Revival Prayer Bulletin

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303 December 2010 - January 2011

Chileans Give Public

Praise to God Days 1 & 2
Outreaches to non-Christians.
Dearly Beloved Prayer Partners,
“In my distress I called to the Lord,
And he answered me.
From the depths of the grave I called for help,
And you listened to my cry.”
(Jonah 2:2)

A Call to Boldly Proclaim the Gospel

What a breath of fresh air it was to see the Chilean miners

and President Piñera all giving glory to God for their rescue
from 69 days of entrapment 2,000 feet below in the San Jose
mine! To hear the President come to the UK and begin his TV
news interview with the words, “We give thanks to God...” was
like a shot in the arm for UK Christians, particularly coinciding
– as it did – with the “Not Ashamed” campaign.
This is why we were so eager to carry the interview of
President Piñera’s evangelical chaplain on BBC Radio
Five Live (Days 1 & 2). Rev. Alfredo Cooper spoke of
God’s miraculous answers to prayer in a manner that was
so spontaneous, so real and confident that, frankly, the
interviewer – Peter Allen – was left speechless! It was as
if he couldn’t understand that there are still Christians
who truly believed in the power and mercy of God!
It is, of course, a well known fact that three of the miners were
evangelical Christians – one of them a Pentecostal pastor.
During their ordeal, he led the miners in daily prayer and Bible
study – two more of them came to saving faith in Christ at the
bottom of the pit. The others were all deeply affected by his
witness. What an example this is to Christians in the UK!
How all this highlights our need to invest more in bold
and unashamed evangelism (Day 23). Like Chile, it is the
formerly un-evangelised nations that are now leading the
way. Who would have imagined the progress that has
been seen in recent years by the Church in China? A
Gospel explosion is taking place in countries where –
even five years ago – it would not have been expected:
Vietnam (Day 25), North Korea, India, even in some
Muslim nations the Gospel is taking hold!
Much of this has taken place in the face of open hostility and
suppression of foreign missionary activity. Key to this survival
and growth has been the house church movement (see Day
19), one of the driving factors being the eagerness of
Christians to pass on what (often little) they know (Day 31).
May God again give Christians in the West a deep hunger and
willingness to pass on the message of Christ Jesus!

With loving greetings from all the Revival team,

Ian Milmine
Page 3
Chileans Give Public Praise to God
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 40:1-3 Days 1 & 2
What refreshing scenes we beheld on our TV sets as the 33 Chilean
miners, the Chilean President, and many others, gave honour to God
for their extraordinary rescue after remaining 69 days in the bowels of
the earth! It has since transpired that, during their ordeal, the miners
held daily prayers and Bible study, led by one of their number who is
an evangelical pastor. The attitude of the Chilean people is probably
best summarised in the interview given to BBC Radio 5 Live’s Peter
Allen by Alfredo Cooper, one of President Piñera’s private chaplains,
who spent days at the mine:
Rev Cooper: ‘I am a chaplain in the presidential palace and so we
had to quickly put together an emergency prayer meeting. 17 days we
prayed and then the miracle came when we just erupted in praise!
The second service the president called for was a praise meeting...
and since then we’ve had constant prayer. Many of the miners went
down as atheists, unbelievers or semi-believers and they have come
up to a man testifying that they were not 33 but that there were 34
down there - that Jesus was there with them and that they had a
constant sense of His guidance and presence.’
Peter Allen: ‘If you truly believe that it was divine intervention that
rescued then presumably you believe that it was divine intervention
that left them down there in the first place. I mean it doesn’t always
make sense this kind of argument does it?’
Rev Cooper: ‘Well in this fallen world this is exactly what does occur.
Man is subject to accidents and all sorts of problems thanks often to
his wilful negligence as was the case in this mine. There are
consequences when you don’t care enough for people. And of course
in those situations we might compare Jonah in the whale - you know
people tend to cry out to God and this is what’s happened. And God
has answered.’
Peter Allen: ‘So you believe God listened to your prayers? You
believe they were rescued by divine intervention, really?’
Rev Cooper: ‘Well of course we see the hands of all these
magnificent experts all around, the good will of so many people
internationally and the brilliant coverage of the press and we would
suggest that all this works together for good, that certainly as we
prayed God has guided in remarkable ways – even the scientists. I
was with the NASA people who came (to the mine) the other day. And,
to my surprise, to a man they were believing scientists - and they all
said “This was a miracle. There is no other word for what happened
here”. So you know scientists, politicians, presidents, we’ve all come
together in one happy moment saying, “God is there and he answers
prayer!” That’s how we feel. And certainly the miners are also
testifying to the world of this!’
Peter Allen: ‘That’s the religious perspective from the Reverend
Alfredo Cooper.’

Christian Concern for our Nation

Day 1 – PRAISE: God for His merciful care of the miners
and the very public testimony of faith in Him.
Day 2 - PRAY: For Chaplain Alfredo Cooper that he may be
a strong influence for God on the President.
Page 4
First Lady of DRC’s Call to Prayer
BIBLE STUDY: Ezra 9:6-9 Day 3
Marie Olive Kabila is one of the youngest First Ladies on the African
continent. Her husband, President Jospeh Kabila, runs the
Democratic Republic of Congo. Mrs. Kabila is a strong Christian. She
rarely appears in public, so her participation in a recent Christian
event came as a surprise to many in her country. "People of God, this
is a very special day for me," declared a confident Mrs. Kabila from
the pulpit. “I am here to tell you that I will never be ashamed of my
Lord's name... We need Him desperately to heal our country."
The Democratic Republic of Congo or DRC has everything -
diamonds, copper, gold, cobalt, zinc, the list goes on. However,
for all its riches, the DRC is a mess - politically, economically,
socially and, according to Mrs. Kabila, spiritually dying. The CIA
reckons more than 5 million people have died in the country
since 1998 from famine, violence and disease. Eastern Congo,
home to the majority of the country's wealth, is also ground zero
of the worst war on the continent at the moment.
With the blessing of her husband, Mrs. Kabila launched a prayer
campaign placing billboards in all the major cities. She took to the
airwaves, pleading for her countrymen to join her. And the response
was overwhelming. For three days, Congolese around the country
gathered in their churches. For someone who is shy, reserved and
often shuns the public spotlight, it was the image of their First Lady
raising her hands and crying out to God that touched so many people.
Mrs. Kabila urged her countrymen not to stop, but to keep praying.
"This is just the beginning," the First Lady said. "We want to be set
free from the devil and the evil spirits that ran to and fro our nation.
God is going to set our nation free."
CBN News
PRAISE: God that the First Lady is showing spiritual
leadership to the nation. Pray for revival, and that real
changes will take place and peace will come.

