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MCPUBLIC OF TE PLILIPLINES: FOF IIE INFEMTON AND LOCAL GOV Cou Myo nate Hainan; Quezon City CMe ASS $ amber 18, 2002 S49 ORET IOS cannes MEMORANDUM CIRCULATE NA. 200% - 150. ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS, PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS, CITY DIRECTORS, MUNICIPAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS OFFICERS, CITY/MUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, SANSGUNIANG GARANGAY MEMBERS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED To SUBJECT ; GUIDELINES ON THE APPOINTMENT OF BARANGAY SECRATARIES, TREASUKERS ANG OTHER APPOINTIVE BARANGAY OFFICIALS ee fn view of the influx of eumieious requests fer opinion on certain izsuts eect concen: relative to the app of barangay secretaries, Necastmers and other barangay appuintive ofiiciats, and in fine with the “general super sory authority of the BILS ever Local Governnient Units, as deleyeted Litto the Secretary under Adminiswative Orcer No. 267 cated 13 of the President, tase: GUIDELINES are hereby of Barangay secretaries, weasurers, anc nay vificiais. : ARTICLE # CATIONS AND PHOCESS OF APPOINTMENT anyay Secretary. Pursuant to Section 394 of RA swe as the Local Government Code, the barangay ointed vy the punong barangay w:th the concurrence ali the sanggunlang barangay memners. The gay Secretary shall nut be cubject to attestation by Wanguy seurctary if he Is a gat empleyes, oF # relative of civ? degree of consanguinity or SBCWOH 39S of RA 7760, rangey treasurer nice of the Ry majority of all the sangyuniang barangay members, The appointment of the barangay treasurer shall not be subject to atresration by the Civil Service Commision. . The baranqay treasurer shall, ve of legal age, # qualified voter and an actual resident cf (he barangay concerned, Ne person shall be appelated barangay treasurer jf he Js a sangguntang barangay member, a government employee, or a reladve of the punong barangay within the fourtt civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. x SEC, 3. Other Appolntive Barangay Officials- The punong barangay shall, upon approval by a majority of all the members of the sangguolang barangay, appoint or replace other appcintlve barangay stiicials. AWHICLE IT NAYURE OF APPOINIME! SECTION 1. The appointment of barangay secretary, barangay treasurer and other barangay appointive officials are, by their nature, co- terminous with tre appointing authority (C3¢ Opinion datec 28 July 1998, addressed to then Directo: Almario M. ce los Santos, Legal Service, DILG). SEC. 2. The term of office of barengay elective officials elected . in the 15 July 2002 barangay clectlons commenced on 1S August 2002 per Section © ot RA 9164 (Synchronized Barangay and SK Elections). In that and present terms of office af Punong Barangays are from each wither, such that upon the eapiration of the the Punong Barangays elected In the 1997 Barangay af 14 Aucuist 2002, ihe terms of office of barangay Surers hiewis eapiread. poIntment cr incumbent barangay secretary and appointiaent of a new barangay secretary and Neceszary, which shall be oar in accordance with the der sections 294 andi 3¥5 wf the Local Gavermment requiiement cf Sanygurdang Barangay arangey sal sintply cetecrine whether or raHigay possesses all the qualifications, ‘must be a qualified voter; and (c) concerned, and i1one of the qqunlang barangay member; j(c} It he,'she Is a relative of the ¢ of consanguinity or affinity, aa Barangay shali be considered wniguices, atiitcary ana unjustifiable, and qrould thus be tantamauneteabuse of authority. ¥ SEC. 4 Pending compliance with the condition of concurrence, the Appointee, In the exigency of public service, shail be allowed to discharge and pertorna the powers duties and responsinilities pertaining to the office and they shall ee consiterec to pe nelding a temporary appoininient. SEC, 5. Pursuant to Sectlon 5 of RA 6713, otherwise known as the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Pusite Qtnclals and Employees”, the Sangguiiiang Barangay snail act on the appointment within fifteen (15) working days frorn receipt of the appedstrent as submilired by the Punong Barangay. . ARTICLE at REMOVAL SECTION 1, Tne removal of nariogay sccretagy tad barangay treasurer snail require wie concurrence of the niajority of aif the Sangguniang Barangay members ~Aiquize!a vs. Ocol, G.R. No 132413, 27 August 1999). : Howerer, the barangay sc: and barangay erezzurer may 3150 be cond act gh pertinent Civil Service law, rules wrence of the majority of all the notanymare required. pong Baranyay shall, upoR approval by 7 majority of fangay Members, 1eplace osher appolntive parangay 5}, Local Governmem Code), fMicials may also be ramoved for cause hy accordance wy, ruley and regulations. 2 of all concerned. AGTY. Mal >. CORPUS Actifig Secretiny A ae &

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