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Pre-Spanish Occupation

The first recorded organized resistance against foreign

aggressor took place in the Visayas during the _____________________
when the native chieftain named Lapu-lapu, the acknowledge father of
the AFP fought against the Spaniards led by Magellan in the latter’s
effort to subdue the former. Lapu-lapu refused to pay homage to the
King of Spain. Under estimating the capability of the natives, the
foreigners lost in the battle and _____________________.

Spanish Occupation

Some islands of the archipelago were successfully occupied by

the Spaniards. In 1570, they tried to land in Manila, however,
___________________resisted their effort. In 1571, Legaspi conquered
Manila and made it as the capital of the Philippines.

Pockets of rebellion took place. Notable of which was the

uprising led by Diego Silang where he displayed his exemplary
military leadership style and tactics in defeating the Spaniards.

The Filipino soldiers were also organized to fight for Spain and
to support some expeditions. Filipino forces were also sent to
reinforce Spanish troops during the Chinese revolt in 1603.

General Jose Prim Dethroned Queen Isabela II of Spain in 1868.

The latter espoused liberal principles of democracy. This paved the
way for the exposure of the Filipinos in foreign culture leading to the
development of strong sense of nationalism among Filipinos. The
works of famous propagandists ___________________ further
nurtured the national spirit. Andres Bonifacio, who is considered as
the father of the Philippine Army, founded a more radical group called
the “Katipunan” on 7 Jul 1892. In August 23, 1896, the
_____________________________ signaled the start of the Philippine
Revolution against Spain. This was followed by pockets of rebellion
which inflicted so much loss to the Spaniards. While Katipunan was
gaining strength, two factions emerged
__________. On 22 Mar 1897, the Tejeros Convention was called to
resolve the conflict between the two factions. As a result, Aguinaldo
won the presidency. The occasion also gave birth to the Philippine

American Influence

As the war broke out between the United States and Spain on
April 23, 1898, the Americans convinced the Filipinos to cooperate
with the Americans against Spain with the promise that the United
States will grant independence to the Philippines. Aguinaldo declared
war against Spain. In _________________, the Philippine Independence
from Spain was declared in Kawit, Cavite.Later on, the Philippine
Navy was created 22 June 22, 1898 by the Revolutionary Army.

The occupation of the American forces did not gain much

acceptance from the Filipinos because of many restrictions imposed
to the Filipino forces as to access to some areas. The harse treatment
by the Americans ignited the conflict between them and the Filipinos.
The latter were defeated which led to the fall of the MalolosRepublic.

With the _________________, Spain ceded the Philippines to the

United States. Finding the archipelago as a lucrative place for some
economic activities, the United States strengthened their presence in
the Philippines. This prompted the Filipinos to again unite and fight
for the freedom they have just won. Significant battles followed suit
exemplifying the fighting spirit and skills of the Filipino soldiers
against formidable opponents. The capture of General Aguinaldo by
the Americans in Palanan, Isabela in March 23, 1901 and the laying
down of arms of General Malvar in April 16, 1902 ended the organized
resistance against the American forces.

To hasten the Philippine campaign and to establish peace and order,

an insular police force known as the Philippine Constabulary was
organized on August 8, 1901 followed by the establishment of the
Philippine Military Academy on February 7, 1905.

On December 21, 1935, the ___________________________ was

enacted which officially created the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
The Philippine Air Force was later established on July 1, 1947

The Japanese Occupation

Consequent to the declaration of war by Japan with the United

States, the invading Japanese Forces landed in ___________________in
Luzon on December 10, 1945. Un-able to withstand the very strong
adversary and to save more lives and properties from destruction, the
combined military forces of the United States and the Filipinos
withdrew to Bataan for the implementation of War Plan Orange. Un-
abated Japanese strikes caused the
__________________________________________ . These events ended the
organized resistance against the Japanese invasion.

