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Examinations Answer Sheet Easter Semester 2020




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(As Shown on the question paper)
DATE OF EXAMINATION: September 15th – October 15th 2020
NB: No Answer Script shall be accepted after 15th October 2020 midnight
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LIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED (in their Numeric order)
Ka – Coefficient of the
lateral earth pressure

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 1

At depth, h = 0

Pas = -2C√Ka

Pressure distribution diagram

Pas at 0m = -2c √Ka

Since the pressure tries to cause a pull on the wall, the pressure at the surface has a
negative sign. The increase in depth results into decrease in the tensile stress which
becomes zero at Zc as shown in the pressure distribution diagram above.

Still from Pas = γhKa -2c√Ka

For Pas = 0

0 = γZcKa – 2c√Ka

From which Zc = [2c√Ka] / [γKa]

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 2

Zc = [2c] / [γ√Ka]

Height Zc represents the depth to which the tensile cracks can develop.

Twice the depth of the tensile crack gives the critical height of the unsupported
vertical cut or excavation.


The critical height of unsupported vertical cut, 2Zc is given by:

2Zc = [4c] / [γ√Ka]

Hence the proof

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 3


Determination of vertical effective stresses

at A, h = 0, σv’ = 20KN/M2

at B, h = 2.5

and from σv = hγ

σv = (2.5 x 16) = 40KN/M2


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Therefore: σv’ = 20 + (40 – 0) = 60KN/M2

at C, h = 6m

Therefore: σv’= 60 + (20 – 9.81) x 3.5 = 95.665KN/M2

Determination of coefficient of the active earth pressure, Ka

For Layer A-B

Ka = [1 – sinϕ] / [1 + sinϕ ]

= [1 – sin20] / [1 + sin20]


For layer B-D

for the saturated clay ϕ = 0o

Therefore; Ka = [1 – sin0] / [1 + sin0]


Determination of lateral effective stresses, σh’

From σh’ = Kaσv’

At depth h = 0m, σv’ = 20KN/M2

σh’ = (0.49 x 20) = 9.8KN/M2

At depth h = 2.5m, σv’ = 60KN/M2

σh’ = (0.49 x 60) = 29.4KN/M2 Due to layer A-B

Still at depth h = 2.5m, σv’ = 60KN/M2

and from equation: σh’ = σv’Ka - 2c’√Ka

σh’ = (60 x 1) – (2 x 40 x √1) = -20KN/M2 Due to layer B-C

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At depth h = 6m, σv’ = 95.665KN/M2

σh’ = (95.665 x 1) – (2 x 40 x √1) = 15.665KN/M2

Pore water pressure, u

From u = hγwater But γwater = 9.81

Therefore; u = (3.5 x 9.81) = 34.335KN/M2

Pressure diagram

Determination of distances y and x.

(y) / (15.665) = (3.5) / (35.665)

from where; y = (3.5 x 15.665) / (35.665)

y = 1.537m

x = (3.5 – y)

= (3.5 – 1.537)

x = 1.963m

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 6

Determination of total horizontal active force, Pah

Pah = Pa1 + Pa2 + Pa3 + Pa4 + Pa5

Pa1 = (9.8 x 2.5) = 24.5KN/m

Pa2 = [0.5 x 2.5 x (29.4 – 9.8)] = 24.5KN/m

Pa3 = -(0.5 x 20 x 1.963) = -19.63KN/m

Pa4 = (0.5 x 15.665 x 1.537) = 12.039KN/m

Pa5 = (0.5 x 34.335 x 3.5) = 60.086KN/m

Therefore; Pah = [24.5 + 24.5 + (-19.63) + 12.039 + 60.086] KN/m

Pah = 101.495KN/m

Point of total horizontal active force application X’

From PahX’= ∑ [(Pai)(xi)]

Pahx’ = {[3.5 + (2.5/2)]24.5} + {[3.5 + (2.5/3)]24.5} + {[1.537 + (2/3)(1.963)](-19.63)}

+ {(1.537/3)(12.039)} + {(3.5/3)(60.086)}

= 116.375 + 106.167 + (-55.860) + 6.168 + 70.1

PahX’ = 242.95

But Pah = 101.495

Therefore; X’ = (242.95)/(101.495)

X’ = 2.394m.

Hence the point of total horizontal active force acts at a distance X’ = 2.394m
from the bottom of the wall.

