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Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (2010) 556–562

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Increasing incidence of malaria in the Negro River basin,

Brazilian Amazon
A.C. Cabral a , N.F. Fé b , M.C. Suárez-Mutis a , M.N. Bóia a,c , F.A. Carvalho-Costa a,∗
Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Ministry of Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gerency of Entomology, Amazonas Foundation for Tropical Medicine, Amazonas, Brazil
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Rio de Janeiro State University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Malaria in Brazil is virtually restricted to the Amazon Region, where it has a heterogeneous
Received 3 March 2009 geographic distribution. We reviewed secondary data in order to describe the regional
Received in revised form 26 March 2010
and temporal distribution of 8018 malaria cases seen between 2003 and 2007 in Santa
Accepted 26 March 2010
Isabel do Rio Negro, a municipality in the northwest Brazilian Amazon. A significant rise in
Available online 11 May 2010
malaria incidence, mainly in the Yanomami Indian reservation, was observed during this
time. Anopheline breeding sites were also mapped and entomological data were obtained
through the capture of larval and adult mosquitoes. Thirty-three potential breeding sites
Amazon were identified in the urban and periurban areas, 28 of which were positive for anopheline
Anopheles darlingi larvae. Anopheles darlingi specimens were captured in both intra- and peridomicile locations
Yanomami Indians in the urban areas. Demographic data were also assessed via a sectional survey, revealing
Plasmodium vivax that the majority of dwellings were vulnerable to mosquitoes. This study suggests that
Plasmodium falciparum urban and periurban areas of this municipality are highly susceptible to epidemic malaria,
which is endemic in the Yanomami Indian reservation near the city. In addition, trans-
mission can be perpetuated autochthonously in the urban area, drawing attention to the
continuous need for preventative measures such as controlling adult and aquatic stages of
mosquitoes and improving housing.
© 2010 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.

1. Introduction Within the Amazon, some areas are considered to have

unstable or epidemic malaria, while other regions have
Malaria in Brazil is virtually restricted to the Amazon an endemic or stable pattern of transmission.3,5,6 The
Region, where a heterogeneous geographic distribution main species of mosquito responsible for malaria trans-
is observed.1–3 Since the 1960 s, when control programs mission in Brazil is Anopheles darlingi, which is highly
reduced the incidence to 50 000 cases per year and confined anthropophilic.7,8 At least 33 species of anophelines exist in
its transmission to Amazonian Brazil, malaria has been the Amazon region,7–9 and other species of minor epidemi-
increasing progressively in this region.3 About 600 000 ologic importance that have been found to be infected with
malaria cases occur annually in the Amazon Region; nearly Plasmodium include An. triannulatus, An. mattogrossensis,
80% are caused by Plasmodium vivax, with the remainder An. nuneztovari, An. braziliensis, An. peryassui, An. mediop-
being caused by Plasmodium falciparum.4 unctatus, An. albitarsis, An. galvaoi, An. aquasalis, and An.
Controlling malaria in the Brazilian Amazon has repre-
∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Av. Brasil 4365, Pav. Leônidas sented a real challenge to health authorities due to several
Deane, Sala 308; CEP 21045-900, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. factors, including the difficulty of maintaining preventative
E-mail address: (F.A. Carvalho-Costa). measures in many Amazonian communities, mining, the

0035-9203/$ – see front matter © 2010 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.C. Cabral et al. / Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (2010) 556–562 557

