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Presented to:

Alfonso Pernia Daza

Presented by:

Leidy Navarro Cohen

Global business protocol

Universidad del Norte

Sep 21, 2020.

The Netiquette term refers to all norms or codes that a person should follow on the
internet. In other words, is internet etiquette, where it includes the proper way of sending an
e-mail, video calling, social media behaviors, among others.

The difference between etiquette and netiquette is that the first one is the traditional
form of etiquette, which means the correct conduct in a social situation. And netiquette is
proper behavior on the internet.

According to Virginia Shea, exists 10 important rules that we need to take into
consideration in Netiquette:

1. Remember the human: The golden rule of this important step is, “do unto
others as you would have others do unto you” you always need to remember
that you are writing a letter or an e-mail for a person, for that reason, need to
write it with the proper words and take care of the tone. Before sending, it
asks yourself, “Would I be okay if someone writes this to me?”
2. Adapt the same standards that you use in real life: Your behavior on the
internet and in social life has the same importance because you need to take
into consideration the ethical manners of society. A common norm is that
when you write something in a capital letter it can be interpreted as screams,
do not forget to say please and thank you. Among other important rules that
we use in normal life.
3. Know where you are: Consider that in cyberspace where are you located are
some things like slang, are acceptable, but in some other space, it can
consider as inappropriate. In the same way, the words that you use for
communicating with a friend, cannot be the same for communicating with a
4. Respect the other’s time: The other people also have other responsibilities.
Your message needs to be clear and concise, minimizes your words, and
avoid heavy files and graphics which takes much time to download.
5. Try to look good online: “If you wouldn’t show it in public, then you
wouldn’t share it online”.
Always check grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes before
sending an e-mail. Try to write a clear message. Be an educated, honest and
pleasant person
6. Share important information: The internet facilitates the way of sharing
important information. If you know something, share your expertise,
resources, and references.
7. Avoid problems: In a blog or social media are normal that people have
differences between their opinions, in this case, is better not to feed rabies of
those people and being calm, otherwise, a calm and the harmony group can
be affected.
8. The respect other people’s privacy: On the internet, many people can expose
their life or personal information. You need to be sure of being careful with
your information, and with other people's as well.
9. Don’t abuse your power: The Internet has the same function as real life,
some persons who have more power or knowledge than others, but that
reason don’t allow taking advantage of people who don’t know or don’t
have the same expertise.
10. Forgive of other people’s mistakes: Not everyone has experience working in
a virtual world, to any situation that you know is wrong, you might want to
let it slide, and if you feel compelled to respond, do so in a private e-mail.
Practice your empathy, kindness, and forgiveness.

Finally, you require to give to netiquette the same importance that you give to the
regular etiquette. Taking into consideration the actual situation of the world, most things
are doing now via the internet. And always remember “do unto others as you would have
others do unto you”.

Netiquette. (2020). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved


Shea, V. (1994). Core Rules of Netiquette Shea. Retrieved from

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