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Compiled to fulfill the task of Research Method which is

controlled by Mrs. Firdausiyah, M.Pd

written by :

Rendi Pratama 20170701031119

Selvi Dian Permata Sari 20170701032133






Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His
love and mercy so that a working paper entitled "The Effect of Mobile Legends
Game toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Of Death Note Group In Pamekasan"
can we finish well. The working thesis is structured to meet one of the projects of
the courses Thesis Writing.

In this opportunity, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have
helped us in completing the writing of this working thesis, to Mrs. Firdausiyah,
M.Pd As lecturer of Thesis Writing which is give us the support and motivation
to write this thesis. Finally, we hope that the writing of this thesis can be useful
for readers and also for writers.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Pamekasan, 15th March 2020

The writers




Table of Content...............................................................................................ii

A. Tittle......................................................................................................1
B. Research Context..................................................................................1
C. Research Focus.....................................................................................3
D. Research Objective...............................................................................3
E. Assumption...........................................................................................3
F. Hypothesis............................................................................................4
G. Significance..........................................................................................4
H. Scope and Limitation............................................................................4
I. Definition of Key Term........................................................................5
J. Review of Related Literature................................................................5
1. Vocabulary......................................................................................5
a. Definition of Vocabulary..........................................................5
b. Types of Vocabulary.................................................................8
c. Vocabulary mastery..................................................................11
d. The important of Vocabulary Mastery.....................................12
2. Mobile Legends..............................................................................14
a. The Definition of Mobile Legends...........................................14
b. Class of Mobile Legends..........................................................16
c. Design of Mobile Legends........................................................17
d. Advantage and Disadvantage of Mobile Legend......................18
K. Research Method..................................................................................20
1. Research Design.............................................................................20
2. Population and Sampling Procedure...............................................21
3. Research Instrument.......................................................................21
4. Data Collection Procedure..............................................................25

5. Data Analysis..................................................................................26



A. Title: The Effect Of Mobile Legends Game Toward Students’

Vocabulary Mastery of Death Note Group in Pamekasan
B. Background Of Study
Game as one of media entertainment has a positive effect on
language learning. Several sources indicate that games can act as language
learning tools, helping language learners develop competence through
digital gaming, especially the ability of language skill of English because
most online games are currently using English.
In order to communicate well, the students need to have large
vocabulary. As Thornbury stated that without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Because
vocabulary is a vital aspect in language, it appears in every skill of
language listening, speaking, reading and writing skill. Mastering
vocabulary is very important for the students who learn English as a
foreign language. That is why everybody who learns English or a certain
language should know the words. The mastery of vocabulary can support
them in speaking when they are communicating to people can write and
translate the meaning of words when they definite English. If they do not
know the meaning of words, they will not be able to speak, write and
translate anything English. The students can be said gaining progress in
English, the mastery of vocabulary.
Learning vocabulary through games had attained a lot of attentions.
Don mus believed that, “The value of educational games has been
increasing in language education since they help to make language
education entertaining."1 According to Kudzu and Ural findings, “when
games and education are combined, it can be educative and education
environments can be entertaining. The learners who learned with the use
of games, gain positive attitudes and can be more motivated while
learning.”2 This is a review of the effects of mobile legends games on
learning vocabulary in Vocabulary Mastery Vocabulary in English is

Donmus, The Use of Social Network in Educational Computer Game based Foreign Language
Learning (Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 9, 2010) page 1497
Ibid, page 1503

mostly taught out of context as isolated words, the main criticism of this
way of teaching is that vocabulary cannot be learned in isolation.
Activities which involve learners in thinking about the words, like using
games allow learners to remember the target words more easily. Learning
vocabulary is a hard work, so attempt is required to understand, produce
and manipulate the target words. Games help and encourage many learners
to learn target language more easily. They also help teachers to create
contexts in which the target words are useful, and meaningful; they also
bring fun for students, thus help them learn and retain new words more
quickly. In other words, game-based learning can create a meaningful
context for language learning process. After learning and practicing new
vocabulary through games, students have the opportunity to use language
in a non-stressful way.3
Games are advantageous, and effective in learning vocabulary.
They are motivating because they usually involve friendly competition and
create cooperative learning environment, so students have an opportunity
to work together. They improve students’ communicative skills, and they
have a chance to use the target language . Therefore, vocabulary games
bring real world context into the classroom, and enhance students' use of
English in a flexible, communicative way.
In the previous study, there are two researcher that have already
searched about online game in vocabulary mastery. The first one, that had
been by Elham Davoodi Khatir. He observed The Effect Of Using Games
On Vocabulary Learning. The second one, that had been by Luckyta,
Yohanna Augustina Anne. He observed The Effect of Playing Online
Games Moba Genre Toward Reading Skill of Young Adults. Considering
of previous research, the research made a different side. In this research,
the research focuses on The Effect of Mobile Legends toward student
vocabulary Mastery at TBI Sixth Semester of IAIN Madura. While in the
previous study they focus to playing games Moba genre toward reading
skill and, using game on vocabulary learning.
Elham Davoodi Khatir, “The Effect Of Using Games On English Vocabulary Learning” 2, No. 3
(2015): 40.

