Topic 2. State Power and Public Administration

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Topic 2. State power and public administration.

1. State power as a part of governmental mechanism.

2. Principles and parties of public administration.
3. Goals and functions of public administration.
4. Procedures and tools of public administration.
5. Organizational structure of public administration.
6. Models of public administration: international practices.

1. State power as a part of governmental mechanism.

First we begin with the concept of state.

Approaches to analysis of essence and origin of state.
1. Political and philosophical approach (представники стародавньої філософії
Aristotle and Cicero). State is considered as a means to meet daily needs, to solve
common cause. як свого роду засіб спілкування, що організований заради спільного
блага, вирішення «спільних справ» і регулювання відносин «народ - держава».
2. Class (Marxist approach). State is considered as the result of division of society
into classes and a means of class struggle.
3. Organizational and Legal approach, which defines the state as a legal and
institutional means of regulating social relations.
4. Economic approach and public choice theory in particular. (James McGill
Buchanan Jr.) State arises in consequence of conclusion of a social contract, as
individuals try to organize their social relations on market principles. За аналогією із
товарними ринками виникає особливий політичний ринок, на якому встановлення
системи державної влади відбувається внаслідок процедури торгів, предметом яких
стають голоси виборців, що віддаються на користь тієї чи іншої політичної сили.
Public choice theory is based on several conceptual foundations:
 methodological individualism
 conception of “homo economicus”(МВ> МС) marginal benefits> marginal costs
 analysis of politics as the exchange process. Концепція аналізу політики як
процесу обміну
The idea of the state is usually associated with the notion of managing an area by
legal order. The concept of state relates to historical institutional reality that is linked to
the specific society, political culture, and economy within which it operates and with
which it interacts.
Defining the modern state is a contentious (дискуссионный) project, most scholars
(учёный) recognize (выделяют) a set of common features, including the following:
a standing army;
a diplomatic corps;
a centralized bureaucracy (especially for tax collection);
standardized legal procedures;
the demarcation of national economies;
and the incorporation of populations as citizens.
Anderson (1989, pp. 19–22), suggests 6 basic functions of state. Some of these are
examples of market failure, but he sees a wider role for government, as the following
1. Providing economic infrastructure. Governments provide the basic institutions,
rules and arrangements necessary for the satisfactory operation of a modern economic
system. These include the definition and protection of property rights, the enforcement of
contracts, the provision of a standard currency, weights and measures, the maintenance
поддержание of law and order.
2. Provision обеспечение, предоставление; снабжение of various collective
goods and services. There are some public goods which, while valuable to the whole
society, are difficult for individuals to pay for according to the amount of good used. Once
provided for one, they are available for all. These include such items as national defence,
roads and bridges, aids to navigation, flood control защита от наводнений, traffic
control systems and other infrastructure.
3. The resolution and adjustment of group conflicts. A basic reason for the existence
of government is the need to resolve conflict in a society in pursuance выполнение;
исполнение, совершение of justice, order and stability. This may include actions to
protect the economically weak social groups against the economically strong social
groups. Government may seek to replace exploitation with equity through child labour
laws, minimum wage legislation, or workers’ compensation programmes.
4. The maintenance of competition. Competition does not always maintain itself in
the private sector. In the absence of suitable regulation, companies would be able to form
cartels, restrict access to their products and fix prices.
5. Protection of natural resources. Damage to the environment from market activity
is the textbook example of market failure. Only government can alleviate смягчать
environmental damage.
6. Stabilization of the economy. There have always been fluctuations in the business
cycle of the economy where boom conditions are followed by recessions. Government
action may be able to alleviate the fluctuations in the business cycle through the budget,
or monetary policy or control over wages or prices.

Power is one of the most important social interactions; it is specific relationship

between at least two parties, one of which obeys the orders of another, and as a result
dominant party implements its will and interests.
The main elements of power are subject, object, and resources.
One of the most meaningful classifications of power is its division according to the
resources on which it relies, namely the economic, social, political, spiritual and
informational kinds of power.
A special type of political power is a state power.
State power is an instrument providing existence of state and achievement of its
objectives, through the power and methods implemented to ensure common and private
needs, realize functions of regulation and resolve conflicts in society.
The state itself is not the primary source of power. The holder of sovereignty and the
only source of power is nation. People exercise power directly and through governmental
bodies and local authorities.

