The Logic of Intercultural Evaluation

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9 Logic of Intercultural Evaluation ‘A muliculra society iely to ince communis some of whose acties fend apanst the values ofthe majo It eanoo leat ‘hem indiscriminately because thas a day bath fries woke gans mozaly outrageous pracces an to sefepard the inte of ‘sown moral cule. However it dallowed al it dsapgroed oft ‘would be gully of moral dogmatism and exreme intlernce 8nd, ‘Would miss the appt to take a ral look ats ow vals and Practices. This ties the question a to how a muita society Shosld decide which monty var and practices fo oleate Within ‘shat ini. Consider the following practices wich have aroused difcat epee of publi concen intoent years Female circumcision, Polygamy “Muslin an Jewish methods of suerng asia, Amanged manages, practised manly butt only by Asians. The pacts ranges frm slngely fol patel approval of ie ‘sings’ choices o sponses fisting ones he '. Mamiages within prohibited egress of lacs, for example, “Maslin can mary te fst cous, td Tews hee nees, oth of which ar viewed With favour in some wesem societies. 266 Logic of Iterulra Eetuaton 268 {6 The practic, cammon among sme Afcan communities of ser singthi cher’ chests orate arto th body a pa of he {silo ceremoay 71 ‘The Mts pact of withdrawing their schoo ging git roms sch actives at sport, sles and swimming Tesons tha involve wearing sor nd exposing puts thei Bay. 1 Muslin ps weaing the hob cr ead i schol. Although its allowedia most western counts, itecntines oars Yay ing depree of opposition i some of them. 9, Sikh refa to wear hemes rather dan thee tational ebns ‘when diving moor cles or dea dangerous work on busing les fo take off thei tarbane when aking ats cour o bw ing before the peer inthe Howse of Commons ands save off theca wen woekngmpaces th sve hadi of food 10, Retisal by eye and the Amish comma to send thei cha Arent setost ether akogeter oar reaching cern ag 08 the grows hat eer ection Isles for ther nd ee Ss them ro he comity 1, Regs by Hinds io be allowed to cremate thei deceased on funeral pyre seater thes oes and a rare cases, to own fates hn reat corps 12. Sobowitate sams of women and lt nis incding denial of fpporates fr flr persona developmen 48 some Hinoiy In orto acide wether o¢ nt tolerate hese aoe rates ‘ve ase guiding paige, ch ofthe ope ad pilesopieal ‘Secon four pipes re geerly cared Sine thy ae wel Known and Lam only concerted wo dea teton them atest amine the cil, [shall ot elaborate other. Some wets ‘esl universal human right o more gery owners ral "es, nage that since tse represen the mo ie a are ‘larly sea they provi he universally valid standards of vale ‘tion! For sone oes every society his ahstoealy acquit cha [ster oedeaty embod ins core sted vals. Since the ter fer the bss of ts may of if, haste and a daty tds lew races tht offend aginst them I shall el sth picple tof ce or sermon talues* Some wrens mia that spe mal Sadness culturally embeded, scety should disallow ely those races ht ease har others, fort go furter would amount 246. Rethinking Mulcuraion alu “npr shal cll ie the no-ham piciple? Finally, Some argue at since wives valid vals ar aot avaiable, sine the concept of core value is problema and ince harm canna slays define ins early nel may, hemos desiele and indeed the only posible coun of ation sto engage In op ined and moral serious dope with minority spokzsmen a act ‘on the esting coesenus. Aap sucha consensus mii ive making conessions and compromises that ay of Hs members ight feel wocay about itil hat hey hve ta pon faa deeply ved society I shal eal his he ripe of lpia onseosun® ‘Although each ofthese vows consis important int and ence ‘hc appeal they areal defcive in deen degrees. At we scar ler itis posible waive