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 7



For Bearing Capacity Criteria, safe bearing capacity, q s should be greater than the
maximum actual bearing capacity, qactmax. i.e, qs > qactmax, If the foundation is to be

Determination of actual eccentricity, eact

By taking moments about the center of the base;

eact = (Mnet)/V

= (V.e - Manti) / V

= [(700 x 0.5) – 200] / [700]

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 8

Therefore; eact = 0.214m

Determination of the length, L of the foundation

For a stable foundation; eact ≤ eallowable.

But eallowable = L/6

Therefore; eact ≤ L/6------------------------Eqtn 1

Substituting the value of eact above into Eqtn1

0.214 ≤ L/6

Implying L ≥ (6 x 0.214)

Therefore; L ≥ 1.284m

This length, L can be adjusted to 2.6m

Determination of the width, B.

From B = (2/3)(L)

Therefore; B = (2/3)(2.6)

B = 1.733m

This width, B can be adjusted to 2m

Determination of actual bearing capacity qact.

From qact = (V/A)[1 ± (6eact)/L]

Therefore; qact, = (700)/(2 x 2.6)[1 ± (6 x 0.214)/(2.6)]

= 134.615[1 ± 0.494]

qactmax. = 134.615[1 + 0.494]

= 201.115KN/m2

qactmin. = 134.615[1-0.494]

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 9

= 68.115KN/m2



Determination of Ultimate bearing capacity, qu

From qu = C’NcScIcDc + Dfγ’NqSqIqDq + 0.5Bγ’NγSγIγDγ

Bearing capacity factors, Nc, Nq and Nγ

Using ϕ = 25o

and from Nq = tan2[45 + (ϕ /2)]e𝕋 tanϕ

Nq = tan2[45 + (25/2)]e𝕋tan25

Nq = 10.6621

Also from Nc = (Nq – 1)cotϕ

Nc = (10.6621-1)cot25

Nc = 20.7204

Again from Nγ = (Nq – 1)tan1.4ϕ

Nγ = (10.6621 – 1)tan(1.4 x 25)

Nγ = 6.7655

Shape factors, Sc, Sq and Sγ

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 10

Using ϕ = 25o

From Sc = 1 + (Nq/Nc) (B/L)

Therefore Sc = 1 + (10.6621/20.7204) (2/2.6)

Sc = 1.3958

From Sq = 1 + (B/L)tanϕ

Therefore Sq = 1 + (2/2.6)tan25

Sq = 1.3587

From Sγ = 1 - (0.4)(B/L)

Therefore Sγ = 1 – (0.4)(2/2.6)

Sγ = 0.6923

Depth factors Dc, Dq and Dγ

(Df/B) = (2.75/2) = 1.375 > 1

From Dc = 1 + 0.4arctan(Df/B)

Therefore Dc = 1 + 0.4tan-1(2.75/2)

Dc = 1.3768

From Dq = 1 + 2tanϕ(1 – sinϕ )2arctan(Df/B)

Therefore Dq = 1 + 2tan25(1 – sin25)2tan-1(2.75/2)

Dq = 1.2929

And Dγ = 1

Inclination factors Ic, Iq and Iγ

From Ic = Iq = [1 – (α/90]2

Since V = 700KN and H = 0KN

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 11

Ic = Iq = 1

From Iγ = [1 – (α/ϕ)]2

Iγ = 1

From; qu = C’NcScIcDc + Dfγ’NqSqIqDq + 0.5Bγ’NγSγIγDγ

Taking; Since cohesion of loose sand is zero and assuming the load

by the clay in the influence zone due to cohesion is negligible,

then C’= 0.

The Influence zone being equal to foundation width from base

of foundation, i.e 2m

qu = 0 + {(1.5 x 17) + [(2.75 – 1.5) x (19 – 9.81)]}(10.6621 x 1.3587 x 1 x 1.2929)

+ [0.25 x (19 – 9.81) + 1.75(19.5 – 9.81)] ( 0.5 x 6.7655 x 0.6923 x 1 x 1)

qu = 692.7654 + 45.0929

qu = 737.8583 kN/m2

Determination of net ultimate bearing capacity, qnu

From, qnu = (qu – Dfγ’)

qnu = 737.8583 – [(1.5 x 17) + 1.25(19 – 9.81)]

qnu = 700.8708 kN/m2

Determination of net safe bearing capacity, qns

Assuming factor of safety, FOS = 3.

