Debunk The Buzzwords

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Debunk the Buzzwords

Lauren New, Caitlin Wasem, Jennifer Reeves, Zach DeBoer

October 11th, 2020
EDU 580 - Integrating Tech in Education
Dr. Pabst

❖ International Society for Technology in Education

❖ Digital Learning Pathways is a collection of online professional development

resources that leverage technology to empower teachers.

❖ What if we gave students powerful tools so they can take charge of their learning?

❖ Learn how to enhance learning with technology and advance digital age teaching


❖ ISTE inspires the creation of solutions and connections that improve opportunities

for all learners by delivering: practical guidance, evidence-based professional

Zach DeBoer

ISTE Overview
❖ ISTE Standards are a framework for
innovation in education which give
educators the resources they need to
prepare learners to thrive
❖ ISTE gives a framework to explore and apply
pedagogical approaches made possible by
❖ ISTE educators create a learning culture
that promotes curiosity, fostering digital
literacy and media fluency.
Zach DeBoer

ISTE In the Classroom

Resources offered by ISTE equip educators to…
❖ Facilitate equitable access to educational technology that will meet the
unique needs of diverse learners
❖ Create rich relational and interactive educational experiences facilitated
❖ Design authentic learning activities which maximize active, deep learning
utilizing technology
❖ Create learning experiences which challenge students to innovatively
problem-solve leveraging technology
❖ Assess and focus student learning using technologically-integrated
formative and summative assessments

The SAMR Model is a clear way for teacher to evaluate how they are integrating technology into their

classrooms and using technology in meaningful ways in their lessons.

The bottom two levels are Enhancing learning & the top two levels are transforming learning.

1. Substitution- technology is used as a tool substitute but there are NO functional changes to the task

2. Augmentation- technology is a tool substitution but with some functional improvements.

3. Modification- technology allows for major task redesign and lesson transformation

4. Redefinition- technology allows for the creation of completely new task, not imagined before.

The goal is to get to the upper levels where technology is transforming the learning! -by Joanna S.
Lauren New

First Step of SAMR is
This is a replacement of
common education materials.

Way to use substitution in the

● Using a computer to take notes instead of paper and
Lauren New

Second step would be
augmentation, where we take
education using technology to
the next level in the classroom.

Way to use Augmentation in the

● Instead of just taking notes, we can now share
them with others.
Lauren New

Next we look at the modification
stage, technology is modifying the
interactions between user and content
and between users themselves.

Way to use modification in the

● Work in small groups,Each group has a wiki where
they each post their individual Word Documents.
Other group members contribute interview
questions, via the Wiki, to explore the different
perspectives presented.
Lauren New

Final stage of SAMR is redefinition.
Using this model learning tasks and
technology exist not as ends but as
supports for student learning. This is
where students take technology
beyond the classroom.

Way to use redefinition in the classroom

● Students collaboratively film a news piece, taking on
the role of the type of person they have researched. It
is uploaded to a school blog and audience members
can provide feedback and comments.

● Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

● The Framework helps teachers identify the knowledge they need to effectively teach with technology.

● Content Knowledge (CK) - knowledge about subject matter to be taught.

● Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) Teachers deep knowledge about the process and practices or methods of teaching

and learning

● Technology Knowledge (TK) Knowledge about certain ways of thinking about and working with technology, tools,

and resources
Caitlin Wasem

TPACK Overview
● TPACK overlaps PCK (a teacher’s pedagogical content
knowledge) and TCK (a teacher’s technological content
knowledge) to create a well rounded classroom that integrates
technology and learning to benefit students.

● TPK (technological pedagogical knowledge) explores the

knowledge teachers are required to have of technology itself.
Caitlin Wasem

TPACK in the Classroom

● Technology cannot be
treated as separate set of

● Students must be
presented with
opportunities to use
technology to build,
practice, and share their
knowledge in common
subject areas.
TPACK Example
Caitlin Wasem

2. The visual aspect of the 3. Students are able

lecture is put together using Technological
to research
PowerPoint, a video alternative fuel
presentation, and several sources online and
online journal selections. TPK TCK create a video blog
from their “future”
selves describing
Pedagogical Content how using alternative
Knowledge Knowledge
1. The teacher PCK fuel sources
prepares a lecture on changed the world
natural resources for they live in.
her class.

● Critical Thinking- The link between critical thinking is obvious; one can’t learn well without

thinking well. Critical thinking contributes to success.

● Communication- The power of modern media and the ubiquity of communication technologies in all

aspects of life making teaching strong communication skills even more important.

● Collaboration- Having students collaborate in groups to help generate more knowledge , making

collaboration the key ingredient to student success in today’s global society

● Creativity- Using a wide variety of creative techniques, create new and worthwhile ideas, Elaborate,

refine, analyze and evaluate original ideas to improve creative efforts.

Jennifer Reeves

4 C’s in Education
❖ The 4 C’s to Education are:
➢ Creativity
➢ Critical Thinking
➢ Communication
➢ Collaboration

❖ “4 C’s Education was proposed by the US Ministry of

Education, Apple, Microsoft and 20 other organizations and
education experts (What is 4C Education?).”

❖ “The concept has gained interest among education experts

in Japan as well including the founder of Tokyo International
School, Patrick Newell (What is 4C Education?).”
Jennifer Reeves

4 C’s of Technology
❖ When finishing projects with their families, it is essential to give your child the
chance to work with other classmates to work on the project to work on the
student's communication and sharing ideas with classmates.

❖ Having a child work on their projects gives them a chance to use their imagination
and see how creative they can become.

❖ Parents should not step in to help their child fixed their project, but give
their students a chance to make adjustments and correct their mistake on
their own.
What are the 4 C’s?
Jennifer Reeves

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