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Scope and Sequence ‘nit ‘Topic Reading context (Computer |Oude Morey Vocabulary (siz, Bi as spewed DRA hard vo, HB, He, Imoteroar, paging fe, RA SNE vel menor | Proganing Languages [Rsorier BASIC, GF, 6 Crs, consi, corouior language, GPU, Jove ker, ctine cote, ius reod ISPs and tert Busnes Later ocees ‘sxcwrus sofware, broadband dalup DSL hespat_[Dascbing ISP, mado, 1-3, upro, WF loss ree [ponaes | Stage Caves |Sisneston Fom {aay CD-R, CO-AW, dala coresson fale, opoy dk magnotic tape manor sxage cary |deocnos FRAT SAA USB fash ve. ve wale (Adverse | \WP3 Payers [Amonconent (Cel ones |Aavorisnant [automate document fede, alain, GOD, cia sang # (canera, gia oon DPL fash manery.rijet_|rocanmandaton (ior, sar poner mogapia, Spa! tm Iwanparncy 'ARC, bao, capacty, doc0%0, ck dv, ze, ivostgaing 8 ‘oasbye ayst pose rosion "36 netwa sep, Austoo call wang caler ©, Olena hep col phone, anon Bata, regione ox ‘message, tuchsceen vecanat cation and |Aaversavent Pecoarch |Reboice [ema ecode | Webate Pang ‘atin Tae ‘rtoigence Mogazne 3 [Cormurcatons stant Messages brcodo data pan oral EBC. sian massage, | AsSping lak [PA scan, srarchne, spam text UPC @ [Emeranment ‘vata, bog fed, foun, gaming nande nk Ging @ Ind sock IMMORPG. post pola sacl netrhing. us) |aunenary Networking vw 10 [GPS Systems |Adverisonent accuracy, acation tie, caropapiy,coodralos [Desciang (GP rig, mice, enone, navgaton,—|oaoanios wane 1 (Baring (websito ‘account aciviy accourt dor bark ad Bllpay. |Reporing 3 ‘ocrone starerent erty tet ecu ontna prt tanking. Pst Key. SSL boolean operator, catsog ebook, eoural EZ, [Reconng a Inco, conse retin mada remo access (caso sbsrpton VPN ‘seta, avons, dive powor Ganic nadal|(Ging a pods ‘nab dove, oabing even. endeece, loxaroe ‘quay consbant ors maneultr, panda robotic soa! obo ‘actve mais del bimacped graphics black and [DesorBng Wht, counoad ergnomis oie, POF reader, competon fubicaton reow, ub pl endaing syston [reauremerts pices i ‘oer, got, cas-basod ransonng comne Asking er ‘clonis, coneuter vio hours, machine earings model need reason, pater recog, cbt Table of Contents Unit = Computer memory Unit 2 Programming languages Unit 3 -1SPs and Internet access Unit & = Storage devices Unit 5 ~ Peripherals Unit 6 = MP9 players Unit 7 = Cell phones Unit 8 = Communications Unit 9 = Entertainment, gaming and social networking Unit 10 - GPS systems Unit = king Unit 12 - Education and research Unit 18 - Roboties Unit - Electronic publishing Unit 1 = Attica! intelligence Glossary Computer memory ‘Catan memory requrements are necessary to ntl and ran Gea. Chock ha the computer noe a st 600 MB of RAM sestbl. 4, For optmel petomance, make sure the computers ‘Wmotertours) CPU hac a itso of at last 52 bit It sou un al 2 bus apeed of 800 wa rece are several options to fx problems wth sted amor. One. eo In tbe rumber of programe turning at Get ready! © Betore you read the ‘passage, talk about these questions. ‘Aveta, ito neease the amount of RAM. Fst, dlernine ‘wae your computer Uses SIMMS ox DIMM Make Suro that "he memos bus speed matches hat ofthe computer Puchass he appronate ano of A rd atch Io the motherboard 1 Hownasinceases You can also ncoase your compute’ virtual ‘aging fle onthe comeuters harddrive. To 2 winen do people need to cd more comouter meron "26 viet memory, cack onthe My ‘Computer ison Under Properties eam Teresa the mimi memory amount Reading 1 inate te passage manly abou? 1 the meh funtion ofthe CPU Vocabulary © Match the words (1-7) with the definitions © how to add or mocify computer memory eh 2 ven gatiperiecehtvinbenaig 2M om = 7 A chock to see they need SiMMs or DIMMs _—— cece | | vemeccms ae ee 1 a cata torago meted ha tres ata on the en? farce Bisa sew epics ple omc Fan memory mod hal sas up to 248 of " duiato 8 OU ee acene a marory made ht sence uo to 4 bs of increase the amount of aatsle RAM eer © Fil inthe blanks withthe correct words and phrases from the word bank. rs bus speed 2 TrocarputersCPUhaca. of 80 2 ree the tus marry to soe data. on te 4 This comune cares wth 990 —_ ora 5 tral ations) ito tne © © ston and read the troubleshooting guide again. What happens when Computer’ vtual memory is made bigger? Listening © © Listen to 2 conversation between a Customer and an employee of Cleric. Mark the statements as true (7) o false (Fl 1 The customers GPUs to slow to un te 2 — The employoe ahises the customer to buy {8 tereshng te vt memory wl neve the pag te sie © { Listen again and complete the Won Tonn Clear you realy wat to have at ‘customer So how ean tat? Employee: One easy ways oincrease your ‘customer at wil that do? Employes increases the paging te size. hat Customer 290,504 ‘emamory? Employee: 5 ____en to "My Coruter ‘ton Under Pope, nerasa the ‘maximum mamery amen Speaking © witha partner, act out the roles ‘based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: How can Ihe you? The program kes eezing ‘ow can feta? 1 Your computer progam keeps freezing Tak ie Stason 8 about the pretlem empoyoo. Anawer Suse Re qustons Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to ccomplate the receipt 