construction of roads and dams, and colonization programs people, this multiethnic society was assimilated and accul-
and migrations.1–4 The latter two factors especially have turated to the occidental life style and Christian religion, a
concentrated the population at the expense of adequate process stimulated by Catholic missionaries who arrived in
sanitary infrastructure due to disordered and unplanned the region around one century ago.
urbanization, which has favored the development of artifi-
cial anopheline breeding sites.11 In addition, asymptomatic 2.2. Secondary data gathering
individuals with low parasitemias living in endemic areas
often contribute to malaria transmission without being Malaria is an obligatory notifiable disease in Brazil.
aware that they are infected.5,12–14 Secondary data from the National Malaria Epidemio-
The Negro River Basin is one of the most preserved and logic Surveillance System databank (SIVEP/Malaria) were
least populated Amazonian regions, containing four munic- reviewed to characterize the geographic and temporal dis-
ipalities. Although some of the Amerindian-descended tribution of 8018 cases of malaria. Each of these cases was
inhabitants still live in hundreds of small riverine com- registered between 2003 and 2007 and also confirmed
munities, an ongoing trend of migration towards the by parasitological diagnosis. There was no change in the
incipient urban centers has become apparent. In the 1990 s, methods of estimating the number of malaria cases from
many Indian reservations were demarcated in this area. 2003 to 2007. In order to perform malaria surveillance, the
Among these reservations, the Yanomami Indian reserva- Brazilian Ministry of Health maintains a network of labo-
tion encompasses 96 650 km2 of territory. It is part of three ratories distributed throughout the Amazonian region, and
municipalities in the state of Amazonas, all of which are every municipality possesses at least one branch at which
located in the Negro River Basin. cases can be notified. This system aims to assess every
Recent studies near the Padauiri River, a tributary of the malaria case through both passive and active surveillances.
Negro River, have revealed fluctuation of incidence rates Thick blood smears are performed by trained personnel,
of malaria and periodic changes in its etiological profile.15 and case definitions are the same for both active and
Other studies have also demonstrated the importance of passive surveillances. Cases are included in the databank
subclinical infections in the Negro River Basin.5,13 How- only if the Giemsa-stained thick blood smears are pos-
ever, little information exists about malaria transmission in itive for P. vivax, P. falciparum, or P. malariae. Although
this region. This study therefore aimed to obtain epidemi- standard Giemsa-stained thick blood smears are not sen-
ological, entomological and demographic data related to sitive enough to detect cases of malaria when parasitemia
malaria in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, a municipality located is low, they remain the standard detection technique in
in the upper Negro River region. many countries because of their practicality and low cost.
Anti malarial drugs – distributed exclusively by the malaria
2. Methods surveillance system – are provided in blisters, free of charge
for any positive case, and a second blood smear is per-
2.1. Setting and population formed after treatment to confirm that the patient is cured.
Brazilian health authorities can access the databank at
This study was performed in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, malaria/. The data
a municipality situated in the northwest region of the state base provides the following information for each locality
of Amazonas (0◦ 28 S and 65◦ 32 W). Santa Isabel do (e.g., village, district, road etc.): (i) number of cases, (ii)
Rio Negro is located 781 km from the capital of Amazonas, place of infection of the cases, (iii) month, (iv) species of
Manaus, by fluvial route via the Negro River. The majority of Plasmodium, (v) place of residence of the infected indi-
the population is of Amerindian ancestry, but diverse eth- vidual, (vi) rate of cases caused by P. falciparum, and (vii)
nic heritage is also present, mainly in the urban/periurban annual parasitary incidence/1000 inhabitants (API).
areas. The whole municipality has 7712 inhabitants dis- In order to characterize the geographic distribution of
tributed over 63 127.2 km2 . The urban region has 4220 malaria cases, the municipality was divided into four zones:
inhabitants, who reside in 773 dwellings distributed among (i) urban/periurban (six districts, population 4220
six districts. The remaining residents are distributed in inhabitants; further subdivided into three areas: farms con-
patches along small riverine communities in the backlands tiguous to the city, peripheral districts and central districts
of the municipality. This population includes 1393 people [Figure 1]), (ii) Yanomami Indian reservation (eight vil-
who live on the Yanomami reservation. The Yanomami are lages, 1393 inhabitants), (iii) riverine communities around
semi-nomadic Indians living in communities widely dis- the town (35 villages, 782 inhabitants) and (iv) riverine
persed throughout Amazonian Venezuela and Brazil. Eight communities far from the town (14 villages, 1317 inhab-
Indian villages, called xaponos, are situated in Santa Isabel itants).
do Rio Negro; Yanomami Indians are relatively isolated
from Brazilian society and preserve their culture and lan- 2.3. Demographic survey
guage (see map in Figure 1). Riverine communities depend
on subsistence farming, fishing and forestry. Inhabitants The characteristics of the dwellings and demographic
of the urban/periurban areas and non-Yanomami river- data were assessed through a cross-sectional survey car-
ine communities descend from Tukano Oriental-speaking ried out in September 2007. One hundred and thirty-six
(which includes Tukano, Pira-tapuya, and Desana ethnic families (17.5%) out of the 773 living in the urban/periurban
groups) and Arawak-speaking (Baniwa, Baré, and Tari- zone were surveyed. Sampling was performed randomly
ana ethnic groups) societies. In contrast to the Yanomami and included residents from all districts in these areas. A
558 A.C. Cabral et al. / Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (2010) 556–562