The defeat of the Fil-Am forces did not end the armed struggle in
the Philippines. Those who refused to surrender went underground
and waged a guerilla fighting against the Japanese. The activities of
the guerilla forces were very instrumental in the successful come
back of the liberating US Forces under
_____________________________who landed in Leyte on October 20,

International Peace Keeping Operations

It is also noteworthy that the AFP had participated in

international peace keeping efforts as its commitment to the United
Nations such as the _____________________________________________
(PEFTOK) in the early 50’s, the Philippine Air Force Contingent in
Congo, Africa in the early 60’s and the Philippine Civic Action Group
(PHILCAG) in South Vietnam in the 60’s. Philippine contingents were
also sent to East Timor, Iraq and Liberia to participate in UN peace
keeping operations.


The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program has gone a

long way in the Philippine history. The
___________________________________ otherwise known as the National
Defense Act provided the legal basis for the conduct of ROTC
instruction, the need for a citizen reserve force had been realized as
early as before the American occupation of the Philippines. In fact, it
was utilized even during the long and arduous Spanish colonial rule
in the archipelago. A military training course, that time, became
inevitable in the light of the constant

As the result of the so called Seven Year’s War in Europe

between ________________________, a British flotilla of thirteen ships,
headed by Admiral Samuel Cornish and General William Draper,
arrived in the Colony on September 22,1762. The Philippines got
entangled in this European power struggle because the monarchs of
Spain and France both belonged to the Bourbon Dynasty. On the one
side where the combined French and Spanish forces together with
their colonies; on the other, the rising tide of British colonialism in
Asia. In retaliation for this entanglement, a military expedition from
Madras was sent to India, then a British colony.

Spanish authorities in the colony were ill- prepared for such kind
of international assault. During this tumultuous period, the
Philippines was headed by Archbishop Manuel Rojo, a situation
clearly indicative of the unstable political situation in the archipelago.
Father Domingo Collantes, OP, Rector and chancellor of the
University of Sto Tomas, organized a group of around two hundred
(200) students from UST and Colegio de San Juan de Letran who
underwent military training at Sto Tomas Plaza in Intramuros, Manila.
_______________________ was assisted by a sergeant in the Royal
Spanish Army in setting up a battalion of young students for
military instruction.
These students were immediately sent to action together with
500 Hispano-Filipino regulars (in the King’s Regiment) and 80
Filipinos to counter the 7000 strong ____________________. Though
obviously mismatched against the British force, the ragtag force
assembled by Spanish authorities was able to somehow temporarily
ward - off the advancing enemies. Their skirmish lasted for five days,
and the defenders suffered much in terms of the number of casualties
and injuries. Realizing the futility of continuous fighting, Governor-
Archbishop Rojo surrendered Manila and Cavite to Lieutenant
General Dawsonne Drake on October 6, 1762. Though not so well
known in the Philippine history, our country did become a British
colony for a while until June 1764. With the signing of the
______________________ on February 10, 1763, the Seven Year’s War
ended and the British consequently left the archipelago for good.

Despite this debacle, the Spanish king duly recognized the

courage and bravery these students exhibited in the battlefield.
Henceforth, he granted the prestigious titles ‘_____________ ‘(very
loyal) to these young defenders and ‘regalia’ (royal) to the institution
to which most of them belonged. Up until this day, the ‘muy leal’
emblem remains part of the UST ROTC seal. A testament to the
unwavering valor and the commendable spirit once shown in the face
of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

