Resetting Modem

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Login to http://192.168.1.

1 with the username and password

username: tmuser
password: tmuser

If you cannot logon using the user name and password combinations provided above, you may need to
reset the modem by long-pressing the ‘reset’ button to the default factory setting.

after login, you'll see this:

1. Connection Type: select PPPOE

2. Streamyx Account : put your username and password. Login Name = yourname@streamyx
Password = your password

3. Wireless Configuration : tick "Enable Wireless"

Wireless Network Name (SSID): put your any preferred SSID.

Wireless Channel : AUTO

Wireless Security : WEP , then click "SET WEP key". (can put 5chars. eg: 12345)

4. save your settings. don't forget to click commit/reboot as well.

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