at body of unverlly vali ales and we ‘may igh insist that practes ht offend agin them ae okey ‘ssc. Hower, su ales aro hin ad fe to cover al por lant areas of He. They dsl wath the mot bai aspect of fama Ie shout which there i penal ie serious dsagrsmet, and fal © ude us once we go beyond hese Not supsngy withthe exception ‘of couple of practices n our ist they are largely inelevant to the di Casson of the west Furthemare. untersucht Figs ed 10 be inetd, jue the unig cumstances an el tual tions oF each society and prized in ees of cont Shae disagreements on these ra reltd ies cant be resolved by ‘appealing to the values themseves, moral uaienalsm i of limited tap. ‘Altauph a5 we sal setae, the appeal to wciy’s shred or cone ‘alas hs ch o Be sidfor too sue at iis, As they te geocrally defised, thee vahes ate suppose tobe share yall ft least the vst majority ofthe members of icity and to form he basi of ht personal an cllective ves ou f any ul he most rational society hs coe vals in he sense. Tk eral soc ty Heeapaity ofthe seas cove vlc? Not fo cis seit and many conservative and relipiws pera. Ica aa mpotant Tiber value, Bu ot all embers of iba society are Urals Is respect for persons is shard ale? Racist, fascist Semis and ‘tes cid do ot age or dos only Beesuse he vale i ined so vaguely as tobe meaningless. Even fa society canbe show to ave omen vals, they might be morally unacceptable equality ‘ard valve ia slave owning cst sd cate tse soc, Du we ‘woul pt wish o argue ta i shoul therefor Be ished et lope 7 | Logi of erature Evaluation 267 cof on the cgultvan mires, Bess, esr ates of “Scty mit ce eget fo ony vlc, hyo Rha Sd mow other scti, a thn hey ant De tS 5 8 o260- {Chica sce Faster, evs fk ca be ‘kn, prtact lt dal of in vera llteat way Sine ts mumbr are yodngre but th he appeal ese als does ot tke us ery fa The do, of cous Stee debs (dpa res bt do cole ah “hs forthe shar pnp sas opens wh py ical hrm is imsned. hgh ven he the sth pase mentioned ‘ove ies imeesting cs. fs panes whee ‘rot ban such peste x nn, polygamy, aged marae caste ed ny of th ors hid err Thy cher aoe Wiel omplx ston of oon mor and ter peso arm to tthe sn he get tas about wich conse Sclt {oobi or aie ses that canot be adel concep and Sind ithe smpin ngage of ‘Ae forth pine of diag! comers dialogs icra cru fsa dsp morals ura igre, ede ‘hal itr ow shoul proceed Hower, tunel ak forint sbsace and sonics form propor hy nese. Unt lnc deberaon aout pla pola aleve ‘cn witha parca soy with utara ct Bi toy sda aa paranoia onsite ns cn way Thr dagen nt aout the She dpud pace i dsable in gener on pile, bt tie ti deine ner soit, orm aad women ei, tsi wt hi slur adsl tdontunding Te dalog ca ‘Detheton b peed wo es ctng a mat tat th nd Soren prvling ae, whic provide ocular. sae ‘tome ad inpssinitsOn des nil ote. sagas th the ose icp in ems hic pt esc ca be ve, Wests cannot bt st wih wha $a al sce opine pbs ax, which rvie the cone {lef once for allach dessins. Ths ral, neve SS esas and mw neptabe and may hems Be Gos {one Ths ulin dla wich diflca aes ae one in» creaive nr anf laced and wal oils an oh ml oat connss ta bl ion etal aot sponse dsp pct. 268 Rethinking Malcom Interceltara dialogue With the exception of deeply divided society, and paps not even Aha every see egies for is servi and smth antol at least ome agreement on what valves and practices ould ult the ‘ondt of their collective afr. Those values and peace ten sei ter dominant peston hugh a proonged proces of doc 'inton and oerion, tel cemtinge fo be actively or passively com ‘sted by mailed groups Howes, whateer thei eins str) and made of reproduction, owe time they become pat of saci ‘moral sructure and ate embod Ine major soil, coon, polit al sd otherinstations Ts members may personally old nde by iret ves, but inthe