Romanian Gypsies See Christ’s Love

BIBLE STUDY: Colossians 1:3-6 Day 4
More than 1,000 gypsies were recently deported from France, most
being sent back to Romania where they face a life of poverty and
deprivation. But Christian groups have been working to bring hope to
Romania's gypsies. The Romanian gypsy village of Tileagd was once
known for crime and violence. After many years of missionary service
there, Kevin Hoy has worked to get running water for the village, a
small store, a school, and a church where many have come to Christ.
This has led to a growing gypsy revival in Tileagd. In 2009, Hoy saw
500 gypsies in southeast Romania baptised after accepting Christ.
Hundreds more in Tileagd have answered the call to Christ this year.
Christian World News
PRAISE: God for this labour of love that has seen such
fruit. Pray that the revival will spread.
Page 5
UK: Sporting Opportunities for Christ
BIBLE STUDY: Luke 10:1-2 Day 5
Christians in Sport has been reaching the world of sport for Christ for
over thirty years. Millions of people playing sport never go near a
church and have never met anyone who openly follows Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile there are thousands of Christians playing and coaching
sport. Imagine if there were Christians in every one of the 125,000
registered sports clubs throughout the UK committed to this mission?
With the 2012 London Olympic Games fast coming upon us,
followed by the 2014 Commonwealth Games, and then the 2015
Rugby World Cup (and - potentially - the 2018 Soccer World Cup
after that), we are on the verge of embarking into the most
exciting era of British sports ever! It will provide the Christian
community of Britain with an opportunity that we probably never
see again.
Today sport is hugely significant in our culture, with millions of young
people and adults playing and coaching every week. Sport, therefore,
is a mission field that cannot be ignored or underestimated. As the
Olympic Games come to the UK in 2012 with the desire to inspire a
new generation to greater sporting ability and achievement, shouldn't
Christians be at the centre of such a huge initiative? In preparation for
the Games, the More than Gold Prayer Team has started a tour - in
Birmingham, Exeter, Windsor, Cardiff, Nottingham, Sheffield, Durham,
Wigan, Esher, Ely, and London - to mobilise Christians in prayer,
outreach, hospitality, and service!
Christians in Sport; More than Gold
PRAY: That Christians in the UK will be prepared to make a
strong stand for Jesus, in word and deed, so that many
athletes and visitors may know Christ.

UK Churchgoing: ‘Steady and Rising’

BIBLE STUDY: Revelation 3:11-13 Day 6
Figures published by Christian Research last week showed “fairly
steady attendance” at Church of Eng¬land services, says Benita
Hewitt, the organisation’s director: 1.67 million attended services each
month in 2008, com¬pared with 1.71 million in 2001. “It’s time to
believe that the Church in this country is no longer in decline,” she
noted. In the Baptist Union of Great Britain, atten¬dance rose from
148,835 a week in 2002 to 153,714 in 2008. Ms Hewitt said that the
Church of England statis¬tics did not take into account “the significant
number of people that attend churches at Christmas and Easter,” nor
the many people who had joined Fresh Expressions of church.
Christian Research also says that midweek services across the board
add “81 per cent extra people to those worship¬ping on a Sunday”.
Lynda Barley, head of research and statistics for the Arch¬bishops’
Council said, “It’s encouraging that many churches of all
denominations are experiencing gradual growth among young people,
as well as older ones.”
Church Times
PRAISE: God that there are green shoots of growth in the
UK Church. Pray for a turning in the Nation.
Page 6
India Says: Good Night, Red Light!
BIBLE STUDY: Ezekiel 16:9-14 Day 7
In Mumbai, India, Teen Challenge regularly sends out teams into the
streets, the alleys, the "dark" places. They go to share the love of
Christ to the lost run-away child, the HIV positive orphan, the woman
trapped in prostitution and her at-risk daughter. Some of these "street"
people are desperately addicted to drugs and alcohol – most are
entrapped by circumstances seemingly beyond their control.
K.K. Devaraj (Raji) founded the Bombay Teen Challenge in 1990.
He has seen countless lives transformed and many more
exposed to the truth of God's love for them. The Bombay Teen
Challenge website acknowledges the hopelessness Raji
originally felt when faced with tens of thousands of lost, hurting,
addicted and enslaved individuals. "But Raji decided to light a
candle instead of curse the darkness," the website proclaims.
Now, after years of labour, the Bombay Teen Challenge provides
services such as shelters for street children, a home for AIDS
orphans, homes for daughters of prostituted women, feeding
programmes, medical care, HIV/AIDS clinic, rescue for drug addicted
"street boys," and homes for women who have been rescued from a
life of enslavement to prostitution in brothels. Omar Beiler, AG World
Missions regional director for Eurasia says, "The Bombay Teen
Challenge in Mumbai is nothing short of a miracle of God.” Beiler also
believes that India may one day become the country with the most
Christians (currently believed to be about 24 million).
Bombay Teen Challenge; AG-News & Info
PRAISE: God for this exceptional labour of love among the
destitute. Pray that India may see a great revival of faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Spain: A Tale of Two Church Plants