From the phenomena above, The researcher decided to analyze

which found in Mobile legend player. The researcher employs analysis of
this research Effect of Mobile legend, with the title is “The Effect of
Mobile Legends Game toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Of Death
Note Group In Pamekasan”
C. Research Problems
Research problem are educational issues, controversies, or
concerns that guide the need for conducting a study.4 This research
problems in this research are formulated as follows :
1. Is there the effect of mobile legends game toward students’ vocabulary
mastery of death note group in Pamekasan ?
2. How significant is the effect of mobile legends game toward students’
vocabulary mastery of death note group in Pamekasan?
D. Research Objective
Research objective is the same with purpose of research or the goal
of research and how to find the problem solving of research. According to
creswell research objective is a statement of intern for study that declare
specific gowls that the investigator plans to achieve in a study. 5
1. To know the effect of mobile legends game toward students’
vocabulary mastery of death note group in Pamekasan .
2. To know how significant the effect of mobile legends game oward
students’ vocabulary mastery of death note group in Pamekasan is.
E. Assumption
The assumption according to Suharsimi Arikunto can be said that
the basic assumption should be based on the truth that has been believed
by the researchers. It means that assumption is what the researcher believe
based on the truth. The researcher believes that mobile legends game can
add player new vocabulary.

John.W Creswell, Educational Research, 4th Ed. (Boston: Pearson Education, 2012), 59.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research (United State: Person Education, 2012), P. 627

F. Hypothesis
Hypothesis are statement in quantitative research in which
investigator makes a prediction or a conjecture about the outcome of
relationship among attributor or characteristic. 6In this research used
Hypothesis Alternatif (ha) :
1. There is the effect of mobile legends game toward students’
vocabulary mastery of death note group in Pamekasan.
G. Signigicant of Study
The Significant of study explains the use of the important of
research.7. The result of this study is expected to give some benefits
theoretically, and practically.
1. Theoretically, this study is provide more information about the effect
of Mobile Legend toward Student's Vocabulary Mastery.
2. Practically, expected to give contribution to the effect of Mobile
Legend toward Student's Vocabulary Mastery, both of the
respondent and the researcher. Also, the result is to help other
researchers who want to do further in the same subject deeply.
H. Scope and Limitation of study
Scope focus the thing which intended to search by researcher,
where as limitation is a potential weakness or problem with the study that
identified by the research. In scope and limitation, must tell about the
limitation of variable that wants to research, the population or the subject
of research, and tphen when the research will be done. The limitation is
potential weakness or problem with the study identified by the research. 8
In order to make this research manageable, it is necessary to scope
and limit the study. In this research, the scope of this research is focused
on The effect of Mobile Legend . This research is centered on the effect of
Mobile Legend that is found in Pamekasan.

Ibid…, P. 111
Tim Penulis, Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, (Pamekasan: Stain Pamkesan Press,2011), 19
John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning Conducting, And Evaluating Quantitative And
Qualitative Research, 199

I. Definition Of Key terms

In definition of keyterm explain the term that are used in order to
avoid the ambiguity. The terms that related to the essential concepts of this
research.9 In order to avoid Misi deretan dong and misinterpretation
between researcher and reader. The definition of key terms is a very
important point to make it be clear in this study. So that the researcher
should explain more about the terms that are used in this study.
Therefore, definition use in this study :
1. Mobile legend
Mobile legends game is multi player online battle arena (MOBA)
for IOS and android device developed and published by Shanghai
Moonton technology.
2. Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery is one of the factors to master english as
foreign language. The researcher here wants to know a new vocabulary
that the player mobile legend get.
J. Riview Literature
1. Vocabulary
a. Definition Of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a crucial component in acquiring and
understanding language. When we read something it will sound
good if we understand the words or vocabulary in our reading.
Because it will help and guide us in pronouncing, reading, and
grasping the idea from our reading, so we will understand.
Vocabulary is the stock of words used in a language. The more
students have stock of words used in a language, the better it will
make their performance.
Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who
learns the language used in listening, speaking, writing and reading.
A learner of a foreign language will speak fluently and accurately,
write easily, or understand what he or she reads and hears if he or
Creswell, Educational Research Planning Conducting, And Evaluating Quantitative And
Qualitative Research, 199.

