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Course Name Islamic Studies Prepared

Course Code ISL-101 and ISL-201
Credit Hours 03 Fall 2019
Course Pre Requisite Nil Approved
Course Pre Req. Nil Spring
Revised 2020
Code Spring
Course Type Core Course 2020
Program BS / BBA
Semester 2020

Course Objective
To make students proud of Islamic heritage and motivate them to become good practicing

Course Description
The course introduces students to the Holy Quran and Sunnah. It also includes Quranic
Arabic vocabulary and basic grammar. This course provides insight about Deen, Ibadah, and
Halaal o Haraam. Selected verses from the Holy Quran and Hadeeth have been included. It
also includes brief history of Prophet PBUH and impact of his life on humanity. It includes
the significance and importance of Muslim scientists and their role in various scientific
fields. The course will give a clear vision to students regarding economic, political, and
social system of Islam. The designed course also encompasses the topic of Islamic culture
and civilization.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Understand with clarity the Islamic concepts in the guidance of the Holy Quran and
2. Understand the Islamic Ideology and its deep link with our lives.
3. Understand the way of Islam: Beliefs and practices.
4. Develop creative and innovative attitude.
5. Develop ethical behavior in social and professional work environments.
6. Understand Salah (Namaz) and Duas (Azkaar), as required in connection with our
daily lives.
7. Demonstrate an appropriate understanding of basic Arabic grammar.
8. Learn important teachings, decisions and actions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in
Makkah and Madinah.
9. Identify the contribution of Muslim Scientists towards various fields of sciences
and their important achievements.
10. Understand the significance of health, obedience of Law and other basic necessities
of human life so that He / She may become a responsible citizen.

Teaching and Learning Methodology

1. Lectures demonstration
2. Handouts
3. Use of multimedia
4. Group discussions
5. Presentations
6. Internet resource materials
7. Assignments and quizzes

 Notes will be furnished by the teachers and approved by the Center of Islamic

Reference Book(s)
1. “Tafseer e Usmani” by Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani

2. “Tafheem ul Quran” by Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi

3. “Zia ul Quran” by Peer Karam Shah Al-Azhari

4. “Tafseer e Kausar” by Allama Sheikh Mohsin Ali Najfi

5. “Riaz al Saliheen” (English Translation) by Imam Novi

5. “Insan e Kamil” (‫ )انسان کامل‬by Dr. Syed Khalid Alvi

6. “The Sealed Nectar” (‫ )الرحیق المختوم‬by Maulana Safi ud din Mubarakpuri

7. “Zia ul Nabi PBUH” by Peer Karam Shah Sahab Al-Azhari

8. “The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam” by Allama Muhammad

9. “Islam Kya Hai” (‫ )اسالم کیا ہے‬by Maulana Sadar ud din Islahi

10. “Islami Nazriya Hayat” by Prof. Khursheed Ahmad

11. “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” by Ahmad, H. (1993), IRI, IIUI

12. “Emergence of Islam” by Hameedullah, Muhammad. (1993). IRI, IIUI

13. “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” by Hussan, H. (2007). Leaf
14. “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” by Mir, W. (1982).
Islamic Book Service
15. “Islamic Studies” by Prof. Mufti Munib-ur-Rehman, Karachi

Grading Policy
Assessment Instruments Percentage
Quizzes 15 %
Assignments 10 %
Presentation 10 %
Mid Term Exam 25 %
Final Exam 40 %

Week Wise Course Outline (Islamic Studies)

Week Contents

Introduction to Sources of Islam

1. a. Introduction and basic Concepts of Al-Quran
b. Introduction of Sunnah, Hadeeth, History, Kinds of Hadith

a. Concept of Deen )‫تصور دین‬

ِ ( in the light of Quran and Sunnah
b. Study of selected text on Aqaid, Ibadat, Muamlat, & Akhlaq from Holy
2. Quran
c. Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No-284-286)
d. Quranic Language (QL) “Hua, Hia, Anta, Anti” ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ أن‬، ‫ أنت‬، ‫ ھی‬، ‫ھو‬

a. Concept of Ibadat in Islam (‫تصورعبادت‬

ِ ‫)اسالم کا‬
3. b. Study of selected text from Holy Quran; Surat ul Baqra verse 177
c. Quranic Language (QL) “Anna, Nahnu” ‫ نحن‬, ‫أنا‬