2. Principles and parties of public administration.

The agents (subjects) of public administration are: state government; ministries;
local authorities; national (state) bank; officials.
The control objects of public administration are: national economy as a whole;
economic sectors; industries; businesses; markets; people and social groups; environment.
Type of relationships between subjects and objects of public administration is always
state-authoritative (державно-владним), and always one party (the subject of public
administration) is given the state-authoritative powers, while objects of public
administration execute orders, instructions and other regulatory documents coming from
the subject .
There are three groups of Public administration Principles:
- social and political Principles: legi’timacy; paying attention to public opinion;
objecti’vity; democracy; transparency;
- Public administration building Principles: sectoral, functional, territorial
- organisational Principles: normativity, undivided authority (единоначалие);
collective nature (коллегиальность), division of administrative labour; policy evaluation
(ответственность за решения), self-dependency (самостоятельность).
Properties Ознаки of PA
1. executive and administrative nature виконавчо-розпорядчий характер
(державне управління становлять два взаємопов'язаних аспекти: виконавча та
розпорядча діяльність);
2. sublegislative nature підзаконність (здійснення виконавчо-розпорядчої
діяльності на основі правових норм, головне місце серед яких належить Конституції,
законам, актам глави держави);
3. immensity масштабність (державно-управлінська діяльність є
найоб'ємнішою в державі. Вона розповсюджується на всю її територію та величезну
кількість об'єктів управління. До сфери його безпосереднього відання належать
правові, інформаційні, економічні, фінансові, технічні, організаційні, людські та
інші ресурси, що є в наявності у держави) та omnitude універсальність (діяльність
органів виконавчої влади, яка є безперервною, тобто вона неможлива без
повсякденного і постійного управлінського впливу на суспільні відносини,
охоплюючи всі, без винятку, сфери суспільного життя та здійснюється на всіх
рівнях управління - від центру до регіонів та конкретних територій);
4. hierarchical pattern ієрархічність (система органів виконавчої влади
побудована на засадах чіткої підпорядкованості та субординації нижчестоящих
органів вищестоящим);
5. organizing nature організуючий характер (управлінський вплив державного
управління, спрямований на організацію спільної праці членів суспільства,
соціальних колективів, організацій з метою забезпечення життєдіяльності держави
та забезпечення добробуту її громадян із застосуванням для цього засобів
виробництва, природних ресурсів, матеріальних та інших цінностей.

3. Goals and functions of public administration.

Choosing objectives is the most important and difficult task of managerial activity,
especially for social systems.
The main general objectives of any government are providing people’s well-being,
providing interaction of the social groups; observance of public interests and other
development goals.
It is important to build a tree of objectives of public administration, which would
contain consistent strategic, operational and tactical goals, final and intermediate goals.
It is also important to connect these goals with resources and forms of their
implementation. (Ковбасюк, ДУ, т. 1, стр. 376)
За джерелом виникнення й змістом, складною та логічною послідовністю
основні види цілей державного управління утворюють таку структуру:
The system of objectives of public administration comprises the following:
– public and political goals, суспільно-політичні, що охоплюють комплексний,
цілісний, збалансований і якісний розвиток суспільства;
– social goals, які відображають вплив суспільно-політичних цілей на соціальну
структуру суспільства, взаємовідносини її елементів, стан і рівень соціального
життя людей;
– economic goals, які характеризують і утверджують економічні відносини, що
забезпечують матеріальну основу реалізації суспільно-політичних та інших цілей;
– nonmaterial goals, пов’язані в одному аспекті зі сприйняттям духовних
(культурних) цінностей, якими керується суспільство, а в другому – з підключенням
духовного потенціалу суспільства в реалізацію суспільно-політичних і соціальних
цілей. (Ковбасюк, ДУ, т. 1, стр. 376).
Functions of PA are integrated controlling actions of Government, which are
carried out according to the legislation by specially created executive authorities by
means of specific methods in order to implement the tasks of PA.
Functions of PA are divided into general, special and auxiliary.
General functions take place in any cooperation of public authorities with control
objects: planning, organization, regulation, control, motivation, communication.
Special functions reflect specific features of a particular subject or control object of
public administration; these are functions in specific areas and sectors: administrative
and Political, Economic, social, cultural and educational functions.
For example, there are four major economic functions for government action in a
modern mixed economy:
1. Improving economic efficiency
2. Reducing economic inequality
3. Stabilizing the economy through macroeconomic policies
4. Conducting international economic policy.
Auxiliary functions serve the implementation of general and Special functions; they
are conditioned by internal need of management system itself (HR management,
purchasing of property and equipment, accounting, juridical functions, documentation).
4. Procedures and tools of public administration.

To perform these functions, government should use definite methods, procedures and
According to different criteria one can sort out several classifications of methods of

1. By functional content:
Administrative Economic Legal Social and
dispositive Розпорядчі Planning and Legal regulation Social
forecasting Правове регулювання
Regulatory Government Persuasion and moral and ethical
Регламентаційні regulation of coercion Переконання і
economy примус
normative Economic Subordination and psychological
stimulation coordination
Субординація і

2. By direction of influence:
 focused on the national level;
 focused on various structures (industries, regions, institutions, organizations,
 focused on certain workers
3. By nature of influence:
 methods of direct action (Legal and Administrative regulation)
 methods of indirect action (as a rule, Economic, Social and psychological
4. By manner:
 positive methods (stimulation)
 negative methods (coercion).
Most government intervention that use discussed methods can occur through four
available instruments:
(i) provision, where the government provides goods or services through the
government budget;
(ii) subsidy, which is really a sub-category of provision and is where the government
assists someone in the private economy to provide government desired goods or services;
(iii) production, where governments produce goods and services for sale in the
(iv) regulation, which involves using the coercive принудительный powers of the
state to allow or prohibit certain activities in the private economy.