she has enough vocabularyand has the capability of using it

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or to receive lots of
words. By having and mastering vocabulary we will know the
meaning of vocabulary in the context. It can also help to avoid
making mistakes in understanding a written or spoken text.
Vocabulary is one of the important things in language
learning besidessound, and grammar. Teachers and text book
writers have interpreted themeaning of vocabulary in different
points of view. The definitions have similarities and differences to
each other. It is good to look at somedefinitions that have been
described as vocabulary.10
Moreover, there were some researchers regarding that
vocabulary more important than grammar. Among them was
McCarthy in this book stated “no matter how well the student
learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of L2 just
cannot happen in any meaningful way.So, the first that to be master
in learning English was vocabulary.11
Vocabulary may be defined as the stock of words used by
person, class or profession. David Grambs said that “vocabulary is
a list of words usually defined and alphabetized as a dictionary or
specialized glossary complete wordstock of a language”.
Meanwhile Harmer said that “vocabulary is morethan merely a list
of words. The words which express meaning but meanings are a
slippery concept. Some words may appear to be simple to refer to
one thing and therefore easy to teach, but some words may also
difficult to teach because their meaning may change depends on the
words they are attached with”. In other words Harimurti
Kridalaksana defines “vocabulary is a component of a language

Irwan Ro’iyal Ali, The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery And Reading
Comprehension (UinSyarifHidayatullah: Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teachers’ Training, 2010),
Page 7
Misteni & Luqman Baehaqi, Effects Of Teaching Vocabulary Mastery By Contextual Teaching
And Learning(Global Education System, 2016), Page 91

maintaining all of information about meaning and using word in a

First definition noted taken from Collins Essential English
Dictionary 2nd Edition. Vocabulary is a noun, singular, and
become vocabularies in plural function. Vocabulary can be defined
a) All the words that a person knows
b) All the words contained in a language
c) The specialist terms used in a given subject
d) A list of words in another language with their translations
e) A range of symbols or techniques as used in any of the arts or
crafts: the building's vocabulary of materials, textures, and
The most important of learning English fluently is mastering
the vocabulary. By having a lot of vocabularies, we can improve
our English.As Vocabulary building is very important in
anylanguage learning not only because it has a close correlation
with the intellectual maturity of the learners but also the fact that it
helps a great deal in improvement of the four language skills of the
In advanced steps, vocabulary acquisition is manipulated to
make meaningful sentences. Gerot and Wignel state that: confirm
that vocabulary in functional grammars view language as resource
for making meaning.
State Vocational School 1 is one of the oldest vocational
school in Pamekasan in which the students have problem with their
vocabulary. When the teacher asked them to say something in
English, they didn’t know to respond. Their vocabulary was limited
so they were difficult to comprehend the meaning of text. They
couldn’t compose their writing task successfully. So, it can be

Irwan Ro’iyal Ali, The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery And Reading
Comprehension (UinSyarifHidayatullah: Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teachers’ Training, 2010),
Page 7-8

concluded that vocabulary emerged as the cause of the most

difficulty for students.
Even though it had been established for a long time, the
teacher found failure and difficulties to stimulate the students to be
interested and to use English in simple practice. The condition was
too often to be found.13
b. Types of vocabulary
Here are listed in order of most limited:
1) Reading vocabulary
A person's reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can
recognize when reading. This is the largest type of vocabulary
simply because it includes the other three.
2) Listening vocabulary
A person's listening vocabulary is all the words he or she
can recognize when listening to speech. This vocabulary is
aided in size by context and tone of voice.
3) Writing vocabulary
A person's writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can
employ in writing. Contrary to the previous two vocabulary
types, the writing vocabulary is stimulated by its user.
4) Speaking vocabulary
A person's speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she
can use in speech. Due to the spontaneous nature of the
speaking vocabulary, words are often misused. This misuse –
though slight and unintentional - may be compensated by facial
expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures.
5) Focal vocabulary
"Focal vocabulary" is a specialized set of terms and
distinctions that is particularly important to a certain group;
those with particular focuses of experience or activity. A
lexicon, or vocabulary, is a language's dictionary, its set of
Satuna Indah Wardani, Improving Students’ Vocabulary MasteryUsing Word Mapping Strategy
(Okara, Vol. 1, 2015) Page 132-133

names for things, events, and ideas. Some linguists believe that
lexicon influences people's perception on things, the Sapir-
Whorf hypothesis. For example, the Nuer of Sudan have an
elaborate vocabulary to describe cattle. The Nuer has dozens of
names for cattle because of the cattle's particular histories,
economies, and environments. This kind of comparison has
elicited some linguistic controversy, as with the number of
"Eskimo words for snow". English speakers can also elaborate
their snow and cattle vocabularies when the need arises.
6) Vocabulary growth
Initially, in the infancy phase, vocabulary growth requires
no effort. Infants hear words and mimic them, eventually
associating them with objects and actions. This is the listening
vocabulary. The speaking vocabulary follows, as a child's
thoughts become more reliant on its ability to express itself
without gestures and mere sounds. Once the reading and
writing vocabularies are attained–through questions and
education - the anomalies and irregularities of language can be
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines
“vocabulary is all the words that someone knows, learns or
uses, or the words that are typically uses when talking about
particular subject or a list words with explanations of their
meanings in a book for learning foreign language"15
Webster's collegiate dictionary defines vocabulary as:
a. A list or collection of words and phrases usually
alphabetically arranged and explained or define.
b. A list or collection of terms or codes available for use.
c. A sum or stock of word employed by a language group,
individual or work or in a field knowledge.16

