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Enumerate and explain the types of master data and marketing documents in
SAP Business One.
 The first type of master data is the Business Partner Master Data.
Business partner master data composed of customer, vendor/supplier and
lead that are related to marketing. Business partner master data is used to
record and retrieve business partner information and schedule business
partner activities. The second type of master data is the Item Master Data
and it composed of inventory item, sales item, purchased item and fixed
item. The Item master data consists of the general area and seven tabs.
Each tab enables you to manage sales and purchase items, warehouse
items and planning data for MRP and production.

2. Differentiate business partner master data and item master data. What are the
information that is to be included when accomplishing these master data.

 Business partner master data is used to record and retrieve business

partner information and schedule business partner activities. It typically
includes the company details such as addresses and telephone numbers,
logistics details, tax information, accounting information, the business
partner contact information and the details of payment terms. While in the
Item master data, when it comes to sales, it helps to create orders,
delivery notes and outgoing invoices because price, sales units and gross
profit calculate automatically.

3. Explain the procedures in creating Business Partner Master Data.

 To create Business Partner Master Data, first is go to the Modules Menu

then Business Partners and then click the Business Partner Master Data
to open the window. Then click the add icon in the tool bar or press Ctrl +
A in your keyboard. Next is on the Business Partner Master Data header,
input the necessary information. If Business Partner Group is not available
as an option on the list, just click Define New. You can also put additional
information on the General tab, Contact Persons, Addresses, Payment
terms, etc. After that, click Add below.

4. Explain the procedures in creating Item Master Data.

 To create Item Master data, go to Modules Menu, click the inventory then
click the Item Master Data. After the Item Master Data’s window opened,
switched to find mode by clicking the add icon in the tool bar or press Ctrl
+ A in your keyboard. Then put the information that is given to. After
putting the information, go to the Inventory Data tab and put the
information that is given to you. Lastly, click Add below.

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