COVID19 Interruptions: Fall 2020

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Fall 2020

Prayer Requests Ministry Update

 Pray for Paul as he

COVID19 Interruptions
teaches his courses.
Covid19 continues to make a dramatic impact on
 Pray for Jill as she our ministry plans. In March we told you about
ministers to our Paul’s quick exit from Ukraine before the
children. European travel ban took effect. This meant he
had to finish teaching to the Ukrainian WOL via
 Pray for the 16 Bible Zoom after returning to the States. His trip to
Institute campuses teach in Hungary and Uganda were also canceled
around the world, and due to travel restrictions, and Paul taught the book
the unique challenges
they face during
of Daniel via Zoom to the South Korea Campus
COVID19. (see picture).

 Pray for the physical, With the exception of Word of Life South Korea,
emotional, and spiritual all of our accredited teaching sites worldwide (10
growth of Caroline and in all) had to close their campuses and complete
Jeremiah. their semester online. This included WOL’s main
campus in Schroon Lake, NY, and the teaching site in Hudson, Florida. Paul and his team
 Pray for Paul to have worked tirelessly to move all of NY and FL classes online.
wisdom in leadership as
Academic Dean of the
Global Bible Institute. Thankfully, the Lord had gone before us, and just two years prior, we had invested in a
leading Learning Management System (Canvas). Canvas was used to house our class
videos, syllabi, assignments, boards. We also hosted two weekly Q & A times with our
resident and adjunct professors via Zoom. The academic team was stretched to the max as
we also assisted multiple teaching sites (who had never used Canvas before) in getting their
courses up and running. We provided them with training in Canvas and course content that
Praises we had recorded from previous years of classroom lectures.

We praise the Lord that we have a fantastic team in academics, committed to meeting our
 The spiritual growth of
our Bible Institute students’ academic needs no matter what the obstacle. Paul and the WOL Global Bible
students around the Institute leadership team are very pleased with the results, and the vast majority of our
world. students were able to succeed despite the unique challenges of COVID19.

 Two happy and

healthy children. Family Life
 God’s continuous Jill is doing an amazing job of investing in the lives of
blessing upon our lives our little ones. Can you believe Caroline is now pre-
and ministry. school age? We have decided to homeschool, and Jill is
very intentional about the time that they spend doing
 Wonderful supporters “learning time.” The blessing of homeschool means that
like you! Jill spends time working on Scripture memory and
issues of Christian character, in addition to standard
preschool learning exercises. Caroline has memorized a
Scripture verse for every letter of the alphabet up to X so
far. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of her, and as a
reward, Jill has promised her a princess party once she gets to Z. Caroline is highly
motivated :). Caroline and Daddy do the Word of Life Quiet Time (Gopher Buddy edition,
designed for 5-7-year-olds) in the morning before Paul goes to work. Jeremiah is now 2.5
years old and growing like a weed! He loves cuddle time and his dinosaurs, as well as trains and singing. His favorite song is “Hallelujah, Praise Ye the Lord!”
Fall 2020

Bible Study Resources

As you know, we are passionate about teaching God’s Word and equipping
young people for the work of the ministry that we are all called to do
(whether in full-time vocational ministry or as a lay-person in the local
church). We believe that Paul’s teaching ministry can expand beyond any
classroom by providing videos, books, and podcasts that help people Learn
the Word! This is, of course, the Genesis behind the Learn the Word “Family
of Resources.”

Learn the Word Podcast—Recently, we released two episodes with Friends

of Israel Gospel Ministry contributors. We discussed the lives of Abraham
and David. Next week’s podcast will also be with these gentlemen, and we will
discuss Moses’s life and ministry. You can listen here: or on
virtually any other podcast platform. Our next podcast series will be entitled “Faith
Affirming Findings.” We will discuss archaeological discoveries that affirm the
historicity of Scripture and provide unique insights into the biblical text.

Learn the Word Publishing—We just released the Kindle version of Surveying the
Old Testament Prophets. This is the 5th book that we have released in a series of
seven. We hope that the paperback and Logos versions will be available next month.
This textbook is used in our Old Testament Bible Survey course. All contributors
have volunteered their time and energy so that the net proceeds can help provide
scholarships for students to attend a Word of Life Bible Institute. Visit Amazon to get
your electronic edition:

Paul’s Teaching Schedule

Teaching Abroad—This semester, Paul is tentatively scheduled to teach 1 Peter to the Owen Sound,
Ontario campus students. We say tentatively because travel restrictions to Canada have yet to be lifted. Paul
is also scheduled to teach Hebrews in Ukraine next March, and South Korea in June, but those are tentative.
Teaching Stateside—This Fall, Paul is teaching three courses on the New York Campus. The first course is
on World Religions, and it is taught to our Sophomore students. Paul spends a significant portion of the class,
helping students understand what makes Christianity unique from all the other World Religions. This course
is designed to help students understand these World Religions so that they can be more effective in reaching
people from different faith systems with the Gospel of Christ. Paul is also teaching Hermeneutics 2 to our
Sophomore students; this course is designed to help students understand how to interpret Scripture using a
historical, grammatical, and literal/normal method. Finally, Paul is teaching an elective on the Life of Christ
using the Four Gospels as the primary sources. This course is available to Freshmen and Sophomores as an
elective and required for Davis College Seniors. To learn more about our shared services agreement with Da-
vis college, visit here:

Joining Our Team

Would you like to join our ministry team? Please consider visiting to donate online
through credit card. Checks should be made payable to Word of Life International Ministries with “Paul and
Jill Weaver (090G1S)” written in the memo section. Please mail to: Word of Life International Ministries,
PO Box 600, Schroon Lake, NY 12870.

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