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 10:1-2 Day 8
In 2001 American missionary Ross Rohde began planting house
churches in Spain and Portugal. All these churches began by first
gathering a core of Christians. “But I don't know of a single person
who came to the Lord," says Ross. A few years later he joined a team
in Madrid with a different strategy. They started churches by gathering
a core of interested non-Christians. "I'm not sure how many people
came to Christ in the following nine months but, in one gathering, we
had about 110 new converts. We planted about 30 churches among
non-Christians. I've learned many lessons in church planting, but the
most important one is: don't ever start a church by gathering
Christians! You’ve started on the wrong foot! Jesus formed a core of
disciples, soon to be apostles. From the start, Jesus' plan was to train
this group in expanding apostolic ministry," Ross says.
Joel News International
PRAISE: God that in this nation where the Gospel has
been slow to penetrate, there are many who are open to
receive the simple message of Christ.

Page 7
Victory in Jesus in the Middle East
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 53:4-6 Day 9
Christians, in the Middle East, who boldly profess their faith often
suffer dire consequences as a result. But there are huge blessings for
the faithful. Several years ago, an Iraqi Christian under the alias of
Hassan, started a church in Mosul. The body of believers grew from
several people to 60 in about five months. One day a gunman in a
passing vehicle shot him. He suffered a spinal cord injury and will
never walk again.
Hassan continues to share Christ with others, but today he does
so from a wheelchair. "When I witness to people about Christ,
they know that I really mean what I say," Hassan said. "Of course
living for Christ in Iraq is not easy for anybody... despite this the
salvation of souls is taking place in big numbers among masses
in Iraq."
Many Muslims throughout the Middle East are coming to Christ
through signs and wonders. In Syria, an evangelist named Rasim
shares his faith in a mosque with the imam. "I told him if you read the
Bible, you'll believe and your mind will be changed - the Lord is God
and he died for you," Rasim said. "He took the Bible and he said,
Several Christians joined Rasim in the mosque and prayed for an
elderly Muslim man named Bakram. He could barely walk
because he had broken his knee and it had not healed properly.
"Bakram was healed and he started dancing and was very happy,"
Rasim said. "Hallelujah! There's a miracle in the mosque!"
Rasim says he feels the peace of God once he steps through the door
in faith. "We have fear, but Jesus is with us," Rasim said. "... and we
need to go to the mosques and everywhere to tell people the truth
about Him and His love."
CBN News
PRAISE: God for faithful servants of the living Christ in the
Middle East. Pray for a great salvation.

UK: 'Faded Memory of Christianity'

BIBLE STUDY: Nehemiah 9:32-37 Day 10
A recent study by the Church of England concludes that people born
after 1982 - known as "Generation Y" - have only a “faded cultural
memory” of Christianity. Sylvia Collins-Mayo, principal lecturer in
sociology at Kingston University, said most of the 300 young people
questioned were not looking for answers to ultimate questions. “On
the rare occasions when a religious perspective was required, for
example coping with family illnesses or bereavements, they often
‘made do’ with a very faded, inherited cultural memory of Christianity
in the absence of anything else.” Pop songs were played at memorial
services “because the young congregation did not know any hymns”.
Most young people today define themselves by a “secular trinity of
family, friends and the reflexive self”, giving them an “immanent faith”
based on relationships in this world, the study found.
The Daily Telegraph
PRAY: That the UK Church will reach “Generation Y”.

Page 8
Elderly Resident Receives Christ
BIBLE STUDY: Proverbs 16:31 Day 11
Pastoral Action in Residential Care Homes (PARCHE) has been
meeting the spiritual needs of the elderly in Eastbourne for many
years. Currently, volunteers are serving in 73 care and nursing homes
in the area. All those in residential care have suffered loss of various
kinds. Many will have lost their spouse and all of them will have had to
give up their home and most of their precious possessions. They have
probably lost physical or mental faculties. These losses cause much
pain and sadness. Therefore, in addition to receiving physical care, it
is vital that residents receive spiritual care and healing.
One of the residents at a nursing home in Eastbourne received
the Lord on a recent visit by the PARCHE team. She was
distressed about her failing eyesight and a team member offered
to pray with her about this and was then able to lead her to the
Lord. A member of the team says, “The next time we visited...
during the communion, she called out ‘Can I say something
please?’ She then said ‘I feel so different now and know I am
going to heaven - thank you for praying with me it has changed
my life’".
PARCHE provides training for care home visitors, and offers many
resources including “Fifty Services for Christian Worship for use in
Care Homes”, CDs with the musical accompaniment to 48 favourite
hymns, daily “Thoughts” from the Bible, etc.
PARCHE Newsletter
PRAISE: God for this ministry to the elderly. Pray that
many more may know they are going to heaven.

