Operating Instructions Coding and Inspection Unit TQS-LM (Line Manager)

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Operating instructions

Coding and inspection unit

TQS-LM (Line Manager)

Adam-Hoffmann-Straße 26
67657 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 631 34146-0
Translation of the original manual
Version: 3.4.1 (en)
Last update: 2017-12-13
ID No.: 061.84.103


This documentation is protected by copyright.

Rights based on this protection, in particular translation, reprinting, excerpting of

illustrations, electronic transmission, reproduction by photomechanical or similar means,
and storage in data processing systems are reserved, including partial or excerpted use.

Subject to technical changes.

Adam-Hoffmann-Straße 26
67657 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 631 34146-0
Table of contents

1 Information about these operating instructions ........................................................... 9

1.1 Safety instructions and symbols ........................................................................................ 9
1.2 Typographic conventions ................................................................................................... 11
1.3 User instructions ................................................................................................................ 11

2 General information on the Line Manager..................................................................... 13

3 User administration ......................................................................................................... 15

3.1 General information ........................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Manage user dialogue ....................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Switching to the Manage user dialogue ............................................................................. 15
3.2.2 Structure of the user interface in the Manage user dialogue ............................................. 16
3.3 Edit settings dialogue......................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Switching to the Edit settings dialogue .............................................................................. 18
3.3.2 Login and logout ................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.3 User name ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.4 Password ........................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Overview of the user levels................................................................................................ 20
3.5 Overview of the access authorisations for individual functions.......................................... 21
3.6 User login........................................................................................................................... 24
3.7 User logout......................................................................................................................... 24

4 Switching between user interfaces ................................................................................ 25

5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) .................................................................................... 27

5.1 Menu structure ................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Production menu................................................................................................................ 28
5.2.1 Switching to the Production menu ..................................................................................... 28
5.2.2 Structure of the user interface in the Production menu...................................................... 29 Editing of a serial number .................................................................................................. 31
5.3 Article menu ....................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.1 Article menu ...................................................................................................................... 33 General information about articles ..................................................................................... 33 Switching to the Article menu............................................................................................. 33 Structure of the user interface in the Article menu............................................................. 34 Data fields in an article....................................................................................................... 36 Creating an article.............................................................................................................. 39 Assigning machines to individual production steps............................................................ 40 Editability of serial number pool properties ........................................................................ 42 Source of numbers dialogue .............................................................................................. 42 Expanded dialogue ............................................................................................................ 43 Dialogue Serialisation ........................................................................................................ 43 Editing an article ................................................................................................................ 46 Deleting an article .............................................................................................................. 46 Testing the configuration of an article ................................................................................ 47 Editing the configuration of an article................................................................................. 48 ConfigureFast .................................................................................................................... 49
5.3.2 Orders menu ...................................................................................................................... 50 General information about orders ...................................................................................... 50 Order status ....................................................................................................................... 51 Switching to the Orders menu............................................................................................ 51

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Table of contents Structure of the user interface in the Orders menu............................................................ 52 Creating an order ............................................................................................................... 55 Adding an order ................................................................................................................. 55 Copying an order ............................................................................................................... 56 Editing an order.................................................................................................................. 57 Deleting an order ............................................................................................................... 58 Testing an order................................................................................................................. 58 Starting the Test mode....................................................................................................... 58 Completing the Test mode................................................................................................. 59 Starting an order ................................................................................................................ 59 Interrupting an order .......................................................................................................... 60 Resuming an order ............................................................................................................ 60 Completing an order .......................................................................................................... 60 Generating a report............................................................................................................ 61
5.4 Statistics menu................................................................................................................... 61
5.4.1 Switching to the Statistics menu ........................................................................................ 61
5.4.2 Structure of the user interface in the Statistics menu ........................................................ 62
5.5 Service menu ..................................................................................................................... 63
5.5.1 Components version menu ................................................................................................ 63 Switching to the Components version menu...................................................................... 63 Structure of the user interface in the Components version menu...................................... 64
5.5.2 Backup menu ..................................................................................................................... 65 Switching to the Backup menu........................................................................................... 65 Structure of the user interface in the Backup menu........................................................... 65 Creating a backup.............................................................................................................. 66 Restoring a backup ............................................................................................................ 67
5.5.3 Tools menu ........................................................................................................................ 68 Switching to the Tools menu.............................................................................................. 68 Structure of the user interface in the Tools menu .............................................................. 68
5.6 Settings menu .................................................................................................................... 69
5.7 Audit trail messages menu................................................................................................. 69
5.7.1 Switching to the Audit trail messages menu ...................................................................... 69
5.7.2 Structure of the user interface in the Audit trail messages menu ...................................... 69
5.7.3 Audit trail filter menu .......................................................................................................... 70 Switching to the Audit trail filter menu................................................................................ 70 Structure of the user interface in the Audit trail filter menu ................................................ 70 Export Audit trail messages dialogue................................................................................. 71 Search dialogue ................................................................................................................. 71

A Serial number of a packaging unit ................................................................................. 73

B Coding and inspection positions, product dimensions............................................... 75

C Code .................................................................................................................................. 77
C.1 Structure of a DataMatrix code .......................................................................................... 77
C.2 Code grading ..................................................................................................................... 78
C.3 Typefaces .......................................................................................................................... 84

D Application Identifier (AI) ................................................................................................ 85

E Units and abbreviations .................................................................................................. 87

E.1 Units................................................................................................................................... 87

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Table of contents

E.2 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 88

Glossary............................................................................................................................ 91

Index.................................................................................................................................. 93

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Table of contents


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Information about these operating instructions 1
1 Information about these operating instructions
No part of these operating instructions may be reproduced, sent, transmitted, saved in a
data processing system, or translated into another language in any way whatsoever
without express written consent.
Read through the complete operating instructions. You must read and understand the
content before you are permitted to work on and with the machine. This is a matter of
your safety. Keep these operating instructions for future use at the place where the
system is used.
If you sell the machine, make sure that these operating instructions are included.

In these operating instructions the term "machine" is also used for incomplete machines
(OEM components, assemblies etc.).

1.1 Safety instructions and symbols

The safety instructions that are used in this manual have the following structure:

Type and source of danger
Possible consequences
Measures and prohibitions.

The following safety instructions and caution symbols are used in this manual:

Indicates an imminent danger.
Failure to prevent the danger will result in death or extremely severe injuries.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation.
Failure to prevent the situation may result in dead or extremely severe injuries.

Indicates a situation that could result in damage.
Failure to prevent the situation may result in light or minor injuries.

In addition to the safety instructions, other items of information are also emphasised in
this manual.

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1 Information about these operating instructions

The individual meanings of these symbols are described below:

Identifies information, explanations and instructions that must be observed by the
machine proprietor.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in material damage or environmental

Identifies useful information, tips and helpful advice.

Indicates the recommended criteria for performing required tasks as part of a regular

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Information about these operating instructions 1
1.2 Typographic conventions
In this operating manual, the following conventions are used to highlight text elements:

Typographic representation Description

Italics References to section [page numbers in
square brackets]
References to accompanying documents
Menu > Submenu References to menu paths with menus and
<Angle brackets> References to buttons with text
Bold References to elements that appear on the
user interface
These include for instance areas,
parameters or parameter values
To emphasise individual words or passages

Cited texts from the user interface (menus, submenus, buttons, parameters, error
messages etc.) can contain placeholders (e.g. %d). Machine-specific texts will replace
the placeholders on the user interface during runtime.

1.3 User instructions

Instructions are marked with the term Procedure and different symbols. Steps fall into the
following categories: requirements, individual steps, intermediate results and results.

w This symbol indicates a requirement for an action.
1) Steps are numbered.
2) Step 2
- or -
Alternative step 2
3) Step 3
ð This symbol indicates an intermediate result.
4) Step 4
Æ This symbol indicates the result of actions.

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1 Information about these operating instructions


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General information on the Line Manager 2
2 General information on the Line Manager
▪ The Line Manager is a control software which controls the communication between
the DeviceControllers (DC) of the individual machines. A DeviceController (DC) is a
software instance of a control software which runs on a machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A)
and controls it.
▪ The Line Manager administers the serial numbers for all production steps
(Serialisation, Aggregation level 1, Aggregation level 2 etc.) on the different
▪ The Line Manager provides you with comprehensive article management and order
◦ Article management:
You can find all necessary tools required to manage articles in the Article menu,
for example tools to create, delete and edit articles.
◦ Order management:
You can find all necessary tools required to manage orders in the Orders menu,
for example tools to create, delete and edit orders.
▪ The Line Manager has a ConfigureFast mode to test articles and orders before
producing them.
◦ With the ConfigureFast mode you configure articles before producing them.
◦ You can change article data, layout or parameters.
◦ The background colour of the user interface is orange.
NOTICE! Once an article has been assigned to an order, article data, layout and
parameters cannot be edited.
▪ The Line Manager has a Test mode to test articles and orders before producing
◦ With the mode Test mode you can test orders before producing them.
◦ You can change order data.
◦ The background colour of the user interface is orange.