From, qns = qnu/FOS

qns = 700.8708/3

qns = 233.6236 kN/m2

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 12

Determination of safe bearing capacity, qs

From, qs = qns + Dfγ’

qs = 233.6236 + [(1.5 x 17) + 1.25(19 – 9.81)]

qs = 270.6111kN/m2

Comparing qactmax with qs

qactmax = 201.115kN/m2 < qs = 270.611kN/m2 Okay

Therefore, a footing L = 2.6m with Width, B = 2m will be safe for the construction.


Since the foundation meets the bearing capacity criteria, we proceed to determine
the behavior of the foundation for settlement.

For settlement criteria, ΔHc = Sactual < Sallowable ≤ 5cm, if the foundation is to be safe.

From, ΔHc = ∑(εiHi)

But also, εi = {Cc/(1 + e0)} {log[(δ + Δδ)/δ ]}

Determination of Compression Index, Cc

From Terzaghi and Peck (1948), Cc = 0.009(LL -10)

Therefore, Cc = 0.009(40 – 10) [ CITATION Ter48 \l 1033 ]

Cc = 0.27

Determination of Initial void ratio, e0

From, e = wGs/S

e0 = wGs/S

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 13

But for Saturated Soils, S = 1

Therefore, e0 = (40% x 2.7)/1

e0 = 1.08

Determination of increase in vertical pressure, q.

From, q = V/A

q = 700/(2 x 2.6)

q = 134.6153 kN/m2

Determination of effective vertical overburden, δ’V.

From, δ’V = γh

At point 0, h = 3m, γ’ = 17kN/m3, γsat = 19kN/m3

δ'V0 = [(1.5 x 17) + 1.5(19 – 9.81)]

δ’V0 = 39.285kN/m2

At point 1, h = 1m,γsat = 19.5kN/m3

δ'V1 = 39.285 + 1(19.5 – 9.81)

δ’V1 = 48.975kN/m2

At point 2, h = 2m, γsat = 19.5kN/m3

δ'V2 = 48.975 + 2(19.5 – 9.81)

δ’V2 = 68.355kN/m2

At point 3, h = 2m, γ = 19.5kNm3

δ'V3 = 68.355 + 2(19.5 – 9.81)

δ’V3 = 87.735kN/m2

At point 4, h = 2m,γsat = 19.5kN/m3

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 14

δ'V4 = 87.735 + 2(19.5 – 9.81)

δ’V4 = 107.115kN/m2

Point δ'V Z/B l Δδ’ = ql Hi εi ΔHc = εiHi

0 39.285 0.1250 1.0000 134.6153 0.0000 0.0839 0.0000
1 48.975 0.6250 0.7500 100.9615 1.0000 0.0631 0.0631
2 68.355 1.6250 0.3900 52.5000 2.0000 0.0321 0.0642
3 87.735 2.6250 0.2800 37.6922 2.0000 0.0201 0.0402
4 107.115 3.6250 0.2200 29.6154 2.0000 0.0138 0.0276
∑ΔH =

From; εi = [Cc/(1 + e0)]log[(δ’V + Δδ’)/δ’V]

ε0 = [0.27/(1 + 1.08)]log[(39.285 + 134.6153)/39.285]

ε0 = 0.0839

ε1 = [0.27/(1 + 1.08)]log[(48.975 + 100.9615)/48.975]

ε1 = 0.0631

ε2 = [0.27/(1 + 1.08)]log[(68.355 + 52.5)/68.355]

ε2 = 0.0321

ε3 = [0.27/(1 + 1.08)]log[(87.735 + 37.6922)/87.735]

ε3 = 0.0201

ε4 = [0.27/(1 + 1.08)]log[(107.115 + 29.6154)/107.115]

ε4 = 0.0138

∑ΔHc = Sactual = 0.1951m = 19.54cm > > Sallowable = 5cm

The Settlement criterion is not met, so there is need to advocate for a redesign to
maybe a pile foundation.