Exactly one hundred fifty years later after 1762, various colleges
and universities in the Philippines would offer military training for
their students. According to Brigadier General Jose Syjuco, author of
the Military education in the Philippines, most military historians
marked the year 1912 as the beginning of the genuine ROTC
instruction in the country. In that year, the Philippine Constabulary
(PC) started conducting military instructions at the University of the
Philippines (UP) on the old Padre Faura Campus. All able- bodied
male students in all colleges, institutes, and schools of the university
were required to undergo military training that focused initially on
infantry and use of rifles. Appointed as the first military instructor was
____________________________, who assumed office in the first
semester of 1912. The need for reserve officer was further realized
with the advent of the First World War in Europe, even though the
Philippines had no direct military participation in that international
In 1912, during the _________________________, UP and Ateneo de
Manila started to offer military training. But their graduates could not
find a career in military unless they joined the PC or the Philippine
Scouts (PS). Governor General Leonard Wood encouraged the
development of ROTC units, which were quite similar to those he had
organized in the United States, in the Philippines. With representation
from the UP Board of Regents to the US War Department, the services
of an American Army officer was obtained. This officer was later
appointed as professor of Military Science.

On March 17, 1922, the Department of Military Science and

Tactics (DMST) was formally organized in UP. Among the
department’s objectives were to: 1) develop patriotic, physically
sound, upright and disciplined citizens; 2) create a corps of trained
officers for the reserve force; and 3) take the lead in fostering the
university spirit. On July 3, 1922, with the first ROTC unit in the
country having been organized, formal military instruction began in
UP. Since then, basic course in infantry became compulsory and a
pre-requisite for graduation from the university. On October 26, 1929,
the field artillery unit of UP was organized with the issuance of 75mm
field guns. In 1935, a mounted battery unit, equipped with 2.95-inch
guns was also put in place.

As a result of these encouraging events, other colleges and

universities in Manila followed suit. Ateneo de Manila, National
University, Liceo de Manila, and San Juan de Letran later formed their
ROTC units. These units remained independent from one another
until 1936, when Office of the Superintendent (of ROTC units) of the
Philippine Army was activated to supervise all ROTC units in the

Under the American tutelage,

___________________________provided the legal basis for the
mandatory citizen military training in the Philippines. The country’s
national defense plan was put into motion by the combined efforts of
General Douglas McArthur and Manuel Quezon. The defense plan
envisioned an organization on citizen army consisting of two major
components: 1) a regular force of about 10,000 men (including PC)
and 2) a reserve force to number 400,000 by end of ten-year period.
The second component was to be accomplished by way of continuing
program to train 21-year old able bodied men for a period of more
than five months. Quezon personally hand-picked
_________________________________ to become the military adviser of
the Commonwealth, with the responsibility of formulating the
Philippine Defense system. (Quezon later conferred the status of
“Field Marshall”, the highest military rank known in international
usage, on McArthur). At the opening session of the National
Assembly on November 26, 1935, Quezon re-iterated the need for a
defense plan. According to him “Self-defense is the supreme right of
mankind no more sacred to the individual than to the nation, the
interests of which are immeasurably of greater significance and
extent . . . In my opinion, the plan reflects the lessons of history, the
conclusion of the acknowledge masters of warfare and of
statesmanship, and the sentiments and aspirations of the Filipino
people. It is founded upon enduring principles that are fundamental to
any plan applicable to our needs,”

On December 21, 1935, the National Assembly approved the plan

amid criticisms it received and the strict opposition mounted by
several lawmakers namely Juan Sumulong and Camilo Osias, and
former President Emilio Aguinaldo. One important provision of the
plan stated the “at such universities and colleges as the President
may designate, there ___________________________________ units of
such arm and service as he shall specify, where every physically fit
student shall be required to pursue a course of military instruction. .
“ROTC units in various universities and colleges, therefore became
source of reserve officers. However, a major concern was that these
units had yet to be standardized (although most were yet to be
formally recognized). UP’s ROTC was the first to be officially
recognized; the ROTC units of Letran, UST, De la Salle, Adamson,
Philippine Normal School, the Philippine School of Arts and Trades,
San Beda and Siliman were likewise given recognition. By 1937, the
Philippine government had established and recognized seventeen
ROTC, most of them infantry units. UP had a field artillery unit aside
from an infantry unit; Adamson and the Quisumbing schools had
chemical warfare units. Furthermore, UP also served as the training
ground for ROTC instructors and a source of basic ROTC training