2 Programming languages ir, Dani, ‘AS the heed of the computer programming ‘partment, | fool that we raed to updato tho partments. resources This includes ow Brogrammors. Most of out progfammors_ are ommorable withthe ©, C+, ad Java computer Fanguages. Vio even have ono prograrnmer ho tcan use GP. But we dovt have snyene poison’ 55 Resombler nk we neod some programmers ‘who ao arr with That way, we can vandlato Betwoon programs more easy In ackltion, we hava two programmers who Specialize ih BASIC. Ths language In docine ‘2b wil probably bo phasod out soon Some of our machines ae gating ade, too A tow Computers need the compilers and linkers Updated Otters, thoy¥ never be able to conver {To machine code ecient. One of ou olde CPU: Cannot mult-tread vary well As you know. th programming depariment is ery important to th Company’ Kaur Passe help us say vpdsted ‘ Trak, Get ready! Sarah Jemings © Before you read the passage, tlk about these questions. 1 How dows computer prsranming allet Vocabulary baciose? © Wirte a word that is simiar in meaning to 2. Winyis computer programming beconing ‘the underined part. move reat? 1 He wring anew anguage tat conntarscan Reading e © Read the letter from the head of @ 2m ‘computer programming department to hor boss. Then, choose the correct answers 3 fous a sogarming agunge tet ants 1 inate ne eter may about? between seams. — A purchasing more CPUs 4 Many of he et PCs vod a way 8B wing beter computer eros sgremning guage tat sal wey sad leaning new compute nguagos ‘mere 1 requesing update resources 5-0 5 Herold often vod comet va 2 Which ofthese rorarering languages do ‘ness ota ‘he programmer NOT know? 6 Do youkrow asrogarmning language at Ace ease ss capa nc? = 8 Assembler =D Cis 17 Une i crated wit 2 programming language Pat rosa operng stems. — 1 Te canta processing ats corputors {3 What con be fore about BASIC? is used in Asoombie © samo be wad by cones. 1 isthe mos teu tsar 8 Rogue prt tat changes soizce cose ‘a machine coda osteo progennng er @ Chock (/) the sentence that uses the akin ‘underlines parts coretl. Poe ng 18 parner, act out the roles Snood on Tsk 7: Then sutch ole tow 1) A Liners tow rsrareor to conta computers CPU nat to frat rogreing language. 2 _ A Anew Java can make your computer run baenlaiveniipahigery =A pie iem cere eer es don th we cn floor proarmens 8 tc cose makes oan esti Wl Or abt CP nowt? 2A nate aoescampuwetermas, POW MOE 2 a ret? treed . © Imiparieg conc anew opening [saan Yau we tling to a rages ome ‘ek Sado B abou © Liston and read the letter from the head + departments needs of a computer programming department to + trpeance ot neds hor boss: Why wil few of the old computers need their linkers and compilers updated? e ent 8: Youre a programming eloyee, Listening Anne Suse Rs qustens © © Listen to a conversation between a programmer and her manager. Mark the following statements as true (T)or false). Writing 1. — The manager tends fe mow progranmers. @ Use the conversation from task 6 to write 2 The woman gag to loam Assemble ‘an email to your manager to ask for te Ubated resources, Greate names forthe 2 Te marion crs na eins OuB7296 6 Spee and shar manoger © © Listen again and complete the Programmer ib, theut someone who knows scaler we cat effet 1 Manager: sow, but ihn he best way to aoes tna grobiem Yo ave yu wane it Programmer fn fr But im wer at Et tating on ho 2 protams wtng Manager Vis can shit some of your won to Programmer: Okay. What oo you tink bout our Manager How posing wou yeu say hose reds ae? Programmer I we hid sone upsata CPUS, we coud fah ou gets na Manager At it Lot me 6 at to budget ard oe wat ean do x 6) BSS i icra rae terre Get ready! © Betore you read the passage, talk about these questions 1 How do peepe acces the iemet? 2 What ype of tenet coonctn is best or tusnessne? Reading © Reed the notification trom an Internet service provider. Then, choose the correct anewers. 1 Md’ an to buy WeSut what WetSur fers to new customers © Webspetfng tee wrelss routers woublshootng ntmet acces sus 2 Which sence coos WeSut NOT er? 1 t0cr spat B diay tenet © hotspot access troactans net access ‘month we ill be your IS. ‘Ths naw eatonshp has any benef Fst, yourecove a roo omnioad of or excisive Vrstiaten 90 lntvius software to protect your comoute, Were also bung ann T-3 Ines 10 Aocoremodate tne new customers Ths moans ‘rater banduicth for broadband an T- ser Untonnaty, wore discontinuing dip service. But wo are upgrading to DSL Tum in You old modem tous to receve a new OSL modem fee of erage Yau as cave or anarving tetra pert Vio hap you oot up you whale, router io bing WHF 1 your hoses We can fren fl ocover yur paso you fost You alec have access to WebSur hotspots You can tnd thom at selected arpots, 13 Wat can you nor fom the note? 1 Aryone can use Weds tpt B ore people use Tt han besa Websudt expects to tan Mrdeye Vocabulary © Match the words (15) withthe definitions (AE) ws 5 —troacband dale an ntone!cemmecien using wees sale We ok forward t proving ‘8 vce tat sends nicrnaton over phone fos a a B an lene! comnsctn using regu shane ines ° you wah ho were best D es that alow many ses to conact the Intomet service. ae ex fem allowng the transfer of targe amounts of os Bas 0 190 | Gistomer Reaions, hi ‘Weber! itemet © Fill in the blanks withthe correct words and phrases ‘om the word bank, eel ‘antivirus software ISP upgrade wireless router 1 T cto shop has a) se customers can 2A connection only reques a pone ie o werk 1 Contact your to get touch wh ach suppor. 