Longman, Dictionary of Contemporary English (Harlow: Longman Group, 1987) page 1177
Meriem Webster, Collegiate Dictionary (Amerika: Meriem Web Inc, 2003) Page 1400

It can be seen that vocabulary is a list of words or stock of

words used by person in a language containing meaning, some
easily taking and reaching meaning, especially those refer to
concrete objects and activities other are difficult to understand
of variety diverse meaning and because of their
According to Raja T. Nasr, there are two kinds of
a. Productive vocabulary (sometimes called active
vocabulary): the words that a speaker actually uses.
b. Receptive vocabulary (sometimes called passive
vocabulary): word that a person understands when he
hears or reads them but does not use in his own speech.17
John Haycraft also classified vocabulary into productive
vocabulary and receptive vocabulary.
a. Productive vocabulary: words which the student
understands can pronounce correctly and use
constructively in speaking and writing.
b. Receptive vocabulary: words that the student recognizes
and understands when they occur in a context but which
he cannot product correctly.18
Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Field classify into active
and passive.
a. Active vocabulary refers to put item which the learner can
use appropriately in speaking or writing, and it is also
called as productive vocabulary, although in fact it is more
difficult to put into practice, it means that to use the
productive vocabulary, the students must know how to
pronounce it well, they must be familiar with collocation
and understand the connotation meaning of the word. This
type is often used in speaking and writing skill.
Raa T. Nasr, Teaching and Learning English (London: Longman Group Limited, 1972) page
John Haycraft, Introduction to English Language Teaching (Harlow: Longman Group Limited,
1978), page 40

b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be

recognizes and understood in the context of reading of
listening and also called as receptive vocabulary.19
Meanwhile Djlinushah and Azimar Enong divided
vocabulary into two, namely general vocabulary and
special vocabulary. General vocabulary is of the words
that are used in general. There is no limit of field and user.
Whereas special vocabulary is that the words that are used
in the certain field and job, profession of special science
and technology.20
From the explanation above, we know that every
experts in every book is different in classifying the kind of
vocabulary, because every person has different way in
showing and telling their opinions and ideas. Some of
them who emphasize vocabulary to the items which the
learners can use appropriately in speaking or writing and
to the language items that can be recognized and
understood in the context of reading and listening and
some of them classify vocabulary into general and special.
Even the classifications of the kinds of vocabulary that
they have made are different, but the point is the same,
because their classifications are based on the different
sides and aspects.
c. Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be
learnt. Learning vocabulary is important because we are able to
speak, write, and listen nicely we have to know vocabulary first. A
person said to know a word if they can recognize its meaning when
they see it. It means that in learning vocabulary we have to know

Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee field, From Reader to Reading Teacher (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1997) page 139
Djalinushah and Azimar Enong, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern dalam Tanya Jawab (Jakarta: CU.
Miswar, 1980) page 81

the meaning of it and also understand and can use it in sentence

According to Red John vocabulary is knowledge involves
knowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a
vocabulary test in to find out whether the learners can match each
word with a synonym, a dictionary - tape definition, or an
equivalent word in their own language.21
In learning vocabulary automatically we have to know the
meaning of words itself and can use it in sentences. Wilkins states
that vocabulary learning is learning to discriminate progressing the
meaning of words in the target language from the meanings of their
nearest equivalent in the mother tongue. It is also learning to make
the most appropriate lexical choices for particular linguistic and
situational context.
d. The Importance Of Vocabulary Mastery
Zimmerman in Anisa states that vocabulary is central to
language and critical importance tothe typical language learning.
Vocabulary should not be neglected by those who learn a language.
Iteven needs to be mastered if someone wants to master the
fourlanguage skills. Inadequatevocabulary obstruct students;
development in learning English.
Moreover, Blachowicz, Fisher, & Watts-taffe emphasized
that to affect reading performance, vocabulary knowledge affects a
student's ability to participate fully in both social and academic
classroom routines. In this regard, all students can benefit from
vocabulary instruction, especially ifthat instruction is tailored to
individual strengths and needs.
Ur in Nugroho stated that there are five aspects of vocabulary
must the teacher and learnersgive their attention. They are as

Irwan Ro’iyah Ali, The Correlation between Students’ Vocabolary Mastery and Reading
Comprehension (Quantitative, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2010) page 13