Under the system, ___________________________________and

attend training on weekends. Those students desiring reserve
commission could attend two more years of advanced weekend
training. Completion of the advanced course made one eligible for a
reserve officer commission. However, mandatory training was not
instituted in all colleges. As result, students who did not want to
undergo military training simply opted to transfer to schools who did
not have ROTC units. To resolve the issue, President Quezon issued
Executive Order No. 207. By virtue of this directive, ROTC became
compulsory in all colleges and universities with enrollment of a
hundred students or more. This action taken by Quezon was partly in
response to the protest launched by some schools that their
enrollment had dropped due to the institution of ROTC units. By 1941,
there were around thirtythree colleges and universities throughout
the country that maintained ROTC units. However, all of these
schools closed down during the Japanese incursion in the

Japan’s misadventure in the Philippines had ended, but the

service rendered to the nation by the heroic men of ROTC has turned
into a life-long commitment. Even during the post war era, UP ROTC
graduates exhibited here and abroad meritorious deeds in the service
of the Filipino people. On the one hand, they became part of the
government’s effort to solve the problem of insurgency in the
country; on the other, they manned the contingency forces that were
sent at the height of the Korean (1950) and Vietnam (1964) wars.

Less than seventy years have passed since the inception of

student military training in various colleges and universities
throughout the country. Times have changed and the ROTC program
has been placed in constant scrutiny, especially in terms of
significance to the importance in today’s reality.
It drew a number of problems and subsequent protests not only from
the student sector but also from the school administration and the
parents of the students who view the program as militarization. The
strongest clamor for its abolition occurred in _____________________
as a consequence of the death of University of Santo Tomas ROTC
____________________________ who was allegedly hazed by senior
ROTC cadets for his expose’ of several malpractices in the ROTC
program. This incident was exploited by some leftist organizations
who staged rallies demanding the abolition of the ROTC. This clamor
prompted both Houses to file separate bills on the ROTC program.
The House of Representatives filed House Bill Number 3593 and The
Senate filed Senate Bill Number 1824 which led to the enactment of
_______________________________________________________, making the
ROTC as just one of the three components of the NSTP where the
students can choose from. The ROTC training period was also
reduced from two years to __________________. Students can also
select any component of the NSTP, thus making ROTC optional.
Female students are also required to undergo NSTP as a prerequisite
for graduation for a baccalaureate degree or two-year vocational

The NSTP has three (3) components namely: the ROTC, which is
designed to provide military training to students to prepare for
national defense, the Department of National Defense (DND) is the
lead agency in the implementation of the ROTC component,
_______________________________________________ (LTS), which is
designed to train students to become teachers to school children, out
of school youth and other segments of the society who are in dire
need of their service, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is
the lead agency in the implementation of the LTS component and the
_____________________________________________(CWTS), which will
involve the students to activities to contribute to general welfare and
betterment of life, the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) is the lead agency in the implementation of CWTS
component. The students can select any of the three (3) components
as a requirement for their baccalaureate degree or two-year
vocational course.

Prior to the implementation of the NSTP, the ROTC was a two

year mandatory training for male college students and also a requisite
for graduation in college. Through the years the enrollment had gone
down tremendously. The program also experienced steady
deterioration essentially due to issues and concerns which include
among others graft and corruption, lack of competent, dedicated and
committed instructors and higher student-instructor ratio. Moreover,
students do not appreciate the Program as shown by the high rate of
students dropping out or deferring the ROTC training while many
have decided to enroll in the other two components. This has
significantly reduced the number of our reserve force pool who are
not only to be readily available in case of war or national emergency
but also to perform relief and rescue tasks when needed.

