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A Publication of The Church of God February 2018, Vol. 26 No. 4

Once upon a time

Evening Light G i vin
there was a man who &
g on
had nothing… i n
h diti
And God gave him ten apples...
T i t
He gave him three apples to eat.

He gave him three apples to trade for

a shelter from the sun and rain.

He gave him three apples to trade for

clothing to wear.

He gave him one apple so that he might

have something to give back to God to
show his gratitude for the other nine.

The man ate the first three apples and he traded three for
shelter and three for clothing to wear. Then he looked at the
tenth apple... and it seemed juicier than the rest. He knew God
had given him the ten apples and one that he might
return it to Him out of gratitude for the other nine.
He reasoned that God had all the other apples of the
world… So the man ate the tenth apple and gave
back to God… the core.

God has given you enough to supply your needs–plus one

with which you may show your gratitude to Him. Will you
return to God the largest and juiciest of the apples He gives
you, or only the core?
(Adapted from Church tract)
Editorials churches that have not already done so, let’s make a spe-
cial effort to get every church to be 100% and collect from
Oscar Pimentel every covenanted member their Emergency Dollars. In the
General Overseer homeland it is $5.00 per member per year. We want to en-
courage each member to contribute this small amount for
God is the source of love. Christ is the proof of love. us to provide help in emergency situations as soon as they
Service is the expression of love. Boldness is the outcome arise. Through the years these funds have blessed many of
of love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only our people and will continue to do so for many more as our
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not good members continue to cooperate in this enterprise.
perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

m————————————n We extend our

We are happy in the Lord that He has allowed us an- sincere sympathy
other month and we want to make each day count for His to the family and loved ones
glory. Before you know it, we will be out of winter and
into spring! I’d like to encourage you to make this month a of these ministers:
special month of intercessory prayer for the many different
needs which are in our midst. We want to take to heart the Retired Deacon Franklin Ledford of Talmo, Georgia,
needs of others and give priority to prayer for His divine in- passed away October 10, 2017.
tervention so that every need can be met by Almighty God.
“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great Bishop James Morgan of Metter, Georgia, passed
and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer. 33:3). away January 1, 2018.

Deacon Oliver Puckett of Red Bay, Alabama, passed

m————————————n away January 7, 2018.

VARIOUS NATIONAL CONVENTIONS will be Precious in the sight of the LORD

conducted during this month—Argentina, Guatemala,
Panama & Paraguay. Please be in prayer for the National is the death of his saints
Overseers, ministers and members. Honduras conducted
their Convention with 297 delegates, and Bolivia with 400 P salms 116:15


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The Evening Light is an official publication of The Church of God with Oscar Pimentel, General Overseer, Editor & Publisher; James R.
Horne, Assistant Editor. This paper is published monthly at General Headquarters, 197 Tillie Road, Cleveland, TN 37312. Those desiring
information or wishing to submit articles or testimonies for publication may contact the Assistant Editor at the following address: P. O. Box
450, Charleston, TN 37310. E-mail: Visit us online at Subscription prices:
$20 per year, or $30 First-Class Mail. Digital subscriptions are $8, available through the online store.

The Evening Light 2 February 2018

Oscar Pimentel, General Overseer
The Church of God

would like to preface this article by thanking every single this world today. It is not too much to think that if God can
Church of God member and friend who has been so faith- make stones to immediately cry out (See Luke 19:40) when
ful to willingly and freely give to the cause of Christ and men forsake the opportunity to praise Him, that He can also
His Church, for the furtherance of the gospel, and to make cause strangers to build up the walls of God’s program (See
possible the goal of going into the far reaches of this world. Isa. 60:10). Nevertheless, we are thankful to God that the Bi-
Although there are a few who have yet to fall in line and ble record tells us “...the whole multitude of the disciples began
are failing to comply with God’s command in these areas, I to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty
trust that they will soon come up to par. The sacrifices and works that they had seen” (Luke 19:37), and furthermore, we
faithfulness of God’s people to duty has brought God’s favor are thankful to God that He is mindful of us, permitting us to
and smile upon His Church. This has allowed The Church of financially contribute to His work.
God to make great strides in numerical and spiritual growth In Luke 21:1-4, we see where the Lord takes notice, not
since the reorganization and will no doubt continue to do only of what we give but also of what we have left and still
so. Thank you, my dear brothers and friends, for all you do hold in our possession. There is nothing wrong with “hav-
and your many, many sacrifices. God bless you all. ing” —the problem is when we “have” and the Lord prompts
“And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts us to give and we don’t do it. It seems it would be possible
into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow cast- for two different individuals to give the exact same amount
ing in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, monetarily, but one individual can walk away from the trea-
that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all sury having given more than the other because the one
these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of contributed cheerfully, with sacrifice and has been counted
God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she by God as a cheerful giver.
had” (Luke 21:1-4) In this example the “rich men” gave from “their abun-
Let us reflect upon what Christ the Lord observed, that dance,” from the top of their treasure house, but the “poor
we may consider what is most important in His sight for widow” gave “all the living she had,” from the bottom of her
fulfilling our duty of giving and donating to the work of heart and by this then gave “more than they all.” How much
the Lord. We know that He is no respecter of persons (Acts one gives is not nearly as important as how one gives. “Ev-
10:34). It would be a great misunderstanding to think that ery man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;
He accepts the offering or charitableness of the poor in a not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver”
particular manner over that of the rich, or visa versa. It’s not (2 Cor. 9:7).
simply about the small or huge amount that a person gives, Someone has said that some Christians give to the Lord’s
but the small or huge heart with which it is given. God looks work weekly while others just give weakly. It wasn’t too
beyond the natural realm and deep into the caverns of the long ago that I was told of an occasion in which the offer-
spiritual heart to observe whether men give liberally of a ing plate passed by a large group of some young folks in a
willing mind and heart, or grudgingly and with disinclina- Sunday School setting. After about the fifteenth person, fi-
tion. In view of all of God’s great big blessings, I wonder how nally someone put something in the plate. It sounds almost
any person can be disinclined to give back to the Lord from comical, but it is a true occurrence. If we attend services on a
the abundance He has so freely given us. Is He not the owner regular basis on Sunday and once or twice during the week
of the cattle on a thousand hills as well as the owner of those (which, by and large, is normal in The Church of God almost
thousand hills upon which the cattle graze? everywhere in the world) should we not prepare and have
Oh, but this thought comes to me as I write; what if there on our person the necessary currency to give in the offering
was no abundance? I dare to say that none of us have mate- plate when it comes by? It’s amazing how often the excuse
rial and monetary riches untold in the here and now. What is given, whether to the person coming by with the offering
if all I have is “two mites”? What if that were all my “living” plate or directly to the Lord under our breath, “Oh, forgive
and all my family and I had to live on? Would I be as willing me. I forgot to bring some offering.”
as this poor widow to give it all? Would I begin to make ex- I realize that we are living in a time of “direct deposit,”
cuses before the Lord as to why I can’t give? God help me to “electronic money transfer” and “debit card,” and in some
remember that I have “...not seen the righteous forsaken, nor parts of the world some of our younger folks may not see
his seed begging bread” (Psa. 37:25). paper or coin currency very often, but there is a way, dear
God has no need of our money and we don’t pay Him for pastors, to help these folks in our local churches so they
His blessings. We are granted the opportunity and privilege don’t miss out on God’s blessings. If you will be diligent to
to contribute to the work that Almighty God has going on in acquire the necessary portable electronic equipment, i.e.,

The Evening Light 3 February 2018

“the square,” etc., it will remove the “I cause it hurts, but others will give until man. Although we in The Church of God
have no cash” hindrance of our young- it hurts and will give a little more until have a financial system by which God’s
er folks, especially. it feels good. money is managed and distributed, it
We do understand that there are “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have is in place because it is Bible; but all
times where we may not be able to be robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we give, and all that God’s Church has,
a “weekly giver” due to circumstances we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings” belongs to God. When the Lord speaks
out of our control, but we can certainly (Mal. 3:8). While this article has spoken in Malachi 3:8, He mentions both tithes
do something about being a “weakly mainly to the subject of free-will of- and offerings and He speaks of them
giver” by being faithful to always put ferings, I do strongly encourage you, as His property, and when man does
something in the plate or even put dear reader, to be faithful in paying not fulfill his duty and responsibilities
a little extra in the offering plate as it your tithes. If you have been doing so in these areas, you can consider it rob-
comes by. As much as is in our range of then I’m sure the windows of heaven bery of the highest order.
possibility let us faithfully strive to put have opened up to you and God has If we are faithful to give back to God
our “two mites,” in and God will bless poured out a blessing in your life and what is His—because we want to—
us; not for the amount necessarily, but home that you hardly know what to then listen to what He is ready to do,
for our faithfulness. do. Praise God! God says, “Prove me.” I “And I will rebuke the devourer for your
If we speak the truth, then we are encourage you to prove Him! He has sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits
quick to recognize that God has already no record of failure, my dear friend! of your ground; neither shall your vine
blessed everyone so much. Please al- The offerings we freely give and the cast her fruit before the time in the field,
low me to share the following excerpt. tithes we pay are to the Lord and not to saith the LORD of hosts” (Mal. 3:11). &
Think It Over:
God made the sun—it gives.
God made the moon—it gives. We appreciate the services and facilities we have been blessed to use
God made the stars—they give. the past 8 years. However, due to circumstances beyond our control,
God made the air—it gives. we will not be returning to the Ridgecrest Conference Center in North
God made the clouds—they give. Carolina. We have a contract with a new facility and a new date:
God made the earth—it gives.
God made the sea—it gives. 113th General Assembly ATE
God made the trees—they give.
God made the flowers—they give. August 7-12, 2018 C
God made the fowls—they give.
God made beasts—they give.
& LO
God made the Plan—He gives. Kingsport, Tennessee
God made man—He…? MeadowView Marriott Conference Resort & Convention Center.