1) Form. The mastery of Vocabulary involves the mastery of

pronunciation and spelling. The leaner has to know how the
word is sounded and how the word is spelled. In teaching, the
teacher needs to make sure that both these aspects are
accurately presented and learned
2) Grammar. The grammar of a new word needs to be taught if
this is mot obviously covered by general grammatical rules. A
word may have an unpredictable change of form in certain
grammatical contexts. It is important to provide learners with
theinformation at the same time theteacher teaches the base
form of a word
a) Collocation. The collocation typical of particular items is
another factor that makes a particular combination sound
„right' or „wrong' in a given context. This is another piece
of information about a new item which may be worth
teaching. Collocation is also often noted in dictionaries,
either by providing the whole collocation under one of the
head-words, or by a note in parenthesis.
b) Aspect of Meanin
Denotation, Connotation, Appropriateness. Denotation
is the meaning of a word that primarily refers to the real
world. It is often the sort of definition in dictionary.
Meanwhile, a less obvious component of the meaning of
an item is its connotation, the associations, or positive or
negative feelings it evokes, which may or may not be
indicated in a dictionary definition.Besides denotation and
connotation, an aspect of meaning that also needs to be
taught is whether a particular item is appropriate one to
use in a certain context or not. It is useful for a leaner to
know that a certain word is very common, or relatively
rare, or „taboo' in polite conversation, or tends, to be used

in writing but not in speech, or is more suitable for formal

than informal situation, or belongs to a certain dialect.
Meaning Relations. How the meaning of one item relates
to the meaning of others can also be useful in teaching.
There are various such relationship, they are: synonyms
(item that mean the same or nearly the same); antonyms
(items that mean the opposite); hyponyms (item that serve
as specific examples of a general concept); co-hyponyms
or co-ordinates (other items that are the same kind of
thing); super-ordinates (general concepts that cover
specific items); and translation (words orexpression in the
learners' mother tongue that are equivalent in meaning to
the item being taught)
c) Word Formation. Vocabulary items, whether one-word or
multi-word, can often be broken down into their
components exactly how these words are put together is
another piece of useful information. Teachers may teach
the common prefixes and suffixes. However, they should
be warned that in may common words, the affixes no
longer have any vocabulary items are built is by
combining two words to make one item.
It could be concluded that vocabulary is the complete
skill which from master some those vocabularies, the
learners also learn how to pronounce, listen, and write
correctly. The better they master the vocabulary, the better
they speak and write in English.22

2. Mobile Legend
a. Definition Of Mobile Legend
MLBB is an online multiplayer gamebatlle arena (MOBA)
which is similar toDota 2 game where this game usesstrategy to

H Sektalonir Oscarini Wati BhaktiAndMarwanto, Vocabulary Mastery By Using Storytelling
(Journal Of Linguistic And English Teaching, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2018).Page81-83.

win, with fight 5versus 5 against enemy teams. This game has 3
lines (lines) are strengthenedwith the same goal tower that is to
destroy the main tower the enemy withthe hero we use. MLBB
online gamecurrently booming inthe public, the demand is
indiscriminateranging from children to adults including students.
This type of Online Game is a type of game that is played
simultaneouslywith more than 2 people or even thousands when
playing it online.Players will be in a virtual world to fight enemies,
the gameaction that uses the concept of strategy. Usually 5 versus 5
matches with the Heroour own choice and gamers can build the
perfect team fordefeat the opposing team, against real human
players in the gamewhich requires teamwork, the hero emblem
used, speed, even when communicating briefly. Examplethese
types of games include Dota1, Dota2, Heroes of Newerth, Chaos
Online, League of Legends, Clash Royale, Vainglory, Call of
Champions, Ace of Arenasand others.23
Online games have entered timelong enough in Indonesia,
its spreadit is very fast, especially in timethe last four years have
been in demand lessmore than 50 million game enthusiasts already
download this MLBB online game application. This one game has
become verypopular lately. Previously too there is one online game
called Clash of Clans (COC) which is very popular. But alongtime
went by, the game Clash of Clansbegan to be abandoned and now
many ofamong students turn to online gamesMLBB. Online game
is an applicationa game consisting of several gameswhich has
certain rules and levels.24

b. Class of Mobile Legend

Devita Rani, Dampak Game Online MobileLegends:Bang BangTerhadap Mahasiswa DiFakultas
Ilmu Sosial Dan IlmuPolitikUniversitas Medan Area (Quantitati, Medan, Universitas Medan Area,
2018) Page 16
Devita Rani, Effiati Juliana Hasibuan & Rehia K. Isabela Barus, Impact Of Online
MobileLegends Game: Bang Bang ForStudents (Perspektif, Vol. 8 (1)), Page. 7

In legends mobile games, it cannot be separated from the

name is hero. Hero is a unique character that can only be played by
one player in each round of the game. This will be later a player in
the legends mobile game. Every hero has four skills to defeat the
opposing hero or Minions are one passive skill and three active
skills. Mobile Legends player must place the skills possessed by
the hero according to the situation when competing. Heroes can be
divided into two types based on the distance of attack namely:
1. Hero Melee
This type of hero has a fairly short attack range
compared to range heroes.
2. Hero Ranged
Different from the type of hero melee, ranged hero is a type of
hero in long distance. While the hero based on its
characteristics can be divided into five as follow:
a. Marksman
This type of hero has a strong attack power so he has role
as the main attacker in the game.
b. Tank
This type of hero has a large HP and Armor base so can
take large damage from your opponent to protect team.
c. Mage
This type of hero has the ability with great damage so you
can do quickly kill to your opponent's hero.
d. Support
This type of hero has the ability to protect team and helps
the team when fighting.
e. Assassin
This type of hero generally has the ability that can kill and
lock your opponent.25