As of today, many concerned citizens and school administrators

and legislators alike are advocating for the enhancement of the ROTC
program by making the same compulsory to state colleges and
universities. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is fully supporting
this effort. The advocacy is based on the perceived decline in the
appreciation of the youth on the value of patriotism and good

1. The AFP Core of Values

a. __________

The members of the AFP believe in honor as the most

important virtue that a soldier must possess. It is in fact considered
as more precious than life itself. Without honor, a man is nothing but
a beast. Honor means clean consciousness, personal dignity, good
reputation, unquestionable character. Honor means truthfulness,
sincerity, honesty, credibility. Honor means_______, a modest but
decent life. A honorable soldier does not lie, cheat, steal, violate
moral and ethical codes not tolerate the violations of the code of
honor is the sacred part of the character of a soldier, violation of
which should bring shame.

b. _________

The members of the AFP believe in unflinching loyalty.

Thus we shall promote the national interest and security as a
paramount concern. We shall support and defend the constitution.
We shall be obedient to the duly constituted government. We shall
obey the order of those legally appointed over us. We shall support
those who lead us and those who serve with us.

c. _________

We believe in valor as the power and strength, courage and

ability to overcome fear, which enables the soldiers to carry out their
mission and to accomplish what is seemingly impossible. It is more
than bravery or ability to endure pain. Valor is calmness and
presence of mind in the heat of battle where danger or death is
imminent. It is the courage to stand for what is right and the
perseverance to make it difficult for others to do wrong.

d. __________
Despite difficulty and danger, we perform our tasks as
order or implied. Discipline and obedience, we believe that duty is a
personal act of responsibility, which we show by doing all our
assigned tasks to the best of our ability.

e. _________

Solidarity is the value that binds us with the rest of our

comrades-in-arms. It is the value that makes us one strong and
united organization.

2. Military Culture, Customs and Traditions and Core Philosophies

a. The AFP Organization

The AFP Organization proves that the AFP should be

organized in such manner that it can function effectively to
accomplish its mission with minimum cost and maximum result. The
AFP Organization must also promote the active participation of the
people in the defense of the state and in civil assistance projects
during disaster and calamities and national emergencies. This is to
avoid creation and manning of new units that merely duplicates the
function of another unit or office, if only to give positions to the
favored general officers or senior field grade officers who have no
significant assignments or if only to generate funds which will be
divested for personal use of the proponents at the expense of the
government. The creation of CAFGU Active auxiliary, the bantay-
bayan and the civilian volunteer organization, not to mention the
development of our reserve units in all the 13 regions of the country
are some organizational reforms embodied in the AFP Organization.

b. ______________________________

Supremacy of civilian authority emphasizes the legal and

moral obligation of the soldier as an ordinary citizen of the republic to
obey the laws, carryout directives and subscribe to regulations
enacted and issued by the legislative judicial and executive branches
of the civil government.

c. Chain of Command

____________________ deals on the generally accepted

principles that a military action being executed should pass the
approval or consent of the Commander at each level or echelon of
command from lowest to highest without bypassing any approving
authority or taking the action upon one’s self as his prerogative.

d. Military Leadership

___________________ summarizes the significant role of a

military leader or Commander to influence his men to carry out its
mission, perform assigned tasks or fulfill its obligations and

e. ___________________

People’s support is a statement of the acknowledgement

by the AFP of the vital importance of people’s support to achieve
peace and order. To get people’s support, the members of the AFP
should exercise prudence and justice when dealing with the civilians.
The soldiers should respect and protect the rights of the people, their
beliefs, ways of life and living conditions.

f. National Development

The AFP must be a catalyst of change, reform and

development. It must actively participate in endeavors that will
contribute to national progress.
g. Partisan Politics

The members of the AFP shall not engage in partisan

politics. Its involvement shall be limited only to the exercises of his
right to vote the candidate of his choices and to assist in ensuring a
clean and honest election.

h. _________________

The AFP adheres to the principles of democracy. It

believes that the Philippine Government is the embodiment of the
Filipino people’s will and was established to protect their inherent
rights and to fulfill their aspirations as a nation.