The age-old refrain rings true,
“You cannot out-give God.” The Bible
says, “Give, and it shall be given unto
you; good measure, pressed down, and
shaken together, and running over, shall
men give into your bosom. For with the
same measure that ye mete withal it
shall be measured to you again” (Luke
6:38). “Good measure, pressed down,
and shaken together, and running over”
does not sound like a weakly offer-
ing but indeed a strong and healthy
one. In reality, in God’s economy the
amount is irrelevant. The question is,
“What is it costing me? What sacrifice
am I making?” These are the things by
which God measures our gift.
God has promised that we will be The rooms are $99.00 plus tax. Website:
given according to the same measure Phone 1-888-632-3697 and ask for The Church of God block.
that we have given. So, if we give until The special rates apply from August 4-13, 2018.
overflowing, we can expect to receive The deadline for booking is July 10, 2018.
until overflowing. Some won’t give be-

The Evening Light 4 February 2018

I would like to take a break please contact Headquarters for
from our history of the name of the
Church this month to promote two
His tory of the Church this information. We would like
to have all information in by the
other items of interest and resume Church Historian end of March if possible in order
our previous theme with the March to have the book printed and avail-
issue of The Evening Light. Walter Lofton able by the next Assembly. The last
The first thing I would like Looking Back and Going Forward book of this sort was published in
to address is local church his- 1975. Many feel that it is time for a
tory. This would include history on and informative reading. Our reflection current publication of this nature. As
each level of Church operations such on the past seems to aid us in our enthu- we endeavor to see this project mate-
as local, regional and national, etc. siasm for the present and future. In some rialize we trust you will be pleased
Record keeping is important as well cases, biographies and autobiographies and excited.
as interesting. As time progresses of some of our prominent ministers were As the newly appointed Church
specific dates and events tend to fade written allowing us to get to know them Historian, I would like to ask for
from memory causing accuracy to better and to have a greater appreciation your prayers. Please help me pray
suffer in the process. Different indi- of their work. I would like to encour- for God’s anointing and direction in
viduals tend to remember an event age us along these lines today. This this work for His Church. A lot of
in different ways, which leads to an could perhaps be done on a personal or study, research, contemplating, and
inaccurate historical record. It would regional level. analyzing must go into such a work
be a worthwhile practice for each The second thing I would like to as presenting history. I do not take
local church and regional or national present is a boost for the up-coming this work lightly. Sufficient ground-
office to maintain a file of their his- new book on our Ministers’ Memoirs. work must be laid and an appropriate
tory along with photographs as docu- Our pastors have been sent a letter of outline must be followed. It will take
mentation for future references. explanation on presenting each minis- time for all these elements to come
In times past, history has been ter’s information and photograph to be together. For this objective I solicit
published in book form for some of included in this publication. If for some your patience and your prayers.
these entities, making for interesting reason you failed to receive your letter

Bible Training Institute in Cleveland, Ten- Some pay tithes

nessee, is scheduled to start on May 27, when due
2018, and will conclude with Commence- Some over-due
ment and Heritage Day services on June 9th. Some never do
There is already excitement building on the How do you do?
field for the great things God will have for all -A. J. Tomlinson
of those who attend! Start making your prep-
arations now. The application is already avail-
Tithing and Giving:
able online and will appear in an upcoming
Tithing is the paying of
edition of The Evening Light.
one tenth of our increase
into the treasury of the
Church. It began with Abra-
National Overseer Patrice Kalamba has requested ham, continued under the
prayer for the saints in the Kasaï province of Democratic law and received Christ’s
Republic of Congo. Global news agencies have reported approval. Giving differs
a growing crisis of violence between the army and local from, and is in addition to,
militia. Our people in the area are in serious danger, and tithing. Both are part of
the members are forced to stay home and are unable to God’s plan to finance His
go to work. The area in turmoil is also the home of Brother Patrice’s parents, and he work on earth. Read:
reports that the Church members and his relatives are in deep despair as the number of Genesis 14:18-20
people killed in the area is increasing daily. Two of our members who fled the atrocities Genesis 28:20-22
perished while hiding in the forest. Brother Patrice has reported that the approximately Malachi 3:10
200 members in the region are struggling to live day to day. He states that any assistance, Matthew 23:23
even small, would go a long way to help ease the suffering of these brothers and sisters. Luke 11:42
Please keep the saints and Brother Patrice’s family in your prayers. To contribute to this 1 Corinthians 16:2
important and urgent need, send your contribution to the Congo Relief Fund at General 2 Corinthians 9:6-9
Headquarters. Hebrews 7:1-21

The Evening Light 5 February 2018

All the Tithes pay an honest basis for tithable in-
come. We would not want to hold
M. A. Tomlinson the Lord responsible to pay any tax
Annual Address to the 64th Annual Assembly, 1969 for us that could not be justified as
“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, clearly deductible. Taxes are not de-
that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, ductible unless directly and clearly a
saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of part of the cost or expense involved
heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there in the making of our income—as in
shall not be room enough to receive it” the case of the farmer and the mer-
(Mal. 3:10). chant above.
Some companies and industries

B ecause of some confusion aris-

ing from certain tax and wage
laws, and the changing pay practic-
would allow too many deductions
and short-change his Lord. Again, it
is the principle that counts.
make certain benefits available at the
employee’s choice, such as types of
insurance, stock options, retirement
es of some employers, it seems nec- The meaning of increase has benefits, etc. If the employee wants
essary to say something about tithe- troubled some honest hearts, possi- to pay for these benefits and have
paying. The 13th Assembly (1917) set bly because of varying practices em- them withheld, he should add them
forth examples for computing tithes ployed by different individuals in ar- back on his take-home pay to arrive
under various situations, and these riving at the amount on which to pay at his tithable increase. If the compa-
have been used as a guide for many tithes. The net income, or increase, ny pays for these benefits, the cost
years. Changes in recent years have is the amount remaining after al- is an increase to the employee, and
created some circumstances which lowable deductions are subtracted therefore tithable. We can see from
did not exist at that time; therefore, it from the total or gross income. The this that the take-home pay does not
seems good to offer some additional specification, “…all the increase of always furnish the basis for our tith-
guidance. thy seed,” implies that only such able income.
The basic principles of tithe- expenses are deductible as are re- Another consideration not to be
paying do not change. Tithes are quired to make that increase. The overlooked is the matter of reim-
paid on net income or increase. Our only allowable expenses are those bursed expenses, and fixed expense
pamphlet, Twenty-Nine Important which you would not have if they allotments. If expenses are reim-
Bible Truths, states: “Tithing is the were not created by the particular bursed on a dollar-for-dollar basis,
payment of one-tenth of our increase job for which you are paid. there would be no profit or overage.
into the treasury of the Church.” Living expenses—food, clothing, If a fixed allotment results in a profit,
Also, two Scripture passages refer- living quarters, and utilities—are not the overage should be tithes. The
ring to increase: “Thou shalt truly deductible, but must be paid out of same principle would hold true in the
tithe all the increase of thy seed, that our increase. These are the things case of refunds from overages in the
the field bringeth forth year by year” God gives us our increase for. The payment of income taxes.
(Deut. 14:22). “Honour the LORD farmer may deduct the cost of the The minister’s expense is subject
with thy substance, and with the seed, fertilizer, hired help, taxes, trac- to the same principles that apply to
firstfruits of all thine increase” (Prov. tor fuel, etc., because these are ex- any other job. Expenses in the minis-
3:9). That the Church teaches tithing penses involved in producing a crop. try which the minister would not have
as scriptural is a settled fact which He pays tithes on the remainder and if he were not a minister are deduct-
is accepted by all who take the cov- lives on the other nine-tenths. A mer- ible. Where the minister has an ex-
enant for membership. The amount chant may deduct the rental on the pense allotment available from any
of increase to be paid on has always building, employees’ wages, license source, his net income would natu-
been left to the conscience of the indi- to operate, taxes, and the cost of rally be that much larger, allowing
vidual. But the conscientious person goods bought for resale. him the joy and privilege of paying
does not take the matter lightly, in the The majority of people work on a more tithes into God’s storehouse.
face of the Word of the Lord through wage or salary basis. In the United Our Church of God members be-
the prophet Malachi: “Will a man rob States, and perhaps some other lieve in fairness and honesty with
God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye countries, the government has im- all men as individuals, and with
say, Wherein have we robbed thee? posed a tax on income, and also a their governments which they sup-
In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed social security tax, both of which all port with their taxes. The man who
with a curse: for ye have robbed me, must pay, subject to certain regula- is conscientious in these things will
even this whole nation” (Mal. 3:8, 9). tions. The amount after these are have little difficulty in being consci-
Of course, robbery is not determined withheld has come to be referred to entious toward his God. He consid-
by the amount. It could be possible as take-home pay. Some have not ers the blessing in tithing, and does
that a man, through covetousness, been able to count the take-home not count it a burden or an imposi-

