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Cistern Church (Zemi Valley)

Cistern Church (Turkish, Sarnıç Kilise; aka, Avcılar Church 13) is a stunning cave
church in Göreme’s Zemi Valley. The colorful, detailed icons inside the cave church
contrast with the serene, natural landscape of its setting.

The church is in Zemi Valley, 100 meters east of Karabulut Church, here on Google
Maps. You can hike to Cistern Church from Göreme, or from the Nevşehir–Ürgüp
highway, in about one hour. The church does not have a door, so it is always open and
free to enter.


Cistern Church was part of a monastic complex. Unlike other complexes in

Cappadocia, the carved rooms near Cistern Church did have a coherent layout or
common courtyard. The only identifiable spaces are the refectory (immediately to the
left of the church, with a bench and apse) and the narthex (the small entrance space
before the church.

Cistern Church, facade

The interior painting of Cistern Church is similar to others in Göreme valley,

especially Merymana Church (closed) and Dark Church (Göreme OAM). These
churches have rich blue and red pigments, narrative depictions, OT prophets, and
huge archangels. The artistic similarities suggest that the same workshop of artists
from Constantinople completed multiple churches.

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