4 ny saree because | reed more bandwith 5 Usng protects your compute. 6 Youness ain) get a WHR network 7 The new Ines oer grostar bandwith the notification from an Internat ‘again. What service will Websurl Intornot put an ond to? Listening Listen toa conversation between a customer and 1 WebSurt customer ropresontative. Mark the {ollowing statements as true (T) or false 1 The customer par to cancel hs sorice 2. — Tho ne. fes wil ncroace bandh 3 Customers must py eta or serves he tech sippon es Listen again and complete the conversation. Representative: Ob has tthe. Were nthe process of isting row 2 Ino, Customer Bit how dos that aac my bing? Representative: TSines ate exsensne, so weve ncressod | ral But alow or grater 3 Customer: in not se tat sift eco Hho. Representative: Wi alo spots otter WitSut borat tre for instance, | ‘Customer | guess have usd that afew times oad. Representative: You sls gt roo 5 ‘nd you ean lg io ay of ax 6 ato ‘sonal onege Speaking © wit» partner, set out the roles below based on Task 7. ‘Thon, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS ‘What sie do you have? Ialons for greater barat You cn fo nt spot Student A You are eallg cletomer sre, a State eva | «causes + bets Student 8: You worn Student 8 questors Writing © Use the conversation trom ‘Task 8 to film the customer survey. Get ready! © Before you rad th 388age, tak about ‘duestions. 1 Which ypes of storage douces do poopie se? 2. What do ponte use USB tach aves for? Reading ane © Road the suggestion form sent from an ‘employee in the IT department to his ‘manager. Then, choose the correct 1 Whats the main dos of he for? A sraqie! for new eqoment B suggestions on mproung etciony whee to pace new trae devices 1 ow to speed up the tanstos 2 heh ve stores mre data han magna A zbawe © SAA 8 RAD D US ash ve 3 can be infeed the USBFash ves ae 1 oss rola tan magnet apa moe tet than Noppy dks mere expensive than 2p dives ees ecient than SATA crves Suggestion Form GENE 7cct Name Harlé bons Deprinet:7 Suggestion TT cepariment iin desparate need eu storage devices. To begh we ned a oun oft es arange en ery. Tt sane wel so ees RAD stare J st wean eget lost montis of tan a i fae Anaray wi hep us evo such cost ote the fae Fathemore, many employees ae sil sing ude devices Ie CD-Rs, CD-AWS and lop aks to warsor les Pow each nga wt last a USB flag dive an ip eve wou be much mare etfcent. Same erpoyeas co use the own eves Bu ate-othe at loge devices should be proce bythe company Faly GonTech Sjtoms woud do wal to wad the main dela backi. Weare sil using magnetic tape, Even usig data compression the memory storage density of magnetic tape cai compare to mace teomnogy.AZTB SATA dive cou stor more cata ata racon of the cos Vocabulary 6 oy ok © Fl in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank. word con 2p erive coRW ‘RAID 1 sat an to combo es 2. The ald tne hs iow nd tos ie cota. 3. Nn) canny be ton on one. 4 Ao) uses removable dss to taro cata 5 Wise no mere cata wl fon 6 Rn) an be wien agan ant oan patorarce @ Check (/) the sentence that uses the Underlined parts corecty 18 Save the fe on the USE rash ee 8 Anareae made tom 8 sees of tonoy 2A SATA ae used to horse procesing speeds. ‘ve tare means the dla ck ive ss racoossble ADD arays 3 made of magnotc tape. gr dike se an or tector. © © Listen and read the suggestion form sent from an employee in tho IT depariment {his manager again What do GENETech Systems use to back up their main data? Listening e Listen to a conversation between an IT employee and his manager. Mark the following statemonts a5 tue () or false (F. 1 The correany wl purchase an aay 2 Alot he requsts wore approved 3. Management rks @ now man dat backup dove i 00 expense © © Listen again and complete the conversation. Manager: Maragement tthe hating about het ‘wore geting the aay, Yes hat wa petty Bod What about serra othe 2 7 Thoy wore approved. ust tetrad to expen a but guess youve {oto save money someon. How ‘Shout tha man deta Back? We interested the saves you rmertenod Cou you 8 Employee: Absa. hen woud you Ik tat? Manager: 6 a> Speaking © with o partner, act out the roles bolow based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: ‘A low of he requests you sent What about some of h.? hat about te main data bac? Sui Ya akg oyu ramon | fa Sudon 8 os # unacprved requests rng 8 propoea Student 8: You ae the managar Answer Stunt Ae quostons Mako up a name fr eur suberaate Writing © You are an employee in IT Use the ‘conversation rom task 8 to write a memo to your co-workers tling them which types of new equipment were spproved for purchase and why. Sa 5 Peripherals © Tash rome Get ready! © Betore you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 How has dita tecmoiogy changed photography ae pening? 