i. National Interest

The AFP realizes that the protection of national interest is

for the common good of the people. In accomplishing the mission
given to AFP it shall keep in mind that national interests is of
paramount concern and must be enhanced and protected.

j. _______________

The AFP believes that program and development can only

be attained if there is stability, peace and order.

k. War

The AFP believes that ___________________ against the

enemy of the state shall be resorted to only when all the peaceful
means shall have failed and no other option is left to resolve the
l. Use of Armed Force

When implementing government policies pertaining to

security, the AFP must act with restraint as far as use of force is
concerned. When the use of arms is necessary, it must have the
authority of the duly established government.

m. ________________

The members of the AFP shall be instrument in the

promotion of social justice. It shall subscribe to the generally
accepted principle that all men are created equal and every citizen
must be given the same rights and opportunities in life and equal
protection from the government.

n. Human Rights

The members of the AFP shall respect the inherent rights

of an individual as a “human being”. In the performance of its
mission, the troops must see to it that the
___________________________________are well protected.

o. Enemies of the State

The AFP shall consider the following as enemies of the


1) Those who shall __________________________ of the

Philippines such as foreign aggression whose intention is to occupy
and control the national territory or part thereof.
2) Those who ______________________ as a means to
achieve their ends such as CPP/NPA/Guerillas.
3) Those who
_____________________________________ over the military, such as
the coup plotters and participants.
4) Those who shall ________________________ or any
part thereof, such as the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and
other secessionist groups.
5) Those who shall _________________________, such
as gambling syndicates, drug pushers, gun runners, hired killers.
6) Those who shall
______________________________________ such as the national
democratic front and the sectoral organizations under its umbrella.

p. Professionalism

___________________________ is the heart and soul of the

whole AFP code of ethics. It emphasizes that being public servants,
we in the AFP area expected to perform our duties and
responsibilities with utmost competence and efficiency. Our right to
bear arms as one of the peculiarities of the military service calls for
the assurance to the people that their safety, protection and welfare
shall be our paramount concern.

The people expects the AFP to perform its tasks as

mandated by the constitution with the highest degree of excellence by
applying expertly the basic and specialized skills of soldiery while
adhering strictly with the code of ethics and all laws and statutes of
the land.

q. Standards

1) Standard of Loyalty

All military personnel shall be ________________ to

the Republic of the Philippines, the constitution, the AFP and to the
people. We are loyal to the republic when we serve its interest and
protect its territorial integrity against the enemy, even if it shall cost
our lives.
2) Standard of Competence

All military must be competent in the performance of

his duties. By competence means the ability or capability to do what
is expected him to do and to do it well.

3) Standard of Ethics
Every soldier must
_______________________________, being observed in the society
which he is a part, from being a soldier, he is also a citizen of the
community, because the military community is only a part of a larger
society – the “Filipino society”

4) Standard of Morals
The soldier must be aware that he has the capacity to
distinguish between what is right and what is

r. Unprofessional Acts

These behaviors that fall short of the professional

standards as enumerated in the AFP code of ethics are considered
unprofessional acts.

1) Acts of Disloyalty
We are disloyal when we do something or refuse to
do something that constitute betrayal of our country and people,
non-support to our duly constituted government and disregard to the
AFP chain of Command. Some disloyal acts are

2) Acts of Incompetence
We are incompetent when we lack the required
knowledge, skills, physical attributes and character traits necessary
for the adequate performance of duty and accomplishment of
3) Unethical Acts
Unethical acts are
laid down in the AFP code of ethics. Some of these unethical acts are
using government time for outside employment, sideline, position or
authority, unwarranted assertion or rank, tolerating irregularities in
the military service, etc.

4) Corrupt Acts
Corrupt acts are
_______________________________________, public morals,
property, chastity, civil status of person and honor. We are corrupt
when we are dishonest, unjust and commit moral acts.

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