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Unidad Académica Profesional

Cuautitlán Izcalli
Unidad de Aprendizaje

Licenciatura en Derecho Internacional

Profesor: Hugo Alonso Rosal.

Nombre del Alumno: Luis Israel Carrera Valdez

Fi/1 in the blanks with: CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T, MUST or MUSTN'T

1. She is a small baby. She C.C\n' ~ eat meat, but she eo..n drink mil k.
2. He is so ill that he mus± see the doctor.
3. lt's raining heavily. You take your own umbrella.
4. We c."'"'' t pick the flowers in the park. lt's forbidden.
5. 1 ce.."' sing now but 1 c..ou id sing very well when 1 was a child.
6. Mike is only nine months old. He C.~V\ '.(; eat nuts yet.
7. He is very fat. He C"-"'' {: run so fast.
8. You are speaking very quickly. 1 cou fdv/ ~ understand yo u.
9. l'm very tal!, so 1 C::.C..Vl play basketball.
10. You I"Yl u:; t V\' t park that car there. lt's a no-parking zone.
11. Many students in Great Britain VV\US t wear a uniform when they go to school.
12. George has travelled a lot. He eo.."' speak 4 languages.
13. 1 Co.."'' 't come with you now beca use l'm studying for my test.
14. Footballers __....!'!)u ~A111'! touch the ball with their hands.
15. C.o..V'\ 1 use your phone?
16. l'm sorry c.oo te!. 'A 1 t come yesterday. had to work late.
1 1

17. You m u.d: V)' 1:: speed through the city. lt's dangerous !
18. My hands are dirty. 1 mv.s 1: wash them.
19. Yo u have been coughing a lot recently. Yo u VV)u s-\ n'f smoke so much.
20. l'm very tired today. l..............c(ÁV\
± clean my room now, but 1'11 do it tomorrow.
21. 1 c.ot.d JV\.' .f: eat lasagne when 1 was a child, but llike it today.
22. We vvw s t go to the bank today. We haven't got any money left.
23. lt's late. 1 ca..V\ go now.
24. You Co..\1\ 't sleep in that room. lt's full of boxes and other stuff.
25. 1 c.c:w"' swim very far these days, but ten years ago, 1 eov id swim
over to the other side of the lake.
26. Yo u have a bad headache, so yo u Vi'\ u.s + go to bed earlier.
27.1 am so strong 1 c.ov id. do 50 push-ups at anytime.
28. 1 ca.""'t feed the baby now, so can you do it forme?
29. Tourists ''h v st take their· passports when they go abroad.
30. C..(.'ÁV) you please pass me the salt.- Thank you. 1

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