ierpersona relatos the se expested to tide by those the saceycollevey cherishes. Ui the cove of shed vals refered wea, hse tales ale nts ope and laply confined to the ply relevant and regulated eas of Invi ie “The commen ie ised at thoes, nd hence a society's pb lie values are sulably aniculted at each of them. Fist they ate ‘ned nits consitation which ays down the bs ll nd mera operative puble vals of Heal society ae 274 Rethinking Maturation ‘fended by it the patic should be allowed in lod a oficial ‘Ssignard places, a6 he case in sac counties nda, Gaya, ‘ina anlhe Neha ‘The Jesh and Msim metho of slaughtering animals bs Been x subject of cominung debate in many Wester soir. For a vary ‘of religious reasons having odo with he nate of lager andthe Symbolic significance of food, te two communis believe that the Animal shold ke concious and not sued before bing slaughre Some animal sgh active and evee otben have sued Oat although this method of Lili is quick and festive, the animal is omcius of eng killed ad salle pan oth Before a during the Snughe and thatthe peste shouldbe Banned. This stacy ‘3 qusstion as the Hind practice of rearing the ashes of hi dead, Tutte ate good seasons to allow the practice. Although it mot integra te the Jewish and Muti ways of fe inthe seme that they ‘oul sur profound disoriemaron ic were to be disallowed, tit ‘cigoaly sanctone, means mach to the two commuuies, adie ‘losely te op with hr other els and practices, Spokesmen of the wo communities a alo able to offer a emsonable defence of trguing hat pain othe animal il oa est minal an hat, ‘mimals wer allowed tobe killed at al the pain sing barely af Seconds should not be given greater moral Weight thn the cult Sentiments ofthe two communities. Futhermor, the pacise docs Bac Wola aty of the operative ble vals of the wider soc. nd the popular senstity to anal pain i not yet 0 imense and widespread sto make the practice deeply offensive o morally una opal I things were to change eadialy, the practice might need to be reconsidered as was recently done in Norway which following ‘much pblic discussion and slr making approprnte provisions for {ashero¢ halal foe, decided oat ith the ling consent is esis and Maslin communities. ‘The Asan practice of arranged mariage as srossed some urease ‘in many be soit It overs a wide spect ging fom the allos automatic parca endorsement of Spouses ely chosen by ‘her oping parental poston a them. Although te revtice has mo religous bass itis inmertcked wth eter paces, plas an Import yar in sustaining the Gian way of if, and means a great el ois dees. They ar alo able to afer a rensoabl defence ‘fi They argue tha marages are kl to be happier an Ut longer it pares consent them al fel morally an enotonlly ont Loti of eratra Evaluation 215 ted tote sucess. othe Asian view individ ae anita prt ‘ofthe fala hi ives Blons not jut to hem bat also othe Faris. terefoe makes seme for pret tobe 2a) n who esr sons and davies marry and how the ead thei ives. Asan spakes- mea also point othe fat that any of hic youths theses wel ‘come bl he patel advice unde wider network of sca suppor Ta ranged marriages provide ‘Mary iberls wou ike to an or test incourae the practice on ‘he grounds hat offends against the ales of persona atom and ‘hole AS we sa eae, thet sno justin for hls up fet Sonal atoson and choice as unvesal ales, espe in such ele tual ruil mars mariage I young Asians ae apy fr eit fren to choo or help them choos thee spouses, hey have chase to be chosen or cochorn fo, a heir choses should be expected Evenifthey hive made no sch conscious choles sd ar conten a 2 ‘mater of soa rouine to leave sch devine to their aren, they Should have the sume ight a5 ethers torn thei Personal esis of ours, cul that hes should nat be coerced Imo muinges aginst