Thermodynamics of The One-Dimensional SU (4) Symmetric Spin-Orbital Model

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Thermodynamics of the One-Dimensional SU(4) Symmetric Spin-Orbital Model

Beat Frischmuth,1 Frédéric Mila,2 and Matthias Troyer3
Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Roppongi 7-22-1, Tokyo 106, Japan
(Received 6 July 1998)
The ground-state properties and thermodynamics of the one-dimensional SU(4) symmetric spin
system with orbital degeneracy are investigated using the quantum Monte Carlo loop algorithm.
The spin-spin correlation functions exhibit a 4-site periodicity, and their low-temperature behavior
is controlled by two correlation lengths that diverge like the inverse temperature, while the entropy is
linear in temperature and its slope is consistent with three gapless modes of velocity py2. The physical
implications of these results are discussed. [S0031-9007(98)08155-1]

PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 75.40.Mg

In many transition metal oxides, the electron configu- Second, it was pointed out very recently [8,9] that the
ration has an orbital degeneracy in addition to the spin Hamiltonian H has not only the obvious SUs2d 3 SUs2d
degeneracy. The sign and magnitude of the spin-spin inter- symmetry, but that the full symmetry of Eq. (1) is the
actions is then determined by the orbital occupation lead- even higher symmetry group SU(4). SUsNd symmetric
ing to strong coupling between orbital and spin structure models in one dimension were studied by Affleck, using
(for an overview see Ref. [1]). The Hamiltonian describ- conformal field theory [10]. He showed that any one-
ing such spin-1y2 systems with twofold orbital degeneracy dimensional system of SUsNd symmetry is critical. He
(isospin t ­ 1y2) was derived by Kugel and Khomskii [2] calculated explicitly the critical exponents and zero tem-
and extensively studied in the context of V2 O3 by Castel- perature correlations and showed that at the very low
lani et al. [3] more than 20 years ago. The Hamiltonian energy scale these models are equivalent to N 2 1 free
has rotation symmetry in S$ space. In t$ space this symme- massless bosons. These general results naturally also ap-
try is broken by a Hund’s rule term. Recently, the inves- ply to our case with N ­ 4.
tigation of these spin-orbital models has attracted renewed In this Letter we present the first investigation of the
interest, following the progress in the experimental studies thermodynamic properties of the model Eq. (1). For this
of transition metal oxides [4–6]. purpose we have adapted the continuous time quantum
In this Letter we study the Hamiltonian derived by Kugel Monte Carlo (QMC) loop algorithm [11] to spin-orbital
and Khomskii on a 1D chain, but neglecting the Hund’s models. For this kind of simulations three types of loop
rule term. In this isotropic case the Hamiltonian is updates have to be included: Spin (orbital) loop updates,
where only spin (orbital) variables are changed, but also
Xµ 1

spin/orbital loop updates where both spin and orbital are
H ­J $ $
2Si ? Si11 1 2t$ i ? t$ i11 1 . (1)
i 2 2 simultaneously updated. In fact, this algorithm is so pow-
erful that we can also use it to investigate the zero-
It is rotationally invariant not only in S$ space, but also temperature properties of the model: Systems of length
in t$ space. Furthermore it has an interchange symmetry L ­ 100 [with periodic boundary conditions (PBC)] and
between spins and orbitals. In such a case, the standard inverse temperatures bJ ­ 400 or 800 (b ¿ Lyy) are
mean-field approach [3] that leads to ferromagnetic cor- predominantly in the ground state, and the small contribu-
relations for one type of variables and antiferromagnetic tions from thermally excited states are negligible compared
(AF) correlations for the other one should not be appropri- to our statistical errors. In this way, the ground-state prop-
ate. Our main motivation is to study the consequences of erties can be investigated. We start with a brief summary
this symmetry, in more detail. of these results since some of them differ significantly from
A number of analytic results have already been obtained the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) results
on this model. The system considered here [Eq. (1)], reported in Ref. [9].
belongs to a class of models which is exactly solvable The ground-state energy for a chain of L ­ 100 with
in one dimension by the Bethe ansatz. The Bethe ansatz periodic boundary condition is found to be e0 sL ­ 100d ­
solution obtained by Sutherland gives the exact ground- 20.8253s1d, in perfect agreement with the Bethe ansatz
state energy and the “spin wave” excitations as well [7]. result for the infinite chain (20.825 118 9 . . .) [7]. The
For the model of Eq. (1), there are 3 gapless modes, having zero-temperature correlation function wij sT ­ 0d ;
all a common velocity y ­ pJy2. They are shown in kSiz Sjz l sT ­ 0d as a function of ji 2 jj (for L ­ 100) is
Fig. 3 of Ref. [7]. shown in Fig. 1a and its Fourier transform in Fig. 1b.