Line Manager works as separate instance for one machine.

Fig. 1: Line Manager for one machine

If the Line Manager works as separate instance for a machine, the orders and articles for
only one machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) are administered.

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2 General information on the Line Manager

ConfigureFast and Test mode are only locally available.

▪ Local:
ConfigureFast and Test mode are performed on the machine that you currently

Line Manager works as separate instance for several machines.

Fig. 2: Line Manager for several machines

If the Line Manager works as separate instance for several machines, the orders and
articles for several machines (e.g. TQS-HC-A, TQS-BP, TQS-CP) are administered.
ConfigureFast and Test mode are available locally and globally.
▪ Global:
ConfigureFast or Test mode are performed on all machines (TQS-HC-A, TQS-BP,
TQS-CP etc.) of the line.
▪ Local:
ConfigureFast and Test mode are performed on the machine that you currently
You can call up the Line Manager menu from each machine of the line. The Line
Manager displays orders and articles for all involved machines, no matter which machine
is used to call it up.

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User administration 3
3 User administration

3.1 General information

The user administration offers a wide range of possibilities for administrators
(Level3_SA). Administrators can add new users, administer user levels and determine
the password structure.
Each user will be given a user name and a user-specific password.
The different user levels make it possible to divide access authorisation to the functions
of the machine by user group.

3.2 Manage user dialogue

3.2.1 Switching to the Manage user dialogue

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

1) Press the symbol button for logging in a user:

ð The Log in dialogue appears on the screen.

2) Enter your user name.
3) Press the Enter key on the screen keyboard.
4) Enter your password.
5) Press the Enter key on the screen keyboard.
6) Press the <Manage user> button.
Æ The Manage user dialogue appears on the screen.

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3 User administration

3.2.2 Structure of the user interface in the Manage user dialogue

Manage user

User name:
Confirm password:

Password expires after weeks.

Member of:


Edit user Save Cancel

Fig. 3: Manage user dialogue (exemplary representation)

1 Symbol button for adding a user 2 Symbol button for deleting a user
3 User name 4 Password
5 Confirm password 6 Option Password expires after n weeks
7 Dropdown list Member of 8 Option Locked
9 <Cancel> button 10 <Save> button
11 <Edit user> button 12 List of users

Symbol button for adding a user (1)

With this symbol button you can add a new user.

Symbol button for deleting a user (2)

With this symbol button you can delete a user.

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User administration 3
User name (3)
Enter a distinct user name for a new user. A user name has to be unique in the user list

Password (4)
Enter a password. Possible characters are A … Z, 1 … 0 and the additional
characters !"§$%&/()=?.

Confirm password (5)

Repeat the entered password.

Option Password expires after n weeks (6)

With this option you set a period after which the password expires.

Dropdown list Member of (7)

With the dropdown list Member of, you assign a new user to a user level. See section
Overview of the user levels [} 20].

Option Locked (8)

Use the Locked option to block access for a user.

<Cancel> button (9)

With the <Cancel> button, you can cancel the Manage user dialogue. Changes are not

<Save> button (10)

Save the changes with the <Save> button.

<Edit user> button (11)

With the <Edit user> button, you can edit one of the users displayed in the user list.

User list (12)

The user list shows all users.

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3 User administration

3.3 Edit settings dialogue

3.3.1 Switching to the Edit settings dialogue

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

1) Press the symbol button for logging in a user:

ð The Log in dialogue appears on the screen.

2) Enter your user name.
3) Press the Enter key on the screen keyboard.
4) Enter your password.
5) Press the Enter key on the screen keyboard.
6) Press the <Change settings> button.
Æ The Edit settings dialogue appears on the screen.

3.3.2 Login and logout

Number of failed logins

Determine the maximum number of consecutive incorrect login attempts. As soon as a
user reaches the maximum number of incorrect login attempts, the user is locked.
Value range: 1 … 99

Automatic logoff after n minutes

Determine a time period in minutes after which a user who is logged-in, is logged out
Value range: 1 … 99

Password change at first login

A user has to change his or her password after the first login.

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User administration 3
3.3.3 User name

Minimum length
Determine the minimum number of characters for user names.
Value range: 1 … 99

3.3.4 Password

Minimum length
Determine the minimum number of characters for passwords.

Minimum number of upper case letters

Determine the minimum number of uppercase letters a password must have.
Value range: 0 … 99 (0 = off)

Minimum number of lower case letters

Determine the minimum number of lowercase letters a password must have.
Value range: 0 … 99 (0 = off)

Minimum number of digits

Determine the minimum number of numerals letters a password must have.
Value range: 0 … 99 (0 = off)

Minimum number of special characters

Determine the minimum number of special characters a password must have.
Value range: 0 … 99 (0 = off)

Maximum number of repetitions of the same character

Determine the maximum number of repetitions of the same character a password can
Value range: 0 … 99 (0 = off)

Maximum length of substring from user name

Determine the maximum number of consecutive characters from the user name in a
Value range: 0 … 99 (0 = off)

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3 User administration

3.4 Overview of the user levels

The subdivision of user levels can be adjusted customer-specifically and may differ
from the standard configuration.

Six user levels are implemented in the machine:

▪ Level0
▪ Level1
▪ Level2
▪ Level3
▪ Level3_SA (administrator for user administration)
▪ Level4 (after-sales service)
The user levels are structured hierarchically. Access rights to higher user levels also
include access to lower user levels.
The different user levels can be accessed with the following user names and passwords
in the standard configuration.
Standard configuration is as follows:

User level User name Password

Level0 - -
Level1 Level1 1
Level2 Level2 2
Level3 Level3 9632
Level3_SA Level3_SA 9633

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User administration 3
3.5 Overview of the access authorisations for individual

Execution of a function on a machine depends on which access level is enabled.

Standard configuration is as follows:

Function User level

Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3 Level3_SA
Edit order - - x x x
see [} 57]
Delete order - - x x x
see [} 58]
Add order - - x x x
see [} 55]
Copy order - - x x x
see [} 56]
Load order - x x x x
Test order - - x x x
see [} 58]
Include report - x x x x
see [} 61]
Start order - x x x x
see [} 59]
Stop order - x x x x
see [} 60]
Interrupt order - x x x x
see [} 60]
Edit article - - - x x
see [} 46]
Delete article - - - x x
see [} 46]
Copy article - - - x x
see [} 39]
Test article - - - x x
see [} 47]

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3 User administration

Function User level

Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3 Level3_SA
Create folder - - - x x
see [} 34]
Cut entry - - - x x
see [} 34]
Insert entry - - - x x
see [} 34]
Delete report - - - x x
Start production x x x x x
(only available via the user interface of the
DeviceController e.g. TQS-LM)
Stop production x x x x x
(only available via the user interface of the
DeviceController e.g. TQS-LM)
Acknowledge error messages x x x x x
(only available via the user interface of the
DeviceController e.g. TQS-LM)
Backup/Restore - - - x x
see [} 65]
User administration - - - - x*
see [} 15]
Book serial number out - x x x x
see [} 73]
Book serial number in - x x x x
see [} 73]
Delete child serial number - x x x x
see [} 73]
Deaggregate serial number - x x x x
see [} 73]
Re-label - x x x x
see [} 73]
Manual serial number input - x x x x
see [} 73]
Set sample - - - x x
see [} 73]

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User administration 3
x Execution of the function possible in this user level
- Execution of the function not possible in this user level
x* Level cannot not be changed

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3 User administration

3.6 User login

1) Press the symbol button for logging in a user:

ð The Log in dialogue appears on the screen.

2) Enter your user name.
3) Press the Enter key on the screen keyboard.
4) Enter your password.
5) Press the Enter key on the screen keyboard.
6) To confirm the entries, press the <Log in> button.
Æ When you have successfully logged in, you user name is displayed in the upper right

3.7 User logout

1) Press the following symbol button for logging out a user:

ð The currently active user is logged out.

Æ When you have successfully logged out, no user name is displayed in the upper
right corner.

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Switching between user interfaces 4
4 Switching between user interfaces
The machine can switch between different interfaces (LM, DC, Hardware extensions/
Software extensions).

Line Manager (LM)

The Line Manager is a control software and manages the communication between the
DeviceControllers (DC) of the individual machines. In addition, the Line Manager
administers the serial numbers for all production steps (Serialisation,
Aggregation level 1,Aggregation level 2 etc.), on the different machines.

DeviceController (DC)
A DeviceController (DC) is a software instance of the control software which runs on a
machine (e.g. TQS-LM).