Arif Prayogo, Pengaruh Minat Bermain Game Mobile Legends Terhadap Kemampuan Problem
Solving Siswa Kelas Viii Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah 3 Purwokerto Tahun
Pelajaran 2018/2019 (Quantitative, Iain Purwokerto, 2019), Page 19-21

c. Design Of Mobile Legend

This game is type of online game that can be played all
over the world. Because, the connecting base uses the internet
network. They can comunicate by chatting each other. Users of this
game in Indonesia continue to increase every year. Other than that,
Indonesia is one of the largest users number four most users in the
world. For position one is China. Second one is India. The third is
United States.26
Users of this game are not only men. But, also women.
With a percentage of women 48% and for men around 52%. The
amount of difference between each gender is not so far, only
around 4%. This proves this game isin demand for all walks of
life.27 Despite its vast, enthusiast community and influence on
contemporary game designers, the MOBA remains under-explored
by academics”. But few games exhibit a greater need for
sociallyaware services than this relatively new genre which brings
new ways of collaboration and competition on the table, gender
and cultural challenges and even new social networks which need
to deal with the inherent toxic behaviour that arises in these
contexts. In essence, MOBA games are a subgenre of real-time
strategy games in which two teams, typically consisting of five
players each, compete against each other with each player
controlling a single character. Contrary to real-time strategy games,
there is no unit or building construction in a MOBA game, so
“much of the strategy revolves around individual character
development and cooperative team play in combat”.28
d. Advantage and Disadvantage

Ria Seprina Rahayu,Using Mobile Legend Media In Procedure TextTo Increase Students
Writing SkillsAmong The Eleventh Graders At Man 1 East Lampung (Qualitative, Lampung, Iain
Metro, 2020), Page 17
Ike Ireztyawan, “Fenomena Game Mobile Legends Bagi Perempuan Anggota VictorySquad,”
Riau:Department Of Communication Studies Faculty Of Social And Political SciencesUniversity
Of Riau, Vol. 5, 2018 P. 2-3.
Marcal Mora Cantallops And Miguel Angel Sicilia, “Moba Games: A LiteratureReview,”
Madrid :University Of Alcala, Alcala De Henares, 2018, P.2.

1) Mobile Legends's advantages :

a) Classic Map of MOBA 5 vs 5
Dota players usually prefer classic folders 5 vs 5.
this is certainly the main attraction for dota players, they
seemed to play dota when playing this game.
b) Good graphic
everyone will be happy when playing games with
good graphics. Imagine you play a fun game but the
graphics are very ugly. your playing impression must be
c) Heroes from various countries
There are Gatotkaca from Indonesia, Bruno from
Brazil, Yin Shun Shin from Korea, Kagura from Japan, and
many more. here's one of the highlights of this game.
d) Easy gameplay and control
The gameplay and controls in this game are very easy,
unlike some of these other types of games on smartphones,
which are quite difficult to control and control our heroes.
Use of practical and easy item buying skill makes new
gamers play it quickly. Menu and map view is easy to
e) Many events and rewards
Who does not like reward when playing games? This is
a much-awaited gamers especially those who are not
premium players. Event and reward in this game almost in
every month. of course makes the gamers become more
happy and spirit in playing it. With lots of exciting
bonuses like skins and BP (Battle Point) that you can get
during the event or when the season rank is over.
f) Fair game
Fair, that's what's in this game system, 1 Hero can not
possibly kill 5 enemy Heros at once easily. If it happens, it

could be a noob enemy. Unlike other Moba game types,

even with only 1 Hero and with the finished item we can
kill all the opponent heroes. different Mobile Games
game, which you need is teamwork. without teamwork, it
is very difficult to win games in this Mobile Legends
2) Mobile Legends’ Disadvantages :
a) Unstable connection
Unstable connections often make many players
complain, by using wifi or data that is sometimes stable
play this legends mobile game is very laggg. From ping 40
it suddenly turned into 200 wow instead. Hopefully the
future of Mobile Legends game connection is getting
better, because there has been no connection improvement
at all from the Moonton for this Legends Mobile game.
b) Player report system
The existing report player system is not good
enough, when you report player who is afk or deliberately
become their feeder is only subject to a penalty reduction
score and not get reward, hopefully the future can be
banned for the deliberate afk and feeder. Perhaps because
of the unstable connection in mobile legends moonton team
has not dared to issue an afk banned player system.
c) Lots of glitch & bugs
Glitches & bugs on this Mobile Legends game we
often encounter, such as invisible minions on the screen,
blink using misguided flicker spell, and inverted folder
position while playing. When experiencing reconnect the
possibility of bug is very big we must relog first to improve
our appearance when playing is very troublesome and
inconvenient yes.29
Mulkanin #life • 3 Years Ago, “Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Legends, Popular
MOBA Game on Smartphone,” Steemit, August 29, 2017,

