1 Correct The Sentences. Change One Word in Each Sentence

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1 Correct the sentences. Change one word in each sentence.

1 Why do so much people enjoy going to music festivals? __________

1 There are only a little people waiting in the queue for tickets. __________
2 We had absolutely none idea that he liked singing. __________
3 She is keen on yoga, and practises for three hours all day. __________
4 I had absolutely any idea that you were writing a novel! __________
5 They’ve been partying through the night and they haven’t had many sleep__________
6 There are only a little tickets left for the festival. __________
7 She practises tai chi in the park for one hour all morning. __________

2 Choose the correct answers.

1. ‘Do you know much / any people in the band?’ ‘Yes, I know them all.’
2. Few / A few people are familiar with her work, even though she is so talented.
3. I've eaten most / many of my lunch, but I can't finish it.
4. We’ve looked at all / every painting here and we’re exhausted!
5. I’ll listen to a little / little more music, and then I’m going to bed.
6. I listened carefully, but I could understand only a little / little of the story.
7. They had already eaten pizza, so they didn’t feel like eating most / much dinner.
8. Were all / every paintings by Bellini, or were some by another artist?
9. A few / Few people came to my exhibition, but not as many as I had hoped.

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