Hardware extension / software extension, e.g. TQS-MP-Ext

To use the software instance TQS-MP-Ext, the machine must be equipped with the
hardware extension and software extension TQS-MP-Ext.

Buttons for switching

Use the buttons to switch between the user interfaces. The turquoise colour indicates the
active user interface.

Buttons Condition of the buttons Displayed user interface

▪ <TQS-LM> button, turquoise User interface of LM (Line Manager)

▪ <TQS-DC> button, dark blue is active

▪ <TQS-MP-Ext> button, dark blue

▪ <TQS-LM> button, dark blue User interface of DC

▪ <TQS-DC> button, turquoise (DeviceController) is active

▪ <TQS-MP-Ext> button, dark blue

▪ <TQS-LM> button, dark blue User interface TQS-MP-Ext active

▪ <TQS-DC> button, dark blue
▪ <TQS-MP-Ext> button, turquoise

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4 Switching between user interfaces


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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

If the machine is operated without Line Manager (stand alone operation), the menus of
the DeviceController are active only.

5.1 Menu structure

The menu structure shows an overview of the different menus.

Production menu [} 28]

Article menu [} 33]

├ Orders menu [} 50]

├ Article menu [} 33]

Statistics menu [} 61]

Service menu [} 63]

├ Components version menu [} 63]

├ Backup menu [} 65]

├ Tools menu [} 68]

Settings menu [} 69]

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

5.2 Production menu

The Production menu shows a list of aggregated packaging units with their serial
numbers and their status.

The displayed elements of the user interface depend on the configuration of the
machine. The elements of the user interface shown in these operating instructions may
differ from the elements of the user interface of your machine.

5.2.1 Switching to the Production menu

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the Production menu.
Æ The Production menu appears on the screen.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
5.2.2 Structure of the user interface in the Production menu


SN input

Level SN Status Edit

Aggregation level 1 86756453100000690642 New Article




Fig. 4: Production data menu (exemplary representation)

1 Level column 2 Serial number column

3 Status column 4 <SN input> button

5 Edit column 6 Symbol button for editing

7 List item n/a n/a

Column Level (1)

The Level column shows the production steps (Serialisation, Aggregation level 1,
Aggregation level 2 etc.) and the hierarchical arrangement of the packaging units.

Column Serial number (2)

The SN column shows the serial number of a packaging unit.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

Column Status (3)

The Status column shows the status of a serial number of a packaging unit. For more
information on this subject see section Serial number of a packaging unit [} 73].

<SN input> button (4)

Instead of scanning a code with serial number with a hand-held scanner, you can enter
the serial number directly into the SN input field.

Column Edit (5)

The Edit column contains symbol buttons with functions to edit entries. You can edit
higher-level and lower-level packaging units.

Symbol buttons for editing (6)

Symbol buttons for editing lower-level and higher-level packaging units. For more
information on this subject see section Editing of a serial number [} 31]

List item (7)

A list item shows the Level, the SN and the Status of a packaging unit. Depending on the
packaging unit, there may be higher level list items and/or lower level list items.
A lower level list item is indented to the right. The number in brackets behind the name of
a lower level packaging unit shows the number of lower level packaging units in an
In front of a higher-level list item a symbol button with an arrow is displayed to show and
hide lower-level list items.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Editing of a serial number
The Edit dialogue offers different functions to edit serial numbers of packaging units.
Besides, additional information is displayed.

Edit: Serialisation
Book out

set Sample


Additional data

SN History

Fig. 5: Edit dialogue (exemplary representation)

In the first line of the Edit dialogue, the production step of the packaging unit is displayed.
In the second line of the Edit dialogue, the serial number of the packaging unit is
The following buttons are displayed depending on the type of the machine and the
configuration of the machine:

Button Description
Book out The Book out function sets a serial number to the status NOK.
The function Book out is allowed, if all of the following conditions are met:
▪ The serial number has the status OK.
▪ The serial number is not as a child in an aggregation (the serial number
is without a parent).
Deaggregate The Deaggregate function sets the serial number to the status NOK and
dissolves the aggregation to the direct children.
The function Deaggregate is allowed, if all of the following conditions are
▪ The serial number is not as a child in an aggregation (the serial number
is without a parent).
▪ The serial number is the parent of an aggregation (the serial number
has children).

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

Button Description
Book in The Book in function sets a serial number to the status OK.
The function Book in is allowed, if all of the following conditions are met:
▪ The serial number has the status NOK.
▪ The serial number is the parent of an aggregation (the serial number
has children).
Reprint label A label is printed again.
Flags A flag is a status indicator which can be used as a tool to mark certain
states. With the <Flags> button flags of a serial number are displayed.
The following flags can be assigned to a serial number:
▪ Sealed
If the parameter Finalise products is activated, the serial number will
be marked with the flag Sealed.
▪ Sample
If a packaging unit was marked as sample with button <set Sample>,
the serial number will be marked with the flag Sample.
▪ In use
The serial number is being worked on in a machine.
▪ Serial numbers can be marked with several flags at the same time.
set Sample The set Sample function marks a packaging unit as a sample. The
packaging unit can be removed from production.
▪ The serial number is marked with the flag set Sample.
▪ The serial number is booked out.
▪ The serial number is set to the status NOK.

NOTICE! The serial number can be no more booked in.

SN History The function SN History shows the change history of a serial number.
Reset The Reset function sets a serial number to the status Fetched.
The function Reset is allowed, if all of the following conditions are met:
▪ The serial number has the status NOK.
▪ The serial number is not the parent of an aggregation (the serial
number has no children).
Additional data The Additional data function shows additional data of a packaging unit
(such as weight, sorter, grading). You can find an overview of the sorters
and attributes on the TQS DVD.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
5.3 Article menu
The Article menu provides functions to edit and administer articles and orders.
The Article menu contains further menus:
▪ Article menu [} 33]
▪ Orders menu [} 50]

5.3.1 Article menu

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled! General information about articles

An article consists of the layout and the parameters (product parameters, machine
parameters etc.). In an article, the parameters and the layout for the production are
▪ Layout:
A layout defines the positions and properties of data fields. The layout is done and
saved in the Layout menu. Via the Layout menu, data fields can be positioned and
their characteristics (such as serial number fields, text formats etc.) can be modified.
See operating instructions of the machine, section Layout menu.
NOTICE! To edit the layout, the machine must be in ConfigureFast. See operating
instructions of the machine, section Starting ConfigureFast.
▪ Parameters:
Parameters control individual components (MVG, labeller etc.) and functions (image
processing functions etc.) in an article. Parameters can be individually adapted for
each article. See operating instructions of the machine, section Parameters menu.
NOTICE! To edit the Parameters, the machine must be in ConfigureFast. See
operating instructions of the machine, section Starting ConfigureFast.
In an article, data fields (GTIN, Batch, EXP etc.) are created. See section Data fields in
an article [} 36].
▪ When you create an article, the data fields that are relevant for the creation of an
order are selected and defined.
▪ When you create an order, the values for the pre-selected data fields are specified.
▪ Available data fields are read out of the layout. Switching to the Article menu

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

2) Select the menu sequence Article > Article.

Æ The Article menu appears on the screen. Structure of the user interface in the Article menu


Orders Article



Article-03 Statistics



Edit Delete

New folder Copy ConfigureFast

Cut out Insert

Fig. 6: Article menu (exemplary representation)

1 Folder Template 2 Summary of article settings

3 Buttons with functions to edit articles 4 Article list

Folder Template (1)

In the Template folder, you can find pre-configured articles for copying.
A new article is created by copying an already existing article. See section Creating an
article [} 39].

Summary of article settings (2)

When you select an article from the article list, a summary of the article settings is
displayed. The summary has a textual form and gives information about check programs,
data fields and layout.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
The following information is shown:
▪ 1. row: Article name (such as Article-01)
▪ 2. row: Template type (e.g. Standard)
▪ 3. row: Creation date
▪ 4. row: Change Date
▪ further rows:Names and settings of check programs, data fields, layout settings etc.

Buttons with functions to edit articles (3)

UI element Function

Edit selected article. See section Editing an article

[} 46].

Copy a selected article to create new one. A new article is

created by copying an already existing article. See section
Creating an article [} 39].

Insert a cut-out article.


Delete a selected article. See section Deleting an

article [} 46].

Test the article configuration of a selected article with

ConfigureFast. See section Testing the configuration
of an article [} 47].

Create a new folder in the article list.

New folder

Cut out an article to move it.

Cut out

Article list (4)

In the article list, all articles, template folders and folders are shown.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) Data fields in an article

The data fields of an article depend on the selected production step.
Production steps are:
▪ Serialisation
▪ Aggregation level 1
▪ Aggregation level 2
▪ Aggregation level 3
▪ Aggregation level 4
To display or to modify data, proceed as follows:

1) Select a production step (e.g. Serialisation). from the list (14).
Æ The data fields of the selected production step are displayed.
Æ The data fields of the selected production step can be edited.