Figure 1. Study area and anopheline breeding sites mapped in urban and periurban zones. Legend: A = Yanomami Indian Reservation, B = riverine commu-
nities near the city, C = riverine communities far from the city, D1 = urban area, central districts, D2 = urban area, peripheral districts, D3 = periurban area
(roads and farms). Black points = anopheline breeding sites.

questionnaire was used to assess knowledge about malaria Adult mosquitoes were captured using human bait and
transmission and prevention, learn characteristics of the a manual aspirator. The individuals who operated the
dwellings relevant to their vulnerability to mosquitoes and aspirators were trained members of the research team; fur-
obtain data on travels or visits to hyperendemic zones. thermore, mosquito captures were always performed by
Interviews were performed after written consent was given these same members. Collections were carried out from
by the head of the family. The sample size for the main 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. using human bait both inside and
municipal area was stipulated by estimating a rate of around the outside of houses. Specimens were addition-
50% for the variable examined and an acceptable error ally caught with two CDC type traps equipped with an
of 5%. incandescent light bulb (Centers for Disease Control; CDC
miniature light trap model #2836, BioQuip Products, Inc.,
2.4. Entomological survey Rancho Dominguez, CA, U.S.A.:
Each CDC trap was positioned indoors, one meter above
Urban and periurban anopheline breeding sites were ground level, and left for a 12-hour period (6:00 p.m. to
identified by examining samples from water collection 6:00 a.m.).
sites for immature mosquito stages. Two surveys were car-
ried out: the first in July 2006 and the second in September 3. Results
2007. All of the 33 breeding sites identified were examined,
with between 20 and 30 water samples obtained from each 3.1. Regional and temporal distribution of malaria cases
site. A standardized 500 mL entomological dipper provided
by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency was used to The absolute number of malaria cases rose more than
obtain representative samples of larval mosquitoes. Col- sixteen times from 2003 to 2007 (Table 1). Additionally, a
lected larvae were transferred to 5 mL tubes with ethanol shift in the geographic distribution of cases was observed:
70% and examined in a microscope within 12 hours of cap- the Yanomami reservation housed only 20% of the identi-
ture. The identification keys used were from Consoli and fied malaria cases in this region in 2003, but it contained
Lourenço-de-Oliveira.16 80.8% of them by 2006 and 66.7% by 2007 (Table 1). The
A.C. Cabral et al. / Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (2010) 556–562 559

Table 1
Malaria cases, annual parasitary incidence (API)/1000 inhabitants, and P. falciparum/P. vivax (P.f./P.v.) ratio in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Amazonas, from
2003 to 2007 by zone

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Zone Cases API P.f./P.v. Cases API P.f./P.v. Cases API P.f./P.v. Cases API P.f./P.v. Cases API P.f./P.v.