ie epics personal wishes. The wider society Is therefore ght to ban imgoned maraes o those coated uber duress a5 ‘kina cial sensitive manner, blog ator ist be gully ‘of mora dogmatism and onus ell erferene. ‘Tee origins of female ccamcsion ar unk, Bat in one for “note seme to have exited for eves In ansent Rome met ‘ings wee pused trough he labia minora of aves to event ocr ‘on: in meeval Eagland women i certain sections of ciety wee ‘mad o wear metal casi bls to prevenr promiscuity during hee Tsang absences etidence rom mame bods in acient Egypt sents hat both excision and inflaton wee performed in ‘Teast Rssiaas wells in nietenh-centry Enea Fence and the United Sines, ehtordotomy wae pratied as 4 "eure fr eps, stead isan. Female cimcision takes tre forms: sana of radial” camlson involving the remaval of he prepuce sd the ip ofthe {ovis excision o ctoectomy involving removal ofthe hitrs and ‘es prt or lof the labia mitor: and infusion or Pharonc ce ‘umcson, including removal of the lito, the labia minor nod part ‘ofthe aba majors, and ttching up of the wo ies ofthe vulva ea 276 Rethinking Mulcuarlon Inga smooth srface and smal opening for wine and mens ‘ood. Of he tee, theft oles minima physical bam and dost notscem tobe very feet rom mae cision. Althea ‘eras sometimes ben cited on medical and mote reer ox p= ‘logcl grounds and invles sone dgie of pial mutton, 's widely allowed Unless fone Greutesion isnt case grant Tr there sno obvious sont et life Al ht society ‘Senta wo ist upon tat shouldbe done by qualified people nde pute siperion and medially acopate conditions. The ‘ter wo forms teumcsion ae quite retin etre sn Isl once on te. nether of these wo Frnt practise inst east 25 cons in Ati, the Mile Eas and pat of Southeast Asia is common i Somme Maslin couse but ot eters and inthe Former i rds ‘slam ands to be found among some non Mussa well. The ae as maay a wo mln female cicumcions yea and over 80 i li women ving today fv undergone is anne i all western counties and ths has caused constable unease among 8 ection of “Musk inmigans. The practice dep offends against some of he tsi human o univers values aswell he operav publi vaies of liberal society. It aft revere piel arm, is seit in ue ilats theater ofthe cil makes iver decison: forte, endangers te be a removes an Span sour of pe sure thefts deserves ioe Paed les ts advo fer co ling reasons hat measure pt senor, "The defence ‘mounted hy He advent proses along the dace stages meauaned earer Fs ts requ ty tee ligne cul, tnd ence i ing on them. Secon, et up ith tei the "eal seal bean prctioes and ising tothe way oie Ie gsramees the ges vig by ring out sex intercourse in he ‘te of Pharaoniscitcuncision sn ses bee fom socal uricion, Ina it ens fr he o find «stable husband, poets hrf ‘gins ignominy suing fom her ikely iceeons, and in tse andthe ways lays crc leasing the minal ay of Iie Tir according fs advocates, the prtc promt np Vales which al sciedessboald sate oa lee respect. egulaes the g's suai, aes Seva selaipline and sl ont, roves er agaist obscsion with sex during her alee, and Jeads toa psychologically bel fe Sometimes female creumchion Isl deenied on aesthetic grounds, Female penile deemed 0 Logic of Interna Evaluation 7 ‘be ugly and ished and cicumcison i een as 2 way of making ‘ea tore symmetical and atractve. Noins of cleanliness and Sang mij about thease and significance ofthe citer ae aso invoked? Since thse ene moral arguments, erly advanced in pubic and marginal othe ruin defence of the rate shall gnoe them, ‘Nove ofthese defences measures up to the gravity ofthe harm caused bythe practice and provides seasons to ove the objections tot Theft that its sanctioned by religion ora culture i e800, butneveraconctusie ene or alowing it Ast gens ths orl lous or cultural