Orders Article Version

Artikel "Article-01" editieren

Number of children 20 Article
[0] Serialisation
Visible in order Editable when order interrupted

[TQS_DC_LM] [10] Batch or Lot


[01] GTIN (14)

[1] Aggregation level 1 Service

[21] Serial Numb

[2] Aggregation level 2

Add Field [21] Serial Number (X.. Settings
[3] Aggregation level 3

back save

Fig. 7: Article menu (exemplary representation)

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
1 Button to exit the menu 2 Field Number of children
3 Option Visible in order 4 Option Editable when order interrupted
5 Activated check box for Visible in order 6 Data field name
7 Data field value 8 Check box to activate Visible in order
9 Symbol button for deleting an added data 10 Check box to activate Editable when order
field interrupted
11 Dropdown list to add a data field 12 <save> button
13 <back> button 14 List of production steps

Button to exit the menu (1)

With this button you exit the menu. Changes are not saved.

Field Number of children (2)

In this data field, you define the target quantity of the lower-level packaging units
(children) for the production step.
For more information on this subject, refert to the document Serialisation and

Option Visible in order (3)

When you activate the Visible in order check box for a data field, the data field appears
in the order. The value of a data field is entered when creating an order.

Option Editable when order interrupted (4)

When you activate the Editable when order interrupted option for a data field, you can
edit the value of a data field once the order is interrupted. This option makes sense for
values that may change during production, such as weight values or tare values.

Activated check box for Visible in order (5)

The Visible in order option is activated for this data field. An activated option is indicated
by a green check mark in the check box.

Data field name (6)

The data field name is read from the code property Content. The value of the code
property Content is set in the Layout menu. See operating instructions of the machine,
section Layout properties and section Field properties.
If you change the data field name in the article, the modified name is also displayed in the
order. However, the value of the code property Content does not change in the Layout

Data field value (7)

If you enter a value into a data field in the article, this value is fixed, i.e. the value is taken
over with the order. The options Visible in order and Editable when order interrupted
cannot be selected anymore. The value of the data field cannot be edited in the order.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

Check box to activate the Visible in order option (8)

With this check box you can activate the Visible in order option for the data field. An
activated option is indicated by a green check mark in the check box.

Button for deleting an added data field (9)

With this button you can delete added data fields. You can only delete data fields which
were added via the Add Field dropdown list.

Check box to activate the Editable when order interrupted option (10)
With this check box you can activate the Editable when order interrupted option for the
data field. An activated option is indicated by a green check mark in the check box.

Dropdown list to add a data field (11)

With this dropdown list you can add a data field. Different Application Identifiers (AI) can
be selected. You can only add Application Identifiers (AI) that are not yet defined as data

1) Select an Application Identifier from the Add Field dropdown list.
Æ The data field will be created automatically if the Application Identifier is not yet
defined as data field.

<save> button (12)

This button is for saving the current configuration.

<back> button (13)

With this button you can go back one step in the menu structure.

List of production steps (14)

This list shows the production steps and the assigned machines. For more information on
this subject see section Assigning machines to individual production steps
[} 40].

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Creating an article

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

A new article is created by copying an already existing article. The layout and the set
parameters of the copied article are accepted in doing so.
In the Templates folder, you can find pre-configured articles for copying.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Article.
3) Select the article to be copied from the article list.
4) Press the <Copy> button.
ð The first page of the Edit article dialogue appears on the screen.
ð NOTICE! You can cancel entries at any time with the following button button:

5) Article name Enter a distinct article name.

6) Description: Enter an article description (optional).
7) Write-protected: Activate this option to save the article as write-protected.
8) Template: Activate this option to save an article as a template.
9) Obsolete: Activate this option, to save the article as obsolete (no longer used).
ð NOTICE! The options Write-protected, Template and Obsolete are displayed
depending on the machine configuration.
10) Press the following button to go one page forward:

ð The second page of the Edit article dialogue appears on the screen.
11) Assign the available machines to the production steps. See section Assigning
machines to individual production steps [} 40].
12) Check program: Select a check program for the machine.
13) Serial number pools: Define a serial number pool (Source of serial numbers). For
more information on this subject see section Source of numbers dialogue
[} 42].
ð The <Editability> button makes it possible to edit serial number pool properties
when the order is started. For more information on this subject see section
Editability of serial number pool properties [} 42].
14) Select a production step (e.g. Serialisation) with machines allocated.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

15) Select the data fields for the article data in the individual production steps (GTIN,
Batch, Expiration date etc.). For more information on this subject see section Data
fields in an article [} 36].
16) Visible in order: Activate or deactivate the Visible in order option for data fields.
For more information on this subject see section Data fields in an article [} 36].
17) Editable when order interrupted: Activate or deactivate the
Editable when order interrupted option for data fields. For more information on this
subject see section Data fields in an article [} 36].
18) To save the article, press the following button:

Æ The new article is created. Assigning machines to individual production steps

To assign a production step to a machine, the DeviceControllers (DC) of the machines
(TQS_DC_HCA, TQS_DC_BP, TQS_DC_CP etc.) are assigned to the individual
production steps in an article.
The DeviceController of the Line Manager (TQS_DC_LM) has to be assigned to a
production step, too. It is basically irrelevant which production step is assigned to the Line
For a sample configuration, the production steps Serialisation, Aggregation level 1 and
Aggregation level 2 are set up as follows:

Production step DeviceController (DC) Machine

Serialisation TQS_DC_LM TQS-HCA
Aggregation level 1 TQS_DC_BP TQS-BP
Aggregation level 2 TQS_DC_CP_OEM TQS-CP-OEM

You can configure the production steps when you create an article or when you edit an

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Article.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
3) Select the article to be configured from the article list.
4) Press the <Edit> button.
ð The first page of the Edit article dialogue or of the Copy article dialogue
appears on the screen.
5) Press the following button to go one page forward:

ð The Line Manager (TQS_DC_LM) and the DeviceControllers (DC) of all

available machines (TQS_DC_HCA, TQS_DC_BP, TQS_DC_CP etc.) are
displayed under Unused.
6) Assign the Line Manager and the DeviceControllers (DC) of the machines to the
production steps.
7) Start with the Line Manager.
8) Select the entry TQS_DC_LM.
9) Press the <Move> button.
ð The active button <Move> becomes the inactive button <Insert>.
10) Select the production step the Line Manager is assigned to (e.g. Serialisation).
ð The inactive button <Insert> becomes active.
11) Press the active <Insert> button.
ð The entry TQS_DC_LM is moved from Unused to the production step
12) Repeat this procedure in order to assign all DeviceControllers (DC) of the machines.
13) As soon as you have assigned all the DeviceControllers (DC) of the machines, press
the <save> button.
Æ The production steps are assigned to the Line Manager and the DeviceControllers
(DC) of the machines.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) Editability of serial number pool properties

The <Editability> button makes it possible to edit serial number pool options when the
order is started.

SN pool: External number file

If this check box is selected, you can select a serial number file when you start the order.

SN pool: Add prefix

If this check box is selected, you can enter a prefix when you start the order.

SN pool: Add suffix

If this check box is selected, you can enter a suffix when you start the order. Source of numbers dialogue

The serial numbers are generated by the machine. The settings of the Serialisation
dialogue are taken as a basis for the generation of the serial numbers. See section
Dialogue Serialisation [} 43].

From file
The serial numbers are read from a file. The file can have .csv or .txt format.

There are packaging units with already printed serial numbers. You do not have a list with
the printed serial numbers. A ServerPool is created while producing the serial numbers. A
camera records a number on a packaging unit. The number is transferred to the
ServerPool as serial number.

The serial numbers are transferred via an interface with level -3 connection.

When using a Level 3 interface, time synchronisation is imperative.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Expanded dialogue

Warning threshold
With the Warning threshold function you can define from when on a warning message
with the remaining number of serial numbers is displayed.

The Warning threshold function is only active if there is a connection to a level-3-
A warning message will not appear on the screen but will be sent to the level-3-system. Dialogue Serialisation

Enter a start serial number (e.g. 342664).
NOTICE! These settings are only read, if Intern is selected in the Source of numbers
dialogue. See section Source of numbers dialogue [} 42].

Number of characters
With the Number of characters option, you can define a fixed number of places for a
generated serial number. You can select between the Number of characters option and
the Starting number defines numbers of characters option.

Fill with '0'

Fills up the places of a serial number that are not used with a zero 0. The option depends
on the Number of characters option.

Starting number defines numbers of characters

The Starting number defines numbers of characters option determines the number of
digits by taking into account the number of digits of the first serial number.

