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Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

Seminar Synopsis

Seminar Title: Information Privacy Awareness/Visualization Tools

Name Of Student: Janhavi Prasad Deokar

Roll No: TCOA-15

Class: TE-A

Name of Guide: Dr.Ganesh Regulwar

Name of Department : Computer Engineering

Name of College: Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri-411018

Janhavi Prasad Deokar Dr. Ganesh Regulwar

(TCOA-15) (Seminar Guide)

Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

Information Privacy Awareness/Visualization Tools

Due to the advancement in mobile and wireless communications in today’s
digital world, Internet services like social networks, search engines, etc., have brought
many benefits to the users. However, most of the services also collect excessive
information about the users and their day-to-day activities online. Using “Big Data”
technologies, the user information is collected and analyzed by the service providers
to improve their services, an approach giving rise to several privacy concerns.

For service providers, user information has become an important part of

their business model and an economic asset. On the service provider side, the user
information is collected, stored, processed, and analyzed to get additional value from
it, often without the users’ consent, which constitutes a major privacy risk. Once the
information has been disclosed, the users have no control over it.

Although the business practices of the service providers are usually

specified in the form of privacy policies (terms of use), these documents are time-
consuming to read and complicated to understand, and users do not really know what
happens to their data. Hence, increasing the privacy awareness is an important means
to empower the users towards the service providers

Through mobile and wireless technologies, communicating, collaborating,
and computing has resulted in a fast and easy access to a variety of services by the
users. Significant benefits have been accrued, thereby transforming the lives of the
users. More than 10 billion users have registered for more than 200 online social
networking sites over the globe (Kumar, Jain, & Srivastava, 2016) that result in a
large amount of communication about Internet users. The term “mass self-
communication” by Manuel Castells denotes online sharing of a huge amount of text
messages and posts by the Internet users (Castells, 2009). It is observed that 10 billion

Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

text messages and 1 billion posts are shared online every day.

The benefits of modern technologies are transforming and impacting our

daily lives. A user starts his morning with e-news using Inshorts1 App, birthday
greetings are posted on WhatsApp, wedding/extraordinary events’ photos are being
shared on Facebook, Google Maps helps to find the destination, success stories are
posted on blogs, information is stored on Google Drive, we make travel plans using
MakeMyTrip2, etc. (FTC, 2012). Hence, the services have made a huge
transformation in human lives that has provided significant benefits to them.

On the one hand, these technologies are carrying us to the new era of a
digital world where cars are driverless, patients are monitored remotely via wearable
medical devices, smart refrigerators tell us list of items as per the expiry dates, etc.
(Rule & Greenleaf, 2010). Users’ are tracked 24x7 by other entities using modern
technologies. This includes constant surveillance by security cameras or CCTV when
we are at shopping malls or at holiday destinations. So, the fact is that the users are an
integral part of the digital world. Hence, the wireless and mobile communication
experience generate efficient and convenient services. Hence, the wireless and mobile
communication experience yield into efficient and convenient services.


Acxiom, the largest data broker, has gathered information relating to 700 million
customers worldwide and 3000 data segments for nearly every U.S. user . In the
Indian setting, “Zifzi” company provides IT and Marketing solutions by providing 12
categories of Indian databases (electronic mail addresses, mobile numbers, business
seekers, credit card holders, statewide and citywide databases, and so on) . This
means that, the other clients and need people can buy information like profiles,
company, religion, usernames, salary and income sources, medical history, drug
abuses, and sexual orientation from many information brokers. Internet users do not
recognize that the greatest menace to personal data privacy comes from them.


Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

Data brokers collect the user data from the discrete sources like governments
(central and state government), openly available media (social media, the Internet,
blogs) and commercial sources (phone companies, banks, car companies, and so on).
After analysis of gathered data, they separate the users as sports loving, interested in
cancer solutions, trekking enthusiasts, blended with political posts, food choices, and
hence along. Besides, they organize collected information into different segments,
which are individually identifiable dossiers that containing, e.g., Marital status,
location, income, shopping, hobbies, job, and travel plan. Then, segmented
information is ready to sell to other data brokers, advertisers, or government sectors
without the user’s direct awareness .


• Lightbeam:
Lightbeam is a Firefox add-on that shows the user the first and third-party
websites interacted by the user using interactive visualizations. It displays a
graph of visited and interacted websites by the user and tracking websites to
which they provide information. After installing and enabling it will create a
record of events for the websites visited by the user and every third-party site
that is stored on the user's browser. It displays a graph to highlight the
interactions between visited websites by the user and the third parties. It adds
the website to the graph as soon as it is visited by the user. As visualizations
grow, the user can observe the relationships between the various first and
third-party websites stored in the user’s data. The user can not only reset or
save data but also contribute his data to the Lightbeam database at any time.