sancion. There tr a0 meg ol in he Kova ond ‘only pasting aod ambigoun reference i oe ofthe Aad not frase in many Muslim ounes and hs provoked ose SFP tion among some sctions ofthe very communis in which sco ‘A oe the second defence, posh exaggertes the social ale of the pct. The tir aia garantes signi. a5 te remaral ‘adie of hymna sows or pects the gil agast sca ‘hspicons and indiscretion. Italo causes a deep psychological trouma, ents er icapsble ofa normal se fe, abd eas to post Imaal git, abit moodiness, depression and anxiety. Since ‘ther communities which io sherish signiky manage to achieve ‘riot hari cs, hte emo resen why Mists cat The Tansy ctl views of women who have themscves undergone th ‘ave andthe indefenable belie bout the female sexily from ‘shih dees epitinacy as cont against kis of eure tha he considerable scl ress to cnfor 1 nd tht ‘eotng fis semetimes py aes pece, However he anawer et ‘ot in conning the pace bt i jell ering the ay of Ife that makes necessary. Social resres om a visu eee fe ing indus todo things they would rater not, and ean aly be ‘emoved by legally banning the nacelle practice “Te thin defence Fes no Bere, Sexes cpio an slf-conl sue ceri iiorant vac, Bt 30 are mental an yell ‘sexo flee. And ifthe former ne secre 2 bs manaet fu atthe espe ofthe ltr, tet vale is considera reduced ‘What is oc, blocking the piel posbiliy of Mee hay mount fo cuvatng the eletaatviwe. ii, tee t tong ex ‘Src o show tnt om eiunating or even rescng he cence ‘obsession wth ew crcmcson tends to mens it And since 278 Rethinking Malieuurtion it us somal modes of sexi ha forms ‘Wecan ten challenge the detec of fn circumcision by goes {orn its tmp undeying vale allegedly bees uence and eur ingerance, and sho tha too weak over fhe the song atl aed ther objeto ed eater Ove dcaion i evil somewhat sec ant hu snd ey cig show tow te debt the ste could peed an be sed Sete pace i aly Widespread smog emia coms Setanta on sh ca ih ompesion an seetiviy on compu y efor compege tytetlain me ms WE ave far discus femal ccuncon in relaion ire What nthe dnndedy anal nee ony ee "nui ll posession tbr ess?” Tse ts uy hypothe ical staton A 30-year Nigerian sale ho had ne or 2 conference pied out rely th tvs common tang some {ou wren ner sonmunty nderge iosctomy ate fe tt et chien that she adorei a ide en he 1525 Her ass, swell ti, ba oo whe ea of ‘ental ae of psag, symbol teal wir te ps andy reminding themselves tn fo now van ny ete py totes ahr tha wives whos anal us tok pec ae resol plese How sould we spon such demand? Surely nat ed a ‘womia sold be fe oo whats Hs wibby. Newly "this ot bce susan wander wns sued oe 18 goed out a form of pense or ose of flo So ong or sing tpt by ele woul ot low 0 ach Bounds shat would eer her inupb of dca be oa ‘oc ciigatos, lead er to ae excessive demand ot mcs "sous, and tit ber roosed action vines or ides of how buman tings shoul es ir bes Non of hese gous cep Tei the est ples th can of ad cee, “he woman ele cl ao seth weer ok lows be ‘rsp earn o eucon of bear ecnatacon of he se ad the is ad ast ete ttn md al ee ing Wile weston women fl stonly shut tfc eS fet equal srorly about he ental nd wows What he dle ows She mi 0 rer nl rue th sine yc allows aes ‘is known wo encourage perverse Loti of terete Evaluation 279 ‘o engage in sural enlargements of heir genial, denying ber the fight io erumesin is serimintry. Indeed, she lat utc ‘sing feminist, she miph even contend tht miedo society Adsapproves of lurdectomy became mals defie fle sextlty ik ‘cern way, prefer women to offer them oto experience themes ® paula hn of seal pleasure, and that denying er the ight fo Sicunison is sexist in its asumions and implistins aod takes ‘vay ber basi ight die ber sen en ‘While all hs supgetstha an alt worn shouldbe reo undergo ‘txidetomy