Administrative Order 26

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oe MALACARAN PALACE MASSA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO, 26 AUTHORIZING THE GRANT OF HAZARD PAY TO GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL WHO PHYSICALLY REPORT FOR WORK DURING THE PERIOD OF IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ENHANCED COMMUNITY QUARANTINE RELATIVE TO THE Covib-19 OUTBREAK WHEREAS, Proclamation No. 822 (s. 2020) daciared a Stato of Public Health Emergency in recognition of the COVID-19 public health event as a threat to national Security. and tb prompt a whole-al-government approach in addressing the COVID- 16 oulbraak in the country; WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the InlerAgenay Task Force for tha Management of Emerging Inloctous Diseases in the Philippines (IATF) established under Executive Order (EQ) No. 168 (s. 2014), the Prasident directed the adoption of ‘stringent social distancing and community quarantine measures and guidatines in the National Capital Region (NCR), effective 15 March 2020, io contain the spread of COVID-19; WHEREAS, Proclamation No. 929 (s. 2020) declared @ State of Calamity in the entire countty for & period of six (6) months, imposed an Enhanced Community ‘Quarantine aver the entire Liizon affective 17 March 2020 and expiring on 13 April 2020, and enjoined govamment agencies and LGUs fo render full msststance to and cooperation with exch other, and mobilize the macessary resources to undeitake ‘offical, Urgent and appropriate disaster response aid and measures in a timely manner, in ightof the COVID-19 situation: WHEREAS, as part of such social distancing and Enhanced Community Quarantine measures. the Memorandum from the Executive Secretary dated 16 March 2020 directad the adoption of work fram home and skblotal workforce: arrangements in the Executig Bmnch to ensure tha dalivery of services to the publics WHEREAS, governtnant employees and workers engaged through contract of sarvice (COS) or job ordor (J), whose services are urpently necessary. and who phynically report for work during the pariod of an Enhanced Community Quarantina are inevitably exposed to health risks and hazards, and THE PRESIDENT OF THHEVIILIFINES WHEREAS, Congressional Joint Resolution No, 4 (s. 2008) authorizes the Qrant of Hazard Pay to government personnel exposed to hazardous situations, such me not limited to, disease-infested places, which pose occupational risks or porils to life: ‘NOW, THEREFORE, |, RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE. President af tha Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order, SECTION 1. Grant of the COVID-19 Hazard Pay. National government agencies (NGAs), including state universifies and colleges (SUCs) and govermment- owned of -controlled corporations (GOCCs), are authorized to grant COVID-19 Hazard Pay to personnal who physically report for work during the implementation af ‘en Enhanced Community Quarantine in (heir respective work stations, in-an amount ot exceeding PS00 por diy per person, which shall be computed as follows: number of days physically reporting COVID-19 Hazard Pay = S00 x ie ides during the quarantine period Personnel who are olresdy-entitied to Hazard Pay, Hazardous Duly Pay, Hazard Allowance of other similar benefits under existing laws, issuances, rules and regulations, such @s public health workers, public social workers, science and technology personnel and military and uniformed personnel, shall continue to be antitied to such banolits or tha COVID-19 Hazard Pay, whichever ls haghor, ‘SECTION 2. Conditions on the Grant of the COVID-19 Hazard Pay. Tha heads of government agencies may grant the COVID-19 Hazard Pay to their | without the need for further approval of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), provided the follawing conditions are met: 2. The personnel ere ecaupying regular, contractual ar casual positions, or ane engaged through COS, JO or other similar schemes; b, The personnel have beén authorized to physically nsport for work at thelr respective offices or work stations on the prescribed official working hours. by the hand of gency or office during the period of implemontation af Enhanced Community Quarantine massures in the area of such office or work station! and cc. The rale of COVID-19 Hazard Pay shall be based on the number of days an employee physically reports for work using ‘the formula under Section 1 hereof, SECTION 3. Fund Sources of the COVID-19 Hazard Pay for Employees in the Executive Branch. Tho funds névded for the grint of the COVID-19 Hazard Pay fo employees in the Executive Branch shall be charged apainst the following sources: a, For NGAs and SUCs, the amount required for personnal occupying regular, contractual or casual positions shall be charged against their available feleased Personnel Services (PS) allotments, while the amount required for COS or JO workers shall be charged agains their available reicased Maintenance and Other Opernting Expenses (MQOE) allotments, wilhout need for prior