UK: God’s Hope for the Prisoners

BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 4:29-31 Day 12
In October the Bible Society launched the Highlighted Freedom Bible,
which includes ways to learn about freedom in all its many forms. It is
especially dedicated to those who are detained, in prisons or in
asylum centres.
The Highlighted Freedom Bible highlights thousands of verses
on freedom, features Bible studies and reflections from figures
such as Jonathan Aitken and New Testament specialist Paula
Gooder, and testimonies from former prisoners like Gram Seed.
“After receiving a copy, one prisoner wrote to tell me the
difference it had made to his life.” Says Group Chief Executive,
James Catford, “One line has stuck with me ever since. He said,
‘The Bible shows me that every saint has a past and every sinner
has a future.’ That’s the kind of hope the Bible holds out.”
The idea for the Highlighted Freedom Bible was hatched when Bible
Society took a box of Bibles to an asylum seeker’s detention centre
and, within seconds, the whole stock was gone, such was the desire
of the detainees to get a Bible of their own. This new Bible is
dedicated to them.
Bible Society – Prayer Bulletin
PRAISE: God that detainees are being nourished with the
Word of Truth. Pray for real life changes.
Page 9
Christians Aid China’s Productivity
BIBLE STUDY: Ephesians 4:1-6 Day 13
The employees work under the customary symbols of the atheist
Communist state. At first glance, it looks as though it could be any
other factory driving the rapid development of the Chinese economy.
But this is no ordinary enterprise because here religious faith is as
important as profit.
In fact, the owner of the Boteli Valve Group in Wenzhou would
like to see all his staff convert to Christianity. And such a factory
is not a one-off: it is part of a growing number of businesses run
by Christian entrepreneurs whose success is now being studied
by the government.
As he shows me the production facilities, the factory's general
manager, Weng-Jen Wau, tells me that every month, $5m (£3m) worth
of industrial valves are manufactured. But he seems to have limited
interest in the sales figures - he is far more concerned to tell me about
the place his family's Christian faith has in the life of the factory.
Every Monday morning, the senior managers gather together and
pray about the business. Once a week, members of staff are
encouraged to attend an on-site Christian fellowship meeting,
where they read the Bible and pray for each other. And he tells
me that when staff convert to Christianity, their attitude towards
their work is transformed. When [Christian workers] do things
wrong, they feel guilty - that's the difference,” says Wau.
One of the workers who had recently converted to Christianity
explained that his new-found faith was now a source of daily inspira-
tion. "If everybody became a Christian, it would have a very big
impact," he said.
Christopher Landau - BBC News
PRAISE: God for the many Christians in business. Pray
that they may show a true Christian example.

AG Of Vietnam Holds First Council

BIBLE STUDY: Daniel 7:13-14 Day 14
In what is an example of the growth of Christianity in Vietnam, on
October 20, 2010, the Assemblies of God of Vietnam (AG) held its first
general council in Ho Chi Minh City. The event drew 700 delegates
from 39 cities and provinces nation wide. It was also attended by
representatives from the Government Committee for Religious Affairs,
and a number of Protestant organizations from Vietnam and overseas.
The event was full of life, singing, dancing, joyous music and
passionate reaching," states Jeff Dove, a representative of the U.S.
AG. "The emphasis of it all was turned from the past and present to
the future and what all hoped they could now do for God in openness.”
Since being granted a certificate of operation in September 2009, the
AG of Vietnam has already extended ministry to 43 cities and
provinces across the country.
AG News & Info
PRAISE: God that this formerly closed nation is beginning
to open up to Gospel ministry.
Page 10
Biblical Pattern of Revival:
Moses and the Golden Calf
Reading: Exodus 32:1 - 33:22: Deuteronomy 9:7 - 11:32
We would probably associate this story more with failure than with
revival, but it is a story that illustrates the ease with which the
children of Israel fell into gross sin, the price that they had to pay
for it, their realisation of what it would mean to be without their
God, and the intercessory role on their behalf of Moses as an Old
Testament type of Jesus.

1. How Prone These People Are To Evil! (32:22)

For three months Moses had led the Israelites from Egypt, across
the Red Sea and into Sinai, en route to the Promised Land. The
solemn Covenant to be the People of God had just been
confirmed (Ch. 24). The following forty days Moses remained on
the Mount, in fellowship with Almighty God, where he received the
Law. In just that short space of time the Israelites turned from the
Living God to idol worship (v.22-23; Deut. 9:11-12).

2. The Consequence Of Evil Was Death (v. 25 – 35)

Two tragic comments are made about the sin of the Israelites
(v.25): a) they were running wild and out of control (v. 19); b) they
had become a laughing stock to their enemies. The very name of
Almighty God was being dishonoured because of their
uncontrolled idolatry, accompanied by wild partying. Sin left
unchecked, soon becomes wild and uncontrolled, and it always
dishonours God. The Israelites needed to understand this and
their sin was followed by the death of 3,000 by the sword of the
Levites (v. 28) and by a sudden plague (v.35).

3. The Israelites Repent and Moses Intercedes (33:1–17)

God determines to no longer go with His people but to send His

angel instead (33:2). The Israelites understand that this is a far
more serious punishment than the death they have just
experienced. It involves being banished from God’s presence.
Even these stiff-necked people can see that going into the
Promised Land without God was not life, it was spiritual death.
So the Israelites hear “these distressing words” and repent (v.
4-6). Moses intercedes v. 12-16), knowing that it is only God’s
presence that truly distinguishes His people from other nations (v.
16). This wonderful reality is what distinguishes God’s people
today from the heathen world around: “I am with you always,
even to the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20).

Page 11
Examples from History:

In the mid 1930’s, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda witnessed

remarkable spiritual revival. Early signs of revival were seen in
Rwanda in 1933. At the end of a Convention, missionaries Joe
Church and Geoffrey Holmes called for delegates to stay on for
another day and “not to go away empty.”

Conviction and Confession of Sins Sparks Revival

While the delegates were praying, in the accustomed rather
formal way, all of a sudden one of the African Christians got up
and began confessing a sin he had committed. A wave of
conviction came over the whole assembly and, for two and a half
hours, many laid bare their souls before God and found peace
through the Saviour.
Between 1934 and 1936 missionaries and African Christians alike
began to be burdened with the need to pray for revival. Similar
scenes as those experienced in the 1933 Convention were
experienced from time to time as conviction of the sinfulness of
even what would normally be considered as trifling sins was
becoming widespread.