Probably just so many of me for all these advantages

and disadvantages only in my personal opinion and based
on my experience of playing.
Hopefully the future of Mobile Legends game can
continue to update for better especially in the connection,
because this game has great potential to be a game E-Sport
Moba much in demand of gamers.
K. Research Method
Research Metodhology is a way to systematically solve the
research problem. It consist of the part how to conducts the research in the
field. It is also show how the research should be applied. It presents the
step how the the researcher conducts the research. It includes of the
research design, population and sample, research and instrument, data
collection procedure, and data analysis.
1. Research Design
Research design is the plan, structure, and strategy of investigation
conceived to obtain answer to research question, and to control
varience. Research methodology is important part in doing research. It
refers to a general strategy. Followed in gathering and analyzing data
for answering the questions.
The design of this research used quantitative research, which the
analyzed by using stastical procedures. As like Donald Ary state that
quantitative research usesobejective measurement to father numeric
data that are used toanswer question and test predetermined
hypothesis. This research use ... Approach involves two variable. They
are variable X (independent variable) and Y (dependent variable). In
this case variable X is ( Mobile legend game) and variable Y is
(Vocabulary Mastery).
2. Population and Sampling Procedure

In this case researcher will be explain the population of Death Note

Group in Pamekasan and also how the researcher take a sample from
the population.
a. Population
Population is defined as all members of any well-defined
class of people, event, or objects.
Population is a group of individualis who have the same
characteristic. Base on the definition, the population of this
research all of research object that will be a research. In this
case, population that will be researched is all of member of
Death Note group at Pamekasan. All of the population are 14
b. Sample
Sample is a subgroup of target population that researcher
plans to atudy for generalizing about the target population.
Here to get a valid and realible data the researcher used. To
carry out this study, the researcher takes all of member of
Death Note group. The amount of the sample is 14 members.
3. Research Instruments
Research instrument is a tool which use by researcher to collect the
data. According to Creswell, research instrument is a tool of
measuring, observing, or documenting quantitative data. Research
instrument is very important for a researcher to choose an appropriate
method in collecting valid data. The validith and realibity are qualities
that are essential to the effectiveness of any data gathering procedures.
In this research, the researchers used two kind of research instrument
that divided into primary instrument and secondary instrument.
In this research, the researchers used two kind of research
instrument that divided into primary instrument and secondary
instrument. In this case, the primary instrument is Questionnaire and
test. The researcher uses one kind of questionnaire, namely close-
ended questionnaire question. To determine the difficult level of

questionnaire, the researcher uses the validity and reliability. of the test
formula. While the secondary instrument is used to collect the data is
a. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is the number of written question used to
obtain information from respondent in the report about this
personal or the thing they knew.30
Questionnaire is a set of written questions for respondent to
answer.31 Questionnaire is used to collect data by using some
written question in this study; questionnaire is used to collect the
data related to variable X (Mobile Legend game) which the closed
questionnaire is applied.
There are two from of questionnaire are open questionnaire
and close questionnaire. Open questionnaire is the question of
questionnaire are not prepared with the researcher, while close
questionnaire is the question of questionnaire are prepared with the
Close questionnaire is the researcher limit the respondent to
select answer. In this study, the answer available. It means that the
researcher had been prepared the answer and wants to get short
answer. It is used to measure statistically significant effect of
mobile legend toward student's vocabulary mastery of death note
group in Pamekasan. Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian
Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (PT: Rineka Cipta, 2010), P.
In this study, questionnaire is used as primer instrument,
And then the types of questionnaire used to collect questionnaire of
data variable X is indirectly with the nature closed multiple choice.
So to get data of variable X there are three alternative, the
alternative has different score. Score of Alternative A=3, Score of

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (PT: Rineka Cipta, 2010), P.
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011). P.142
ibid. P.142

Alternative B=2, and Score of Alternative C=1.91(Suharsimi

Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. 33

Table 3.1 The Interpretation of Questionnaire Scale Namely Liquid Scale

Questionnaire Scale Score

A 3
B 2
C 1

In this research, the questionnaire consists of 10 items with

three alternatives. The alternative includes one correct answer and
two wrong answers. To determine the difficulty level of each item.
The researcher will use reliability and validity of the questionnaire
1) Validity
According to Adnan Latief, Valid means correct, the
correctness of the assessment is called validity and the
evidence to support the correctness of the assessment is called
validity evidence.34
A test should have validity in the sense that if it measures
what it intends to measured.35 ” The validity of the test always
depends on situation and purpose of test used.” (ibid. P. 162)
Validity is a degree to which all of the evidence points to the
intended interpretation of test score for the proposed purpose.36
There are two kinds of validity there are construct validity
and content validity. The validity of questionnaire always
depends on situation and purpose of test will be used. A
questionnaire that valid situation may not be valid for other
situation, purpose of using questionnaire also a factor in

