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stablishing a Quality Culture - 1 Establishing a quality culture involves specific planning and activities for

business or department. Phases of Emotional Transition Emotional Transition

27. Establishing a Quality Culture - 2 Steps in Conversion to Quality: Identify the Changes needed Put
the Planned Changes in Writing Develop a Plan for Making the Changes Understand the Emotional
Transition process Identify Key People and Make Them advocates Take a Hearts and Minds Approach
Apply Courtship Strategies

28. Maintaining a Quality Culture Establishing Quality Culture is a challenging undertaking for any
organization. It is even more challenging to maintain it over time. In order to maintain Quality Culture,
organizations must foster the following behaviors Maintain awareness of Quality as a key cultural issue.
Make sure that there is plenty of evidence of Management’s leadership. Empower Employees and
encourage self-development and self-initiative.

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