0031-9007y99y82(4)y835(4)$15.00 © 1999 The American Physical Society 835


0.004 z
S (k) function wsrd ; wij, ji2jj­r . Fitting wsrd to the form
z z
<S i S j>
(a) (b)
bpy2 fr 2apy2 1 sL 2 rd2apy2 g coss p2 rd 1 b0 fr 2a0 1 sL 2
rd2a0 g for the range 20 & r & 50 (making explicit use
that our system has PBC), we find
apy2 ­ 1.50 6 0.01, a0 ­ 1.85 6 0.16 . (3)
π The best fit is obtained for bpy2 ­ 0.091, apy2 ­ 1.499,
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 π/2 π 3π/2
2 π
0.0 b0 ­ 20.035, and a0 ­ 1.85. A precise estimate of a0
|i j| k is not simple since the k ­ 0 mode is only a relative small
superposition on the top of the much stronger k ­ py2
FIG. 1. (a) QMC results for the correlation function wij ; mode. The exponent apy2 , however, can be determined to
kSiz Sjz l (solid points) as a function of ji 2 jj for a chain high precision. These results are in very good agreement
of length L ­ 100 with PBC which is predominantly in
the ground state (for details see text). The correlations for with the prediction of Affleck, who calculated the critical
ji 2 jj ­ 1, 2, and 4 (which are out of the plot range) behavior of the SU(4) correlation function in an arbitrary
are 20.071 68s1d, 20.040 11s1d, and 0.008 261(4), respectively. SU(4) symmetric model using conformal field theory [10].
The statistical error bars of the QMC calculations are much This correlation function is proportional to wij , as a
smaller than the symbols. ( b) shows the Fourier transform consequence of the symmetry relation Eq. (2) and the exact
S z skd of wij on two different scales.
results are apy2 ­ 32 and a0 ­ 2. The exponent apy2 has
also been estimated, using DMRG (apy2 . 1.5 , 2) [9].
Note that according to the SU(4) symmetry, all the The DMRG results are in principle more precise than the
following correlations are equal [8]: QMC results, but finite size effects in DMRG studies are
b b much bigger due to the use of open boundary conditions.
kSia Sja l ­ ktia tja l ­ k4Sia Sja ti tj l ­ wij , (2)
Thus it is not surprising that our estimate Eq. (3) is much
independent of the indices a, b ­ x, y, z. This relation more precise.
is valid for zero as well as for finite temperatures. While At finite temperatures, the dominant components in
the first equality also holds for an arbitrary SUs2d 3 SUs2d the correlation function, wij sT d ; kSiz Sjz l sT d [note that
symmetric model with exchange symmetry of the S$ and t$ Eq. (2) holds also at finite T ] which result from the soft
variables, the second one is a special property of the SU(4) modes at k ­ 0 and py2, no longer decay according
symmetric model. All the QMC results have been checked to a power law, but exponentially. The corresponding
for the symmetry relation Eq. (2) and perfect agreement correlation lengths j0 sT d and jpy2 sT d may be different.
within the statistical error has been found. The correlation function kSiz Sjz l sT d is shown as a func-
The correlation function wij shows a clear 4-site peri- tion of ji 2 jj in Fig. 2 for a system of length L ­ 200
odicity (see Fig. 1). Its sign is positive if ji 2 jj ­ 4N,
N integer and negative otherwise. The reason for the lat-
ter is the tendency for every four neighboring sites to form 0.00005
a SU(4) singlet [8]. Furthermore, from Fig. 1, it can be
T=0.05 J
seen that the correlations for distances ji 2 jj ­ 4N and
4N 1 2 decay much slower than for ji 2 jj ­ 4N 1 1 0.00000
and 4N 1 3. The explanation of this fact is simple: The
system considered here has low-lying excitations at k ­ 0,
<S iS j>