Number of SN
Number of serial numbers to be generated (e.g. 10000).
NOTICE! These settings are only read, if Intern is selected in the Source of numbers
dialogue. See section Source of numbers dialogue [} 42].

Increment SN
Value of the increment (e.g. 1).
NOTICE! These settings are only read, if Intern is selected in the Source of numbers
dialogue. See section Source of numbers dialogue [} 42].

Allowed characters
Determines the characters that are part of a serial number.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

NOTICE! These settings are only read, if Intern is selected in the Source of numbers
dialogue. See section Source of numbers dialogue [} 42].

▪ Randomise SN
If you activate this option, a fixed process changes the serial number into another
serial number. Thus, the original serial number can be concealed. The process is
The process works as follows:
An input serial number (I) is generated on the basis of the settings of the serial
number pool (internal, from file etc.). An additional random characters (random block
R) are added to the input serial number (I).
With the Number of additional chars option, select the number n of additional
characters. The number of additional characters should be higher than 4.
A fixed, reversible process (randomisation function) changes the resulting character
string to a new serial number (output serial number (O)).
The output serial number (O) may contain other characters than the input serial
number (I). However, the output serial number (O) contains no other characters than
specified in option Allowed characters.
The example process arranges the characters of the string (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9) in a
new order (6-2-5-9-4-1-8-3-7).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 randomise 6 2 5 9 4 1 8 3 7

100005681 500101806

100013944 301401409

NOTICE! The process used in the example is fictitious.

NOTICE! Pay attention to the following during the randomisation process: The
randomisation generates unique output serial numbers (O) for all unique input serial
numbers (I).
The customer-specific requirements for the uniqueness of the output serial numbers
(O) must be taken into consideration during the generation of the input serial numbers
(I). They will not be changed or violated by the randomisation.
▪ Number of additional chars
Set the number of additional characters for randomisation.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
▪ If this option is activated, the randomly generated key changes the serial number into
another serial number. Thus, the original serial number can be concealed. The
procedure is not reversible without knowledge of the random key.
The process works as follows:
An input serial number (I) is generated on the basis of the settings of the serial
number pool (internal, from file etc.). The input serial number is changed into a new
serial number (output serial number (O)) by means of a randomly generated key and
a fixed procedure (encryption function).
The output serial number (O) may contain other characters than the input serial
number (I). However, the output serial number (O) contains no other characters than
specified in option Allowed characters.
Key (algorithm: increase every digit of the character string by the value 1)

500101806 611212917

NOTICE! The key used in the example is fictitious.

NOTICE! Pay attention to the following for encryption: Due to the fact that the random
key is different for each aggregation level, it may occur that the output serial number
(O) is only unique within one aggregation level, although the input serial numbers (I)
are unique throughout all aggregation levels. If the encryption is to be activated, it
must be carefully checked whether this restriction contradicts the customer-specific

Define a character string that is included in each serial number (for example, m0A2R1c).
▪ Prefix
A fixed character string is placed in front of a generated serial number (for example
▪ Suffix
A fixed character string is placed after the generated serial number (for example

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) Editing an article

To edit an existing article, you can edit all article data of the article.

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

Once an article has been assigned to an order, article data, layout and parameters
cannot be edited.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Article.
3) Select the article to be edited from the article list.
4) Press the <Edit> button.
ð The first page of the Edit article dialogue appears on the screen.
5) Press the following button to go one page forward:

ð The second page of the Edit article dialogue appears on the screen.
ð NOTICE! You can cancel entries at any time with the following button button:

6) Edit the article data in the respective fields and data fields. For more information on
this subject see section Data fields in an article [} 36].
ð NOTICE! The data fields depend on your article selection and may vary.
7) To save the article, press the following button:

Æ The article is edited. Deleting an article

An article that is assigned to an order cannot be deleted.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Article.
3) Select the article to be deleted from the article list.
4) Press the <Delete> button.
5) Confirm the deletion.
Æ The article is deleted. Testing the configuration of an article

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

Before being assigned to an order, an article can be tested in ConfigureFast. During

this, the layout and the parameters can be set and checked.

To accept and save changes to parameters and layout, the machine has to be in

In ConfigureFast, the background of the user interface is orange-coloured.

An article is not assigned to an order in ConfigureFast.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

In ConfigureFast, the following buttons are displayed:

UI element Function

Starts the test run with current layout and

Start test run parameter settings.

Stops the test run. You can edit parameters and/or

Stop test run layout.

The current configuration is saved.

ConfigureFast is interrupted. You can:

▪ exit ConfigureFast and accept the changes.
▪ exit ConfigureFast and not accept the

For a test run , the fields are filled with default

values. Editing the configuration of an article

To change the layout respectively the parameters of the article configuration, switch to
the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) and start the ConfigureFast.

The Layout menu and the Parameter menu are not available in the user interface of
the Line Manager.

To accept and save changes to parameters and layout, the machine has to be in

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 ConfigureFast

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

If your machine is equipped with a camera, check the optical system of the camera for
cleanliness before you start a test run or production. Clean the optical system with a
special cloth, if necessary.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Article.
3) Select the article to be tested from the article list.
4) Press the <ConfigureFast> button.
5) Select the mode (Global or Local) for the configuration.
ConfigureFast is executed on all machines (e.g. TQS-HC-A, TQS-BP, TQS-CP
etc.) of the line.
ConfigureFast is performed on the machine that you currently operate.
ð The ConfigureFast dialogue appears on the screen.
ð NOTICE! The displayed data fields are filled out in a production in the order. As
there is no article assigned to an order in ConfigureFast, fill out the data fields
before starting the test run.
6) Enter your product-specific values into the data fields.
ð NOTICE! During entry, the data fields indicate an accepted (green) or declined
(red) data value.
7) Press the <Start test run> button.
ð The Production data menu appears on the screen.
Æ Production is in test run.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

5.3.2 Orders menu

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled! General information about orders

All settings for production are defined in an order. When the Line Manager is used as one
instance for several machines, all the settings for production on all involved machines are
defined in one order.

An order includes:
▪ an article:
◦ An article specifies the fields (such as GTIN, Batch, EXP etc.) that have to be
entered while creating an article.
◦ An article specifies the parameters (such as layout, product parameters, machine
parameters, report template) for production.
▪ Order data:
Data that describe an order (such as Order name, Priority,Article).
▪ an order status:
An order can have the following status:
◦ New
◦ Running
◦ Interrupted
◦ Ended
For more information, see section Order status [} 51].

Characteristics of an order:
▪ Orders can be started, interrupted and completed.
▪ As long as an order is interrupted, another order can be started.
▪ Once started orders cannot be deleted.
▪ Orders can be filtered by means of their order status (You can filter, for example, for
pending orders or for interrupted orders).
▪ Reports can be generated at any time when production is stopped.
▪ When the machine is shut down, the current order is interrupted. Production of the
order can be resumed at a later time.
▪ Orders can be exported and deleted optionally.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Order status
An order status, represented by an icon, is assigned to each order.

Icon Function

▪ The order has been created.
▪ The order can be edited.
▪ The order can be tested.
▪ The order can be produced.

▪ The order is being produced on a production line.
▪ The order is resumed on a production line.

▪ The order is interrupted and is to be continued at a later date.
▪ In case of serialisation, a dump (copy of the memory) of the serial number
pool is created to make sure that production can be continued from the
same point on.
The order can be restarted at any time (even if further orders have the
Running status).

▪ The order has been completed.
▪ Reports can be generated.
▪ The order can be exported.
▪ When the order has been exported, the order can be deleted. Switching to the Orders menu

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
Æ The Orders menu appears on the screen.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) Structure of the user interface in the Orders menu


Orders Article
Order filter Order-03, New

Name Priority Created on: Dienstag, 21.Juni 2016 Article

Last modified on: Dienstag, 21.Juni 2016
Order-04 2
[01] GTIN (N14): 123456789012 Statistics
Order-03 2 [10] Batch or Lot Number (X..20): 4325471
[17] Expiration Date (N6): 160420
Order-02 2
Order-01 2

Add Edit Delete

Copy Test

Import Report Export Start Interrupt End

Fig. 8: Orders menu (exemplary representation)

1 Dropdown list Order filter 2 Summary of order settings

3 Buttons with functions to perform orders 4 Buttons with functions to edit orders
5 Order list n/a n/a

Dropdown list Order filter (1)

With the Order filter dropdown list, you can filter the order list according to certain filter
criteria (e.g. showing all interrupted order in the order list).

Summary of order settings (2)

When you select an order from the order list, a summary of the order settings is
displayed. The summary has a textual form and gives information about order data,
visualization parameters, check program and layout.
You see the set order data for all involved machines and instances (e.g. TQS_DC_LM,

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
The following information is shown in the sample design:
▪ 1. row: Order name plus order status (e.g. Order-03, New).
▪ 2. row: Article name that is set in the order (e.g. Article-01).
▪ from 3. row on:List of all machine types and instances on which the order is
executed (e.g. TQS_DC_LM, TQS_DC_CP, TQS_DC_HC-A).
▪ further rows:Name of the check program (e.g. TQS_DC_HC-A), names and values
of data fields (e.g. GTIN), report templates, layout etc.