2 What tose of bunsesos us scanner, Pres and gia cameras? Reading © Road the computer store advertisement ‘Then, choose the corect answers. 1 What she aaverisoment stout? 1k anew advanement in pie tecnoogy 8 rodcodpces on oder hardware models © Conpemats “pong oso snes slo _accessoves for cameras and pts 2 What is NOT we abut Comeumuss le? ‘A They plano stock up on new model 8 Tey re ang pcs on soar © Thay sl acessories for that scamors They hve changed thar he re ah Wat can you ner fom he averse? 1 Alnow meds are on so 8 Notovey dot cara sows fash maory. Comprar has scanners that come wih ao forces Same prntars cana! creat professional cyase pnts ee te CO 9 mr fo, i iss ete na With COD8, ow ‘camera tak eed ern net ene ee es moore ert 7 ee Vocabulary © Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (en, 1 on 5 — rit sree 2 —wanspareny adator 6 dig carra 3 —enraton 7 aan memory 4 autre document 8 — mesapne! teed 9 Inet snr 8 dves tat sans seoseough obets B a device that uses a toa of gt to cee sr mage doves tat vos no crete an image the ruber of dot bs to create an iage doves ured to str ites on cameras the acs of devices to covey day 8 dovos tat records mages fr he computer 1 a ovce tat ods papers tobe seared © Fane blanks with the eonect words om te word Speaking © witha partner, act out the Ts roles Below based on Task 7 e CoD ‘Then, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS 1 Use ur phot da ‘May | ecommera te Tone has Falco he to sat 2 Ache os wi crease yout cameras 2 Dial cameras need a) to capre an mage © © Listen and read the computer store advertisement — again. What do the allin-one packages for printers Incorporate? i iemetere | ] Listening © © Listen to a conversation between a salesman and 2 photographer. Choose the correct answers. 1 (Choose a prec! you need and answer Student Ae questions hat does the woman wan toc? rotun bork per a 8 excrete Spee 0 Writing © Use the conversation trom Task 8 to fill inthe customer's buy moe rtessen equpent research nt and a ass pts 2 Vat can you rr about the worse? 1 Hor at ik prt rok. Shoe tying her fet gta eamara bao fo spectators She plan on sing heros espn cane Sho wart to improve the city of har wok bought, the specifications of © © Listen again and complete the conversation. {May rca Supe 2507 as 5s : inert wo res dot Zon BigSavertto: Tras prety mich wat have om or soma Has anyone been tot abe, ie _ a Compumart sale? What did hay tow aout te Shao sues? The one has 20 you get? Were they help? Snes peal ton 5 es 8 Shou check Rout? P: How mary 3 does t have? ': Foun wtieh gves you ered deta. Fe: Compumart Sale Pe That Now lo the to tart pet ny Wel we hve seme rat dens on niet end 5 im earing towards laser no bets ist cart tas wel SS: Okay, th PstBeam EX is a woe en as par and earner pi at 24006 6 MP3 Players Get ready! © Before you read the passage, tak about these questions. 1 iat de ou wo an MPS oer ee 2 ve you eer ae an PS Dat toca? Reading © Road the racall notice. Then, ‘mark the following statements as tre (7) or false F- 1 the recal for Medel x. 2 Ther vl ew ase tran ene pate of enact, decoding of NPS es. Georgia Electronics Announces Cee LL Georgia Bectorics ie recaling its Model X1 MPS Players. An eror occurs asthe players atom to decode AAC tos Whon playlists containing AAC files are cpened, the bitrate on all les slows down. Players wil eventunly freeze in This issue also alocts the Model X2 player, but «2 recalis not necessary, Georgi Electronics has | Cteated a driver to comtect the problem Moco! X2 players. Ths diver may be downloaded foe ‘of charge from the companys webste. It must ‘hon be uploaded tothe MP2 payer through the included dock. The diver requtes lass than one gigabyte of capacity on the MP3 payers hard eve, Unfortunately, Model X1 players wil not accept ew drvere and therfore cannot be fae, Georgia Electrons wil rlund the fal pie tat consumers paid for the Model Xi. Vist ‘nua for detals and downloads Vocabulary © Match the words (1-8) withthe definitions (A). 2 2 ° e 6 4 stl 4 —cipntylo 7 lit re 5 decode 8 dock capscty 6 MPS 9 ate 2 fie fomat ha is higher culty than MPSS cvs fr cornactng an MPS player to a camper the amount of room avalale ona sterage deve fut of mamary the stand omat for enceing stn ls A messiement of he aro of ta processed par eacond to change a le back ots ogra om Sloeg homatonin a soe of ona and eros Q Fillin the blanks withthe correct words from the word bank, 0rd upload & 1 Dityos tn ie yor 2 Computers ‘anen too many roars 23 You must instal ain) wth al now Listen and read the recall notice again. Wy ist the Model X2 player being recalled? Listening © © Liston to a conversation between a consumer anda company representative Choose the corect answers. 1 ha se spots monty king ao? A hy AAC as euting rots Bera cansuer car ty 8 cee Pow to aoa cenouners tiem © hn meds consumer cans 2 How the custome ry to fx the NPS slayer? 