The Evening Light 6 February 2018

tion. He pays tithes in the spirit of grace,
not in the spirit of the law. He loves God
and His Church and counts it a privilege The following excerpts are provided from the 93rd General
to pay a full tenth of his increase to that Assembly under Section 2: Tithes a Test of Membership:
which he loves. He does not pay grudg- It is felt by the Scriptural information provided by the study group,
ingly, as a matter of covetousness, but and the direct challenge given to the Questions & Subjects Committee
willingly in the spirit of liberality. He by the Holy Ghost, that it is imperative that we consider the following:
gives God the benefit of every doubt. • Tithing is biblical
The words of the apostle Paul con- • It is not an option—failure to tithe brings a curse
cerning the disciplining of ourselves • The spirit of non-tithe paying needs to be explored
with regard to meats, drinks, and similar • In many cases of non-tithe paying, you are dealing with a robber
matters, might well apply here: “Happy • Dealing with a thief
is he that condemneth not himself in • Dealing with a covenant breaker, thus making the individual a
that thing which he alloweth” (Rom. liar, who shall have their part in the lake of fire
14:22). Nothing is worth the price of • It is time to awake and choose, what are we going to be, wheat
condemnation in the sight of God. or tares?
Our greatest blessings do not lie in • The spirit of non-tithe paying needs to be and must be dealt with
that which we have to spend or in that • Non-tithe payers, not exposed and dealt with are crippling the
which we lay up in store here below, but power of the Church, both local and General
rather in that which we invest in heav- • All levels of non-tithe paying need attention
en. There is no better way of saying it • A minister who does not pay tithes is useless to The Church of
than in Jesus’ words, “Lay not up for God in any position in his present condition—the ministry must
yourselves treasures upon earth, where lead the way by example
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where • Non-tithe paying is the charge and being a covenant breaker
thieves break through and steal: But lay needs to be dealt with immediately!
up for yourselves treasures in heaven, • We feel the Holy Ghost is saying for us to pay tithes—or continue
where neither moth nor rust doth cor- under the curse
rupt, and where thieves do not break • While it is not an attempt to force people to go against their will,
through nor steal: For where your trea- we feel we can draw a line
sure is, there will your heart be also”
(Matt. 6:19-21). Amen! &

Value vs. Cost with, saith the LORD of hosts, if

Most of us are careful how I will not open you the windows
we spend our money. We seek of heaven, and pour you out a
out deals, clip coupons, compare blessing, that there shall not be
prices, and negotiate the bottom room enough to receive it” (Mal.
line (when it can be done) for ev- 3:10). May the Lord help us—His
erything from groceries to hous- elect—to not be so concerned
es. We do this knowing some about what He chooses to do with
things are worth more than oth- the offering, but that we be faith-
ers. The value of an object ver- Allene Cox ful and diligent in being careful to
sus the cost is a constant factor. It General ABM Coordinator weigh the value and give as unto
seems, some have used that same the Lord. While we aren’t paying
method of measure regarding their souls. He is the ultimate Caregiver and Him for His services to us, His valu-
tithes and offerings. This measure although we cannot pay Him enough for able gifts of love far outweigh the mi-
works wonderfully when it is done His ultimate sacrifice, daily intercession nor costs of our meager means.
“as unto the Lord.” on our behalf, His grace, His mercy, His
This phrase has been used in peace, His salvation, His sanctification,
our offering boosts for many, many His healing, His Church, His creation, Churches reporting 100%
years, but do we truly do it when His love or His overall existence, we in Emergency $:
weighing the value of our offerings can surely be obedient to our Shepherd. Fountain, CO Hillsboro, MO
and tithes? If we did, we would know It was He who caused Malachi to pen Sellersburg, IN Asheville, NC
we aren’t paying a preacher, pastor these words, “Bring ye all the tithes into Somerset, KY Bassett, VA
or even the Church. We are giving the storehouse, that there may be meat
back to the Great Shepherd of our in mine house, and prove me now here-

The Evening Light 7 February 2018

“Oh, how I love Jesus; Oh, how
I love Jesus”—these words are often “clean” money. When we give to God
lifted up in song. But sometimes the first, the “filthy lucre” is made clean.
people who voice these words are the Who wants to spend dirty money?
same ones who say, “I can’t tithe; I We (and all we touch) are made clean
don’t have the means to give in offer- through obedience. “And why call ye
ings.” But that’s not the problem. Not me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things
tithing or giving is just the symptom of which I say?” (Luke 6:46).
what is wrong in the heart. Instead of a Bettie Marlowe If everyone would tithe and give
heart filled with love for our heavenly General Sunday School Coordinator offerings according to the Word,
Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, we there would never be financial prob-
find a heart filled with doubt, distrust and, yes, greed and lems in the Church. If everyone loved God and lived a sur-
covetousness. rendered life, there would be no need to admonish people
So the result is a decision not to honor God, but to hold to tithe—they would be eager to do so. When people give
Him in contempt, and good stewardship is not practiced. out of love for the Lord, perfection is at work. Perfection is
The budget will not stretch to give to the Lord, so instead of when God’s children obey Him in love. God cannot bless
His blessing, the person experiences the curse. through a shell of selfishness.
There are reasons to tithe and give. The Bible says During this month celebrating love, remember your
to do this—that’s enough. But another reason is to have Sister Sunday School—share your love!

Tithing and Giving EVANGELISM bless thee... But if thine heart turn away... ye
from the Inside Out from the INSIDE OUT shall surely perish... I have set before you
For many years I had preached that life and death, blessing and cursing: there-
the Great Commission was our Lord’s last fore choose life, that both thou and thy seed
words and therefore our first command. But may live” (Deut. 30:16, 17, 19).
that is not what Jesus said. Jesus said, “Thou God has promised blessings to those
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy who love Him with all their heart and keep
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy His commandments. “And it shall come to
mind. This is the first and great command- pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my
ment. And the second is like unto it, Thou commandments which I command you this
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these day, to love the LORD your God, and to
E. Roger Ammons
two commandments hang all the law and General Evangelism Coordinator serve him with all your heart and with all
the prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40). The Great your soul, That I will give you the rain of
Commission is not the First and Great Commandment. We your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain,
must get our priorities straight and put first things first. We that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine
cannot be effective in carrying out the Great Commission oil” (Deut. 11:13, 14). In the New Testament, Jesus said
and evangelizing the world unless we are FIRST obedient that we ought to tithe, but that even in so doing we would
to the Great Commandment. If we first love God with our be cursed if we bypass the heart and the love of God. “But
all, then we will love our neighbor enough to share the gos- woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all
pel with him. These divine principles related to the theme manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the LOVE
“From the Inside Out” apply to all of God’s commandments. OF GOD: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave
This includes tithing and giving. Abraham and Jacob gave a the other undone” (Luke 11:42; See also Matthew 23:23.).
tithe before the Law was given, simply because they loved While it is true that we cannot purchase salvation for our
God. Tithing and giving transcend the Law. The Law which loved ones, it is also true that God will bless the obedient
God gave to Moses was not based on a human business con- and curse the disobedient. If we really want to see our loved
tract, but rather on a covenant to which obedience was to be ones saved, we should first love God enough to be faithful
motivated by a heart full of love. The First and Great Com- in tithing and giving. Such obedience should be the product
mandment did not originate in the New Testament, but rather of a heart filled with love for God and our neighbor. Jesus
in the Old Testament. “And thou shalt love the LORD thy taught tithing and giving “From the Inside Out.”
God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all AVAILABLE FOR REVIVALS:
thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, E. Roger Ammons (423) 310-1042
shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently Herman Ard (423) 457-9554
unto thy children...” (Deut. 6:5-7). “I command thee this day John Harper (229) 356-7594 or (256) 307-7658
to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep Abraham Ramos (706) 767-0422
his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that Mary Shelton (931) 224-6659
thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall

The Evening Light 8 February 2018

Displaying the Church flag is part of our “Method One—Burning: A designated,
identity in this world. During the General non-public, secure area should be chosen
Assembly CPMA program this past year, it a safe distance away from any buildings.
was boosted for members to replace faded or It is preferable that the fire burn down to a
worn flag stickers/decals on cars, etc. We want bed of red hot coals for safety and to avoid
our flag to be heralded to the world “because pieces of the flag exiting a roaring fire, yet
of the truth” (Psa. 60:4). Decals and stickers still intense enough to ensure complete burn-
are not the only representation of our banner ing. Great care and respect should be given
that can become faded over time. What about toward the flag during this method. One
worn or soiled cloth flags? I was recently should be mindful not to allow it to fall care-
informed that the Questions & Subjects Com- lessly to the ground as you carry it to the fire.
mittee wrote an outlined procedure to follow The folded Church Flag should be carefully
as it pertains to the disposal of worn Church placed in the center of the fire. As the Church
flags, which was also approved by the Church James Horne flag begins to burn, those present may choose
Literature Review Committee. The recom- General CPMA Coordinator to sing ‘The Church of God Flag’ song and/
mended procedure is to be implemented into or read some appropriate Scriptures or even
the Church Flag Handbook when reprinted. An excerpted recite the Church flag pledge during a time of reflection.
version of their writing is printed here for your information. The flag is more than a piece of fabric—it is a representa-
“DISPOSING OF WORN FLAG: The Church of God tion of the truth.
flag is known as a symbol of Truth to the world. Respect “Method Two—Burying the Church Flag: In instances
should always be shown toward our Church flag in the that you are not able to burn the Church flag, this method
handling, displaying and disposal of it when it becomes of properly burying it should be utilized. The same ini-
necessary. ‘The Church flag should not be flown when it tial steps should be used as in Method One, if the flag is
is soiled, faded, torn or patched; since the proper colors currently flying. It is advised that an appropriate box be
are important, it is advisable to secure new flags to replace obtained to house the Church flag when it is buried. The
those which are unfit’ (Section 6, p. 23, The All Nations properly folded flag should be respectfully placed in the
Flag booklet). Understanding that there will be times that box before burying. A time of reflection should be made as
a Church flag may become worn, tattered, or soiled to the noted above in Method One.”
point it is beyond repair and is no longer proper to be on Remember to display our banner in vibrant and true col-
display, a designated, respectful method should be fol- ors as it helps “identify” the Holy Nation in these last days.
lowed for its disposal. With this being our themed issue on tithing and giving, let’s
“Procedure: Should the flag be presently flying on a remember the Operation Banner of Love fund that helps
pole, slowly lower the Church flag. Carefully remove it newly organized churches to obtain a flag to display. And,
from its pole then fold the flag into its customary crown- don’t forget to join the CPMA!
centered top.
Churches attaining 100% in CPMA since the last issue

Russellville, AL Balinsasayao,
Fountain, CO Somerset, KY Asheville, NC
West Lawrence, AL Sellersburg, IN Hillsboro, MO Bassett, VA

Being that it is tax season, we would like to cover a few areas in

the next few issues of The Evening Light that may affect some local
churches or pastors. Please note that the General Treasurer’s office
cannot answer all of your tax questions. Please consult with your
local accountant or tax preparer for tax related questions.
* If your contact person for the IRS has changed or if your
church mailing address or physical address has changed, you need
to file form 8822-B with the IRS. The form can be found at www.
* Some have inquired about how to apply for a federal tax
Communique ID number. Most banks and other entities require this for you to
conduct business. To request a tax ID number, which is called an
Employer Identification Number (EIN), you can apply online at
Jason Hill, General Treasurer

The Evening Light 9 February 2018

Mission Trip to Liberia
We arrived in Liberia on November 26, 2017, and
were received by Brother Bobby Nagbe Williams at the
Crown Hotel located at Town Hall, Paynesville City,
Liberia, West Africa.
The programs started on Monday at the temporary
site of the Church, at Bernard Farm FDA Community.
The theme of the Conference was taken from the book
of Exodus 14:14: “THE LORD SHALL FIGHT FOR
the rest of the week, God moved in the lives of the
people to the extent that they were very excited and
elated in their spirit when they saw God's power
without measure. They were highly touched through
the messages preached with the demonstrations of
the power of God. Among the messages were: “He
Cares For You” (1 Peter 5:7), and “Mine Eye Seeth
Thee” (Job 42:1-5). Many people gave their lives to
Jesus, confessing their sins, rededicating their life and receiv-
ing their healing during and after the anointing/healing service
on Friday evening, hence, many testified to the power of God,
giving glory, honor, and praises to the name of the Lord.
On Saturday we went for water baptism, where 20 were
baptized. Thereafter we launched into the street for a parade,
proclaiming the gospel of Christ and His Church. Some peo-
ple are promising to join The Church of God in the
Our attendance: Monday-73, Tuesday-114,
Wednesday-97, Thursday-112, Friday-126.
Our Sunday service had 172 in attendance and
19 were added and welcomed to the Church
by taking their covenant.
Despite all the challenges raging against
the Church, nevertheless, The Church of God
is progressing. Praise God for the wonder-
ful work of God that is growing fast in the Country of
Brother Williams is being ordained as a Deacon in the
Church. Please pray that God, in His infinite mercy, will
help and support this brother in the work of The Church
of God in Liberia. Praise God, we returned safely to
Nigeria on December 6, 2017.
Immediate Need—We are praying to God and solicit-
ing help from General Headquarters and cheerful givers
to come to our aid for a permanent
property for the Church in Liberia.
God bless you for your concern
and love seeing all our needs met.

Brother Matthew Ogunmola

National Overseer

The Evening Light 10 February 2018

Deadline for application (downloadable from General Church website) – February 14, 2018
If approved, a $750 deposit (to purchase your airline tickets) is due by March 1, 2018.
Come and be a part of what the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are doing in the islands!
For more information, call the World Mission
Coordinator and Team Leader at 1-423-339-8264, ext. 220

m a i ca
Ja T rip “Let them give glory unto
o n
the LORD, and declare his
praise in the islands”
(Isa. 42:12).

“Building a church is like build-

ing a house: you build it one block
at a time. Finances are secondary to Church History
the saving of souls, but finances are
the by-product of working for the Questions & Answers
salvation of mankind. When some- Q: Where should I pay tithes?
one is converted, his pocketbook is, A: We recommend that all members pay tithes on their
too. What he spent serving the devil income into the treasury of the local church where
he now freely gives toward the cause their membership is, and that all ministers send
of Christ. As the minister visits and tithes of their income in the ministry, including both
souls are saved, the church’s financial tithes and offerings, to the General Treasurer with
strength will increase. Tithing and giv- their reports… and pay tithes on manual labor or
ing in offerings are biblical. Without business into the treasury of the local church where
these the Church of God could not their membership is. (44th AM, 1949, p. 125, QSC and
operate or fulfill her mission for God.” 62nd AM, 1967, p. 152, QSC). Non-members: We recom-
(BTI Term 2, Pastoral, p. 2) mend that the tithes of non-members that are paid
into the local church treasury should be paid out
through the regular channel the same as the tithes of
H istorical
S napshot
Prominent Teaching:
members, (54th AM, 1959, p. 134, WMC).

Q: Should a pastor receive tithes from the local church

“Tithing and Giving”
or members after his time has expired?
marker ascending
A: No. (57th AM, 1962, p. 137, QSC).
Prayer Mountain at
Fields of the Wood.
Q: Should the bishops, deacons and evangelists be al-
lowed to hold credentials who do not pay tithes?
A: I don’t know of any. If you know of any I wish you
would report them. Of course they should pay tithes,
and they prove their disloyalty to the Church and the
Bible when they do not. The Assembly stands for pay-
ing tithes and the officers should pay tithes in order
to be good examples to the believers (Upon This Rock,
Vol. 1, p. 463).

