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Lisa Cameron

Thomas Cock

Craig Sheppard


Dozens of volunteers unite to create ‘hope for the future’

Tracie Simms

CONTENT These volunteers came together to on so we reached out to our customers wildflowers. We have renewed ponds improve biodiversity, fight climate
EDITOR start planting fruit and oak trees at a to ask if anyone would like to help, and and hedges, and restored surrounding change and create havens for nature.
Jerry Charge local farm. we have been overwhelmed by the stone walls, which all greatly contribute “Moreover, it’s been well
somersetcopy@ Around 60 volunteers gathered on positive responses we received.” to the beauty of the magnificent documented that tree-planting has a
0117 934 3180 Saturday (February 1) at Newton Farm Celia said: “We are also delighted Capability Brown designed parkland we profound impact on people’s lives, it’s
to help owners Hugh, Celia and Josh that as tenants, our landlords, the proudly farm. often about hope for the future, doing
Digital with the first phase of their tree Duchy of Cornwall, are once again very “This important work has many something that will grow for many
newsdesk: planting scheme. kindly supporting us with our latest tree benefits, as not only does the family years and decades to come, so
01935 709735 The aim is to plant around 50 trees, planting scheme. farming business gain from the fruits of hopefully the volunteers will benefit
including many fruit trees along with “Over recent decades along with the everyone’s labour, but most from their hard work too.
0117 934 3000 some oaks, too. Duchy of Cornwall, we have been importantly so does the wildlife and the All the volunteers were treated to a
Josh said: “Planting trees on such a involved in the planting of several environment. well-deserved Newton Farm speciality
NEWSPAPER SALES: large scale is an enormous task to take hundred trees, and fields of British “Additional trees will continue to sausage roll and drink for their help.
0333 2028000

‘Nothing has The scene after a 32-tonne tipper crashed on the

steep Lansdown Lane in Bath, killing a child and
three men on Monday, February 9, 2015

changed, the
road is still
Corrections and
If we have published
anything that is factually
inaccurate, please contact
acting editor Thomas Cock
via email at thomas.cock@ or post to Bath Emma Elgee The resident said that cars slow road is safer since the improve- and I regularly receive emails from
Chronicle, Temple Way, down only for the lights, but then ments were implemented, but many residents who are worried about the
Bristol, BS2 0BY and, once
verified, we will correct it as
speed up straight away. They added say they feel the road is still danger- general use of Lansdown Lane by
soon as possible. Five years on from a crash that that people disregarding the traffic ous and that there is still an “acci- heavy vehicles, parents/carers park-
The Chronicle newspaper claimed four lives and shocked calming measures were “shaming” dent waiting to happen”. ing illegally or carelessly on Lans-
is published by Bath News Bath, residents fear a tragedy those who died. “I think it is a shame They raised concerns that drivers down Lane and also about the safety
& Media Limited, a subsidi-
ary company of Reach PLC,
could happen again. to their memories, when people are ignoring the speed limit and of the pedestrian crossing at the bot-
which is a member of IPSO, On February 9, 2015, a 32-tonne speed down here. other safety features. tom of Lansdown Lane.
the Independent Press tipper truck went out of control on “I remember the loud bang, I John Roberts, who has been living “To that end, the council will be
Standards Organisation. We steep Lansdown Lane and crashed remember the beeping of the driver, on Lansdown Lane since 1983, said installing new signs at the top and
adhere to the E ditors’ Code into pedestrians and parked cars. that poor little girl and her he had noticed a “horren- bottom of Lansdown Lane with a
of Practice as enforced by
IPSO, who are contactable for A court later heard that its brakes granny. It’s just awful.” dous” problem with lorries new compulsory weight restriction.
advice at IPSO, Gate House, were defective and its driver was The resident spoke of the and buses driving down “We also have a meeting with the
1 Farringdon Street, London helpless to stop it on the steep hill. profound effect the inci- the hill. cabinet members for transport and
EC4M 7LG. Website http:// Bath four-year-old Mitzi Steady dent had had on them, He said: “We have big the design engineer to consider the, telephone
0300 123 2220, email advice (inset) died, along with Robert saying that they now walk buses which do a loop safety of the lower section of Lans- Parker, 59, Philip Allen, 52, and Ste- the other side of the road from the hospital and down Lane, including parking and
If you have a complaint con- phen Vaughan, 34 – all from Wales. to avoid the tragic scene. come down here.” the pedestrian crossing near the
cerning a potential breach of Others, including Mitzi’s grand- They also spoke of the lane Mr Roberts suggested that roundabout.”
the Code of Practice, we will
deal with your complaint di-
mother Margaret Rogers, sustained being a “rat run” for people com- chicanes be put in to stop traffic Cllr Joanna Wright, joint cabinet
rectly or IPSO can refer your life changing injuries. ing off the motorway, adding they coming down to fast and that member for transport, said: “Last
complaint to us. This week the Bath Chronicle has would like to see more traffic calm- another speed camera be installed. year residents raised concerns with
Please go to http://www. spoken to residents who remain ing measures. “That road feels like a He added: “I can often smell us about the difficulty crossing the
plain where you can view our
traumatised by the tragedy time bomb before there’s another brakes of cars coming down - to be road between the school and Brook-
Complaints Policy and Pro- One, who wished to remain anon- accident. I can’t unsee what I saw honest I’m not sure what the answer field Park and we are currently
cedure. A ‘How to Complain’ ymous, said that the events of Feb- that day,” they added. is but I think those would help.” investigating ways to make it easier
pack is also available by writ- ruary 9, 2015 had made them want After the crash, safety improve- “It is impossible to forget what and safer to cross at this point.
ing to the Legal and Compli- to move away. ments were put in place on the road; happened here, it was awful.” “We will also be looking at ways to
ance Department, Reach PLC,
One Canada Square, Canary They said: “Nothing has changed, including a zebra crossing, a speed Liberal Democrat councillor for stop people from parking on the
Wharf, London E14 5AP. the road is still dangerous - cars fly camera and a 20mph speed limit. Weston Shelley Bromley said: “As pavement in this part of the road to
by my house.” Some people say they feel the councillors for Weston, Ruth Malloy improve safety for pedestrians.”

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