The Cross of Christ is Highlighted With New Significance

By 1936 revival was spreading all over Uganda, Rwanda,
Burundi, and into Kenya to the east and the Congo to the west.
Conviction of sin was followed by confession and restitution,
leading to a new sense of freedom and peace in the Church and
a renewed vigour to preach the Gospel, backed by tangible signs
of repentance.
On occasions, those convicted of sin claimed they had seen
Jesus on the Cross dying for them. Festo Kivengere, later to
become Archbishop of Uganda, was one of them. He gives the
following summary of his experience: “Suddenly, as if in a vision,
in front of me was Jesus hanging on the Cross.” Festo was
shattered. As he looked at Him, “I did not see just a helpless
human being hanging on the Cross like a criminal; I saw my God
slaughtered for my sin.”
Festo was overwhelmed; it was as if Jesus were saying two
things to him: first, ‘this is how great your sin is’; second, ‘this is
how much I love you’. He began to confess his sins only to find
that forgiveness had already taken place at Calvary. Next day
was Monday, and Festo went to teach his Geography lesson in
school where 40 boys were waiting for him.

Page 12
God’s Revival Work is Contagious

Somehow news of his experience the day before had got out:
“Teacher’s been saved,” was the murmur.
Festo recalls, “Somehow the Spirit of God said to me, ‘You owe
an apology to the class. Tell them that up to now your relationship
with them has been that of teacher to his boys: no love in it... they
are precious boys for whom Jesus died, and you are their
brother... Ask them for forgiveness!’”
“So I asked them for forgiveness. When I finished, two boys stood
up, weeping. One of the boys said: ‘Sir, how can we find what
you’ve found?’

Revival Produces a New Kind of Fellowship in Love

Out of this time of blessing there sprang a new bond of oneness

and light between those who were saved all over East Africa. A
new co-operation between missionaries and Africans, between
school teachers and pupils, worked out through the blood of
One of the striking characteristics of this revival was the strength
of fellowship which grew up between those who had experienced
God in reviving power. Dr Joe Church, who had been at the
forefront of the revival from the beginning, wrote that those who
had passed through this experience “began to meet together for
fellowship and mutual encouragement and for team witness.”

A Revival That Prepares the Church for Times of Trial

The East African Revival continued through the 1940’s, 50’s and
60’s. Then these nations, which had been under colonial rule,
gained their independence, an event which often heralded
suffering and persecution for the churches as civil wars and
dictatorships replaced the colonial governments.
But just as missionary activity became more difficult, the revival
had prepared a new generation of African leaders who, like Festo
Kivengere, were ready to take on responsibility for their respec-
tive churches through the fires of trial and suffering that many of
the churches would experience.

The Need for a New Revival

The passing of the “revival generation”, and the lifting of many of

the trials and tribulations from the Church, has seen a spiral of
interest in recent years in what is known as the “Prosperity
Gospel.” Like its Western counterpart, the East African Church
needs a new time of refreshing from the Lord!

(Adapted from H.H. Osborne – “Revival: God’s Spotlight”)

Page 13
Prayer & Thoughts Concerning Revival

A Biblical Prayer for Revival – Psalm 85

You, LORD, showed favour to your land;

you restored the fortunes of Jacob.

You forgave the iniquity of your people

and covered all their sins.

You set aside all your wrath

and turned from your fierce anger.

Restore us again, God our Saviour,

and put away your displeasure toward us.

Will you be angry with us forever?

Will you prolong your anger through all generations?

Will you not revive us again,

that your people may rejoice in you?

Show us your unfailing love, LORD,

and grant us your salvation.

I will listen to what God the LORD says;

he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants -
but let them not turn to folly.

Surely his salvation is near those who fear him,

that his glory may dwell in our land.

Love and faithfulness meet together;

righteousness and peace kiss each other.

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,

and righteousness looks down from heaven.

The LORD will indeed give what is good,

and our land will yield its harvest.

Righteousness goes before him

and prepares the way for his steps.

Page 14
Signs of Hope for Iraqi Christians
BIBLE STUDY: Jeremiah 29:12-14 Day 15
The Iraqi government has pledged to help exiled Christians return to
their homeland after thousands have been forced to flee amid intense
persecution. The last 20 years have seen episodes of savage
anti-Christian violence, resulting in a massive decline in the Christian
population of Iraq, from 1.5 million in 1990 to possibly as low as
400,000 today. Much of this decline took place following the 2003
invasion, and many of those Christians remaining have been internally
The Iraqi government has now offered assistance to the Christian
Diaspora. “For its part, the government has committed itself to all
those who return, to give them a job, a plot to rebuild their homes
on, and 1.5 million dinars,” said the Iraqi Ambassador to the
Vatican. He said that the Iraqi Constitution sanctioned the total
equality of rights for Christians and also gave them the
possibility of creating a semi-autonomous region like Kurdistan.
Whether these promises will be fully kept remains to be seen, but this
certainly represents a first step of good intentions that could prove
particularly beneficial to Iraqi Christians who have taken temporary
refuge in neighbouring countries.
The Barnabas Fund; Revival Media
PRAISE: God that a door of opportunity is opening for
displaced Christians. Pray that good intentions will
materialise and that Christ may be proclaimed.

