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WESTERN DAILY PRESS Friday, September 18, 2020  5


Boat owner Download the app

homeless ★4.7/5 ★4.2/5

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level drops
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man has described the pan- emma elgee
icked moment he grabbed his
two dogs and laptop and
flung them to safety as his boat sank munity of boaters has stepped in to
in only 30 minutes on Tuesday night. help, offering me clothes, food, and
Water levels started dropping rap- my friend has lent me their camper
idly without warning after a sluice van to sleep in tonight.
gate failed near Lower Bristol Road “I am effectively homeless now.
in the Twerton area of Bath at I’ve parked the camper close to my
around 6pm. boat as I want to be here to watch
James Stuart-Wigley lost almost over it. It has got everything in it.”
everything after his boat got stuck in The Environment Agency has con-
the mud and sank after the water firmed it is inspecting each boat and
disappeared. the rescue operation is likely to take fun, faST and FREe
Mr Stuart-Wigley, who is in his “several days”. >>James Stuart-Wigley’s
40s, said: “I am in shock. I haven’t It also says it has offered accom- boat which is largely Have a go!
slept and can’t believe it happened. modation to people who have lost submerged; below, James
Everything I own was in that boat. It their homes with facilities on site for has been left homeless ‘Money doesn’t come for
is my home, it’s gone. those who wish to stay near their Paul Gillis free’ is the old adage
“I had just got back to the boat boats. we’ve heard a million
when I noticed the ropes getting Mr Stuart-Wigley added that the times before, but at
tight. boat sinking had come at the worst those affected and give help and InYourArea this may no
“I thought that was weird as it’s possible time because of the corona- advice on issues like how to access longer be the case with
virus. medicine and accommodation. our new free daily scratch
Everything I own was He said: “I was only really just get- However, boat owners are advised card!
ting back on my feet. I lost a lot of not to attempt to access or interfere It’s super-easy to play
in that boat. It is my work during the lockdown as a fit- with the stability of their vessels and works very much the
same as a traditional
home, it’s gone ness instructor. I am basically self- while they are in this dangerous con-
scratch card — but online
employed and still paying off the dition until they have been assessed.”
James Stuart-wigley money that I used to buy the boat in Ian Withers, of the Environment — and is 100% free to
the first place.” Agency, said: “This is very distressing play. Prizes start as a
The Canal and River Trust spokes- to see so many people who rely on £20 Amazon voucher, and
not really the season for floods or man said: “We had four colleagues their boats as their home to sudden- rolls over if there is no
anything. out on site from 7pm working along- ly become stricken and unable to winner until it reaches a
“I tried to loosen them but I was side the emergency services to sup- access their property. Fortunately, it maximum value of £500.
already stuck in the mud. It hap- port boaters along the 2.5 miles appears no one was harmed and the
pened so fast. I then tried to reverse affected stretch. This has been a joint hard work of righting this situation
with my engine but my propeller was effort between a number of parties has begun. Traffic updates
out of the water. including the trust, Environment “An incident like this is unprece-
“The whole thing went down in Agency, B&NES, the emergency ser- dented. But with the support of ‘InYourArea provides
about 30 minutes. All I have got now vices and Julian House [homeless B&NES, the Canal & River Trust and you with the latest up to
is what I am standing in. charity]. Avon & Somerset Police steps are date traffic and travel
“I just had time to grab my two “We will also be working with spe- being taken. news to point you away
rescue dogs and my laptop and cialist teams to help with re-floating “The first is welfare and accommo- from any snarls-ups on
chuck them onto land before it boats. This is in co-ordination with dation, which has been offered to the road, trouble with
went.” the Environment Agency who will be those in need of a place to stay, rail cancellations or
Mr Stuart-Wigley, who works as a gradually, and safely, letting the with facilities now on site for those when the next bus is
fitness instructor and yoga teacher, water back into the waterway. This who have chosen to be near their due — all in REAL time.
said he had been enjoying living in will not be able to happen until all property.
his boat which he has owned for a the boats have been individually “We are holding the river
year. assessed. ronment Agency and its partners is upstream while engineers contract-
The Canal and River Trust said the “We appreciate that the situation leading on the incident in Bath ed by the Canal & River Trust begin
“sudden and dramatic” drop of the is extremely distressing for our boat- which saw a number of boats sink inspecting each boat to see if it will
river meant it was impossible to give ing customers and we are doing eve- when the river level suddenly float or if repair is needed first. While
warning to the boaters. rything possible to support them.” dropped on Tuesday. this operation continues, it is obvi-
Mr Stuart-Wigley said: “There has The Environment Agency said “Staff have investigated to find out ously necessary for us to keep the
been no communication to me from accommodation has been offered to what happened and it appears a fault river upstream and it will likely take
the Environment Agency or the those in need and that it is inspect- in the software which operates the several days.
Canal and River Trust about when ing each boat to see if it can be re- vertical sluice gate caused it to open “Once done, and everyone is satis-
help is coming to sort my boat. floated, adding the situation was suddenly, causing the river level to fied no further damage will be
“No one is taking responsibility “unprecedented”. drop 1.8 metres. caused, the river will be released in a
here. Thankfully the brilliant com- A spokesperson said: “The Envi- “Partners will continue to support safe and controlled manner.”

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