8 rest tna layer © splosd anew says, remove the AAC Hes © Lsten again and complete the ‘conversation © Wott Tve1 ______ wth my Ppa moi, Which model do you Fave? ©: Ihave he x2 Ge Atta he sound quly stated geting wore. Thane fon me. tought recat & woud bit noting wore hay, hats a prblom cased by 4 ©: 0h good How do gett? Aust dovnload i ram ow watt and § es Speaking © wit a partner, ct out the roles below based on Tak 7. Then, sith roles. Use LaNcuacE SUCH AS: fre gota problem th ny ‘ih mol oyu hve? Tat me atthe ote yout hag Stason A: You ae a company rerosntave. Tak to Stent @ about + mode! © prblens son 8: You ae calng to get hao wth your 1S layer. Avene Sint Ae qvstona Writing © You are » customer experiencing problems with your MP9 player. Use the conversation {rom task 8 1 write letter tothe company telling them about your problems. Make up ‘8 name for the customer. Doar Sor Maca, Shea, 7 Cell phones tring by MobieTech Yee a Me petech proud 10 MOSES ag This ee ene Yt a Sy Faw cll prone MSS 2 tt ct Of fern i = Fecoss alert es a eral yet Poe omar sng ston of Ht ‘too elt tort, The a fost 36, 0 Tyan ts aocass 10 2 Wat 20 Samat Ugg ts 3% sone ately Get ready! (© Betore you read the these questions. 1 How nave ce phones changed business? 2 What kn of featur do col phones nav? sage, tak about Reading © fread the cell phone ‘advertisement on Mabile Techs ‘website. Then, complete the table Using information from the advertisement. [Feat Uses {oe activation [uetoth tctesiony Vocabulary © Match the words (1-7) withthe definitions ws). 1 Beto 5 —toxt message 2 —veiceactaten 6 cal ating 3 —itnun-enbatiny 7 —wocomal {6 36 notwork 1 a power source incall phanes B a short ten message sor too om a cel hone col phone fear tat ln west ‘Reoning eas ung nate el folie that cals mura by speaking steno y dang Ea Yaturo tat ws you lav or Isen to an ‘econ message F awreloss ntwcrk tat connects a pone wth aales nave a ends anc ecses data © Wire @ word thet is similar in mening to the underlined part 1 Tap onthe thing hat yeu touch ose fonues toe 2 Uston otis sound song tat signa aca 3 bout 2 new wists communiatn device 4 check ou my new eal phone aopcan. —p— 5 have a fetus that tes you the name. an rumba ot he pason caing c= 0 |= © © Usten and read the call phone sdvertisement on MobileTect's website again. How would you access the diferent features on The Lightning cell phone? Listening © © Listen to a conversation between two ‘employees. Mark th following statements fs true (1) o false (F). 1) — Th sop serosa tof lors han ethers boc 2 — The sop coos rat show lens purchases ‘3 — The caer Dots you tack a snement eon the prone @ © Listen again and complete the conversation. Employee Hoy, Amy. ink row 1 rE ou rackrg Bion. [Employee 2: Roa? How? Employee its 3 now 2. hlpe mo hoop ‘rk of cents and her purchases, Employee 2 How dossit do tna? Employee Wal its me ken st ofa my Employee 2 Hows tat teen Yom he 3 ny ghove? Employee & This cries me vow ay cnt Employee 2 Thats hepa How cows & wor? Employee jst ap the nen onthe §_—_ art says that ur lee MSs puchase ty bones paper estoy Speaking © witha partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Thon, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: in| Ano how fo soe you. room tea new agp "ust tap the efents eae en the overseen tudent A: You have a whl new a Eva to Student ke up ram fo yur comer Student Ask Sent question about wha mo sp dos 1 howit ters tom an ares bok Writing © Use the conversation trom Task 8 to write ‘description of a new app. | 8 Communications Get ready! © Beotore you read the passage, tak about these questions. 11 How many ways can busnesses ‘communicate wih acheter? = 2 What ae tha tenets of trent ns of eectone cormncaton?” ‘choose the correct answers. 1 Wnatis ClakAnctows00 sending an inant message about [He wane fr ecu tats otis sheet B Ho racoje UPC products stead of EPC Her gat tes sont is pam fle He wants to rer eaupmen thal ean res barcodes 2 WhyadCiats omalerdupin Saas eam te? 1k Sandys ema does nat wor B He sot it to her srarchona. CC The email ha an altactent D He sen fom his cal shone {3 Wat can you orm the corversaton? 1k Sandy does nthe texting cents. B Clark plas on buying a smarghone © Clarks ot fama wh tenoigy ancy has a col shone hat can se tents a et eT eters otra oe erie et eae Ce a) eed pobre rec ray Boar erent peomerateen cere a en ny hain Cre ee eee eet eee tt Cree Rd Vocabulary © Mateh the words (1-8) with the definitions (AH). —atactrant 5 ten ean 6 we span 7 —smarhene —erc 8 —netant mason to senda massage toma cot ine code hat dens rc ers code tht ans types of tes 18 Gevce wth FDA capetiees \ewarted erat 2 fsa than ome Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word ba Ts data pion OA 1 Al ot Jos contacts are saved on 3. Xi) __alos wet to browse he Iremet on emenones 44 Please ser ain wth the rceit © © Listen and read the instant messaging conversation between a client and supplier ‘again. How will the supplier update the client? Listening © © Usten to a conversation between a service representative and a manager. Mark the following statements a8 rus (1) oF flee (F 1 The woman was conmricaing via instant esse 2 Tha man nts on taking eae of he ‘ton heat 3 _ Tremanearat rece eras wih © © Listen again and complete the conversation. Representative: Hieber ist got done taking wh Clark Arcos via