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Response Essay Format – 3rd IT YIELds 2020

Name : Maulana Ramaditya Bahri

Institution: Diponegoro University

Speaker : Dr. Rifqi Ismail

Topic : Nature of risk and regulation in banking

The important information that I obtained from the speaker is

to know about the nature of risk and regulation in banking.
There are 3 points or 3 challenges in the global islamic finance.
There are

1. Strong cooperation and collaboration in enhancing and

embrancing islamic economic among OIC member country and
with other non OIC members.

2, Expanding the view of islamic finance to also capture islamic

economic as a whole such as halal industry, islamic education,
islamic fintech, etc.

3. Balancing and intregrating islamic commercial and social

sectors to optimally contribute to the economy

In the wealth, is a must to be managed for Can’t be witheld,

need to be occupied in investment optimaly (quantitiy) and
productive (quality), Distribution of wealth to the needies, and
participation of all parties in the economy for the public.

When we talk about risk, the definition of risk is close to the

definition of gharar in sharia. Which mean gharar is any
uncertainty or control in contract. By the size, there are :

1. Gharar Fahish (big gharar)

2. Gharar yasir (small gharar)

Gharar fahish should be controlled and minimized while gharar
yasir has characteristic of negliglible, inevitable, and
unintentional. For created gharar occurs because of the huma
intervention like gambling, impermissible contracts, fake
contracts, invalid contracts, etc and islamic bank may not do and
must avoid this created gharar means creating problem of
uncertainty of playing with uncertainty condition

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