ad even inflation, che for pot in the opposite ‘ection. Aitoogh it might be her tre choice, cod also be ‘espore co net socal press, mo pertain every cise Bt ce Canly in mary. And eves i ber fee cice we might wonder it maple shouldbe fee wo do with ei boieswhacnr they ike Given the history of te communities concemd i lo kl tha i he were tbe allowed, the prctioe woul! be uae! or pups we ‘tongly disapprove oft een extended o younger women and chil en, Thee algo the danger that eter alt women might Be pt unde resi o engage nt ‘Our decision as to whether or act slow alt female crcmson ds to be based ona cueul weighing up of hese and es ori tins, We hve far cnies, Fre, we mig allow without este= tion. Second. we might low it sijet to clearly specied condition, ‘Sich as tha shouldbe voluntary ad uate in espe deep) Tel belies Tir, might an Ie loge And forth, we might ‘nit bt make exepions when the deta fo itis geil yl ‘ary and bse on eye rd belles The ft course of ston docs not sigiy see's eolecive spyroval of and soul! be ‘led out Since he hid shows no epet forthe worn eso of ‘nie and cur, to should be led ot This leaves ts wit the second and fourth courses of ston In practice they ano 0 ne ot Tes the same tig, but send ou very ferent essen The seco ous of acon impli tat society ses tng wou witht re ‘ie and only objects to ts misuse the four implies the oppo, Since the pectic x objectionable for ressousdwsed ere the Tour couse of inn seems the most defn have so far iscased adult fel etcumeision inthe contest of ‘minority communities among whom it is standard practice What i itwere tbe demanded by @ member ofthe majority commaniy 0 moral oc asthe grou? Here elle does not enter the it rad 280, Rethinking Mabicaluration the woman's decision sands omit omn, The question then is ow ‘much weight iv o individual choles and wheter and what m= 1s sce shuld impos on them. The decision isnot eas. On the ne and uncoeed individu choices sould be respected an, since fecit allows teat rnsplans and 30 forth should also petbaps ‘Mow alt female icamelsion. On th ler hand we ily retest People's choices eves in elation 6 tet own bodes, we dont for ample, allow tiem co sell hi body parts Besides i could plusi- by be gue thar ccumison i ot gute ke teas wnspant or poston fori invlves physi mutation ia wa that he ater ees no. We might lio fel that we shoul courage cetin ways ‘of eating one's body tht cco os he metieal and mera Senses of tos eget perform it and so fh We hve the fame four ois a nthe ese of women fom minority mma ties, ad not to decide on he bso crete wahing-op a the relent considerations. We might ave tthe same detsion asi her case a8 Tink we shold, bt er easons would be somewhat ‘ire The fit that our decision ato wheter allow’ alta practi ‘enna hol ot be bard on tract moral principles othe eh toatonemy alone tt also one cla ang hss conet, ely ‘conroquences ands on Became leaf we lok te cae of a te Tagey defunct Hinds practice of widow inooating beef on et asad’ finer pyre The pctce is of unknown oii, ad in ome form or another goes back len ine: Dung the eal ays of Bish rule when it bocame fly widespread in some parts of the coon, Finn Jendes themselves began fo campaign agaist and created 4 ‘imate which made i ese for the Bas fo oa in 1829 Tocdens of a, however, conve fo osu, acu in post inde pendence Ina, bat thy were claiely race an aroused no public ‘oncur. The station changed 1987 when Roop Kant, 2 wal ‘inca I8-yearold Rajput gel and mae for eight mois 10 2 ‘elleducated_ young. man, mounted her husbands funeral 3 ‘etched by than ofertas admirers. Ath sont of the incident vay, the eieumetantial evidence suggest tht she 8 “raped. Inany ese the incident ried consider pasion ll over Indi, some seonly sappring an ers vere condemning it [would seem tata