Urban/periurban 81 19.2 0.20 62 14.7 0.06 26 6.2 0.18 73 17.3 0.14 537 127.2 0.20
Yanomami Indian 59 42.3 0 297 213.2 0.24 717 514.8 0.13 1326 951.9 0.16 3219 2310.8 0.85
Riverine communities 37 47.3 0 15 19.1 0.36 36 46.0 0.12 86 109.9 0.03 293 374.6 0.031
near the town
Riverine communities 124 94.1 0.14 40 30.3 0.33 60 45.5 0.15 155 117.6 0.07 775 588.4 0.19
distant from the town

Figure 2. Malaria cases notified in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro from 2003 to 2007, by zone.

API in this area also rose from 42.3 in 2003 to 2310.8 in 3.2. Demographic survey
2007. Furthermore, the P. falciparum/P. vivax (P.f./P.v.) ratio
increased substantially in this zone. Gaps permitting the entry of mosquitoes were observed
An increase in malaria incidence was also observed in in 53% of the dwellings in the urban/periurban zones. Addi-
the urban and periurban areas of the municipality in 2007, tionally, spaces were present between the floor and the
when 537 cases were identified (Table 1, Figure 2). In these walls and between the walls and the roof in 15% and 46% of
zones, the API increased from 19.2 in 2003 to 127.2 in 2007. the houses, respectively. Among the families surveyed, 54%
The major sites of infection in the periurban area were iden- regularly visited farms in the periurban area; furthermore,
tified as the roads leading to farms. In 2007, these farms 39% of the heads of the families studied did not know how
were the first places where malaria cases were noticed, malaria was transmitted (Table 2).
after which additional cases were subsequently seen in the
peripheral and central districts (Figure 3). 3.3. Entomological survey

Mapping studies showed that insect breeding sites

were located mainly in the peripheral urban districts and
near the periurban roads; furthermore, the locations of
the insect breeding sites corresponded to the locations of
the majority of the cases in the outbreak. Of the water
bodies analyzed, 85% (n = 28) were positive for Anophe-
les larvae. Furthermore, aquatic stages of An. darlingi, An.
triannulatus, An. albitarsis, An. mediopunctatus, An. nunez-
tovari and An. peryassui were also identified (Figure 1).
Fourteen adult An. darlingi specimens were collected in
urban (one in intradomicile, four in peridomicile) and
Figure 3. Geographic and monthly distribution of urban/periurban
periurban (four in intradomicile, five in peridomicile)
malaria cases in 2007. areas.
560 A.C. Cabral et al. / Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (2010) 556–562