Rwanda: Enemies Forgive Each Other

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 32:1-2 Day 16
At the recent Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, Rwandan Rev
Philbert Kalisa stood up to speak about conflict resolution, sharing the
story of Agnes, a woman from the majority Hutu tribe, whose husband
was a Tutsi. During the genocide her husband and children were
killed, and she was beaten and raped. Afterwards it transpired that her
aunt had arranged the murders.
“Agnes was shocked,” Philbert says. “She was out of control for
months, but slowly she was healed and, in the end, she forgave
those who did this to her. She also went to prison to visit those
who had killed her family and gave them food. This action has
changed the offenders, who have since come to her and asked
for forgiveness. Through her story, many women have forgiven
others. They say, ‘if Agnes can forgive, then so can I.’”
“Reconciliation is from God,” Philbert says. “He is the author... If we
(the Church) can’t be ambassadors of reconciliation who can be? The
Church is key to the future of the world,” he says.
IDEA Magazine
PRAISE: God that only His love can lead men and women
to repentance and reconciliation. Pray that the message of
the Cross may lead many to Him.

Page 15
USA: Young Christians Want Truth
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 17:11-12 Day 17
Weary of churches that seek to entertain, and go no further than
imparting the “milk” of the Word, many young American believers are
going back to the Scriptures and seeking to be edified with the true
“meat” of the Word of God. This is the conclusion of a recent
discussion hosted by The Gospel Coalition. "What's new is you have
new people in a new time who are rediscovering the same kind of
theological instincts and impulses that led to the Reformation and
finding them in the same sources - Scripture," said Dr. Albert Mohler,
President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Reformed theologian Ligon Duncan explained the phenomenon
this way: "I think as the older confessional traditions jettison
their fidelity to some of the great truths that all Protestants have
valued because we found them in the Scriptures and see them at
the very core of what Christian life and ministry is about, you've
got a new generation of folks who are rummaging through our
trash cans and saying 'this is great, why didn't somebody ever
tell me about this?'"
Some are labelling it the “the New Calvinism.” But, for Mohler, the
label doesn’t matter: It all comes down to the Scriptures and being
"committed to the Gospel, wanting to see the nations rejoice in the
name of Christ, and wanting to see Gospel-built and committed
churches," Mohler indicated.
"If you're going to dive deeply into the Scriptures... I don't care what
you label it, you're going to end up in a good place."
Christian Post; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for these young people who want to know
and serve God deeply through His Word. Pray that this
determination will spread.

Japan: 1,765 Conversions in 3 Days

BIBLE STUDY: Romans 6:22-23 Day 18
Japan has always been a difficult mission field for the penetration of
the Gospel. However a three-day evangelistic festival in October,
headlined by Franklin Graham, concluded with 1,765 new
commitments to Christ. The Kansai Franklin Graham Festival, held in
Osaka, was the culmination of efforts by more than 400 hundred
For Christian leaders in Japan, the festival was a much-needed
event to not only bring individuals into saving grace, but also to
breathe new life into churches in the Kansai region, some of
which suffer from small and aging memberships and some even
without pastors.
With an attendance of 30,782, the Festival was one of the largest
gatherings of Christians in the history of Osaka, and took two years to
Christian Today

PRAISE: God for all those who found Jesus in this nation
where the light of the Gospel needs to shine.

Page 16
Are House Churches the Future?
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 5:41-42 Day 19
Victor Choudhrie is a cancer surgeon by profession. He is a Senior
Fellow of the American and British Colleges of Surgeons. He left his
position as Director and CEO of the Christian Medical College,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India, in 1992, to take up a full-time Church planting
ministry in central India. His wife, Bindu, is also in a full-time church
planting ministry, equipping women to be house-church leaders and
They now have disciples making disciples in some forty
countries. Theirs is presently amongst the fastest growing
movements deploying volunteers with no paid workers in the
field. God has blessed this ministry abundantly. In the year from
Pentecost 2009 to Pentecost 2010, over one million underwent a
‘holy dip’ through their ministry partners. Large numbers of
grassroots level leaders have been trained, who, subsequently,
have planted tens of thousands of house churches.
In China it was the house churches that kept the Gospel alive; so too
in Bangladesh and India the various networks of house churches have
become the largest Christian movements. The house church
movement is expanding rapidly in other parts of the world too. The
latest research indicates that the number of house churches in Europe
has already reached or surpassed 10,000. Research in the US shows
that between 6 and 12 million are already attending house churches,
making house churches one of the three largest Christian groups in
the USA.
Revival Media;
PRAISE: God for the growth of the Gospel through house
churches. Pray they may be grounded in the Word and be
vehicles to reach the secular West.