late uber of Hindus appeoved othe worn’ ston as jodgs by the sizeof plc demenstaons I support ot Logi of reratura Evaluation 281 Altnagh he practice was ready band the pressare on the gover ‘het oo someting was considerate, Wid a few months ofthe inca the Idan Paramore passed sls ctlaving its "ois tio diane remsied fe to argv in favour of tu ot eae celta tn pubic "The goverment bs aroused opposition among influ etans of gue pion icling the bra Tater ew tested the ‘oma’ ght to do what he ike wih her fe, deed her the fee ‘hom tole by ber deply held religous bes and neered with things way of ie. Although these objections ase mpatant oe tion concerning fhe redo feign, indivi aco a ‘on and cannot be ighly omissed as was done bythe secular the feminist they ae deply ated An nds iets not excl Siely his or bers: others ineasing hose hsey related to them so have’ lain om i whic i why suicide 5 saeco oral con fas, Furtberore, like ter kins of feed, religions freedom Cam aever be stole and maybe reeled when used for naecep “hl purposes, One cao: Kill an nie oan alate tease o's Teligon request Since the practice of sat haste Himied author ‘ofthe tation behind pats intense pressure on dsrangt, on fosed and social vlaeale woman otake her fe. The at ht he ‘eat sof considenble sca beefit oe nls provides a ‘kina motive forthe presue. removes himant othe dad ‘mats peer and there ofthe fan's resourses, and enables het Inlays totum thei house nto commerillyprosiable sine. The actos alko reinforces woman's fen, devalues human Te, ences fear bordrng on poeholopicl terror among newly-wed- fed women and even men, and depeiescibren f parental love and For these and elated reasons, the practice deserves to be tamed ‘is woul, of coune, case deep disress © a wicow who sincerely ‘ied ha tas erty to le with Rr busbar that she woul oto heli shed ot meer, sch women sear, an thet el ou feedom can be ected in the wider test of WOMEN 38 3 ttle snd sciey' own operav public vals. Ie might bear that wl baning the prac, te Ia cul grant Kind of ‘coms ius exemption” fo tre women who enderake i voluntary ‘ut of seply el ccligiow els utaby ascetic by gover tment ffi the postion T suggested in relation to alt Fema 282. Rethinking Mulcuturaion ‘éccumesion. Although hr is smehing © be sid fr sch a com: ‘promis there ae several compliting fats. Unite eumson, the aul woman's selmmolto je source oir and eet ‘enfitst et in-ls and even ber pares, a Rene open fo mach suse: eal oeeurs atthe mas suesfl and vues tine of het i, and is therfore une toe ree and rato. Further, te proposed compromise neither challenges th eit at ofthe peace Bor counters the ifuene of enscrupuloutrelipous leaders age to ‘manipulate the velgioussensitiis of lice and gullible people On ance ting the practic loge therfore the best course ‘of action, If Hindu seiety were to ene fl eq o woes all eas of fe, if they were ale wo thik indepen sad decide for themselves between allematve ways of widening thir clea tnuions, and ithe could be contd yon to act fel. hee wold bea eae for concentous exemption. Nove ofthese preconditions shins i cotemporiy India This isnot 30 mech paternalism ery of contentslzing igh and ibs and resting pope cond "ons for ter ineligenexeeise And even pater, unertod Testing individ choices i hi own calls ated est eres, hia legitimate place al sacetes tat have at yet atid ‘lection, and tht inlae al pesnt and foresee ot. Polygamy, incling both polygyny (more than one wife) and polyandry (mote that one hasan, is bane ial waster sites, Since plyayny is pacts by some Malin communities they fel ‘njusty eta ad have campaiged forthe Ban tobe ified on 80 rounds, oe postive the other nega; he former lei stoned ‘kence of he Iter atacing the an a Incberey, ypocies, ‘en rai (Clgen. 