Manager: Od you explain he proto scanning the 2? Representative: Yes He said was okay 10 ust, ser product wth UPC Manager: 3 tals an ‘roorar ior Representative: sd wa pt hi wth as things pogess. Manager Wel need ako poco ato rele cur EPCs Can you ako st20 is rer gate takan cae of? Representative: Sure 1 el seing to san his rromng anager Tost in when ifs ora Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles betow ‘based on Tesk 7. Then switch roles, USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: ist ot doe taking ve natant message Unda is ma tat messages as tng oes Text in when te scanned Student A You area serie rorasatatv. Tak to Start B about + conmarscation wth a cient how you can soe the cts problem Make up names for your cnt and manage. Stadont 8 Yu ae a manager Listen to Stale! A ane lle solos Writing © Use the instant messaging conversation land the conversation from Task 8 to fill in the service representative's email to the shipping department. 9 Cnc ula ele MUL cule} See ear ing Peetonr een eee ery qu Tee ebis mui & ae ee I erste Teena ees i basta Hy Hn Get ready! © Botore you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 How can social neworing sts hab busnessos? 2 Why do people uso sci retwoting er gang sts? Reading esd the memo sent to employees at an advertising fim. Then, mark the folowing Statements as tue (1) or false ©. 1 — Update wi apa pots 2 — beats ma ral wd 3 Train coated atk oa coeur Vocabulary © Choose the word that is closest in ‘meaning to the underlined pert. 1 Jack ested an knage ina comeuier game st ects ‘aberion AMMORPG Bik © avatar 2 Put your erat on your wseeage with srsoal ar dentin A prlle —B foun © ink 3 Click on hat wort est of wars ona web o document B eos B le © i! word 4 Create a name that parson uses 0 scoes8 an account A nerds B foun © biog 5 Assomeene on ho website hare paola can dics tones 6 Now games create an crn envionment A avatar veualword ie 7 Read ths website wh posts bout personal aces and nists Ahande Beg © too 4 Plece leave 9 message ona nebate post B MORPG Chand Q Fill in the blanks withthe correct words trom the wore bank 0d, gaming W/ORPC food 1 Shadow of Doubts i many lave 2 The ste habs you mest oe: potessonals 3 receive updates bout products toagh anos 4 Sah oyors umes, spends al hr money on © © Listen and read the memo sent to employees at an advertising fem again. Where wll bloggers be able to chat about Centro computers? Listening LUsten to a conversation between two employees ‘Advertsing, Mark the following statements fs tue (tor fle 1 — fae lane a aoverte re cont ona ong st. 2 — Angel ut up a post ntning custome of see sofware, 3 There have been no caso comps cn the foram Listen again and complete the conversation. Employee 1 tho protien Employee 2: Theres a rt doscsin ofthe computer and ts fests Pod wet be 2 requar pets on 3 Employee 2 They vedao customers on he aes Convo es he pt efome estore ot Enployeet Great Anying oe? Employee 2 Wave gota Employeet has th fceback rom customers been he? Employee 2 Thee have been several 6 abot the pice. ‘But overt the esposes are very postive ‘or poole to discus the Speaking {© wit partner, ct out the roles below based on Task 7. ‘Then, swith roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: Vat of oman one? Wat ae te pot fr? Tere have boen soveral comes on an advertising casi Ae Suen 8 aout 4 formation on he prot customer eecback 1: You ar eating on overtsng campaign Aiswer Writing © Gal cottect information about ‘8 new computer and create a bile, You can vist thi ‘website: tei interviews i) GPS Td ‘MapSources otters GPS sroducts for al your navigation nocd Fst acquisition time mess yu went wal ofr out your postion Nake your ‘own maps wih cartography modes ‘Our most afordabi unt. the MapSourcesTaveer '5 cosignd to meat the needs of every ave ‘Yeu never get lost 9 ety again Save your favor locations wih upto 500 waypoints. Know where you are wth latitude anc longitude feadings. Download new mape for intematinal ravigabon. Annual updates make sire you rave the latest maps ‘The MapSoxrces Po ser has tho Highost ‘sccuracy ed Integity. Rescue teams and ‘ila pts who nood accurate readings ary Cconctions can depend on MapSoutces Pro. The Pro sorine works at almost er elevation % We dont ust bb with navigaton Keep track a what's important with the TrackStar series. Ths roduet shows the coordinates of your goods. Your esr or even you pt MapSources: Get Lost, but Don't Stay Lost Reading = i ee 5 0 atm ser ome! fnewors. : 1 hata me acetioret 0A? 1 ow sce GPS oes wk crt GS tat MapSouce> 1G Mopsouces GPS rear ome rq D why MacSeurces GPS 6250 82 E> wnat can your sbost he Mapsourees Traveler Th cost ess than th MapSoues PP. 1 es ra nk caret mee. 1 Custemars mut prcase the arr pare Travelers than b waxsovces sos + ape gap mse ta Tyce oma 3 PRomes © tut Get ready! {© Before you rad the passage, tak about these questions. 