Buttons with functions to perform orders (3)

UI element Function

Starts the order.


Interrupts the current order.


Completes the current order.


Buttons with functions to edit orders (4)

UI element Function

Add a new order. See section Adding an order [} 55].


Edit selected order. See section Editing an order [} 57].


Delete selected order. See section Deleting an order [} 58].


Copy selected order. See section Copying an order [} 56].


Test selected order with Test mode. See section Testing an order
[} 58].

Import order data from an XML file.

NOTICE! This function is only available in the Line Manager user interface.

Generate report. See section Generating a report [} 61].

NOTICE! This function is only available in the Line Manager user interface.

Export data of a selected order as XML file.

NOTICE! This function is only available in the Line Manager user interface.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

Order list (5)

All orders are shown in the order list. Each order has an icon that represents the status of
the order. See section Order status [} 51].

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Creating an order

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

The Line Manager provides you with two ways of creating an order:
▪ Adding a new order:
You create a new order. All data fields are empty and have to be filled. New
allocations (e.g. to an article) are created. See section Adding an order [} 55].
▪ Copying an existing order:
You copy an existing order. All original order data remain unchanged. You can adopt
and edit the original order data. All order data can be edited. See section Copying
an order [} 56]. Adding an order

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Press the <Add> button.
ð The New order dialogue appears on the screen.
ð NOTICE! You can cancel entries at any time with the following button button:

ð NOTICE! If the Line Manager controls several machines, a separate tab is

shown for each production step (Serialisation, Aggregation level 1 etc.).
4) Order name: Enter a distinct name for the new order.
5) Priority: Select a priority for the new order (optional) (for example 2).
6) Article: Assign an article to the new order.
7) Select a production step (e.g. Serialisation).

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

8) Data fields: Fill the displayed data fields.

ð NOTICE! The data fields depend on your article selection and may vary.
ð NOTICE! During entry, the data fields indicate an accepted (green) or declined
(red) data value.
ð NOTICE! Accept the value of a data field for all displayed production steps with
the following button:

9) Fill the displayed data fields for each production step.

10) Save the newly created order with the <Save order data> button.
Æ A new order has been created. Copying an order

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Select the order to be copied from the order list.
4) Press the <Copy> button.
ð The Copy order dialogue appears on the screen.
ð NOTICE! You can cancel entries at any time with the following button button:

ð If the Line Manager controls several machines, a separate tab is shown for
each production step (Serialisation, Aggregation level 1 etc.).
ð All original order data of all production steps are taken for the copied order.
ð All original order data can be edited.
5) Order name: Enter a new name for the copied order.
6) Priority: Select a priority for the copied order (optional).
7) Article: Accept the displayed article or assign an article to the copied order.
8) Select a production step (e.g. Serialisation).

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
9) Data fields: Accept the displayed values or enter new values.
ð NOTICE! The data fields depend on your article selection and may vary.
ð NOTICE! During entry, the data fields indicate an accepted (green) or declined
(red) data value.
ð NOTICE! Accept the value of a data field for all displayed production steps with
the following button:

10) Save the new order with the <Save order> button.
Æ A new order has been created. Editing an order

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Select the order to be edited from the order list.
4) Press the <Edit> button.
ð The Edit order dialogue appears on the screen.
ð NOTICE! You can cancel entries at any time with the following button button:

5) Select a production step (e.g. Serialisation).

6) Edit the order data in the respective data fields.
ð NOTICE! The data fields depend on your article selection and may vary.
ð NOTICE! During entry, the data fields indicate an accepted (green) or declined
(red) data value.
ð NOTICE! Accept the value of a data field for all displayed production steps with
the following button:

7) Save the changes with the <Save order data> button.

Æ The order has been edited.

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 57 / 94

5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) Deleting an order

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Select the order to that you want to delete from the order list.
4) Press the <Delete> button.
5) Confirm the deletion.
Æ The order has been deleted. Testing an order

In Test mode, the background of the user interface is orange-coloured.

An order can be tested before going into production. In Test mode, layout and
parameters can be tested before production is started.

Once an article has been assigned to an order, article data, layout and parameters
cannot be edited. Starting the Test mode

If your machine is equipped with a camera, check the optical system of the camera for
cleanliness before you start a test run or production. Clean the optical system with a
special cloth, if necessary.

In Test mode, the background of the user interface is orange-coloured.

This function is also available in the user interface of the machine (e.g. TQS-HC-A) in
the Line Manager menu.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Select the order to be tested from the order list.
4) Press the <Test> button.
ð The background colour of the user interface turns orange.
ð The status of the order is Running (test mode).
ð The order is in Test mode.
Æ Production is running in Test mode. Completing the Test mode

In Test mode, the background of the user interface is orange-coloured.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
w The machine is in Test mode.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Press the <End> button.
ð NOTICE! An order in Test mode, order status Running (test mode) cannot be
interrupted. The <Interrupt> button stops and completes the Test mode.
ð NOTICE! Completing an order in Test mode does not change the order status
to Ended.
ð The order is stopped.
ð The background colour of the user interface switches to blue.
Æ Test mode is completed. Starting an order

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Select the order to be started from the order list.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

4) Start the order with the <Start> button.

ð The status of the order is Running.
Æ An order is started. Interrupting an order

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
w Production is stopped.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Press the <Interrupt> button.
ð The status of the order is Interrupted.
ð NOTICE! You can restart the interrupted order at any time.
Æ The order is interrupted. Resuming an order

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
w An order is interrupted.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Press the <Start> button.
4) Follow the directions on the screen.
ð The status of the order is Running.
Æ An order is started. Completing an order

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
w An order is started.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Press the <End> button.
ð The status of the order is Ended.
Æ The order has been completed.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Generating a report
In the order list, you can create a report of each order. You have to interrupt or complete
active orders.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Article > Orders.
3) Select the order of which a report is to be generated.
4) Press the <Report> button.
ð The Available reports menu appears on the screen.
5) Select a representation from the list of available reports.
6) Save the generated report file or print the report.
Æ The report has been generated.

5.4 Statistics menu

The Statistics menu shows the number and the distribution of the serial numbers by

The displayed elements of the user interface depend on the configuration of the
machine. The elements of the user interface shown in these operating instructions may
differ from the elements of the user interface of your machine.

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

5.4.1 Switching to the Statistics menu

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the Statistics menu.
Æ The Statistics menu appears on the screen.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

5.4.2 Structure of the user interface in the Statistics menu

The Statistics menu shows all production steps. Inactive production steps are shown,


New: 0
NOK: 0 Production
OK: 0

Aggregation level 1
New: 949 Article
NOK: 8
OK: 41

Aggregation level 2 Statistics

New: 1000
NOK: 0
OK: 0
Aggregation level 3
New: 995
NOK: 0 Settings
OK: 5

Aggregation level 4
New: 998
NOK: 0
OK: 2

Fig. 9: Statistics menu (exemplary representation)

1 Production step 2 Number and distribution of serial numbers

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
Production step (1)

Number and distribution of serial numbers (2)

▪ New
Number of unused serial numbers in the serial number pool.
Number of rejected serial numbers.
▪ OK
Number of approved serial numbers.

5.5 Service menu

The Service menu displays information on components and provides different service

The displayed elements of the user interface depend on the configuration of the
machine. The elements of the user interface shown in these operating instructions may
differ from the elements of the user interface of your machine.

The Service menu contains further menus:

▪ Components version menu [} 63]
▪ Backup menu [} 65]
▪ Tools menu [} 68]

5.5.1 Components version menu Switching to the Components version menu

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Service > Components version.
Æ The Components version menu appears on the screen.

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 63 / 94

5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM) Structure of the user interface in the Components version menu


Component Version
Runtime (QR) 3.5.0 (Build 21446)
Device Controller 1.14.0_LM
Database 16
Coding device firmware V53.17.21Z




Components version Backup Tools

Fig. 10: Components version menu (exemplary representation)

1 Component column 2 Version column

Column Component (1)

In the Component column, all components the machine is equipped with are listed.

The components of the machine depend on the machine configuration.

Column Version (2)

The Version column shows the version number of a component.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
5.5.2 Backup menu Switching to the Backup menu

w You have the required user rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Service > Backup.
Æ The Backup menu appears on the screen. Structure of the user interface in the Backup menu








Components version Backup Tools

Fig. 11: Backup menu (exemplary representation)

1 <Backup> button 2 <Restore> button

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

<Backup> button (1)

With the <Backup> button you can start a backup of the machine configuration. For more
information on this subject see section Creating a backup [} 66].