1970, Gtadepese, 1993), Masi defence of polyay is fivefold and creipands tothe hee stages mention eae The fist argument lnvkes the ulead !uthoriy ofthe peatie the et appeal tot inprince othe ay flit and the word values lege selves, ‘+s polygyay is tah cla an eligious practice sanctioned respectively by eatin andthe Roan 7 | ' | i | Losic of Imerctural Evaluation 283 ‘Secon, nmost sities ts common to divorce a woman if he it infer o sexe icapacined or te marie pares are emo- ional o sexually incompatible Since divrce cases conic tle sein oll avold, i moe humane to alow the has bund to tke scond wife without having to divere te ft (6 Th ll males ae tempted to stay from he ph of ational fidelity aod sometimes sik up extramarital asons with al dhe ecepon insect ad tensions hat hese exalrwoud Rep all ‘oncemed ad is also more honest ifthe man wee allowed to mary ‘he woman volved aber thas bred up the exiting mariage of lead aie of det ‘+ Fourth, extramarital relations sometimes reat in chen ho fay the sigma of iegiimacy all thet Hves, andthe males ivlved haven social even financial obligations fo them o © AheiemotherInsach cae it more sense not only alow bat to regu the man conceed 9 mary the woman and seep ill ‘esponsbltforteir eden “6 Fit, insome societies he gender rt is skewed and women ou ‘mmnber men This esi compulory spnsterood fer many of them, undesiable gresiue on monogamous mariage, sod even rosin In sech stations polygyy has mich to be sid er ‘Aer the Nigerian cv war wen the tow of Calabar was vac Ing wih unmared women and widows. even de Chistian eta ‘ler prefered to allow plygyny tothe members ter an ck (be obvious dangers ‘Must spokesmen argue that even if their defence of plyyny were {oe found unconvincing, western sci would be rong to ban Fist, the law and eves uch of pubic epnin allow ini © alah with more thus one woman (or mas) 50 log a they do not, ‘mary. Since cohabitation i ile ferent from mage, Wester Socitesendos polygamy in practic, Second, ama’ man sat ib ry to ake a mistes (or mistress). ANBoug here are importa it ferences Between wie and sues, hey should not be enagered ‘The rlionsip tn Boh eases is Tog term a non asa ee fom monetary transactions charscterste of prostitcs and call-gis, tnvoves emotional commitments and metal oHgaions, 2d i ot ly teeminted. Mins argue that fo all patil purposes ma it's mistess is engaged in polyeyny and neither the lav nor soi anion nthe Wests nch eres about 284 Rethinking Malicwaratis ‘Tid, nike most stand peat sits, th i ber sos sy impones no arhip on ether the mai ian is mite He Isat liberty fo bequeath her bis peop ste fa ibe 10 ake hi ‘ue; peter is depived of thr cl and eter ph, wie ‘devoid of character or tir estinony inthe cots dicated te ven ss wig For, the wallow exy divers Given the pe “allag ste of matrimonial Preskdowns, on aerate eal thd of men (and women) ener ino at east two mariage ove 3 fete, Mastins ask why ths snot considered pgp. Plyyy means ‘mor than one Wile iespecive of wether thy are simulanens Or omsociive To tit i to simultaneous pact Ist ff Based ‘finn of And eva if one accept tee 0 obvious eon ‘why having conseeatv pater sould be conde nc spor ‘ohaving them smalaneosy Moslme sso agus that dvse oft ‘ccs again the backgroud of ow elton, a fora me the two slalooships are rn i tandem. This viral polygamy. and shows tha the viding ie beckses Hand monogamy i i to Thave so far sketch both the Mati defence of poygyay and ‘ge of west ses’ an omit Although oth mak ltreing -oins, acters convincing. The Mosln defence ape to the fu ‘umotal bjection theives the pict ofthe euaity a he ‘seek, wich fan operative public ale i eral evi, thts 2 good enough ean Winston Om ca go further an apse 38 atdearer hat egal is ot just west eberal tut a atonally

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