Guide 1 Activity 1 My Life: Worked Worked

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Name: JOSE LUIS SAENZ BADILLO Date: 00000 NRC: 640854


A. Read this newspaper article and complete the tasks below.

There are five examples of the present perfect in the article. The first one is underlined.
Underline four more.

B. Write the simple past and past participle of the following verbs.
Simple Form Simple Past Past Participle Simple Form Simple Past Past Participle
Work worked worked see Saw Seen
Do Did Done have Had Had
Eat Ate Eaten go Went Gone
Call Called Called study Studied Studied
begin Began Begun teach Taught Taught
Give Gave Given make Made Made

answer Answered Answered talk Talked


C. Complete the chart below with the correct form of the verb.
Know knew Known

Meet Met met

Be was/were Been

fly Flew Flown

Write wrote Written

Read Read read

live Lived Lived

Fall fell Fallen

feel Felt Felt

Take Took taken

Drive drove Driven

D. Complete the sentences with the correct form:

1. The weather __has been__ (be) awful in the past few days.
2. We __had washed___(wash) the dishes. They’re clean now.
3. The airplane__had landed__(land). The pilot is just getting out.
4. We _haven’t had_ (not have) a party for ages.
5. It __hasn’t rained___ (not rain) yet today.

E. Fill in the blanks.

1. I have finished the job.
a) have 5. Has he brought his violin?
b) has a) Is
c) am b) Has
c) Have
2. Have you eaten your lunch?
a) eat 6. Have you ever been to Australia?
b) ate a) be
c) eaten b) being
c) been
3. She has not returned yet.
a) has not return 7. I read all the plays of Shakespeare.
b) is not returned a) read
c) has not returned b) am read
c) have read
4. I have never seen such a mess.
a) never saw 8. My parents have never hurt me.
b) have never seen a) has never hurt
c) have never saw b) have never hurt
c) have never hurted

9. He has always wanted to be a soldier.

a) is
b) has
c) have

10. She has never apologized to anybody.

a) never apologized
b) has never apologized
c) have never apologized

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