Jawaban Quiz 4 - Investasi Proyek Dan Keuangan

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The following CPM network has estimates of the normal time in weeks listed for the

a. Identify the critical path.

A–C–D–E–G = 23 Minggu
A–B–D–F–G = 23 Minggu
A–C–D–F–G = 25 Minggu (Critical Path)
A–B–D–E–G = 21 Minggu

b. What is the length of time to complete the project?

Lamanya waktu proyek dapat dilihat dari jumlah minggu-nya dan yang terpanjang 25

c. Which activities have slack, and how much?

Activity Predecessor ES EF LS LF Slack
A - 7 0 7 0 7 0
B A 2 7 11 7 9 0
C A 4 7 11 7 11 0
D B,C 5 11 16 11 16 0
E D 2 16 20 18 20 2
F D 4 16 20 16 20 0
G E,F 5 20 25 20 25 0
d. Here is a table of normal and crash times and costs.
Activity Normal Time Crash Time Normal Cost Crash Cost
A 7 6 $ 7.000 $ 8.000
B 2 1 $ 5.000 $ 7.000
C 4 3 $ 9.000 $ 10.200
D 5 4 $ 3.000 $ 4.500
E 2 1 $ 2.000 $ 3.000
F 4 2 $ 4.000 $ 7.000
G 5 4 $ 5.000 $ 8.000

Which activities would you shorten to cut two weeks from the schedule in a
rational fashion?

Activity Normal Time Crash Time Normal Cost Crash Cost Cost per Week Weeks
A 7 6 $ 7.000 $ 8.000 $ 1.000,00 1
B 2 1 $ 5.000 $ 7.000 $ 2.000,00 1
C 4 3 $ 9.000 $ 10.200 $ 1.200,00 1
D 5 4 $ 3.000 $ 4.500 $ 1.500,00 1
E 2 1 $ 2.000 $ 3.000 $ 1.000,00 1
F 4 2 $ 4.000 $ 7.000 $ 1.500,00 2
G 5 4 $ 5.000 $ 8.000 $ 3.000,00 1

(1) Minggu pertama = Critical Path : A – C – D – F – G. Aktivitas A adalah yang

memiliki cost yang kecil sebesar $1000. Jadi, Critical Path nya masih tetap sama.
(2) Minggu kedua = Aktivitas E juga memiliki cost yang kecil sebesar $1000.
Sehingga, Critical Path tetap sama.

What would be the incremental cost?

Biaya tambahannya sebesar $2000
A $8000
B $5000
C $9000
D $3000
E $3000
F $4000
G $5000
Total $37000

Is the critical path changed?

Tidak, karena crashnya masih berada di Critical Path

15. Bragg’s Bakery is building a new automated bakery in downtown Sandusky.

Here are the activities that need to be completed to get the new bakery built and the
equipment installed.

Activity Predecessor Time Crash Time (Weeks) Expediting Cost/Week
A - 9 6 $ 3.000
B A 8 5 $ 3.500
C A 15 10 $ 4.000
D B,C 5 3 $ 2.000
E C 10 6 $ 2.500
F D,E 2 1 $ 5.000

a. Draw the project diagram.

Path :
A–B–D–F = 24 Minggu
A–C–D–F = 31 Minggu
A–C–E–F = 36 Minggu (Critical Path)

b. What is the normal project length?

Normal Project Length :
A–B–D–F = 24 Minggu
A–C–D–F = 31 Minggu
A–C–E–F = 36 Minggu

c. What is the project length if all activities are crashed to their minimum?
Crashed Project Length :
A–B–D–F = 15 Minggu
A–C–D–F = 20 Minggu
A–C–E–F = 23 Minggu

d. Bragg’s loses $3,500 in profit per week for every week the bakery is not
completed. How many weeks will the project take if we are willing to pay
crashing cost as long as it is less than $3,500?

Activity Predecessor Time Crash Time (Weeks) Expediting Cost/Week
A - 9 6 $ 3.000
B A 8 5 $ 3.500
C A 15 10 $ 4.000
D B,C 5 3 $ 2.000
E C 10 6 $ 2.500
F D,E 2 1 $ 5.000

 Dari keempat Aktivitas yang termasuk kedalam Critical Path, maka dapat
dipilih Aktivitas A dengan cost sejumlah $3000 dimana cost tersebut
dibawah dari $3500. Sehingga dapat crash sampai Minggu ke-29

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