The Evening Light 11 February 2018

W e have all
probably heard
it said, “When you
Oh, This Awful Finance! Me in tithes and of-
ferings because ye
are under the law.”
R. O. Covey
talk about my child, WWM, February 12, 1972 Robbery is robbery
you talk about me!” in any dispensation,
Of course, if the talk is good, it is like We did lots of praying. And we were and it carries its penalty. Grace merely
music. If it is bad, you’d better hold it! not hypocritical or materialistic-minded. gives the “robber” time to get out of the
This is understandable, and we would People pray for their needs. We weren’t business. No matter how loudly he cries,
hope that the good spirit would predom- bargaining with God—“Lord, I’ll give “Grace!” if he dies a robber he is lost.
inate in either case. That which is closest if You’ll do thus-and-so.” No, we gave And frankly, if there were any difference
to our hearts, we are prone to defend, be because much praying kept us close to at all, it would be worse to pick God’s
it children or pocketbook. God. God came first, so we wanted to pocket than man’s.
Possibly our weaknesses hurt worse give. And the same is true today. When a minister preaches on tithes
when touched because we are already We probably didn’t know how and offerings, the “robber of God” is
tender with conviction on those points. blessed we were in having to beware of very apt to accuse him of greed or cov-
This could be the reason it is considered going in debt unnecessarily. We shied etousness. Why not turn the table? Is it
“meddling” when the preacher mentions away from becoming obligated beyond greed or covetousness for a minister to
certain things, even though the Lord, the our income. Somehow it was easier to want what the Bible grants him, yet not
prophets, and the apostles have already give to God and the Church when we greedy or covetous for his members to
spoken out on the same subjects. had no creditors to fear! It is amazing keep what doesn’t belong to them? If
The “sore spots” may vary from per- how people depend on the love, mercy, a minister declares “the whole counsel
son to person, and it is only the “wholly and understanding of God when their of God,” and if he loves the souls of
consecrated” and “totally committed” high income today is found to be some- those he must give account of, he has to
ones who do not have at least one. But what less than their higher payments! preach and teach on tithes and offerings
since the pocketbook is something un- “God will be merciful,” they tell them- from time to time.
derstood by all, let us examine our feel- selves, “But our creditors have us in Ministers don’t usually preach on
ings about it at this time. their hands!” Oh, how they must love things in which the people are obedient,
Is it really necessary to go into the (or fear) their creditors! except in a commendable way. The min-
Scripture on this subject? Most of us The truth is—God must still come istry is made responsible by the General
know what is said therein about money, first. And we should put Him first be- Assembly to promote the financial phase
both its blessings and its curse. Aren’t fore we over-obligate ourselves, instead of the Church work. And the Assembly
we all familiar with the Bible teach- of lamenting our insufficiency after- is not out of line in recommending vari-
ing on tithing and giving? We were all wards. In fact, it is no exaggeration to ous financial plans. The Assembly is us.
aware of the Church’s teachings when say that a little forethought could save The work is ours, so it is up to us to do
we took the covenant. But, being the our soul. Most of us know individuals the work. And it cannot be done without
humans that we are, we need a gentle who backslid because of financial dif- proper finance.
nudge now and then, and sometimes a ficulties of their own making. At least, Again we say, God must come first.
real elbowing, depending on the serious- that was where the loss of victory began. Since the Son of man left His house here
ness of our neglect. Peter says, “Where- “You’re bringing us under law!” to do the work, here is where the money
fore I will not be negligent to put you some have been known to cry, when re- is needed. We are all aware of this, but
always in remembrance of these things, minded that paying tithes is a Scriptural other things enter in. Actually, it should
though ye know them…” (2 Peter 1:12). requirement covered by the “I will” of not be necessary to have much preach-
And Jude says to the “forgetters,”—”I our covenant. “Though ye know,” or ing, begging and pleading, finance-col-
will therefore put you in remembrance, “Though ye once knew this,” as Peter lecting drives and campaigns, contests,
though ye once knew this…” (Jude 1:5). and Jude have already said, some un- etc., since we are not ignorant of our
Today’s affluent society, Christians dergo a sudden change of mind when duty—not to say our privilege.
included, is easily irritated by much ref- the teaching of the Church and the Bible Giving can become a drudgery sim-
erence to the “hard times of the depres- touch the pocketbook! Who among us ply by putting it off. If God is first, then
sion days.” We who lived through them, does not know that tithing preceded the we should pay everything pertaining to
however, will forever cherish the lessons Law? And it was a prophet who asked, His cause first. If it must be done at a sac-
in finance that we learned. While some “Will a man rob God?” We don’t excuse rifice, then make the sacrifice and leave
today have never learned the value of bank robbery or horse stealing because it behind. Just a few dollars paid out at
a dollar (skip the inflationary element!), we are under grace, so why should it the beginning of the Assembly year will
some others of us will never forget its seem righteous to rob God but criminal do wonders for our spirits in months to
value! Much could be said, but here we to rob a merchant? come. Or just a few dollars the first thing
will stick to Church finance as much as God didn’t say, through Malachi, on payday will guarantee much relief in
possible. “Ye are cursed with a curse for robbing the days and weeks ahead. And if some

The Evening Light 12 February 2018

offering has to be paid a dime or a quarter at a time, make
that the first dime or quarter paid after payday.
We are each expecting a crown of his own at the end of
the way. And if it were possible to gain the crown on the OF THE COIN
merits of others, it would surely take something away from
the joys of heaven. No one objects to helping the really poor
and destitute; but beyond this, surely it weighs a lot more “For the love of
in the sight of God, when a church reports 100% in some money is the
fund, if it means 100% participation as well as 100% in dol- Robert J. Hawkins, Jr.
root of all evil...”
lars and cents. World Mission Coordinator
1 Timothy 6:10
We must not overlook the free-will element in certain
offerings. It is easy to fall into the habit of judging our Around the time I joined The Church of God 27 years
brothers and sisters, comparing salaries and expenses, and ago, I remember reading a tract about tithing. It was a long,
criticize them because they do not give as much as we think fold-out piece of literature with several pages to it. When
they should at some particular time. They may have given I was done studying it, I couldn’t wait to begin paying my
generously toward something we knew nothing about. It tithes, for I believed there were blessings for FAITH IN and
is good to leave room for God to “lay it on the heart” now OBEDIENCE TO God’s Word. And the Lord has been true
and then. to His Word and has blessed my family and I over and over.
Yes, many of us are glad we learned to give, and to put The words found in 1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money
God first, back in the days when we knew for sure that dol- is the root of all evil...” have always been a bit of a mystery
lars were made up of pennies, nickels, and dimes. Those to me, but after prayerfully studying them further, I believe
golden lessons in mathematics stand to our credit that we it can safely be said that there is no kind of evil to which
still know what we’re talking about. & a man may not be led through a lust for money—deceit,
oppression, envy, bribery, contentiousness, perjury, malice,
PRESENT FINANCIAL SYSTEM (Tithes) care, fear, and the list rolls on endlessly. Our first defense
The present financial system is based on the current against this evil spirit is to (gladly) pay our tithes, for the
recommendations of the General Assemblies held since Bible tells us in Romans 11:16, “For if the firstfruit be holy,
1993, with other recommendations recorded in the 1989 the lump is also holy...” If we put God first, every other
Assembly Minutes to be followed where possible, giv-
aspect of our lives will be in order. But if we fail God we
ing discretion to the local churches, where it is deemed
fail ourselves, our families, and the people of God. The pro-
necessary to do so. The disposition of funds is to be made
by the 5th of each month to the appropriate office. Funds fessing Christian, ESPECIALLY A MINISTER OF THE
coming in to General Headquarters should be addressed GOSPEL, who refuses to pay his tithes is only that—all
to the General Treasurer with checks made payable to: talk and no substance. “If therefore ye have not been faith-
The Church of God; Jason Hill, Treasurer; mailing ful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your
address: P. O. Box 450, Charleston TN 37310-0450. trust the true riches?” (Luke 16:11). This is a basic Bible
TITHING: truth for a member of The Church of God! “Ye are cursed
PERSONAL LEVEL: The Bible clearly sets forth the with a curse: for ye have robbed me...” (Mal. 3:9). On the
tithe as a tenth part of our increase. We are to pay 10% negative side of the coin, if we fail to pay our tithes it will
of our increase (biblical tithe) to our local church trea- be misery on this earth and eventually, eternal devastation.
sury. Freewill offerings by the individual are “according But on the positive side of the coin, if we trust God and
to ability.” pay our tithes, we will have blessings on top of blessings
LOCAL CHURCH LEVEL: Ten percent of all tithes
and joy unspeakable forever and ever! God challenges and
received are to be sent monthly to the State/Regional/
promises us in Malachi 3:10, 11, “Bring ye all the tithes
National office. The remainder is to be used to pay the
pastor’s allotment, and any remaining balance is to be into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house,
considered surplus tithes. The disbursement of surplus and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I
tithes should be disbursed monthly, quarterly, or annually will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out
at the discretion of the local church conference with first a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive
consideration given to the pastor’s ministerial expense. it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes...” Isn’t
STATE/REGIONAL/NATIONAL LEVEL: Ten per- it time you trusted God? Step out
cent of the tithes coming into this office are to be sent in faith, do what is right, look
monthly to General Headquarters. The overseer’s allot- up, open your heart and
ment and expenses (above the 4th Sunday offering), are your hands, for the win-
paid from the remaining funds when available. Any dows of heaven will
surplus is to be placed in the State/Regional/National/ be opened and you
General Fund for operating the work on that level. (See will be blessed for-
heading “Allotments” for further clarification.)
ever! Amen!

