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A Letter from Myself in 2030

I often think about it, what awaits me after the completion of secondary schools. Earlier,
very soon, we would need to make a selection, from which my life will become dependent.
First, it will become necessary to choose a higher educational institution, which I will fall
into, but then - the role of an activity that I will give up my whole life activity. We are
very curious to look into the perspective also notice that my dreams and not your dreams
come true as well through a series of 10 years. Of course, today I have a rough vision of
what I am going to be, as well as I am going to exist. However, it will be possible to achieve
a unit near me as a whole that will demonstrate only a period. Any individual wants to find
his own destiny. It would be advisable for me to find a profession that would bring in not
only a good income, but also pleasure. Until then, until I clearly understood in any way, who
am I going to be in the future: a painter, writers or a teacher? However, I clearly
understand that I am going to work as an adored occupation, to go to service with pleasure.
I don’t intend to, so that in the future there would be a feeling near me that we were not
interested in our own occupation, for this reason we will take the selection of a specialty
very seriously. That which applies to my and not your existence outside activities, in which
case it would be advisable for me here to understand my own father and mother. They
formed a solid taking seven times, before long years they are accompanied by love,
understanding and reverence. They learned to make concessions from one comrade to
another and also taught their own child significantly. It would also be advisable for me to
form a solid one by taking seven times, to be an excellent people, and also to do something
that is essential in this case with the goal of the state, with the goal of our coming. It may
seem to me at first glance that there is a significant responsibility in our generation - to
improve the state, to recall the meanings as well of standards, which, unfortunately, have
become overlooked in the world today. The main thing is to start with yourself. I
constantly try to help those who exactly need support, to appreciate the people who
embrace me. Whatever surprises didn’t prepare for my fate, I will be an excellent people.

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