), the customs officers and the Ministries of Intelligence, Security, Guidance
and Education, and Health a policymaking body at a national level responsible for planning
and monitoring different aspects of the counter-narcotics campaign will help in combating
drug trafficking
21. Suggests the creation of village-level units, whose activities will be checked by the officials
and thus, defending villages to conducting offensive counter-narcotics operations
22. Advises countries to mandate testing on metabolites and fecal/sewage matter to identify
places of drug use concentration and chemical traces of synthetic drug ingredients.
Article - 2
Topic Area: The Jigglypuff Crisis
Sponsor: Zimbabwe
Signatory: Canada, China, France, Iran, Pakistan, Zimbabwe

the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Emphasizing the need for the United Nations and the international community to cooperate as a whole
to curb the jigglypuff “epidemic”

Reaffirming Article 9 of the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic In Narcotic Drugs And
Psychotropic Substances (1988)

Noting​ with deep concern the lethality, side effects and exponential growth in sales of Jigglypuff

Recalling​ Article 10 of the above mentioned convention

Bearing in mind that national sovereignty and specificities of each region must be respected in the
efforts against drug use,

Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of the
Jigglypuff hotspot countries and to the cause of Jigglypuff eradication as a whole


1. Stresses its deep concern and condolence in light of the recent introduction of the jigglypuff drug
into the black market and international drug market as well as the deaths that followed due to
overdose strokes heart attacks and liver failure caused by this drug;

2. Proposes the authorization of a neutral UN surveillance teams to gather more information on the
sineloa cartel and it's operations this task force will
a. be directly responsible to the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (UNCND) by
reports every 10 days to the council about the incident,
b. include representatives of the Security Council and other relevant aUN committees,
c. includes representatives of the UN Technology and Innovation Laboratories,
d. include representatives of countries present in this committee,

3. Demands that any and all governments who have legalised the drug to name their suppliers under
the earlier mentioned articles;

4. Proposes immediate joint military action once more information comes to light on the situation and
strength of the cartel in question;

5. Further demands that Honduras be brought in front of the ICJ for its actions and breach of the UN

6. Pleads that the recipe for jigglypuff be made confidential information and not be released so as to
prevent more sales;

7. Requests countries to continue jigglypuff related surveillance even after any military action so as to
determine if there are any remnants of the cartel or other producers.

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