Introducing Yourself: Presentado A: Publio Septimo Padilla

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Faculta Ciencias Económicas

Programa: Administración de Empresa

Ingles III
NCR 2608

VII Semestre



1- What is your full name? My name is Tomas Jose Carrillo Gaona

2- Where are you from? I am from Santo Tomas
3- How old are you? I am I am thirty-eight years’ old
4- What is your cell phone number? My cell phone number is 3004110374
5- What is your e-mail address? My e-mail address
6- Are you single, married or separated? I am single
7- Do you have children? No, I am don’t have children
8- What is your mom´s name? her name is Nicolasa Gaona
9- How old is she? She is sixty-nine years
10- What does she do? She is a Housewife
11- What is your father´s name? his name is Claudio Carrillo
12- How old is he? He is seventy
13- What does he do? He is pensioner
14- Do you have sibling? Yes, I have four siblings
15- Do you have a pet? Not, I don´t have pet
16- Who do you live with? I live with my family
17- Do you live in an apartment or a house? I live in a house
18- What was your favourite school subject a school? my favorite subject was computer
19- What subject didn´t you like? I don´t English
20- What is your favourite food? My favorite food is rice with chicken
21- What is your favourite drink? My favorite drink is coffee with milk
22- What is your favourite tv program? My favorite program is csi
23- What is your favourite film? My favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings
24- What is your favourite sport? My favorite sport is football
25- Do you practice any sport? No, I don't practice any sports
26- What do you do in your free time? My free time I watch tv
27- What is your native language? My native language Spanish
28- What is your level of English? My level of English is one
29- Do you want to learn English? why? Yes, it is very important today and in my
professional career
30- What is your future project? My future project is to be an entrepreneur
31- Who is your best friend? My best friend is Jose Arrieta
32- Are you happy at home? Why? Yes, I share a lot with my family

WhatsApp Audio 2020-10-10 at 2.25.29 PM.mp4

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