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5 Self-Concept and Self-esteem

(Activity 2)
Myself in Me
Activity1: Read the short story below and reflect on your self-concept and self-
esteem. Compare yourself to the character of the short story and reflect whether
you are of the same characteristics or not. In this activity, you are required to put a
text entry relating yourself to the story. You may also comment on your
classmate's text entry telling them how you perceived them in contrary to what
they know about themselves.
The Tired Bird
A tired bird landed on a branch. The bird rested, enjoying the view from the
branch and the protection it offered from dangerous animals. Just as the bird
became used to the branch and the support and safety it offered, a strong wind
started blowing, and the tree swayed with such intensity that it seemed the branch
would snap in half.
But the bird was not worried for it knew two important truths. The first truth –
even without the branch it was able to fly, and thus remain safe through the
power of its own two wings. The second truth – it also knew that there are
many other branches upon which it can temporarily rest.

If I am going to reflect myself to the bird I am probably going to do the opposite. I

am going to leave that tree before the strong wind destroy it. Even I am
confidence about my own capabilities, I still need to be careful especially when
myself is in danger.

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