Junior Middle School

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The education system in English speaking countries

If we speak about the system of education in the USA, it should be mentioned that it has its
particularities in different states. There are different schools in the USA: large and small, private / public, co-
educational for boys and for girls alone. Also in the USA there are lots of extracurricular activities the pupils
can participate at. There is a great variety of sports, music lessons, theatre and debating society. Most of all that
I like in American schools is their method of studying: the teachers provide pupils with new information from
the internet and from magazines; pupils have to study more by themselves rather than the teachers providing
all the theme. Maybe that is why pupils never copy, even if they don’t know the answer. The lack of marks
gives them the opportunity to do better next time and to fulfill their credits.
Before joining higher learning, students in America are supposed to go through primary and secondary
stages for a total of 12 years. Pupils start elementary classes at the age of 6. 
Secondary education consists of two programs consisting of middle school and the junior middle school. The
second part consists of high school. After a student graduate from this stage, they are awarded a diploma.

The UK
In the UK, the education system is often divided into 4 main parts. These are primary, secondary,
further and higher learning. It is compulsory for all children in the UK to attend primary as well as post-primary
levels for a period of 5 years until a student gets to the age of 16.
Here the learning is usually split into key stages as follows:
 Level 1: For kids aged 5-7 years
 Level 2: For kids aged 7 to 11
 Level 3: For kids aged 11 to 14
 level 4: For kids aged 11 to 16
Level 1 and 2 usually consist of primary schools. When students reach 11 years, they can join post-primary
schools and complete stage 3 and 4. Post-primary school often starts at age 11 until age 16. After completing
secondary school, a learner can choose to proceed for further knowledge where they do their A-levels. This is a
mandatory stage for all learners planning to join University.
Each level in the UK has different requirements that need to be met to get to the next stage. If you are
searching for a recognized university, you can get in touch with the UK education department.

Education is necessary in Canada for students under 16. This applies to all provinces apart from New
Brunswick where the compulsory age is 18. Most of the studying in Canada will continue until the
12th grade.  The system is divided into elementary, intermediate, secondary and the post-secondary.
During their secondary and post-secondary education, students often opt to buy an essay in Canada to achieve
good results at university.

Australia has a similar system but little differences between territories and states. Primary and
secondary is compulsory for students aged 6 to 16.
The system last for 13 years and consist of:
 Primary. Last 7 years from preparatory to 6 or7
 Secondary. Last for 3 or 4 years from 7or 8 to 8/10.
 Senior secondary. This usually run for a period of 2 years from 11 to 12
 Tertiary. This usually consists of a higher level such as universities and VET.

To my mind the education in Moldova is very complicated and I would like to advise our Ministry of
Education to perform it. Our education is compulsory. It consists of: primary school, gymnasium and lyceum.
After graduating the lyceum each student passes the Baccalaureate exams and according to the results, he enters
the University. Unfortunately, the majority of students have to pay for their studies that is very difficult for a
family to support it. But in spite of it, our students are interested in getting a new profession and achieving
goals of life.

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