<Restore> button (2)

With the Restore button you can restore a backup. For more information on this subject
see section Restoring a backup [} 67]. Creating a backup

The data stored during the backup (e.g. backup of machine configuration or backup of
article data) depend on the selected user interface.

▪ When the user interface of the machine is selected (e.g. TQS-HC-A, TQS-SP etc.),
the configuration of the machine on which you are currently working is backuped.
▪ When the user interface of Line Manager (TQS-LM) is selected, a backup of the order
data and article data is created.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Service > Backup.
3) Press the <Backup> button.
4) The Start backup dialogue appears on the screen.
5) Save the backup locally on the machine.
- or -
Save the backup on an external drive. To save on an external drive, select the
Save on external drive check box.
6) Press the <Generate> button.
7) Select a storage location.
8) Press the <OK> button.
ð The backup is starting.
Æ The backup is created.

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5 Restoring a backup

The data restored during the backup (e.g. machine configuration or article data)
depend on the selected user interface.

▪ When the user interface of the machine is selected (e.g. TQS-HC-A, TQS-SP etc.),
the configuration of the machine on which you are currently working is backuped.
▪ When the user interface of Line Manager (TQS-LM) is selected, a backup of the order
data and article data is created.

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Service > Backup.
3) Press the <Restore> button.
4) The Start restoration dialogue appears on the screen.
5) Select a backup stored on the machine.
- or -
Select a backup stored on an external drive. Select the Load from external drive
check box if you want to select an external drive.
6) Press the <Generate> button.
7) Select the backup you want to restore.
8) Press the <OK> button.
ð The restoration starts.
Æ The backup has been restored.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

5.5.3 Tools menu Switching to the Tools menu

w You have the required access rights.
w The TQS-LM user interface is active.
1) Log in as a user.
2) Select the menu sequence Service > Tools.
Æ The Tools menu appears on the screen. Structure of the user interface in the Tools menu

Order: ConfigureFast
Article: Article-01

L3 Management





Components version Backup Tools

Fig. 12: Tools menu (exemplary representation)

1 <L3 Management> button n/a n/a

Page 68 / 94 TQS-LM (Line Manager)

Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
<L3 Management> button
If an L3 interface is configured within the machine, the <L3 Management> button can be
used to establish a connection to the level 3 system.

5.6 Settings menu

The Settings menu is used to make parameter settings to the machine configuration.

This area can only be accessed by the after-sales service.

5.7 Audit trail messages menu

5.7.1 Switching to the Audit trail messages menu

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

1) Press the following symbol button to switch to the Audit trail messages menu:

ð The Audit trail messages menu appears on the screen.

5.7.2 Structure of the user interface in the Audit trail messages menu
The Audit trail messages menu shows only messages of the instance (e.g. TQS-LM) on
which you have called up the menu.

You can find a complete list of the messages of all instances in the Audit trail filter
menu (page [} 70]).

<Audit trail filter> button (1)

With the button you can switch to the Audit trail filter menu.

Filter (2)
With the filter options you filter messages in the information area by different types (Info,
Warning and Error).

Symbol button to exit the menu (3)

With this button you exit the current menu. Settings and changes are not saved.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

Information area (4)

The information area shows messages of all user levels and all types of messages.

5.7.3 Audit trail filter menu Switching to the Audit trail filter menu

Execution of this function depends on which user level is enabled!

1) Press the following symbol button to switch to the Audit trail filter menu:

Audit trail filter

ð The Audit trail filter menu appears on the screen. Structure of the user interface in the Audit trail filter menu

Information area (1)

The information area shows messages of all instances, access levels (User) types.

Symbol button to exit the menu (2)

With this button you exit the current menu. Settings and changes are not saved.

Symbol button Export (3)

Use this symbol button to switch to the Export Audit trail messages dialogue.

Symbol button Search (4)

Use this symbol button to switch to the Search dialogue.
In the Search dialogue, you filter the messages in the information area by different
criteria (e.g. User, Type etc.).

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Menus of the Line Manager (LM) 5
Symbol buttons to page through and display pages (5)

UI element Function

Jump to the first page

one page back

one page forward

Jump to the last page

Display of the current page number and the total page number Export Audit trail messages dialogue

In the Export Audit trail messages dialogue, you export the total audit trail or a filtered
audit trail as a file. In addition, the file can be printed out.

Designation Meaning
File name Enter a file name for the export file in this field.
Attach timestamp Add a time stamp to the file name of the export file.
File type Select a file type for the export file:
▪ CSV file
▪ PDF file
Print Print the export file as well.
Preview With this button, you generate a preview of the selected file
Save on external drive Save the export file on an external drive.
Generate Start the export of the audit trail.
Cancel With this button, you cancel the Export Audit trail
messages dialogue. Settings are not stored. Search dialogue

In the Search dialogue, you create a filter to narrow down the audit trail messages.

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5 Menus of the Line Manager (LM)

You can filter by the following criteria:

Designation Meaning
Time Define a period of time to limit the audit trail messages.
Type Narrow down the audit trail messages by means of the type
of message.
Types are:
▪ Info
▪ Warning
▪ Error
▪ Security
Instance Filter the audit trail messages by a certain instance (such
as TQS-LM).
Source Filter the audit trail messages by a certain source (such as
User Filter the audit trail messages by a certain user level (such
as Level 3).
Message Filter the audit trail messages by a certain message.

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Serial number of a packaging unit A
A Serial number of a packaging unit
Serial number (SN)
The basis for an aggregation process is the clear identification of all involved articles.
There are two ways to reach the clear identification of an article:
1) The serial number is unique in all aggregation levels.
ð The Serial number is used for clear identification.
2) The serial number is only unique in the respective aggregation level.
ð A clear identification is reached by a combination of GTIN and serial number. A
GTIN is assigned to each aggregation level. The GTIN of the aggregation levels
is unique over all aggregation levels.

Serial number pool (SN pool)

▪ An SN pool consists of the totality of the serial numbers that can be allocated to an
article of the respective aggregation level for unique identification.
▪ Each aggregation level disposes of a distinct SN pool.

Status of a serial number (SN)

The serial number can have the following status:

Status Description
New ▪ Serial numbers which were not yet registered in the aggregation
Fetched ▪ Parent serial numbers which were printed and read but have not an
aggregation relationship to the children serial numbers yet.
▪ Parent serial numbers which were manually reset to feed them back
into the aggregation process.
▪ 1:1 aggregation: Children serial numbers which were read but for which
an aggregation relationship to a parent serial number has not been
established yet.
OK ▪ Parent serial numbers with a successfully established aggregation
relationship to the children serial numbers.
▪ Parent serial numbers which were not booked out, deaggregated or
▪ Children serial numbers which were read but not produced by the
upstream machine, i.e. children serial numbers which are not the
parent serial numbers of the upstream machine.
NOK ▪ Parent serial numbers whose aggregation to child serial numbers could
not be established.
▪ Parent serial numbers which were booked out or deaggregated.

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A Serial number of a packaging unit

An serial number can be edited with the following actions:

Action Description
Book in The Book in function sets a serial number to the status OK.
The function Book in is allowed, if all of the following conditions are met:
▪ The serial number has the status NOK.
▪ The serial number is the parent of an aggregation (the serial number
has children).
Book out The Book out function sets a serial number to the status NOK.
The function Book out is allowed, if all of the following conditions are met:
▪ The serial number has the status OK.
▪ The serial number is not as a child in an aggregation (the serial number
is without a parent).
Reset The Reset function sets a serial number to the status Fetched.
The function Reset is allowed, if all of the following conditions are met:
▪ The serial number has the status NOK.
▪ The serial number is not the parent of an aggregation (the serial
number has no children).
Deaggregate The Deaggregate function sets the serial number to the status NOK and
dissolves the aggregation to the direct children.
The function Deaggregate is allowed, if all of the following conditions are
▪ The serial number is not as a child in an aggregation (the serial number
is without a parent).
▪ The serial number is the parent of an aggregation (the serial number
has children).

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Coding and inspection positions, product dimensions B
B Coding and inspection positions, product
Positions and product dimensions are defined as follows:

Fig. 13: Positions and dimensions

1 Position Front a Length of the product

2 Position Back b Width of the product
3 Position Top c Height of the product
L Machine direction n/a n/a

Inspection systems can be on the following positions:

No. Position Designation in parameters

1 Front Inspection front
2 Back Inspection back
3 Top Inspection top

Coding systems can be on the following positions:

No. Position Designation in parameters

1 Front Coding front
2 Back Coding back
3 Top Coding top

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 75 / 94

B Coding and inspection positions, product dimensions


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Code C
C Code

C.1 Structure of a DataMatrix code

A DataMatrix code (version ECC 200) consists of the following parts:

Fig. 14: Parts of a DataMatrix code (ECC 200)

1 Module size 2 Light module

3 Dark module 4 L finder pattern
5 Clock Track 6 Identifying feature
7 Quiet zone 8 Data area

Module size (1)

The module size determines the size of a matrix cell (module) for the Data Matrix code.
The size of a module must be at least 2x2 printed dots.