Bible Barge Brings in Thousands

BIBLE STUDY: Romans 10:13-15 Day 19
From its beginnings in 2005, the Flemish Bible-Expo has received
more than 17,000 visitors and continues to be a real success with a
varied public – young people, teachers with their classes, seeking
individuals, journalists, etc.
When these visitors come aboard this Belgian barge they are
struck by the professional quality of the exhibition. For many of
them this is their first contact with the Scriptures, the first time
that they open the Bible and read it. People rarely go away
indifferent. “One teacher whom we had met with his class in
Hasselt in 2007 knew that he had to make his decision for God.
When he came to see us this year in Antwerp, we had the
privilege of being present when he asked God to become the
master of his life,” says Drienie Lombard, from Bijbel-Expo.
“In Ypres, a man weighed down with guilt had many questions. What a
privilege to see his joy when God released him from his burden,” adds
Drienie. Bookings for the Expo are full this year!; Belgian Evangelical Mission
PRAISE: God that a simple idea, based on His Word, has
produced fruit, as people recognise their hunger.
Page 17
UK Children and Families Need Prayer
BIBLE STUDY: Luke 15:17-19 Days 21 & 22
An OECD report exposes Britain’s moral failure on family values.
Britain’s rates for divorce and illegitimate births are among the highest
in the Western world. The study reveals that a massive 23 per cent of
British children up to the age of 14 live in single parent families, and
48 per cent of single mothers in Britain are unemployed, the highest
rate in the OECD apart from Turkey.
Norman Wells, of Family and Youth Concern which studies the
causes and consequences of family breakdown, said: “These
figures paint a gloomy picture of a society that values the
short-lived pleasure of casual sexual relationships more highly
than the lifelong commitment signified by marriage. If our
long-term desire for young people is that they should enjoy a
stable and satisfying family life, it isn’t sex and relationships they
need to learn about (in school). Rather, they need to develop the
character qualities of commitment, faithfulness, perseverance
and patience that lie at the heart of an enduring marriage.”
Thus UK is paying the price for its promotion of sex education to ever
younger children and its devaluation of the institution of marriage.
Meanwhile, writing in The Daily Telegraph, Christian MP Frank Field
claims that young people do much better in life if their mothers and
fathers set clear boundaries for their behaviour as well as bonding with
them and reading to them. The former Labour minister, who is now the
Coalition’s “poverty tsar”, believes that the end of old-fashioned
parenting has held back the poorest children, preventing them from
getting good jobs.
In his article, Mr Field writes that social mobility has stalled over
the past 50 years despite rising incomes. He claims the “subtle
and influential” force affecting life chances for children is the
changing style of parenting in Britain. Mr Field has proposed
GCSEs in parenting and holding children back at school if they
do not reach targets. “It’s the rupturing of this consensus around
the style of parenting that has impacted so devastatingly on all
too many children’s lives, but particularly the poorest.”
“Parents, who set clear boundaries for their children’s behaviour, who
love them, bond and read to them, and teach them essential social
skills, are the agents that open up life’s opportunities for children,”
says Mr Field. Adding to this devastating appraisal of the UK’s children
is a report just out by GamCare suggesting that there are 60,000
problem gamblers among children of 12 to 15. This devastating reality
is the consequence of turning from our roots in the Christian Faith,
thus losing the moral values of Christianity, and failing to acknowledge
the importance of marriage and family life.
Prayer Alert; Daily Mail; Revival Media; Daily Telegraph

Day 21 - PRAY: That there may begin a sea-change in our

moral attitudes and repentance for our sin.
Day 22 – PRAY: That the Gospel may again be proclaimed
in this needy nation, especially to children.

Page 18
We Must Invest More in Evangelism
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 58:6-10 Day 23
Too many churches are neglecting evangelism, with little time and
money spent on it, a leading evangelist has claimed. Many churches
have one-dimensional evangelism strategies that just focus on Alpha,
while very few are actually training their congregation in how to
The issue is so critical because compared to evangelism,
everything else the church is doing “is like rearranging the
furniture on the Titanic”. The comments were made by J John,
during a wide-ranging address on what makes a church
community at the latest leaders' day at Gorsley Baptist Church.
“What is church about?” he asked. “It's about looking up in: worship.
Looking in: wellbeing. And looking out: witness. However, all the
research shows churches spend 90-95 per cent of their time on two of
those three things: The first two! “Don't you think that's an imbalance?'
It's not that churches are not working hard,” he said, “but more a case
of changing their approach.”
Prayer Alert
PRAISE: God that this issue is being aired. Pray for a new
generation of evangelists. Pray for Revival’s new
evangelist – Glen Scrivener – who will join us in January,
one of his remits being to train up a new generation of

Church Grows Despite Islamisation

BIBLE STUDY: Mark 13:9-11 Day 24
As in many Muslim democracies, hard-line Islamic fundamentalists in
Algeria have secured the balance of power. Decades of Islamic terror
have left many Algerians traumatised and disillusioned. However
Christianity is growing, especially in the Kabylie region. This is
attracting the attention of the Islamists. While persecution of Christians
has escalated the Church is not alone for many Kabylie citizens and
rights groups are equally concerned about advancing Islamisation.
On 12 August two construction workers, Hocine Hocini (44) and Salem
Fellak (34), both recent converts from Islam, were arrested and
charged with eating during daylight hours during Ramadan. Outside
the courthouse, hundreds - including atheists, liberal Muslims,
intellectuals, rights activists - stood in solidarity with Christians to
protest 'arbitrary use of power'. On 5 October, the court handed down
its verdict acquitting both men. Many saw this as a victory for
solidarity. Doubtless God was answering prayers, for a guilty verdict
would have had horrendous ramifications.
The UN estimated there were up to 100,000 Protestants in Algeria in
2009. Christianity (mainly evangelical Christianity) is growing faster in
Algeria than anywhere else in the Arab World. Most Christians meet in
Revival Media; Assist News; Prayer Alert
PRAISE: God that, despite the hostility, God's Word is
becoming known and feared in Algeria.
Page 19
Vietnam: Changed by God’s Power
BIBLE STUDY: Ezekiel 36:23 Day 25
Vietnam is a Communist nation and the government is hostile to
Christian churches. Yet Christians in Vietnam are reaching out to those
lost in a world of drugs and despair. At the Emmanuel Full Gospel
Church in Ho Chi Minh City men gather everyday to pray, worship and
read the Bible. They could pass for seminary students, but in reality all
30 of them are former drug addicts.
Pastor Hung Dinh says that only God's love has the power to
deliver men and women from the bondage of drug addiction.
"They are considered as the garbage of society. Their families
and even they themselves give up," he said. "Most say they have
not been successful with rehabilitation centres, but here in the
centre they feel the power of God's love and they experience
Over the past two years the number of drug users in Vietnam has
remarkably decreased by 25 percent because the government is
serious in giving treatment to drug dependents. But churches there are
also playing a very important role in transforming their lives. Hung
says police often come to the church and ask him questions. Yet, the
success of the church's ministry to drug addicts has earned it favour
from government authorities. "They persecute us and threaten us. I tell
them I don't go against the government. I only do the work of the Lord
to teach and to love," he said. "After they see my faith and see the
transformation of the people here, they respect me and they don't
bother us anymore."
CBN News
PRAISE: God that atheist regimes cannot deny God’s work
in restored lives. Pray for a growing vitality in the Church’s
ministry affecting the nation.