1 iy do pecsle use GPS? 8 id buiessee? Vocabulary etna wrt <7) he ons es) pa a Te joaes | ocain relative fo the East B tact above soe © we minomere coe te ity to pero wut re ovation exposed by Fume the prasoe of manana 6 locator rie 1 th Pee Mean O Fillin the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank, OC waypoints navigation 1. Save latns you gato ofen as GPS 2 Tho TackStar Pus gies roads of my dogs 3 GPS proven eable ie ays uses) 5 Te devo high sessing ona oad te otra ns way aroun moan we wont wa fe 3 © © Listen and read the advert products a Betivity of sment about GPS in. What term Is used to describe the ing maps? Listening © {Listen to @ conversation between a customer and 18 Customer Service Rep. Mark the following Statements as true (F) or false (). — The cstemar hs srbles th He coma GPS 2 _ The customer needs mayo fs OPS. {Te representative recommends the MapSouces ‘velo Eke © © Listen again and complete the conversation. Representative: Yes, those ate cr most power products What kd of company ist (Customer Is cb serve | want te equ my cere wth he beet Representative: The Pro seo is aciny 2 can aplaes and mars Highs stators Ir probly more tan you ned (customer What product wud you recenenend. ha? Representative: The Sources Tavlr Et 6 cu most 3 canner GPS. Customer Ny divors havo to oman a oto eaters Does trecerd¢— Representative: does, You can save up 1 5005 Customer Ovay, 116 Thank for Speaking © With a partner, aot out the roles beiow based on Ta ‘Then, switch oles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: Ii okig in buying GPS dies tr myeamoany What kn of company? Wht prev would you recommen? set A You ae laokng fer GPS eytom Tak to Stiot 8 1 probes avai at oatees you want hat mode! ost x you Student 8: You ae a Custer Servos Reposoratve, Answer Stasent As cuostons. Writing © Use the conversation trom ‘Task 8 to fill nthe customer's note. Make up a name forthe customer. Sane, | eated MapSouces today about Could you ak to few of the ers ‘soo hat they bck? Thanks, | J) Safe Bank Online Services ‘Safe Bark, you can ‘ance yeu frances tom ‘nline banking aris. Ne fra range ot Hee sons {oma you Wo ease Woried about ebook earn? Choose ar ‘montr your account fet Does 2 relative ness money now? Tranter ‘money wih electronic {nde taneer to oer Heung woubieerganing ‘io? Ent no Bil pay ‘ar top concom, Safe Bark frotects you fom bank frau ana dontty thot Each morbor gots @uriauo BIN upor opening bor ‘Sccount Our ate key and ‘SS cormecton snore re aration tomate owes ty to guoss you" password Sigh in fr ocount alert to be ‘otied of suspicious actly Withers a one of our Get ready! © Betore you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 Wis onto baring ust? 2 Wma we ers of nine tank? Reading @ Read the description of online banking on 3 ‘website. Then choose the correct answers. 1 Wat iho pessage most abou? 8 how to tantr money the fotos of elocerc bring tree ways o mentor accoxnts 2 int comes with every Sal Bank account sxtorateay? 3 Wat can you ner stout the erie baking B tt dos nt ofr savings accounis C it et ote soc ther soca D itso on way to open an accent Sate Vocabulary the correct word pairs to fil the 18 Pa deny tet 1 acount sts. bil pay loctric statements, acount sty 2 nine bake hve a) end tn) 1 SStoxtneetin ste Koy 8 PN alectene statements 2 Torotect members om faut ono bas © Phi alot unde rater Match the words (+5) withthe detritions (AE). 1 — elctenic 3 —biay gal acts to access money hat not yous Ca sence tat lows yu o manage tances on tha sends money to pele ane © © Usten and read the description of ontine banking on a website again. How can a customer pay thi bills online? Listening © © Listen to a conversation between a bank ler and an account holder. Mark the following statements as tre (7) o false). 2 — Belore hod his account. the bark wil 13 The tears a epesertatve of he Fraud Preventon department © © LUsten again and complete the conversation. Teller OK.4 e ‘xe we king at? [Account holder The one at he ATR n rds on Teller: 1082 Account holder: But, need My 3 ~The got few ayers echedded bore plac the hold Aecount older: 4 % that wma? Teller Ou Feud Prevention Deptt an nvestgate ad sve a reir Shout vance you? Account holder: § shan Speaking © witm a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Thea, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: 1 saw a witha mae. 1 tamparary hod en your account by someone else. Tak to Student B about Stunt As questions, Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to complete the recent Safe Bank ec ion and research Announcing the i] THINK TANK on-line Library No library holds every siglo book. poroical and ® academe joural mth world The Inernet oan @ change that. That's why you noed the ThinkTank Online Library. With Tankank, you" Rxary cou accese milan of enine resources J Subsoripton to ox service opens you Roary to 8 huge catalog of content. Browse tho ea3y 10 Use index for ebooks are elourale: Searcy foray op o* uso can” thnk of Search media tko images, (90 novspapors: magsenst and audio Hes. Simple boolean ‘operators hip rarow the search Users can always i st what thoyre foking fo People who vst Ubrares cant atways get to one. Remote access. lots cur clente use Thnklan from home: Users with a site lesnss access ThokTank trough an EZproxy sever. The VPN encryption secures, the connection, Al users need a rary cad ur ticenee restriction ges acoass to copyrighted works Users went find these kde of resources trough normal search enghos. Uso of he sonice for commercial easons is prohtod Tetonde Get ready! © Before you read the {alk about these questions. 