01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 15

 A filter material should have good filtration ability without any of the
core material being eroded.
 It should prevent loss of its own small particles due to disturbing forces
such as seepage and vibration hence internally stable.
 A good filter material should not have cohesion, ability helps it in self-
 An effective filter material should avoid material segregation.
 A good filter material should have a good drainage capacity
 An effective filter material should have durable materials


Sieve size in mm 10 6 2 1 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.063 Pan

Mass retained in g 0.0 5.5 25.7 23.7 22 17.3 12.7 69 2.3

Determination of percentage passing

Sieve size Mass retained, Mr % retained, %r % passing, %p

(mm) (g) (Mr /178.2) (100)
10 0.0 0.0000 100
6 5.5 3.0864 96.9136
2 25.7 14.4220 82.4916
1 23.7 13.2997 69.1919
0.6 22 12.3457 56.8462
0.3 17.3 9.7082 47.1380
0.15 12.7 7.1268 40.0112
0.063 69 38.7205 1.2907
Pan 2.3 1.2907 0
Total 178.2 100

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 16

A graph of percentage weight passing against sieve size

% weight Passing 80
0.01 0.1 1 10

sieve size (mm)

Since the soil has a percentage finer than the No. 200 sieve (0.075) less than 15% as
shown from the regarded gradation curve data above, the soil is of base soil category
4, and base soil description is sands and gravel.

(i) To allow quick drainage

T satisfy the filtering requirement, we shall determine the maximum
allowable D15 size for the filter.
The filtering criteria for base soil category 4.
The maximum D15 ≤ 4 x d85
The d85 size of the base soil as from the graph is 2.5mm
Therefore the maximum D15 ≤ 4 x 2.5
Maximum D15 ≤ 10mm
Therefore; Maximum D15 =10mm
(ii) Filter material when the pipe drain with circular perforated holes of 12mm
diameter is to be placed at the end of the filter layer.
The D85 of a filter material with perforated holes is
D85 ≥ perforation size = 12mm
D85 ≥ 12mm
Therefore we can adjust the D85 to 14mm

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 17


 Due to winds and earthquakes, pile foundations are the solution to resist
horizontal loads on top of vertical loads in earth retaining structures and
tall structures.
 If the strata just below the ground is highly compressible and very weak
to carry structural loads.
 For the control of problems due to wash outs and erosion of soils, pile
foundations are recommended.
 For irregular structures with respect to their outlines and load
distribution, which could cause non uniform settlement, pile structures
are recommended to reduce the differential settlements.
 For the transfer of structural loads through deep waters to the firm
stratum, pile foundations are recommended.

Given: Dia. of pile, D = 0.4m
Therefore area of pile at the base, Ab = (0.2)2 = 0.1257m2
And area of the pile round the skin, Af = 𝕋DH = (0.4)(20) = 25.1327m2
Depth of pile, H = 20m
Ground water at 2m from ground surface
Factor of safety, FOS = 2
C u = Su
Neglecting negative skin friction, Qsneg i.e Qsneg = 0

Water density, γw = 9.81kN/m3
Weight of pile is negligible
Allowable load, Qa = Qu/FOS
Where Qu is Ultimate load capacity
But Qu = Qpu + Qf
Where; Qpu is Ultimate point load resistance of the pile

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 18

Qf is the Ultimate skin friction
Also, Qpu = qpuAb
Where qpu is the Unit Ultimate lood
and, Qf = fsAf
Where, fs is the Unit skin friction resistance
Therefore, Qu = qpuAb + fsAf
But also qpu = cNc + σ’Nq + 0.5γ BNγ -----------------------Eqtn. 1
Where, c is the unit cohension
Nc, Nq and Nγ are the bearing capacity factors
σ’is the effective overburden pressure at the tip of the pile = γH
γ is the effective unit weight of the soil
B = D is the diameter of the pile
But in deep foundations, σ’Nq > > > 0.5γBNγ, therefore we neglect the third
term in Eqtn. 1.
Hence, qpu = cNc + σ’Nq
Also, fs = σhtan(δ) = Kσ’tan(δ)
Where, σh is the soil pressure acting normal to the pile surface (Horizontal)
δ is the angle of friction between the pile and the soil
σ’ is the effective vertical overburden pressure
K is the lateral pressure coefficient

01Easter 2020 Examinations Page 19


1. Murthy, V. N. S. (2003). Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of

soil mechanics and foundation engineering. New York.Marcel Dekker.
2. Terzaghi, K., and Peck, R, B. (1948). Soil Mechanics in Engineering practice.
John wiley and Sons. N.Y.
3. United States, Soil conservation service (1985). National engineering handbook.
Section 19, construction inspection. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,
soil conservation service.

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