Children's Bibles Make Huge Impact

BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 11:18-19 Day 26
This year Open Doors has printed 40,000 copies of the Illustrated
Children's Bible, that presents God’s Word through the language of
stories that Vietnamese writers and illustrators developed. They were
distributed to both house and registered churches all over Vietnam.
One Sunday School class now has hundreds of children in
attendance, hungry to hear and learn about God through their
dedicated teachers. Open Doors has distributed 200,000 copies of the
Illustrated Children's Bible since 2006. Parents and teachers are also
reading it. "Thank God that He has touched many hearts from around
the world to pray for us and support us. We want this book introduced
to every Vietnamese person and taken to wherever they come from,"
said a Christian worker.
Open Doors

PRAISE: God for evidence of a great spiritual hunger in

Vietnam. Pray especially for children.
Page 20
2,000 Years of Resistance to the Gospel
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 43:18-20 Day 27
With over a billion people, India is the fastest growing nation on earth.
It has more than 2,500 people groups, speaking 1,600 languages &
dialects. Despite the economic growth of recent years, India remains a
very needy country: 70% of the population cannot read or write; over
740 million Indians live in villages with no basic amenities; 35% of
school-aged children are not attending school, while the centuries-old
caste system condemns hundreds of millions of Indians to a life of
degrading jobs and social invisibility.
But the greatest need of India is spiritual: with 330 million objects
of worship, Indians are looking anywhere and everywhere for
spiritual meaning and purpose; idol worship and superstition
have an iron-like grip over many lives. But God is at work in India
today, mainly through the efforts of thousands of indigenous
Christian workers across all India. And India's people are
Sadavir is one example - he lived in fear for his life, ever since he
heard that someone had cast a curse on him and his family. He
stopped going to work, hardly ate any food, and he avoided his family
during the day. Sadavir was terrified he would die or that some
dreadful disease would be inflicted on his wife and their two children.
Then a Mission India Church Planter named Kamya visited their
Kamya started visiting with Sadavir early every morning, praying
for him and sharing the Word of God. Eventually, he accepted
Christ into his heart! A change came over him - for the first time
he realised that he didn’t have to be afraid of the powers of
witchcraft as a child of God.
Sadavir went back to work - this time without fear. His wife is
encouraged to see that her husband is not only back to his usual self,
but that he is also full of a new joy! Now Sadavir attends church, and
he was recently baptised. Stories like this are being repeated every
day all over India.
Mission India; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for what He is doing through His people all
over India. Pray for Christ’s light to shine!

Christian Radio Still Vital to Iraq

BIBLE STUDY: Proverbs 20:12 Day 28
Supported by FEBA Radio, Iraq FM is a Christian “family” station
operating amidst the uncertainties. Programmes focus on Bible basics,
especially the person of Jesus Christ, the validity of the Bible, the love
and forgiveness of God and other misconceptions that Muslim
listeners may have. Iraq FM also provides much needed programming
on health and the family, and has just begun a 15-minute daily English
lesson, realising that young people want to learn English. “God is
leading us and we are doing this for His glory. I believe that our station
is touching the people who are hurting,” says one producer.
FEBA Radio
PRAY: That Iraq FM may effectively present Jesus.
Page 21
Triumph for Bibles in British Hospital
BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 1:24-25 Day 29
A ban on bedside Bibles considered by Nottingham University
Hospitals NHS that feared the Bibles could spread germs has been
rejected. The trust decided against banning the book in bedside
lockers, opting instead to keep copies in holders and protective plastic
covers that can be easily cleaned after each patient has used them.
Jenny Leggott, the Trust's director of nursing, said: "We have been
speaking to our patients, staff and members of the public over the last
few months to get their views on where Bibles should be kept on our
wards. Most people would prefer Bibles to remain in bedside areas as
they provide "an important and familiar source of comfort for patients
during their stay in hospital", she added.
The Press Association
PRAISE: God that a prominent NHS Trust has taken a lead.
Pray that many patients may read God’s Word.

Judge Upholds National Prayer Day

BIBLE STUDY: Daniel 6:23-28 Day 30
A Denver federal court recently upheld a Colorado proclamation
recognising the National Day of Prayer as a lawful expression of an
individual’s right to practice religion.
Judge R. Michael Mullins dismissed a lawsuit asserting that Gov. Bill
Ritter, a Democrat, violated the state constitution by issuing a state
proclamation recognising the National Day of Prayer, which is
observed every year on the first Thursday of May. Colorado Attorney
General John Sutters praised the judge’s ruling in a statement saying,
“I was pleased to see the judge’s well reasoned and persuasive order
upholding this commonplace practice.” Secular organisation Freedom
From Religion Foundation had filed the lawsuit in support of the
separation of church and state.
The Christian Post
PRAISE: God that the judge, State Governor and Attorney
General have all upheld the Day of Prayer.

Growth Key: Pass on What You Learn

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 3:14-16 Day 31
When talking to people around the world who are involved in church
planting, they all stress the importance of people passing on what they
are learning. Curtis Sergeant, who saw a church planting movement in
China, talks about the importance of discipleship chains - whenever
someone learns something, they are responsible to pass it on to at
least two other people, who in turn pass it on to two more. Evangelistic
Bible study is one of the key ways of leading people to Christ. But then
they are asked the question: 'Who do you know who needs to hear
this?' By passing on what they are learning to others, the Kingdom
spreads quickly.
Joel News International; Revival Media
PRAY: That every Christian may be a “passer on”.

Page 22
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