1 iat tpis en penle ‘wsaach ona? 2 How can intermation teehology ae ‘combine buses aed Vocabulary iia © Fallin the blanks with the correct words and phrases Reading {rom the words bank. 0), TES: license restriction ebook VPN EZproxy boolean operator "index site license © Read the advertisement for an Coline library subscription. ‘Then, mark tho following statements as tue () oF false 11 Youcant acces tht fe because of 1 — Tinka tans 2 cownoadod a opnigted wa 3 Te trary uses fn) _comecton. 2 — Ubray members can uso tho 4 Yu can sccess the ora at hae ough th Then series fom ome Bee aga “Type ae) ___torofro the soach aca 6 Check he sranys fer books on he ste, mea 7 The ary has af) 1o access ho save © Choose the word that is closest in met underlined part. 1 Check he book nvenoy to se fhe book ava A eto Bmada © cstlog ing tothe 2 Tho rary subscrbes to that ore pric Amada B calalg = obama ‘3 The tary has avery thorough mas communication section A cook = B mada, unal 4 Cav bout a pd menor A sibicipion 8 ree acess boolean operate the advertisement for an online How does a user access © Liston and library subscription aga ‘Tinkenk from home? Listening © © Listen to a conversation between a ThinkTank Online Library representative anda librarian. Choose the correct answers 1 What coho speakers most tak abou? ‘A stuzorts having pecans wih remote accoss 1 the uweraty computers not access the serves © canoeing the rvs ThrkTank sascipton ow to remove he VPN fam he saree 2 Whats tne cause ofthe ible? [A Tho teas rometeaccoss is dsaled Tho sons hve thar own TirkTan subscriptions (The untersty computers ae not capable of wsng VPN Tho urversty computers have new softwar instal, (the conversation. @ © ston again and compl Aro tho tors un ta on compu? 1 Yes ty havo Ihr fe wn stents use 2 Have ousted antirg new on he computes? 1 Actua yes We at get now 3 FA thal makes nse. The pop Blockers are prvertng the 4am oeatng a connection fa new wind. 1 How go fate protien? st um of he pop-up locker and everthing § L Oy 6 for youre, Speaking © With a partner, set out the les below on Task 7. Then, switch rol USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: We have a prtiem with our sxwscroton ‘vs you stad anyining new? ow cote prose? ‘Student A: Your eompuers rave no access to the one brary Tako StadereB about + ho.can ans cant use he | = new sotwere representative fan ono tray Listen o Sibdot A and svqget a scion Writing © Use the conversation rom ‘oak 8 to film an emal rom the Librarian to the oentative, Make up 3 tame forthe Librarian From Ter -Srpon TOepriment cepartenttecheghon sc Subject Tank bien ot, 13 Robotics Get ready! © Botore you read the passage, tlk about these questions. 1 What can pple us obo fo? 2 How do robots change tines? Toca From: Laas pove comaageacom) Subject Technical Problems wth New Robot cast : The robotles team hore at Powel (3) rently develope an robots. main functions to aesst i packaging and Seaing lage boxes at factories Howe wwe ae havng some tecnica cbs. nou youve wood on robots olor. Fo hoping "you have ‘somo advice to salung the problem, Tho robot consis of a manipulator with Joints arc a1 end-etictor at he top. This acts ke 3 fand Thore isan enabling deviee on the robot that ‘lon ito move. The operator uses a pendant [0 ‘onto he robots actuators. Th costes to drive ‘power that makes tho robot move. The enabling Sevice arpoars fo bo working But wo camel gt the ‘tual espana baked ove the dmarlc model and dei fr ary overs Do you tik hore waren ‘ath te equality conetran would eat apprecate ny babe Thanks Use Reading @ Read the email trom an ‘engineer at Powell Technologies. Then, read the ‘summary ofthe passage. il in the blanks withthe correct words and phrases from the ened honk. Vocabulary — word! © Match the words (9) withthe definitions (Ac). ‘dynamic model _ end-effector 1 er. « Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Stanley Wright Boab Express Publishing Scope and Sequence Unit | Topic [Reading context] Vocabulary Funeton 7 acs and PCs Magazhe Arnel |Aglacolermthing, Mae, Mcosoh, 5 X PC, Stang a [mepress processing sped, ypogay, eo |eelrenco subeyetor Windows 2 | ‘Eval Icarmand nes, ee sotware leer, rieace, Uruk, [using Linux dtuton McrsotOtica opensource, leoncens | \Cbenoie,ToPAPprtecl terminal. unt 3 |Comecting to mal [actor apt CAD, CBT, OVD, elec ouetn [Ging an (cont a Soar FA, mada paye, MPEG altnoda labity open Employees 4 [Aavertsing and [Conract__antated GF, cick Preah ao cick wackng OPW, [Conering Mansing (CPC above the fut commis, campagn, goo |nfomatn | ____|aretng. teaser capi. nang 5 [Aatoration [investor Repor automaton, CN, embeds sysiers encoder (Askng fo" Enemetnstwo, faut tolerant agreed crculs,/sagestons latency, agen system, oscilescope. port reson | a recsndnoy 6 [Teloconratng [Leiter ‘Basecanp, coals colr

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