Seerat )‫ ( سیرت ۔ مکی دور‬of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)-I

a. Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
4. b. Basic Quranic Teachings of Adab-e-Nabi relate to Surat Al-Ahzab
(Verse: 21, 40, 56-57)
Quranic Language (QL) “Hu, Haa, Hum” ‫ ھم‬, ‫ ھا‬, ‫ه‬

Seerat ) ‫ ( سیرت ۔ مدنی دور‬of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) –II

a. Important Events with Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet
(S.A.W) in Madina
5. b. Quranic Teachings of Adab Al-Nabi related to Surat Al Hujrat
Verse 1-3
Quranic Language (QL) “Hum, Haza, Zaalika, Ullaika” ‫أولئك‬, ‫ ذلك‬, ‫ ھذا‬, ‫ھم‬

a. Basic concept of Halal and Haram (‫تصور حالل و حرام‬ِ ‫)اسالم کا‬
b. Study of selected text of Al-Quran verses of Surat Al Anaam. Verse
6. 151, Surat Al Araf verse 32
Quranic Language (QL) Past Tense “kattaba, Jalasa, Dakhalla, Kharaja,
Nazara, Sami’a etc.” ‫ نظر‬- ‫فعل ماضي – كتب – جلس – دخل – خرج‬

Political System of Islam )‫(اسالم کا سیاسی نظام‬

a. Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
b. Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
7. c. Significant features of Riyasat e Madeena (‫)ریاست مدینہ‬, Surat Al Hadid
verse 25
Quranic Language (QL) Verbs with pronouns “Ta, Tii, Woo (For Plural)”
‫ت – كتبوا‬
ِ ‫ كتب‬-‫ كتبت‬-‫األفعال مع الضمائر‬

Concept of Justice in Islam )‫نظام عدل‬

ِ ‫(اسالم کا‬
a. Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
b. Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
8. c. Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
Quranic Language (QL) Verbs Muddarei “Yaktubu, Yajlissu, Yadkhullu,
Yakhruju, Yanzuru, Yasmaau etc.”
‫فعل مضارع – یكتب – یجلس – یدخل – یخرج – ینظر – یسمع‬


Islamic Culture & Civilization )‫(اسالمی تہذیب و ثقافت‬

a. Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
b. Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues
10. Quranic Verses Surat ul Aaraf 26, 27, & 28.
Quranic Language (QL) Verbs Muddarei “Yaktubu, Taktuubu, Akubu,
Naktubu” ‫فعل مضارع – یكتب – تكتب – أكتب – نكتب‬

Islam & Science )‫(اسالم اور سائنس‬

a. Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
b. Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
Quranic Language (QL) Verbs Muddarei "‫( "ون‬For Plural) “Yaktubuna”
– ‫فعل مضارع – یكتبون‬

Islamic Economic System – 1 )۱‫(اسالم کا معاشی نظام۔‬

a. Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
b. Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
12. c. Islamic Concept of Riba
Quranic Language (QL) Ism Faa’il “Katib, Qatil, Hakim etc.”
....................‫اسم فاعل – كاتب ۔ قاتل – حاكم‬

Islamic Economic System-II )۲‫(اسالم کا معاشی نظام۔‬

a. Islamic Banking & Finance
13. b. Islamic ways of Trade and Commerce
Quranic Language (QL) Ism Maf’uul “Maktub, Maqtul, Mahkum etc.”
................. ‫ مقتول – محكوم‬- ‫اسم مفعول – مكتوب‬

Social System of Islam-I )۱‫(اسالم کا معاشرتی نظام۔‬

a. Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam
b. Elements of Family
c. Human Rights in Islam

‫دعاء صالة – رب اجعلني مقیم الصالة من ذریتي ربنا و تقبل دعاء ربنا اغفرلي و لوالدي و للمؤمنین‬
‫یوم یقوم الحساب‬
Quranic Language (QL) Fael Amr ‫ اخر ْج‬-ْ ‫اكتب – ادخل‬ ْ – ‫فعل أمر‬

a. Ethical Values of Islam )‫(اخالقیات‬

b. Description with Verses of Surah Hujrat 6-9-10-11-12
15. c. Description in the light of Hadith
Quranic Language (QL) Fael Nahi ‫فعل نهي – التكتب – التخرج – التنظر‬

Relations with Non-Muslims )‫(اسالم اور غیر مسلم معاشرے‬

a. In the light of Quran and Sunnah
16. b. Surah Aal-e-Imran, verse 64
Quranic Language (QL) Revision With Dua




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