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PLANNING 3 - INTRODUCTION TO URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING |Course Name: Concepts & emerging trends, methods & techniques in urban and regional planning; design of human settlements, and overview of land use in the planning of regions. |Course Description Number of Units for Lecture and Studio Lecture - 3 units [Number of Contact Hours per week Lecture «8 Hrs “Panning 2 ‘At the end of the course, the student will be able to! 1. have a general understanding of the planning process; 2. understand the basic foundation of planning: 3. have a boarder framework upon which the student in architecture ace can foresee the implication of specitic projects; ne 4. loam useful panning techniques relovant tothe rank ofthe architect as a design professional 5. lorelate history & theories of urban & regional planning to ecology & sustainable development. 5. understand the current thoughts and practices with regards to plan formulation & implementation; 1.0 Introduction: Humans in their ecological setting 2.0 Ekistics: The Science of Human Settlements 3.0 Location Theory: The Foundation of Planning 4.0 Definition of Planning 5.0 Historical Overview and Influences, 6.0 Basic Planning Concepts 7.0 Overview of Urban and Regional Planning Theories and Issues: Implications to Architectural Practice 80 The Comprehensive Planning Process 9.0 Planning of Particular Projects 9.4 Land Use Planning 9.2 Physical Planning 9.3 Transportation and Public Facilities [Course Outline Planning (Infrastructure) 9.4 Erivironmental Planning (Agrarian, Forest, Coastal) 9.5 Tourism Planning 9.6 Historic Preservation 9.7 Fiscal Planning 10.0 Plans related to urban and regional planning 11.0 The State of Philippine Urban and Regional Planning 12.0 Institutions in Planning 13.0 Pertinent Planning Laws ( HLURB Guidelines, BP 957, NEDA, Local Government Units, MMDA, DILG, NHA, etc.) 14.0. Environmental impact Assessment 15.0 Current State, Challenges and issues course Specifications - PSG Architecture Education {ae of 22 December 2006) 73/93 Sea Equipment Audio visual requirement [Suggested Textbooks | Suggested References: land References Sustainable Cities (2003) MeGraw Hill Publication Toward Sustainable Development (2002) ~ Lawn, Joseph Introduction to Planning - Eamest Alexander 2” ed, 1993 Introduction to Urban Planning - Catanese, Joseph (latest edition) Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning - Hall, Peter Possible Urban Worlds INURA (2000) Time-Saver Standards in Urban Planning - De Chiara, et al HLRB Planning Guides National Urban Development and Housing Framework Report. HLRB Urban Development and Planning in Metro Manila -MMDA

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