• Web Of Trust :
Web of Trust (WOT) is a website reputation and review service that helps
people make informed decisions about whether to trust a website or not.
WOT is based on a unique crowdsourcing approach that collects ratings and
reviews from a global community of millions of users who rate and comment
on websites based on their individual experiences. Web of Trust goes beyond
simple vote-counting with an algorithm that incorporates user reputation, and
Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

it pulls in data from third-party blacklists as well. Web of Trust marks safe
links with a green icon and dangerous ones with a red icon. For example, if
your friend posts an article on Facebook, and the link might lead somewhere
fishy, Web of Trust puts a red icon next to it.

• Free VPNs (Zenmate, DotVPN):

Services like ZenMate [82], DotVPN are simple VPN solutions, providing
easy to use Security and Privacy on the Internet. These services create a
tunnel like a Virtual Private Network (VPN) between user’s devices and
service’s server network. This impenetrable tunnel prevents snoopers,
hackers, governments and ISP’s from spying on the web browsing activities,
downloads, credit card information or anything else the users send over the
network. With these services, users can change his/her IP address to hide the
real location, circumvent network restrictions and unblock Geo-restricted
sites. These services can be chosen from currently offered different country
locations. The User can install an add-on for these services in the web
It is a simple VPN solution, providing easy to use Security and Privacy on
the Internet. ZenMate creates a tunnel similar to a Virtual Private Network
(VPN) between your device and our server network. This impenetrable tunnel
prevents snoopers, hackers, governments and ISP’s from spying on
your web browsing activities, downloads, credit card information or anything
else you send over the network. With ZenMate you can change your IP
address to hide your real location, circumvent network restrictions and
unblock Geo-restricted sites. It is helpful when you are using a public Wi-Fi

• Collusion
It is a Firefox extension that will show you in real time, which sites are
tracking you, where you picked up their tracking cookies, and what they can
see. Collusion looks to offer more transparency to users by creating a
visualization of how your data is being spread to different companies as you
navigate the web. Each time it detects data being sent to a behavioral tracker,
it creates a red (advertisers), gray (websites) or blue dot on the visualization

Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

and shows the links between the sites you visit and the trackers they work
with. Collusion does the effective job by visualizing how your data goes in
far and wide to places without your knowledge.

• MailPile(Beta):
A modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy
features.Mailpile is an e-mail client!.Mailpile is a search engine and a personal
webmail server.It is an easy way to encrypt your e-mail. Mailpile is software you run
yourself, on your own computer.
Mailpile is an effort to reclaim private communication on the Internet. A project to
rescue our personal lives from the proprietary cloud and prevent our conversations
from being strip-mined for corporate profit and government surveillance. Mailpile is
taking e- mail back.

Author Title of Paper Proposed method of Advantages Limitations

Name finding
solution tries to minimize the Even though individuals living
User attribute determination such overhead of typical access and using the buildings from w
Prashant Privacy Awareness and Current as gender, age, geo-location, and control solutions and is, the energy information is colle
Dhotre Online Practices of Indian Users. prediction using SNS therefore, suitable for cases are not directly monitored, the
(social network services). where large data streams are collected information may vio
analyzed in real-time. their privacy.
Zhenxing number of times that the two . If the information is protecte
Wang Location Correlated Differential
 proposes the individual user users appear in the same without considering the locatio
correlation sensitivity concept
 Wendong Privacy Protection Based on location at the same time correlated information betwee
and extends differential privacy
Zhang  Mobile Feature Analysis quantum is more, and the users, an attacker can use a
by building an individual
Ruowei Gui  degree of relevance of their background knowledge attack
sensitivity matrix to correct noise
 Jingxia attributes is also greater. obtain the user's private inform
1. The framework enables
a privacy preferences expression device administrators to
A User-Friendly Privacy
framework for BLE-based register their devices and
Shi-Cho Cha Framework for Users to Achieve
Kuo-Hui Yeh Consents With Nearby BLE applications named PrivacyBat. privacy polices. BLE pairing protocol is vulne
Devices The framework defines 2. The proposed framework
Zi-Jia Huang to brute force attacks
Chunhua Su specifications for users to achieve also defines a standard means
agreements on privacy practices for users to notify BLE
with nearby BLE devices. devices of their privacy
Shannon entropy is typically n
A Generalized Constraint of introduce α-mutual information
“right” notion of entropy for
Privacy: α -Mutual Information security via the Rényi entropy for It’s well known that entropies
cryptography, because it is po
Security a series of privacy schemes and are used to quantify the
Yanqing Yao to define pathological distribu
aim to bridge the gap between randomness, uncertainty, or
that have high Shannon entrop
statistical security and α-mutual diversity of a distribution.
are useless to cryptographic
information security.
Kasuaki Encryption-Free Framework of propose a framework of privacy- EnfPire successfully encryption cost is computation
Nakamora Privacy-Preserving Image preserving image recognition degrades the server's spot- high in general, which is
Recognition for Photo-Based called EnfPire, in which the recognition accuracy from undesirable for mobile devices
Information Services server cannot uniquely determine 99.8% to 41.4% while
the recognition result but client keeping 86.9% of the spot-

Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

recognition accuracy on the

users can do so.
user side.

they only consider whether the

Cyber-Physical-Social Aware Extensive evaluation results
peers are innocent or maliciou
Privacy Preserving in Location- we design a CPS-aware algorithm show that the proposed
Konglin Zhu ignore the relationship betwee
Based Service to find the Nash equilibrium for approach reduces privacy
Wenke Yan peers, whereas such a relation
the maximization of privacy leakage by 50% in the case
Lin Zhang between each pairwise of user
utility that malicious servers and
affects the privacy leakage
users exist in the network.

The idea of replacing the user

location query by the center of the location privacy
k-Anonymity Location Privacy the anonymous group is preserving algorithm
carrying out the preserving of
Fan Ying Algorithm Based on Clustering proposed. The number of proposed by this paper
location privacy will have an e
Mei Wu repeated queries is reduced, and alleviates the conflict
on the accuracy of user locatio
Xiao Pan the quality of query service is between privacy preserving
Publisher: IEEE information, which will then a
Lijuan Zheng improved on the premise of and quality of query service
the quality of users’ query serv
ensuring security through the without affecting the security
experimental analysis and of location information.
comparison with other schemes.

The Objectives are as follows :
• To understand the most important privacy risks involved when the user
communicates and access variety of online services.As this research revolves
around privacy awareness, so it’s vital to know the understanding of the users
towards privacy

• To know data practices of service providers: A major concern for users it to

understand what are the elements/sections of privacy policies.

• The indicators could be service providers’ policies over data collection and
sharing, or security measures adopted, ways of data collection, and so on.

• To recognize the contents of the privacy policy to be visualized: Visualization

will be very convenient to see the contents of the entire or particular section that
user would like to read. The visualization helps them to make a decision on
acceptance or rejection of privacy policies.

• To develop a method to collect user review of services based on user experiences.

• To understand issues and challenges: To get better insights of privacy issues and
challenges in privacy this surveys useful. This survey will give more chances to
identify the possible threats to the users’ information privacy

Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

Privacy Protection of users’ information is accomplished by various
solutions. An abiding faith is important for users during effective communication with
service providers. A personal trust manager is an entity who can be responsible for
supporting users by communicating how safe the website is to communicate, or what
is the trustworthiness of the website.
• Current practices: The set of the questions in this section was focused to know the
user’s preferred online services, the location of access, etc.

• Awareness about privacy: This section contains the questions to assess the users’
knowledge of privacy. The answers to the questions in this section would provide the
possible threats or motivational factors for privacy protection or awareness.

• Seriousness when online: This section describes the list of questions to know the
how serious is the user whenever they are online.

• Behavior: The section focused on the users’ online behavior in different the context
of various scenarios like information sharing, responding to bulk messages, reactions
to online tracking.

• Privacy policies and law: Considering the privacy policies and concerned law, the
questions were listed in this section. The questions were asked to know policy reading
frequency, view on privacy policy, privacy law

• Organization/ Service providers: While interaction with a service provider, it is

important to know what the user thinks about them and their practices on the personal
information management. This section lists the question about users view on their
organizations or service providers considering privacy.

• A user: in the context of medical and Health information: It was also important to
know the users’ activities on a cell phone like security, apps management, location
disclosure. Also, this section of the survey would like to know the users’ view on

Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

medical information when they are online.

Information privacy relates to different data types, including:

• Internet privacy (online privacy): All personal data shared over the Internet is
subject to privacy issues. Most websites publish a privacy policy that details
the website's intended use of collected online and/or offline collected data.
• Financial privacy: Financial information is particularly sensitive, as it may
easily used to commit online and/or offline fraud.
• Medical privacy: All medical records are subject to stringent laws that address
user access privileges. By law, security and authentication systems are often
required for individuals that process and store medical records.

• These tools are used to enhance Privacy Enhancing Technologies(PET’s).
• Tools help you in keeping your information private.
• You can keep track of wich websites track you and what do they do with your
personal data.
• UMA(User Managed Access) tools allows you to choose how your data may be
used or what information to provide to certain websites.
• Tools like ghostery help you to avoid the hidden agreements which you may not
read during agreeing the conditions.

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Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri
Information Privacy Awarness/Visualization Tools

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Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri

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