Table 2 no new agricultural or other developmental projects have

Socio-demographic characteristics relative to malaria transmission in 136
recently begun in this region. We argue that a lack of atten-
families in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, 2007 [n (%) = absolute (proportional)
tion to preventative measures, combined with an envi-
ronment conducive to malaria transmission, have allowed
Socio-demographic characteristics n (%) malaria to re-emerge and reach hyperendemic levels.
House characteristics Malaria was first introduced to the Yanomami popu-
Uncompleted house structure (lacking walls) 7 (5.1) lation by clandestine gold miners by the 1980 s and now
Presence of slits 72 (53)
represents a major public health threat for these indi-
No junction between floor and walls 20 (15)
No junction between walls and roof 63 (46) viduals; however, an extensive active surveillance and
Did not know how malaria is transmitted 53 (39) treatment system implemented in 2000 has helped control
Did not know how malaria is prevented 90 (66) the disease.19–24 This initiative included both systematic
Frequent the Yanomami reservation 12 (8.8) examination of blood smears of asymptomatic people and
Frequent farms in the periurban area 73 (54)
mass treatment of parasitemic individuals. This initiative
Used to prevent malaria was initially successful; unfortunately, its success was not
Bed net 108 (84.1)
sustained due to several factors including personnel and
Fan 91 (66.9)
Insecticide 53 (38.9) infrastructure disorganization, epidemiologic surveillance
Window net 11 (8.1) gaps and migrations associated with gathering activities
inherent to the Yanomami culture. Additionally, Yanomami
Indians tend to adhere poorly to malaria treatment. More
4. Discussion skilled personnel are needed and a specialized approach
should be taken by the health workers concerned with
This survey aimed to identify factors relating malaria malaria control in this reservation. The Indigenous Spe-
epidemiology to ecology in the Negro River basin, a cial Health Districts, a network responsible for providing
sub-region of the Brazilian Amazon. A major limitation medical attention to riverine and Indian communities in
associated with using secondary data based on tradi- the Rio Negro basin, was recently reorganized. This reor-
tional parasitological diagnoses is their underestimation ganization may have been a strong contributing factor to
of malaria cases and, consequently, of actual incidence the increased malaria incidence rate in Santa Isabel do
rates. Despite this limitation, however, this analysis of Rio Negro, since it was accompanied by local and regional
malaria cases reported from 2003–2007 generated valu- politico-administrative disruptances and a halt in financial
able insights into the distribution of the notified cases support.
within the municipality. Malaria incidence has increased in the urban areas of
Malaria incidence rose in the state of Amazonas from Amazonian Brazil,6,11 therefore, a major aim of the present
2002 to 2005 and subsequently decreased from 2005 to study was to characterize the distribution of malaria cases
2007; however, the sharp decline of malaria incidence within the urban/periurban districts of the studied munic-
between 2005 and 2007 in the state of Amazonas did not ipality. To understand the most appropriate measures that
occur at the micro-regional level of the upper Negro River should be taken to control urban malaria, the vulnera-
basin. Rather, the main finding of our work is that both bility of these areas to malaria and the ability of these
the absolute number of cases and the API increased sig- areas to sustain autochthonous transmission were assessed
nificantly from 2003 to 2007 in the upper Negro River. by gathering demographic, environmental, and entomo-
This finding is important because this diverse municipality logical data. A significant increase in the urban/periurban
includes urban and periurban areas, riverine communities, APIs accompanied the increase of malaria incidence in
and also the Yanomami Indian reservation. Out of these riverine and Indian villages. This increase was mostly due
four defined sub-regions of the studied municipality, the to autochthonously transmitted cases; furthermore, these
API increased 6.7 times in the urban/periurban areas and cases were reported mainly in peripheral urban districts
a staggering 55 times in the Yanomami reservation from linked by road to the urban zone. These roads pass through
2003 through 2007. many farms performing subsistence agriculture, and we
Although malaria occurs in all Brazilian Amazo- hypothesize that the daily movement of farmers along
nian states, a very heterogeneous distribution has been these roads could maintain autochthonous urban transmis-
observed: 90 municipalities, belonging to three states sion. Many water collection sites near these roads were also
(Acre, Amazonas and Rondônia) are considered high risk identified as anopheline breeding sites.
areas (API greater than 50).17 Furthermore, the studied Urban autochthonous malaria transmission is of special
municipality belongs to this high risk area. This focal concern because of its potential to introduce an epidemic
pattern of malaria epidemiology in the Amazon region sug- to a more populated setting. A significant increase in
gests that intrinsic local socio-environmental factors play the absolute number of malaria cases was also observed
the greatest role in malaria transmission. Many of these in 2007. Once again, we argue that a lack of attention
factors are well-identified, such as deforestation resulting to control measures such as the monitoring of potential
from development projects, mining activities, cattle ranch- breeding sites, combined with an environment conducive
ing and the construction of power plants.1,2,18 However, the to malaria transmission, permitted the reemergence of this
increase in malaria incidence in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro disease. In addition, the vector species captured in the
does not seem to be related to such factors, since no mining urban area, An. darlingi, is highly anthropophilic and can
projects have been undertaken in this region. In addition, maintain malaria transmission even when present in low
A.C. Cabral et al. / Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (2010) 556–562 561