authority from tho DEM, provided thal all muthorized mandatory. ‘expenses shall have been paid first, Should an NGA or SUG have Insufficient PS or MOGE allotments, as the case may ba, to fully caver the COVID-19 Hazard Pay at the rato of 500 per day per person, « lower bul uniform mate may be granied for all qualified perscnnal; and b. For GOCGs, the amount required shall be charged against thair respective approved corporate operating budgets (COBp) for Fiscal. Yoar (FY) 2020, Should a GOCC have insufficient funds to (ully cover the COVID-19 Hazard Pay at P500 par day per person, a lower but uniform rate may be granted for all qualified porsonnel, SECTION 4. COVID-19 Hazard Pay for Employeos in tho Legislative and Judicin! Branches and Other Offices Vested with Fiscal Autonomy. Employees: in tho Senate, House of Representatives, the Judiciary, Oifice of the Ombudsman: and other independent constiulional bedies vested with fiscal autonamy, wh physically report for work during the quarantine period, and have adopted similar work arangoments as provided in Section 2(b) of this Ordor, may likewise be granted the COVID-19 Hazard Pay not exceeding 500 per day per person, chargeable against the available released PS allotments of their respective apencies, subject to the other conditions under Section 2 hereof. Should there be ingufficiant funds to fully cover the COVID-19 Hazard Pay at the rate ol P500 par day per person, a Jawer but uniform rate may be granted for all qualified personnel. SECTION 5. COVID-19 Hazard Pay for Employees in LGUs. Tho grant of the COVID-19 Hazard Pay to employees in LGUs, including those in the barangays, who physically repart far work during the quarintina parod, and havo adopted similar work ofrangoments ax provided in Section 2(b) of this Order, shall be determined by thelr respective Sanggunians depending on the LGU's financial ‘capabilly, al rates nolexcanding PS00 per day par person, subject to: (a) the PS limitation in LGU budgets under Republic Act (RA) No. 7760, and (b) the othar conditions under Section 2 hereof, chargeable against the FY 2020 local govamnmant finds. Should an LGU have insufficient funds to fully covar (he COVID-19 Hazard Pay al the mate of P5090 parday per person, alowerbut undorm rte may be granted for all qualified parsonnel. SECTION 6. COVID-19 Hazard Pay for Employees in Local Water Districts (LWDs), LWDs which have adopted similar work arangemonts as provided in Section 2[b) of this Oriar may also grant the COVID-19 Hazard Pay to their employees who physically report for work during the quarantine period, at mates to be daterminad by thoir respective Boards of Directors (BOD), but not to exceed P500 per day per parson, chargoable againul their respective BOD-approved COBs, subject to the other conditions under Section 2 hereof Should an LWD have “insufficiant funds to fully covar the COVID-19 Hazard Pay al the rate of P500 per day per person, a lower bul uniform rate may be granted for all qualified personnal. SECTH non te Oonear oe Hazard Pay for Employoos in Agoncias Examptod GORGE xa public Act (RA) No. 6758, as amended, NGAs and iad mpted from the coverage of RA No 6758, as amandad, which have en ‘similar work arrangements as provided in Section 2(b) of this Grdar may Grant the COVID-19 Hazard Pay to their employees who physicaily rapott for Work during the quarantine period at rates to be determined by thair respective governing boards or agency hoads, but not to exceed PS00 por day pet person, subject to the other conditions under Section 2 hereof, Should there be insufficient funds to fully cover tho COVID-19 Hazard Pay at the rate of P500 per day per person, lower bul uniform rate may be granted for all qualified personne) SECTION 8. Guidelines on the Grant of the COVID-19 Hazard Pay, As may be necessary, the DBM shall issue supplemental guidelines for tha affective implementation of this Ordor. SECTION & Similar Benefit for Health Workers In the Private Sector, Private hospitals and other hoalth facilitios are strongly encouraged fo grant a similar benofit to thelr health workers and staff exposad to the perils of tho COVIO-19, SECTION 10. Rotroactive Application. The grant of ne GOVID-19 Hazard Pay shall be affective beginning 17 March 2020, SECTION 11, Separability. 1! any provision of this Order is declared invaiitt oF unednatitutional, the other provisions not affected theraty shall remain valid and subsisting SECTION 12. Repeal. All ssuances, orders, rules and regulations of parts thoreol which are incon#lstent wiih the provisions of this Order are heretiy, repealed or modified accordingly. SECTION 13. Effectivity, This Order shall take affect immodiately following iis publication in the Gificial Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation DONE in the City of Manila this 23ruday of Harch in the Year of Our Lord, ‘Two Thousand and Twenty. Rt By the Presitent: me “SALVADOR C, MEDIALDEA ‘Executive Secretary. ‘Offien of Hey President RECORDS AACR OPE o CERTHRIED COPY =m 4 me oar

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