The Evening Light 13 February 2018

10 %
ithout a doubt there are a mul- releasing of finances seems absurd to
titude of men in the world who those who have made money their god,
give more than one-tenth of their in- but God in heaven smiles upon His faith-
come to their vices. These sinners waste ful children who demonstrate such love
their increase on gambling, tobacco, in- Stephen E. Smith for Him in the giving of their resources
toxicating drinks, pornography, etc. In The Evening Light, May 2004 to glorify Him and support His work on
fact, many of them bring their houses to earth. To those He offers this wonderful
ruin as a direct result of spending their tithe. They reason away the many Scrip- promise: “Bring ye all the tithes into
income on sinful indulgences instead tures that teach tithing so they can con- the storehouse, that there may be meat
of feeding and clothing their families. tinue using that 10% for personal plea- in mine house, and prove me now here-
They often file for bankruptcy, end their sure. Should they fall under conviction with, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will
marriages in divorce, and/or lose their from time to time, they may pay a little not open you the windows of heaven,
children’s love and devotion. Friends “token” tithe, but not true tithes on their and pour you out a blessing, that there
abandon them to their self-inflicted income—just enough to ease their con- shall not be room enough to receive it”
woes, and their financial wastefulness science and perhaps make others feel (Mal. 3:10).
leaves them penniless, jobless, and that they are not neglecting their duty to Those who do not tithe find that heav-
friendless. Though some may not suffer give to the Lord’s work. en’s windows are closed. Their prayers
such complete destruction in this life, all This failure to tithe brings many sad are not answered, their souls are lean and
those who spend their money on sinful consequences to these covetous souls, cannot seem to find the joy and happiness
indulgences will certainly suffer some as well as adversely affecting the cause and peace promised to the people of God.
degree of sorrow in this world, fol- of Christ and His Church. One does They stumble at noon-day as at midnight.
lowed by a world of sorrow in eternity. not have to look far to see the suffer- The devil seems to have the upper hand
Considering the fact that sinners do ing that results from their disobedience in every corner of their lives, devouring
not hesitate to spend great sums of their to the Scripture, and it would do these their souls’ happiness as well as their
income in furtherance of the kingdom people well to remember the words of material substance. Their wealth brings
of darkness, it seems strange that those the apostle Paul: “For the love of money them no joy and the very spending of it
who call themselves Christians often re- is the root of all evil: which while some seems to bring God’s curse. And indeed
coil at the suggestion that they give ten coveted after, they have erred from the it does, for God has declared to them,
percent of their income to honor their faith, and pierced themselves through “Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have
heavenly King and support the king- with many sorrows” (1 Tim. 6:10). robbed me…” (Mal. 3:9).
dom of righteousness. In fact, many On the other hand, there is a great Why is it that God, who needs noth-
Christians declare they cannot afford host of faithful Christians who would ing, wants us to pay tithes? Perhaps it is
to pay tithes to God. Yet a close inspec- not think of failing to pay their tithes to because He knows the world is more in-
tion of their lives reveals that many of God any more than they would think of terested in money than any other thing,
them can afford nice homes to live in, robbing a bank or stealing money from and He wants to use the tithing system
with comfortable furniture. They seem a neighbor. They are in love with their to “prove” Himself strong toward those
quite able to buy clothes whenever they Saviour, and recognize that giving 10% who love Him, that the world may see
desire, and drive nice automobiles. They of their income to the One who saved and believe. When God’s people tithe
even find funds to enjoy weekend trips them from eternal damnation and gave He rewards them by rebuking the enemy
and occasional vacations. They not only them eternal life is in itself infinitely in- who seeks to destroy their increase. The
have refrigerators and cupboards full of sufficient to demonstrate their apprecia- world then sees the favor of God upon
food, but they find finances to visit the tion to Him. Yet their deep soul affection His people and recognizes that they are
local restaurants fairly regularly. Nice for Christ compels them to tithe their in- truly the blessed of God: “And I will re-
televisions sit in their living rooms, come, give offerings, and do whatever buke the devourer for your sakes, and
and a good variety of video games and they can to glorify Him and obey His he shall not destroy the fruits of your
other forms of entertainment can also be commandments. ground; neither shall your vine cast her
found nearby. These Christians seem to The spirit of those who truly un- fruit before the time in the field, saith
live quite well, yet they become offend- derstand the value of their salvation is the LORD of hosts. And all nations
ed quickly should someone suggest that seen in Zacchaeus who, upon receiving shall call you blessed: for ye shall be
they tithe their income, and they make salvation, gave half of his goods to the a delightsome land, saith the LORD of
every effort to convince themselves poor. It is seen in the saints of the early hosts” (Mal. 3:11, 12).
that God does not really require tithing Church who, after the baptism of the What a glorious promise He has giv-
in this New Testament dispensation of Holy Ghost, sold their possessions and en! It would seem that every member of
grace. “Anyhow,” they reason, “God laid the money at the apostles’ feet. It is the Lord’s Church would want the world
certainly does not need my money.” seen likewise in the poor widow woman to see God’s blessings among His peo-
Thus these “Christians” excuse them- Jesus commended because she gave all ple, and enjoy the experience of living
selves from making the commitment to she had into the treasury of God. Such in a “delightsome land.” The word de-

The Evening Light 14 February 2018

lightsome means pleasure, or like para- (Heb. 7:2, 3). Thus Melchisedic, if not pour out the promised blessing.
dise (the Garden of Eden). Is it not time Christ Himself, certainly represents 2. Becomes a thief. In fact, “The earth
for all to leave the dry, fruitless desert Him in the eternal priesthood. Thus the is the LORD’S, and the fulness there-
behind and enjoy the fruit of God’s best analogy is simply saying that here men of; the world, and they that dwell
blessings? When God is dishonored the receive tithes (on earth under the Leviti- therein” (Psa. 24:1). Since God
heavens become brass and the earth iron. cal priesthood), but there (in heaven) He owns everything, we are only stew-
Indeed, the time has arrived for all who (Christ Himself) receives tithes. Now, ards of His possessions. In handling
love the Lord to “prove” Him and see how can Christ receive tithes unless His funds which pass into our hands,
that He will indeed open the windows of people are paying tithes? we become His trustees. He has
heaven and pour out His blessings. It is obvious that Christ expects His ordered that the tithes be returned
Those “Christians” who have set people to pay tithes. In fact, this is what to Him for support of His ministry,
their affections on things below attempt He said to the Pharisees while rebuk- and declares all who fail to do so
to justify their failure to tithe by rel- ing them. “But woe unto you, Phari- are thieves and robbers. And, no
egating it to the “Old Testament law,” sees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all thief shall enter His kingdom. (See
claiming there is no basis for tithing in manner of herbs, and pass over judg- Malachi 3:10; 1 Corinthians 6:10.)
the New Testament. But they seem to ment and the love of God: these ought 3. Destroys his testimony to the
be willfully ignorant of the Scripture. ye to have done, and not to leave the world. Instead of the promised
Sometimes these boast that they are, by other undone” (Luke 11:42). Jesus was spiritual and material blessings,
faith alone, the children of Abraham. not pronouncing His “woe” upon the he is cursed with a curse. God re-
Indeed, the Word does declare, “…they Pharisees for tithing, but for failing to moves His hand of protection and
which are of faith, the same are the chil- exercise heartfelt judgment and love. allows the enemy to come in and
dren of Abraham” (Gal. 3:7). But one Concerning tithing, he says, “this ought destroy. The world sees the sor-
must not forget the words of Jesus who ye to have done.” Thus the Son of God row and trouble and has no desire
declared, “…If ye were Abraham’s chil- plainly states that His people should to seek the God of such a one.
dren, ye would do the works of Abra- tithe, while not neglecting the rest of Dear friend, do we not love to give
ham” (John 8:39). We are told that their duty to God. to those who are dear to us? No exhor-
Abraham went out not knowing where Jesus added another statement that tation is needed to make a devoted par-
he was going. He did not know what should stir the hearts of those who love ent give to the child, or the affectionate
dangers lay ahead, or how he would Him, “For I say unto you, That except husband to the wife. One of the plain-
arrive safely at his destination. But He your righteousness shall exceed the est marks and indications of the pres-
trusted that God, Who called and com- righteousness of the scribes and Phari- ence of love is the desire to give. This
manded him, was well able to meet sees, ye shall in no case enter into the is true between man and man, and man
whatever needs Abraham would face. kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:20). How and woman, and man and God. Noth-
Thus we see that his faith in God was can one have a greater righteousness ing can prevent these expressions of
revealed by his works. And it is worth than that of the scribes and Pharisees? love if they are truly in the heart. God
mentioning that one of the works of Their religion was all external. It was is love, and He is giving all the time.
Abraham was that he paid tithes (Gen. for show, to be seen of men. It lacked Who can count His mercies and bless-
14:20). If we are to be the children of heartfelt sincerity that testifies of true ings? When we love, giving will follow;
Abraham, we will do the works of Abra- religion. Thus our tithing, as well as all and the more we become like God, the
ham. And that includes tithing. obedience to Christ, must come from more will we love to give and the more
Another thought worth pursuing is the heart. One cannot tithe reluctantly, we will give. In The Church of God we
found in Hebrews 7:8, “And here men doing so just to obey the letter of the generally say that we “pay” tithes, and
that die receive tithes; but there he re- law. Those whose tithes are acceptable “give” offerings, but the principle is
ceiveth them, of whom it is witnessed to God give from the heart, in deep and the same. Love, not law, compels us to
that he liveth.” The writer of Hebrews true devotion to the Saviour of their tithe. Surely, when we see the love that
is comparing the priesthood of Christ soul. In so doing, their righteousness far has been sent to us from heaven with all
to the Levitical priesthood and show- exceeds that of the Pharisees, and be- its temporary and eternal benefits, our
ing the superiority of Christ’s priest- comes acceptable to God. love will respond with the surrender of
hood. He refers back to the priesthood Much more could be said on the sub- not only one-tenth of our income, but
of Melchisedec, of whom he says, “… ject of tithing, but let us end with a few we will dedicate all we have to the glory
being by interpretation King of righ- sobering thoughts. When a member of and service of God. And when we do,
teousness, and after that also King of the Church fails to tithe he: God will smile upon His people, swing
Salem, which is, King of peace; Without 1. Calls God a liar. His failure to heaven’s windows open wide, and pour
father, without mother, without descent, tithe is evidence he does not be- out His best blessings.
having neither beginning of days, nor lieve God’s promise to rebuke
end of life; but made like unto the Son the devourer, or His promise to
of God; abideth a priest continually” open the windows of heaven and