5. Organizational structure of public administration.

Наявність структури - невід'ємний атрибут всіх реально існуючих систем, у

тому числі організаційних, до яких належать органи державної влади й органи
місцевого самоврядування.
Organizational structure of public administration is a set of structural elements
(subdivisions, departments, public authorities, officials, resources) and relationships
between these elements.
Every organizational structure of management comprises 3 basic elements:
 management unit, звено
 management level;
 relationships (horizontal and vertical or subordination, coordination,
Management unit is an independent element of management structure, for example,
structural units or officials, which performs one or more management functions.
Unit of public administration system is formed by public authorities which are
characterized by the same organizational and legal status and similarity of managerial
functions performed (ministries and other central executive authorities, local state
administrations etc.).
A certain management level should be considered as totality of management units
that occupy a definite level in the management system. At the same management level the
division of competence between units is implemented.
Another element that forms organizational structure is organizational relationships
between agents and objects of management.
There are three types of relationships within the organizational structure of public
- subordination (links from up to down, from agent of management to control object);
- coordination (links between two or more entities that occupy the same level);
- reordination (links from the bottom upwards, from control objects to the agent of
Public authority (government body) is an important element of organizational
structure of public administration. It is an entity of state power structure (одиничною
структурою влади), formally established by the state to perform its objectives and
functions, and is connected with forming and implementation of government controlling

Building of organizational structure of public administration is conditioned by

several factors:
 form of government (форма гос. устройства);
 polity type (форма правления) of a state;
 political regime;
 functions of state and PA;
 Administrative-Territorial Division of state;
 government policy and competence of officials;
 location of control objects.

Building of organizational structure is implemented by organizational designing

aimed at achieving goals of certain institution (organization) and implementation of its
mission. Organizational designing includes the following steps:
- Determination of vertical levels of management;
- realization of horizontal division of institution, that is assignment закріплення of
activities for line and functional units;
- Establishing links between various departments;
- Defining authority and responsibilities of positions; determining duties.
There are a lot of types of organizational structures of management used in a
corporate management as well as in PA, which can be demonstrated within a table
Let’s define the main features of different organizational structures of
1. Line organizational structure. Every subordinate has only one manager who
performs all administrative and special functions in a certain unit.
2. Functional organizational structure is based on division of managerial functions
between separate departments of management system. It means that at the same time
every production unit receives orders (commands) from several managers of functional
3. Line and functional organizational structure is based on distribution of authority
according to managerial functions and on procedures of vertical decision making.
Management is organized on the basis of line pattern, and functional departments (dep. of
marketing, finance, R and D, HR) help line managers to solve managerial problems.
4. Divisional organizational structure. Every production division of corporation has
its own developed structure of management providing its autonomous functioning. Only
strategic managerial functions are centralized on a corporate level. There are 4 ways for
combination of production units:
by goods and services,
by consumers,
territorial (regional)
on the basis of strategic business units.
5. Matrix management. Essence of MM lies in integration of two managerial
principles – horizontal and vertical. In terms of this structure project groups function
together with line managers and functional departments. Project groups are created from
employees of permanent functional departments and are temporarily subordinated to the
project manager.

6. Models of public administration: international practices.

1. The traditional model. It can be characterized as: an administration under the

formal control of the political leadership, based on a strictly hierarchical model of
bureaucracy, staffed by permanent, neutral ньютрал and anonymous officials, partly
serving and governing. The traditional model of public administration remains the longest
standing and most successful theory of management in the public sector, but is now being
2. Pluralist model. Public administrations in Western democracies have always
governed in association with groups representing sectoral interests. At the early 1980s,
states were engaged with such groups within widely differing patterns of interaction. The
United States was traditionally seen as the ideal type of pluralist state-society relations,
wherein a plethora of interest groups fed political demands into a fragmented state.
3. An opposing, neocorpo’ratist model was provided by 1970s West Germany, where
a relatively united state negotiated with a small number of “peak” business and labor
4. ‘Public management’ model. Whatever the model is called, it represents a major
shift from traditional public administration to managerial features.
They are: paying great attention to the achievement of results and the personal
responsibility of managers; making organizations, personnel, and employment terms and
conditions more flexible; introduction of policy evaluation; reducing government
4. Governance as a model considers that the public administration has shifted away
from vertical hierarchy toward more horizontal forms of coordination. More state, local
government, and private actors are involved in this process, each having a more equal
public voice.

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