py2, and p (see Fig. 3 of [7]) each of them leading to


a mode with wave vector k in the long distance correla-

tions. The amplitudes of these modes are all expected to

decay according to a power law, but with different criti- 0
cal exponents ak . From the results for wij (Fig. 1), it can -0.00010
be concluded that the two dominant modes are those with
k ­ py2 (positive prefactor) and k ­ 0 (negative prefac- -4 .10-6
52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
tor). This is also reflected in the Fourier transform S z skd -0.00015
16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
of the correlation function wij , having a characteristic cusp -
|i j|
structure at k ­ 0, py2, and p (see Fig. 1b). While the
cusps at k ­ 0 and py2 are quite sharp, the one at k ­ p, FIG. 2. QMC results for wij sTd ; kSiz Sjz l sTd for a system of
however, is not so pronounced, indicating that the k ­ p length L ­ 200 with PBC and at temperature T ­ 0.05J (solid
mode is of all the three the least dominant mode in the cor- points). As a guide to the eye, the correlations at distances
ji 2 jj ­ 4N 1 m are connected by a separate (dotted) line
relation function. for each m ­ 0, 1, 2, and 3. The inset shows the long distance
The two critical exponents apy2 and a0 can be deter- correlations. The error bars are much smaller than the symbols.
mined from the QMC data of the real space correlation The open squares show the fit with Eq. (4).


with PBC at a temperature T ­ 0.05J. To find the correct 0.4

low-temperature form, describing the long distance behav- 0.015
ior (ji 2 jj ¿ j0 , jpy2 ) of the correlations wij sT d, one
has to consider not only a phase shift dsTd in the k ­ py2 0.010
0.3 φk
mode, but also an incommensuration effect of this compo-
nent, i.e., that the period is shifted away from k ­ py2 0.005

by an amount fk sT d. This is due to the asymmetry of

-1 -1
ξπ/2 , ξ0
the excitation spectrum at the point k ­ py2 which mani- 0.2
0.00 0.04
fests itself at finite T , where also excited states contribute T/J
to wij sT d. This asymmetry can be seen in Fig. 2 of [9],
where the degeneracy of the lowest spin wave branch is -1
0.1 ξπ/2
indicated. As the degeneracy for k . py2 is larger than ξ0
for k , py2, we expect the weight of the py2 mode to
be shifted to a higher k value. This effect can also be 0.0
observed in the Fourier transform S z sk, T d of the correla- 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
tion function, where the maximum at k ­ py2 at T ­ 0 T/J
moves to higher k values when T increases.
FIG. 3. Inverse correlation lengths j021 (open circles) and
Finally, we propose the following low-temperature form 21
jpy2 (filled circles) and the periodicity shift fk (inset) as a
for the correlations wij sT d with ji 2 jj ¿ j0 , jpy2 : function of temperature. The leading T dependences [Eq. (5)]
are also shown (solid, dotted, and dashed lines).
wij sT d ­ b0 sT de2ji2jjyj0 sTd 1 bpy2 sT de2ji2jjyjpy2 sTd
3 coshfpy2 1 fk sT dg si 2 jd 1 dsTdj . (4)
similar result should be obtained, using field theory) and
Fitting the above form to the QMC data of wij sT d for hence jpy2 ø Jys3T d, again in very good agreement with
various T gives the temperature dependence of the six pa- Eq. (5). In comparison, the leading temperature depen-
rameters b0 , j0 , bpy2 , jpy2 , fk , and d. The correspond- dence of the correlationPlength in the SU(2) AF Heisen-
ing fit for T ­ 0.05J is shown in Fig. 2. At this point, we berg model [HHB ­ J i S$ i ? S$ i11 , yHB ­ pJy2, and
want to emphasize that it is important to include the effect Dp HB
sLd ­ pyyL] is jpHB sT d ­ Jys2T d.
of incommensuration (i.e., including a parameter fk fi 0) The leading T dependence of the periodicity shift fk
to get accurate fits in the temperature range 0.01J # T # has been obtained by fitting the very low-temperature data
0.08J and that at finite temperatures and larger distances, with lT b , and the result is fk sT d ~ T 2.1160.15 . This
also the correlations at distances 4N 1 3 can become posi- scaling exponent is quite close to the value of 2, which
tive (Fig. 2), different from the correlations at T ­ 0. For one would expect from a simple calculation, considering
all considered T , the correlation lengths are much smaller the thermal admixtures of the spin wave branches.
than the length of the system (L . 6jpy2 , 6j0 ), so that fi- Finally, we concentrate on the entropy s per site of the
nite size effects are negligible. SU(4) invariant model of Eq. (1). Its T dependence ssT d is
In Fig. 3 the inverse correlation lengths j021 and jpy221 shown in Fig. 4. With decreasing T , the entropy decreases
as well as the periodicity shift fk are plotted as a function monotonically from the high-temperature value ln 4 to 0 at
of temperature. At very low temperatures, j021 and jpy2 21 zero temperature. At low temperatures the entropy shows
both show a linear behavior (see Fig. 3) and the leading a linear behavior as in the AF SU(2) Heisenberg chain
temperature dependences are found to be (HHB ). The slope in the spin-orbital model, however, is
21 about a factor of 3 bigger than that in the AF Heisenberg
jpy2 ­ s2.99 6 0.03dT , j021 ­ s3.90 6 0.09dT . chain (see inset of Fig. 4). This is consistent with the
(5) statement of Affleck [10] that the AF Heisenberg model
Therefore both correlation lengths scale with 1yT . This is equivalent to one free massless boson, while the SU(4)
scaling behavior, including the prefactor, can be moti- invariant spin-orbital model is equivalent to three massless
vated in the following way. By the Lorentz invariance of bosons. The velocity of these bosons are all equal to pJy2
the underlying field theory of the considered model and by [7,12]. Therefore we expect the low energy density of
exchange of the imaginary time and space direction, one states (and hence the entropy) of these two models just
has jk sT d ­ yyDk sL ­ yyT d, where Dk sLd is the finite to differ by a factor of 3.
size gap to the lowest excitations at wave vectors øk in a The implications of these results for mean-field treat-
system of length L. y is the spinon velocity, which in our ments are far reaching. To put them in perspective, it is
model is pJy2. For k ø 0, the lowest lying excitation useful to compare them to the standard mean-field decou-
energy is D0 sLd ­ ys2pyLd leading to j0 ­ Jys4T d, in pling [3] sS$ i ? S$ i11 d st$ i ? t$ i11 d ! kS$ i ? S$ i11 lt$ i ? t$ i11 1
good agreement with Eq. (5). For k ­ py2, the finite kt$ i ? t$ i11 lS$ i ? S$ i11 2 kS$ i ? S$ i11 l kt$ i ? t$ i11 l. Such a de-
size results of Ref. [9] show that Dpy2 sLd ø 0.75D0 sLd (a coupling has a number of consequences. First of all,