The Evening Light 15 February 2018

Former General Overseers Speak About

Tithing & Giving

A. J. Tomlinson M. A. Tomlinson
If you are prospering a little, pay your tithes. If you All of us want to
are prospered much, pay your tithes. God has promised pay what we owe, and
to bless the tithe payer, whether the amount is much we should not be care-
or little. Do you want God’s blessings? Then pay your less about paying our
tithes in regular order—ten cents on every dollar actual debts. We know in fact
increase. that we owe God one-
(WWM, May 21,1927) tenth of our income and to fail to pay Him
We are thoroughly convinced that all should pay one tenth of their is a serious matter. It belongs to God. It
income to the Lord, and we are just as fully convinced that the tithes are is not ours, and we have no right to use
to be paid to the Church of God... and not handed around promiscuously it for ourselves. We are using money
according to your own feelings or notion. that does not belong to us when we do.
(Annual Address, 1916) (WWM, February 9, 1957)

Robert J. Pruitt Stephen E. Smith

Long ago it was accepted that paying tithes I can’t imagine any people that
is a Bible requirement for all of God’s chil- give more liberally or work harder
dren. There is a blessing that goes with tithe at fund raising than our Church of
paying and a curse on those who do not pay God people do. God bless you for
tithes. The Scripture tells us that one who everything that you’ve done to raise
does not pay tithes is a robber, and robbery is funds, to give funds, and for your
a sin… The biblical requirement of tithing ap- faithfulness in your tithing. God will
plies to every member of The Church of God worldwide. It in- honor all of this. Our people give bountifully in The
cludes each and every one whatever the country, the economy, Church of God, and only the Lord, Himself, knows the
the language, or the custom. It applies to the poor nations as kind of sacrifices that many of you have made in your
well as to the wealthier ones. There is no doubt that if each efforts to be a blessing, financially, to The Church of
and every one were faithful in this requirement, it could well God… Thank God for the non-members and the sin-
mean personal prosperity to the tithe payer and consequently, ners and everybody that has given to help to contrib-
increase the financial capability of the Church worldwide. ute to the work of The Church of God in this world!
(Annual Address, 1999) (Annual Address, 2007)

Be a $300 Worker for Missions !

The World Mission Department and the Women’s Mission-
ary Band would like to present to you these beautiful, stainless
steel World Mission Cards that will be given to every “$300
Worker” for March World Missions 2018. These high quality,
laser-engraved cards will make a wonderful display and will
be a blessed reminder of our Great Commission to go into
all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. There
are only 100 of these cards available, so secure yours as soon as
possible! You may send your payment directly to General Headquarters or give
it to your local church treasurer, who will kindly forward your name to us with his report. If
writing a check, please gladly note in the memo—“$300 Worker.” Thank you for your fervent prayers and
giving, and let us call upon God to help us reach our March 2018 World Mission goal of $100,000!

The Evening Light 16 February 2018

Blessed or Unfortunate? unfortunate. “And the LORD was
I’m sure you have heard with Joseph, and he was a prosper-
the meme, “Is the glass ous man...” (Gen. 39:2). “But the
half-full or half-empty?" LORD was with Joseph, and shewed
How you perceive the cir- him mercy, and gave him favour...”
cumstances of the glass (Gen. 39:21). The reality is Joseph
will often determine your was blessed and highly favored!
response. Some people choose to The truth concerning the half-
perceive the glass half-full while empty glass is that it’s always
others view it as half-empty. You to him. 2) He was cast into an empty pit. full even when it appears to be
may look at all you have (even 3) He was sold into slavery. 4) He was half-empty.
though it may not be much) and con- put into prison. 5) He was forgotten for Matter is anything that has mass
sider yourself blessed, or you may two years. and takes up space. Air is matter
look at all you don’t have and think A typical person may perceive even though we are not able to see
yourself to be unfortunate. Joseph as poor and unfortunate; others it. So, the glass may be filled half-
Let’s consider the life of Joseph might consider him cursed. They come way with water, but the other half
(Gen. 37) for a moment. There is no to this conclusion by looking only at his is filled with air. Both are important
doubt a series of unfortunate events circumstances, much the same way we and necessary for life. Your circum-
that occurred. 1) His brothers hated view the half-empty or half-full glass. stances may not be the best, but
him and could not speak peaceably However, God did not view Joseph as remember, you are blessed!

MARCH WORLD MISSIONS and teach all nations, baptizing them in

the name of the Father, and of the Son,
DRIVE IS UPON US! Our theme and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to
for this special mission’s drive is, observe all things whatsoever I have com-
“A Year of Double Blessing!” We manded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,
are setting a goal of $100,000, and even unto the end of the world. Amen”
(Matt. 28:18-20).
by God’s help we can reach it!
All power was given to Jesus.  He
Let’s pray it through, put it into sends us forth to teach all nations and bap-
operation, and watch God reward tize them in the name of the Father, and of
our giving! the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Pay close
Let’s hear from one of our lo- attention to verse 20 that says, “I AM
cal WMB leaders, Cynthia Brown Sharon Griffin WITH YOU ALWAY.” We may be work-
of Mayfield, Kentucky— General WMB Coordinator ing in an evil and dark world, but we are
What does your mission field look NOT alone! One thing I noticed immedi-
like? Are you laboring in your mission to be guilty of neglecting the souls who are ately about the theme picture was that you
field? These are NOT questions to be con- ready to hear the gospel. Do we have a vi- could see an image representing Christ
demning, but rather thought provoking. sion for lost souls? When we look at those and His presence with us in the fields of
After watching Sister Sharon Griffin’s around us in this world, do we see a field harvest.
service at the General Assembly this year, that needs to be harvested, or do we look During the month of October, I gave ev-
I had so many thoughts race through my the other way because we are too busy? Are eryone a set of chopsticks and asked them
mind about the Mission Field. The WMB we neglecting the field that God has placed to place the chopsticks on the table where
theme this year, “Arise and Go…The us in? Charles Spurgeon said, “If sinners be they eat family meals.  Each meal I asked
Work Is Not Yet Finished!” is powerful! damned, at least let them leap to hell over them to use the chopsticks as a reminder to
“Then saith he unto his disciples, The our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them pray for China, one field that needs to be
harvest truly is plenteous, but the labour- perish with our arms wrapped around their harvested and the souls that are searching
ers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of knees. If hell must be filled, let it be filled in for the truth.  Let’s all pray for China and
the harvest, that he will send forth labour- the teeth of exertions, and let NO ONE GO pray that we will be willing to go wherever
ers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:37, 38). Are UNWARNED OR UNPRAYED FOR!” we are called to labor—whether near or
we willing to labor where God has placed “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in far, even if we don’t have family nearby.
us, or where He is calling us? Jesus is the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise There is a world (field) that is waiting to
asking for our willingness to labor in the as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matt. be harvested. Let’s not neglect the work
fields. He knows the hearts of all men and 10:16). Christ is sending us forth into the that is set before us. There is a song that
if He tells us the harvest is plenteous, then midst of evil and darkness. The Spirit will has these words, “Will you go wherever I
it is plenteous! He continues to tell us to lead us, and let us know when to speak and lead? Be the light in the dark and salt in
pray for more laborers. If the harvest is what to speak. “And Jesus came and spake the street?  Will you go no matter the cost? 
not brought in when it is ripe, then it be- unto them, saying, All power is given unto Will you live for the lost so they’ll know of
gins to rot in the fields. We do not want me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, the Cross? Will you go?”  