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (PT: Rineka Cipta, 2010), P.
Mohammad Adnan Latief, Reseach Methods on Language Learning: an Introduction (Malang
UM Press, 2011). P. 223
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009). P.173
Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research (United State: Pearson Educational, 2012). P. 159

showing validity. In this research, the researcher uses content

validity, because the content of the questionnaire appropriate
with the material that had been taught by the teacher.
2) Reliability
Reliability of measuring instrument is the degree of
consistency with which it measures whatever is measuring.37
Creswell state that reliability means that sores from
instrument are stabile and consistence. (Score should be nearly
the same when researcher administers the instrument multiple
times at different time.38
Questionnaire score cannot measure anything well unless it
measures consistently. To have confident measuring the
researcher will need to be assured. For instance, reliability of
questionnaire is affected by a number of factors such as, the
student condition, situation, etc. Reliability of questionnaire
may be estimated in parallel from a split-half. The researcher
will use the Spearman Brown formula to find reliability. The
formula as follow:
T11 2 x 71/21/2 (1+r1/21/2) Where: The reliability coefficient
of items
r 1/21/2 : Pwy as the correlation between two split-half (even-
odd) instrument.39
In this case, the form of questionnaire is multiple choices
that consist of 10 items questionnaire. The researcher divided
the answer of questionnaire into odd even form. After that the
researcher gets the score total number odd even. Then the
result of number odd even calculated with product moment.
Finally coefficient of correlation input to the Spearman Brown

Ary, Donald, Introduction to Research in Education (Wadsworth: Cengage Learning, 2006). P.
. (Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research (United State: Pearson Educational, 2012). P. 159)
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (PT: Rineka Cipta, 2010).P.

formula. The result will be interpreted of product moment. If r

is higher than rtable, the instrument is called reliable.
b. Documentation
Documentation method is to find data about things or variables in
the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspaper, magazines,
inscriptions, minute of meetings, ledger, agenda, etc.40In this study
documentation as the supporting data of research. This method is
very important for researcher to know the population, sample and
the document of mobile legend game of death note group in
Pamekasan. In this research, this method is used to collect the data
of respondent.
They are the member name list (see appendix 1), the member list of
questionnaire (see appendix 2), the Member work sheet of
questionnaire (see appendix 3),
4. Data Collection Procedure
According to Creswell, data collection procedure to identify and
select individual for a study, to obtain their permission to study them
and together information by asking people question or to observe their
behavior.41 Data collection is one of the ways to collect and to get the
valid data. There are some ways that the researcher will do collect the
a. Pre-research
1) Researcher identifies how to select participant for a study
2) Researcher identifies the permission needed for a study
3) Researcher lists different option for collecting information
like test, observation and documentation
4) Researcher selects the sample
5) Researcher selects an instrument to collect data.
b. While research
1) The researcher cheeks the student's name list.

Ibid. P. 274
Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research (United State: Pearson Educational, 2012). P. 140

2) The researcher gives the questionnaire and test to the

3) The researcher reading the instruction.
4) The researcher collects the answer of questionnaire and
c. Post research
1) The researcher enters the student's score to the formula.
2) Researcher makes conclusion by interpreting the result of
statistic analysis.
5. Data Analysis
The research data will be analyzed by using statistical method. The
statistical analysis is suitable with quantitative data characteristic,
namely numerical form. The data of variable X is taken from the result
of student's questionnaire (mobile legend game). While the data of
variable Y is taken from the result of member test (vocabulary
mastery). Then to find the correlation between those variable, the
researcher uses product moment formula. The formula as follow: 42

No Value of “r” Product Interpretation

moment (rxy)
1 0.00-0.20 There is correlation between variable
X and variable Y, but the correlation
is very slow
2 0.20-0.40 There is low correlation between
variable X and variable Y
3 0.40-0.70 There is sufficient correlation
between variable X and variable Y
4 0.70-0.90 There is strong correlation between
variable X and variable Y
5 0.90-1.00 There is correlation between variable
X and variable Yvery strong

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Penelitian ()Jakarta: PT: Raja Grafindo persada, 2012)page



VEX)(EY) : Coefficient correlation between two variables X and Y

Exy : Sum of multiply x and y
Xx2 : Sum of x quadrate
Zy2 : Sum of y quadrate
N : The number of respondent
To interpret the result of statistic analysis above, the researcher makes
conclusion by comparing rxy and rtable of product moment correlation.
1. If rxy >rtable: Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. If the score of “7”
statistical higher than score of “r” table, the hypothesis (Ha) is
2. If rxy <rtable: Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. If the score of “z"
statistical smaller than score of “r” table, the hypothesis (Ha) is


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The Interpretation of Questionnaire Scale Namely Liquid Scale

Questionnaire Scale Score

A 3
B 2
C 1

No Value of “r” Product Interpretation

moment (rxy)
1 0.00-0.20 There is correlation between variable
X and variable Y, but the correlation
is very slow
2 0.20-0.40 There is low correlation between
variable X and variable Y
3 0.40-0.70 There is sufficient correlation
between variable X and variable Y
4 0.70-0.90 There is strong correlation between
variable X and variable Y
5 0.90-1.00 There is correlation between variable
X and variable Yvery strong

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