Utilization of The Training of Trainers of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre: An Empirical Study Name: Abubokkor Siddik Id: 14

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Utilization of the Training of Trainers of Bangladesh Public Administration

Training Centre: An Empirical Study

Name: Abubokkor Siddik
Id: 14
Department of Public Administration
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), is the apex public sector training
institute in Bangladesh-meeting the challenges of the 21st century. The centre offers innovative
training courses across subjects, from public administration and governance to leadership
training, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), office management, gender and development,
financial management, project management, conflict management and negotiation, e-government
management, Total Quality Management (TQM), training of trainers (TOT) and personal
development. The study " Utilization of the Training of Trainers of Bangladesh Public
Administration Training Centre: An Empirical Study" which investigates the utilization of
training inputs to develope the positive knowledge , skills and positive behavior and attitude of
the professional trainers. For this study, the researchers deliberately use multiple methods, such
as survey and case study method as questionnaire survey and case study, here the TOT course
has a significant effect on improving the skills and positive knowledge of the participants on
concepts of training, training management, and training methodology. All the Participants are
then inspired to serve as professional trainers. Most of the participants took initiative to apply the
training inputs in practical training sessions and they were partially successful in the application.
This study finds some causes that create impact on the utilization, such as, higher management
support, lack of proper training , lack of resources and rewards, number and selection of
participants, , personal de-motivation in terms of good career plan of professional trainers,
individual time-management capacity and coordination between service sections within the
training organization. So finally, institutional and the effective personal working environment are
responsible for successful utilization of the training of trainers.
Keywords : Post Training Utilization, Career Trainer, Public Sector Training, Improving personal Behaviour

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