VirtualAgileTeams-IIL - Get Started - FINAL

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Virtual Agile Teams Getting Started

Virtual Agile Teams

Getting Started

© International Institute for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

Participant’s Notes:

IIL-VAT ©International Institute for Learning, Inc. 1

Virtual Agile Teams Getting Started

Course Goal

The goal of the course is to enable you to

successfully execute your preferred Agile or
Scrum methods in a virtual project team

© International Institute for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Participant’s Notes: Please review the course goal within the context
of your work environment.

IIL-VAT ©International Institute for Learning, Inc. 2

Virtual Agile Teams Getting Started

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

• Explain the characteristics of a virtual team and how
they differ from a co-located team
• Build an effective virtual Agile team using a Team
Charter approach
• Develop Release Plans, including prioritizing user
stories, with a virtual Agile Team
• Construct a Sprint plan, including effective user story
estimates, virtually
• Execute a Sprint, including essential Agile or Scrum
ceremonies, virtually
• Conduct effective virtual meetings in an environment
supportive of Agile and Scrum methods
© International Institute for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Participant’s Notes: Please review the objectives. By doing so, you

will be able to focus your attention on the areas
that this course is intended to address.

IIL-VAT ©International Institute for Learning, Inc. 3

Virtual Agile Teams Getting Started

Course Structure

Module 3:
Module 1: Module 2:
Getting Started Planning Releases
Foundation Forming Virtual
with a Virtual Agile
Concepts Agile Teams

Module 4: Module 5: Module 6:

Planning a Sprint Running a Sprint in Creating an Summary and Next
for a Virtual a Virtual Environment for Steps
Project Environment Success

© International Institute for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Participant’s Notes: Each module builds upon the knowledge, skills,

and techniques learned in the prior modules, so
by the end of the course, you should have a
complete understanding of this course content.

IIL-VAT ©International Institute for Learning, Inc. 4

Virtual Agile Teams Getting Started

Target Audience

This course is designed for all members or

potential members of Agile project teams,
who need to adapt their Agile or Scrum
methods to a virtual environment.

© International Institute for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Participant’s Notes:

IIL-VAT ©International Institute for Learning, Inc. 5

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