1.5 obtained exactly in terms of these dimer wave functions,

2 ln 2 and the energy per bond is equal to 21; i.e., each bond
1.0 has now managed to reach its ground-state energy thanks
to the fluctuations between these six local configurations.
Note that this is no longer true for longer systems, indi-
0.6 cating that 4-site clusters should be a good starting point
s per site

for building variational wave functions. This can be seen

as the physical origin of the 4-site periodicity of the cor-
0.2 relation functions. A similar conclusion was reached in
0.5 Ref. [8] on the basis of the SU(4) symmetry.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Finally, if the ground state is a resonating-valence-bond-
SU(4) spin orbital model like state involving resonances between different local
SU(2) AF Heisenberg chain
configurations, we are led to the conclusion that the ele-
0.0 mentary excitations cannot be pure spin or orbital excita-
0 2 4 6 8 10 tions, but composite objects where spin and orbital degrees
T/J of freedom are intimately mixed. Work is in progress to
get a more precise picture of these excitations. In addition,
FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of the entropy s per site
for the spin-orbital model Eq. (1) (solid line). In the inset the presented results will also have dramatic consequences
the entropy per site is shown on larger temperature scale for more realistic models where the interchange symmetry
together with the entropy sHB per site of a SU(2) spin-1y2 between spin and orbital degrees of freedom is only ap-
AF Heisenberg chain (HHB ) (dotted line). For comparison also proximately valid. This is left for future investigation.
3sHB is shown (dashed line). We thank G. Felder, B. Normand, F. C. Zhang, and
especially T. M. Rice for many fruitful discussions. One
the correlation function ksS$ i ? S$ i11 d st$ i ? t$ i11 dl should be
of us (B. F.) is also grateful for financial support from the
Swiss Nationalfonds. The calculations were performed on
equal to the product of kS$ i ? S$ i11 l with kt$ i ? t$ i11 l, in clear
the Intel Paragon at the ETH Zürich.
contradiction both with the fact that all of them are negative
according to our results and with the property of Eq. (2).
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