The Evening Light 17 February 2018

“to communicate forget not”
Imparting Information and Means
James R. Horne, Assistant Editor
Bessemer, AL

“It came even to pass on the third day, that, behold, that communication through the reporting system was
a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes designated as one of the helps noted in 1 Corinthians
rent, and earth upon his head: and so it was, when he 12:28. Moreover, we see this concept in action through-
came to David, that he fell to the earth, and did obei- out Scripture. Several additional examples come to
sance. And David said unto him, From whence comest mind. Scripture tells us, “And when we were come to
thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly. And the day
am I escaped. And David said unto him, How went the following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the
matter? I pray thee, tell me. And he answered, That the elders were present. And when he had saluted them,
people are fled from the battle, and many of the people he declared particularly what things God had wrought
also are fallen and dead; and Saul and Jonathan his son among the Gentiles by his ministry” (Acts 21:17-19).
are dead also” (2 Sam. 1:2-4). Here is an illustration of Paul went to communicate something that happened in
someone communicating important information. “How the ministry, so he reached Jerusalem and was saluted
went the matter?” David asked. The man who came out there. The next day he and the brethren went to James
of the camp of Saul answered with the report. The statis- (the General Overseer) at “Headquarters” with the elders
tics were conveyed to David, giving him insight of the sit- present and gave his report by declaring what God had
uation on the field. We further read that he was affected done among the Gentiles. We see that The Church of
by the information shared. In this case, he lamented God at Philippi communicated with Paul. He said, “Not-
over the news. In another passage, the Queen of Sheba withstanding ye have well done, that ye did communi-
stated, “It was a true report that I heard in mine own land cate with my affliction. Now ye Philippians know also,
of thy acts” but the assessment of the report was that it that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from
exceeded expectations and that the “half was not told” Macedonia, no church communicated with me as con-
(1 Kings 10:6, 7). cerning giving and receiving, but ye only” (Phil. 4:14, 15).
In Lesson One of our BTI Third Term Business class Paul was occupying a position similar to that of a State
it’s stated that communication through “personal report- Overseer, and he commended the Church at Philippi
ing is the most common form of reporting in the Bible. for their faithfulness because they communicated with
From the local church level, to a budding ‘general level,’ him regarding giving and receiving. In 1 Timothy 6:18
Peter, Barnabas, and Paul, personally reported to the we further read Paul’s appeal, “That they do good, that
first Assembly the facts of God’s blessings upon the they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to
Gentiles (Acts 15:7-12). When a decision was reached communicate.” In this context, communicate can mean
by the Assembly, there was a reporting of that decision being “willing to share, inclined to impart, free in giving”
from the general level to the local level in the form of let- (Strong’s 2843). We are told in Hebrews 13:16, 17: “But
ters (Acts 15:22, 23, 30).” to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such
Communicating in certain cases is synonymous with sacrifices God is well pleased. Obey them that have the
reporting information. Accountability and conveying rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for
updates about our work is valuable in that it keeps those your souls, as they that must give account, that they may
over us in the Lord informed of progress, it challenges us do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable
to stay active in the work (as mandated by the Assembly) for you.”
and keeps us in check as laborers together under God’s Some may have felt in times past that our system of
Government. In some cases, “Local Church reports reporting and communicating information in the Church
showing little or no progress,” signal that an assessment was burdensome, but surely this isn’t the case with
of the work may be needed. “If evaluations and adjust- modern day conveniences of regular mail service and
ments are not made, the result will be more of the same, new forms of conveying information (although there are
including low morale among the members… or [perhaps parts of the world where regular reporting can still be
reveal the need to address] spiritual problems…” (BTI, a challenge). Our model of reporting is not just some
3rd Term Business, p. 9). unnecessary function that our forefathers imposed
The word “communicate” denotes “imparting both on the Church. It was rather seen as a biblical way of
information and means” to reveal or convey that which establishing accountability, gleaning information, and
you are doing. Another definition represents being linked our worldwide efforts together, many being one.
“sociable, ready and apt to form and maintain com- Our covenant represents our commitment and shared
munion and fellowship.” We see in our Church history responsibility with other members of the Body, to do

The Evening Light 18 February 2018

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things correctly as recommended by the multitude of tithing and giving as listed in our Prominent Teaching is
counselors. Let us note that the Assembly has asked us well established in Scripture: Genesis 14:18-20; 28:20-
to report (See Business Guide, pp. 155-157.), and we 22; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42; 1 Corinthi-
are told that God is “well pleased” when we do. It further ans 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-9; Hebrews 7:1-21.
states that a “good report maketh the bones fat” (Prov. Each of us “count as one” but our efforts, our part
15:30). Reporting is also significant for the purpose of of this great work, is added to the overall contribution
record keeping, the importance of which was discussed of the whole Body (e.g. souls saved, members added,
and established in 1906, at the very first Assembly this sermons preached, CPMA memberships, subscrip-
side of the Dark Ages. Where would we be without good tions to The Evening Light, tithes paid, etc). Our spiri-
records of things gone by, whether biblical or historical? tual labors and faithfulness are further accounted for in
Could it not be further established that reporting and heaven (Heb. 6:10). We lack a true representation of
accounting of information was important to the New Tes- our work here on earth when statistics are submitted to
tament Church? Did the Church not have a treasurer Headquarters or are read at the Assembly, but are not
who handled funds and did it not also have a member- inclusive of all ministries because some didn’t faithfully
ship roll of names that was reported? “...Judas had the communicate the information. Promptness, accuracy
bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that and regular reporting to those over us, as well as send-
we have need of against the feast; or, that he should ing “means” which, as designated in the Word, belong
give something to the poor” (John 13:29) “...Peter stood to and honor God; will bring His blessings upon us, fund
up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number the overall effort in this world and give a clearer picture
of names together were about an hundred and twenty)” of where we’re at in the general labors of the Church in
(Acts 1:15). these last days. So to those in ministry, or to whom this
If you recollect, communicating can be defined as applies, consider getting your monthly “communication”
“imparting information and means.” Our Church Busi- ready and mailed by the 5th of each month. To the mem-
ness Guide tells us that funds are sent “with their ber, be faithful in tithing and giving at your local church
reports.” When we report to State and General Head- and see what blessings God will pour out on you! To all
quarters we are not only obedient and accountable to who are charged with other responsibilities in leadership
the government by imparting information regarding (at any level) or at whatever interval you are asked to
that which we have done for God, but we also submit report and to where, these words encourage you by say-
“means” that are due to the Lord with that information. ing, “to communicate forget not.”
The Assembly has designated a financial system through
which the whole Church is to operate. Besides free will
giving, members pay tithes of their increase into the local Giving offerings is separate
church. Ten percent of the members’ tithes are sent from
the local church to the State Headquarters. The State
and apart from paying tithes.
then pays 10% to General Headquarters. The remaining Our offerings are to be given in
90% of tithes paid into the local church (up to the limit addition to the tithes we pay.
set by the Administrative Committee) is used to give an We are under obligation to give
allotment to the pastor for his support. A minister pays offerings just the same as we are to
10% of his ministerial increase to General Headquarters
pay tithes. We cannot fulfill our
with his report. All of this is imperative to the operation of
our work worldwide. “For brass I will bring gold, and for obligation for giving by paying tithes.
iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones (God’s Financial Plan tract)
iron: I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exac-
tors righteousness” (Isa. 60:17). God’s financial plan of

The Evening Light 19 February 2018

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Honor to Whom Honor

Michael P. Jernigan was born on August 18, 1976, in Muskogee, Oklahoma,
to Paul S. and Shelia Jernigan. Brother Jernigan was saved at an early age
and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in a 5 ½ week revival that his father
was preaching in Bixby, Oklahoma. Both of his parents as well as his grandpar-
ents have made a great impact on his life and ministry.
His wife, Amy, was born December 15, 1975, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to
Warren and Sandra Stewart. Brother Jernigan met Amy at a District Conven-
tion in Arkansas where he and his father had been invited to minister. In 1996,
while attending BTI in Cleveland he proposed to her on the sidewalk of the A. Featured Servant:
J. Tomlinson house. They have been married for almost 21 years and have Michael P. Jernigan
two wonderful children, Ashton Aleise and Elijah Courage, as well as one who Questions & Subjects
awaits them in heaven.
Committee Member
Sister Amy was saved at an early age, too, and has served the Lord and The
Church of God in many ways. She enjoys singing and doing crafts. She is a dedicated home school mother and her
favorite passage of Scripture is Psalm 91.
Brother Jernigan not only grew up in The Church of God, but is humbled to be a fourth generation Church of
God minister. He has been preaching for 25 years. Over the years he has served in many local, state and regional
ministerial capacities. He has had the privilege to minister throughout the United States in conventions, camps and
retreats, as well as in many other countries via their Church’s Media Ministry. A highlight in his ministry was being
able to travel to Israel in 2014 and preaching the dedication message for the Garden Tomb Marker in Jerusalem.
He said it was a trip that he will never forget. He currently serves on Regional and General Church Committees and
has been pastoring for 18 years.
Joshua 1:9 and Psalms 37:4, 5, have served as a great inspiration to him in the ministry. When asked how he
would advise a young minister, he replied, “Be zealous in all you do, for there are souls that must be rescued. Stay
focused and never fall out of love with Jesus! Always pray for the power of God in your life.”
He has been known to say while preaching, “Remember I’m just the mailman, if you don’t like what is being
delivered, you need to speak to the Postmaster.”

Offering “Always tithe your income
resources and put it in the church
available from treasury. Make freewill
offerings besides your tithes.”
-Advice to Members

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