density. We observed that the majority of the dwellings are munities, and, by extension, similar control strategies are
unsafe and contain openings through which mosquitoes probably appropriate for such communities. On the other
may freely penetrate. In addition, many of their inhabitants hand, urban/periurban malaria transmission should be
do not know how malaria is transmitted or prevented. The managed by intensive water monitoring of potential insect
majority of breeding sites seen in the urban and periurban breeding sites in and around the city, controlling adult stage
areas are artificial water collection sites, which are byprod- mosquitoes, and improving housing design. This strategy
ucts of soil removal for road construction. The major urban is probably appropriate for controlling malaria transmis-
mosquito breeding site is located in a peripheral district sion in other municipalities with similar demographic and
and was used until only recently as a clear water source, environmental characteristics.
since the Negro River water has an acidic pH and dark color.
Another main finding of this survey was the increase in Authors’ contributions: FAC-C and MNB conceived and
the proportion of cases caused by P. falciparum. The ratio designed the study, analyzed and interpreted data, drafted
P.f./P.v. increased 5 times between 2006 and 2007. In the the manuscript and revised it critically for intellectual con-
Yanomami area the ratio P.f./P.v. reached 0.81 in 2007. This tent; ACC, MSS-M and NFF performed epidemiological field
also points to a failure in controlling transmission, since work, gathered and processed the secondary data, carried
early diagnosis and treatment reportedly have a greater out the entomological survey, analyzed and interpreted
impact on malaria caused by P. falciparum than P. vivax. data, performed the literature review, and revised criti-
Fluctuations in malaria incidence have been suggested cally the manuscript for intellectual content. FAC-C is the
to correlate with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the guarantor of the paper.
periodic warming of the Pacific Ocean water that influences
the rainfall in many South American countries.25 How- Acknowledgements: We thank the students of the Post-
ever, the relationship between the ENSO index and malaria graduate Tropical Medicine Program at Instituto Oswaldo
incidence appears to be complex: ENSO-associated flood- Cruz/Fiocruz: Vinicius Martins de Menezes, Lucia Maria
ing favors the occurrence of malaria epidemics in the dry Brum Soares, Daniela Martins Luciano, Gleicy Amorim
western coastal regions of South America, while droughts Macedo, Ricardo Tristão Sá, Vladimir Luna Tedesqui, and
enhance malaria transmission in Colombia.26 A similar Peliganga Luís Baião for essential support in field activi-
link between ENSO activity and malaria incidence was ties. We are grateful to the Brazilian Health Surveillance
observed in some African countries.27 However, Gagnon et Agency (SVS) officials for their technical assistance during
al.26 failed to detect a relationship between ENSO-related capture of mosquitoes and permission to access secondary
climatic anomalies and malaria incidence fluctuation in data and to Carla Dias of the Socio-Environmental Insti-
Brazil, and the ENSO index was moderate in 2002–2003 tute (ISA) for assistance on geographic localization of the
and low in 2004–2005 and 2006–2007. Although we did riverine communities.
not assess meteorological data in the studied area, our field
observations provided compelling evidence that factors Funding: The study on which this report is based was
such as inadequate housing construction, artificial anophe- supported with federal funds from the Brazilian Federal
line breeding sites and lack of attention to preventative Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education
measures are more likely to be responsible for the increase (CAPES) and the National Council for Scientific and Tech-
in malaria incidence than are climactic anomalies. nological Development (CNPq).
Finally, we propose that malaria transmission in
the studied municipality follows two distinct eco- Conflicts of interest: None declared.
epidemiological patterns, each requiring a different control
approach. These two patterns are: (i) a stable pattern of Ethical approval: This study was approved by the Evandro
transmission in the Yanomami Indian reservation, a region Chagas Clinical Research Institute/Oswaldo Cruz Founda-
naturally containing mosquito breeding sites and there- tion Research Ethics Committee.
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