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 77 / 94

C Code

L finder pattern (4)

The L finder pattern consists of two L-shaped lines at the bottom and left side of the
DataMatrix code. The L finder pattern consists of only dark modules. The L finder pattern
is used to determine the orientation and position of the DataMatrix code. The L finder
pattern is also used to correct distortion.

Clock Track (5)

The clock track consists of two lines with alternating light and dark modules. The clock
track is used to determine the size of the DataMatrix code. The sizes vary from 10×10 up
to 144×144 depending on amount and type of data.

Identifying feature (6)

The identifying feature of a DataMatrix code ECC 200 is the light module in the corner of
the clock track.

Quiet zone (7)

The quiet zone is the area around DataMatrix code, that does not contain any
information. The quiet zone separates the DataMatrix code from its surroundings and
should have at least the size of a module. Using the width of two modules is
recommendable for the quiet zone.

Data area (8)

The data area is bordered by L finder pattern and clock track. With the selected position
of light and dark modules, the desired information is encoded together with the data
correction code.

C.2 Code grading

Code grading and the resulting quality rating of the code with a TQS machine from
WIPOTEC-OCS GmbH is only an approximation to the ISO/IEC 15415 standard, since
stable framework conditions (e.g. lighting conditions, reflections etc.) cannot be met
during the production process with the machine.
A quality check that complies with standards has to be done with a verification system.

The following test procedures are used:

Overall Symbol Grade

Overall Symbol Grade represents the overall result of readability. All individual results
are combined to an overall result. The overall result cannot be better than the worst
individual result.

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Code C
Depending on the standard, the grading lies between 4 and 0 (ISO/IEC 15415) or A and

Fig. 15: Grading according to ISO/IEC 15415

ISO/IEC ANSI for multiple checks Meaning

4 a 3.5 … 4.0 Very good
3 B 2.5 … 3.49 Good
3 C 1.5 … 2.49 Satisfactory
1 D 0.5 … 1.49 Acceptable
0 F < 0.5 Failed

Test procedures for 2D codes:

Decode Grade
Decode Grade checks the syntax of the code. A numeric value (4 or 0) is displayed for
each verification (value in brackets).

Numeric value Description

(4) Code read
(0) Code not read

Symbol Contrast Grade

Symbol Contrast Grade (Symbol Contrast) is the grey value difference between the light
(1) and the dark (2) modules including the quiet zones (3) of the DataMatrix code.

Fig. 16: Parts of a DataMatrix code

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 79 / 94

C Code

1 Light module 2 Dark module

3 Quiet zone n/a n/a

Axial Nonuniformity Grade

Axial Nonuniformity Grade (axial nonuniformity) is a value that represents the ratio of
horizontal to vertical length. For a high quality, the ratio should be balanced.

Fig. 17: Axial nonuniformity of a DataMatrix code

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Code C
Grid Nonuniformity Grade
Grid Nonuniformity Grade (grid nonuniformity) is a value which rates the general form
of a DataMatrix code. If there is a deviation from the ideal grid to a parallelogram or to
rounded shape, the grading quality is low. A grid is applied to the DataMatrix code and
the actual grid intersections are compared to the ideal grid intersections.

Fig. 18: General nonuniformity of a DataMatrix code

Unused Error Correction Grade

Unused Error Correction Grade checks the use of error correction resources. The code
data is stored with a redundant data surplus, thus, errors can be detected and corrected
up to a size of about 25%. Error correction is done byte-wise. Thus, the consumption of
error bytes is an indirect quality criterion. The smaller the consumption the higher the
quality of the code. However, the result does not indicate the reason for the poor quality.

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C Code

Fixed Pattern Damage Grade

Fixed Pattern Damage Grade grades faulty print areas that cause problems in the three
parts of the code (L finder pattern, clock track and quiet zone). Gaps or ink residues in
places that are to be empty, result in reading difficulties.

Fig. 19: Print areas with faults in the DataMatrix code

Modulation Grade
Modulation Grade defines the uniformity of reflections of light and dark modules of the
complete code. For a high quality, the ratio between them should be balanced.

Fig. 20: Modulation of a DataMatrix code

Print Growth
Print Growth is the difference between the measured module size and the expected
module size. This value shows if there is an overprint or an underprint. This value
indicates problems with the printer.
▪ Overprint: Too much ink or laser too weak.

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Code C

Fig. 21: Overprint

▪ Underprint: Not enough ink or laser too powerful.

Fig. 22: Underprint

Test procedures for 1D codes:

Decodability Grade
Decodability Grade shows how close the printed bars or the spaces are to their nominal

Defects Grade
Defects Grade describes ink spots in the quiet zone or in spaces that decrease the
readability of the code.

Average Scan Quiet Zone Grade

The quiet zone is differently defined for each code. Average Scan Quiet Zone Grade
indicates how close the measured values are to the requirement ones.

Average Scan Reflectance Minimum Grade

Average Scan Reflectance Minimum Grade describes the ratio of reflectance values.
The weakest reflection value of a bar has to be half as big or small as the highest
reflectance value of the spaces.

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 83 / 94

C Code

Average Scan Edge Contrast Grade

Average Scan Edge Contrast Grade is the smallest contrast between neighbouring
bars and spaces.

Average Scan Modulation Grade

Ratio between Average Scan Edge Contrast Grade and Symbol Contrast Grade If the
ratio is 1, the difference between bars and spaces is constant.

C.3 Typefaces
Available typefaces for packaging units:
is a popular sans-serif typeface.
Courier New
is a monospaced serif typeface once developed for typewriters and computers. Courier
New is a monospaced font, i.e. all letters and characters each occupy the same amount
of horizontal space.
"OCR" stands for "optical character recognition".
OCR-B a machine-readable typeface and the direct successor of OCR-A, which comes
from the USA.
OCR-B has a more refined basic grid and therefore, it looks, compared to OCR-A, much
more like a normal sans-serif typeface. In 1973, OCR-B has been accepted a worldwide
standard with ISO 1073-II.
A font based on OCR-B.
OCR-B 75W has only 75% of the letter spacing of OCR-B.
"75" stands for 75% letter spacing.
"W" stands for "width".

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Application Identifier (AI) D
D Application Identifier (AI)
List (excerpt) of Application Identifiers.):

AI Designation Format Data name

00 Number of trade item N18 SSCC
(Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC))
01 GTIN of trade item N14 GTIN
02 GTIN of trade items contained N14 CONTENT
10 Batch number/lot number X..20 BATCH/LOT
11 (**) Production date (YYMMDD) N6 PROD DATE
12 (**) Due date (YYMMDD) N6 DUE DATE
13 (**) Packaging date (YYMMDD) N6 PACK DATE
15 (**) Best before date (YYMMDD) N6 BEST BEFORE or Sell BY
17 (**) Expiration date (YYMMDD) N6 USE BY or EXPIRY
20 Variant number N2 VARIANT
21 Serial number X..20 SERIAL
30 Count of items N..8 VAR. COUNT
37 Number of trade items contained within a logistic N..8 COUNT

The application identifier format is as follows:

Format Description
(N14) ▪ N = numeric character
▪ 14 = number of characters to be entered
A numeric value with 14 characters has to be entered into the data field.
(X..20) ▪ X = alphanumeric character
▪ ..20 = number of values that can be entered
An alphanumeric value with up to 20 characters can be entered into the
data field.

(**) If only the year (YY) and the month (MM) are entered, the characters for the day (DD)
are filled up with two zeros.

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 85 / 94

D Application Identifier (AI)


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Units and abbreviations E
E Units and abbreviations

E.1 Units
The following units are used in this document.

Unit Description
m metre
mm millimetre
µm micrometre
nm nanometre
kg kilogram
g gram
mg milligram
h hour
min minute
s second
ms millisecond
kV kilovolt
V volt
mV millivolt
kVA kilovolt-ampere
kW kilowatt
W watt
mW milliwatt
kA kiloampere
a ampere
mA milliampere
Hz Hertz
Ω Ohm
V AC volts alternating current
V DC volts direct current
N newton
Nm newton metre
m/s metre per second
m/s2 metre per second squared
1/min revolution per min (rpm)

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E Units and abbreviations

Unit Description
°C degree Celsius
°F degree Fahrenheit
l litre
ml millilitre
pl picolitre
fps frames per second
px pixel
MP megapixel
dpi dots per inch
lpi lines per inch
″ inch
pc/min pieces per minute
Nl/min standard litre per minute (slpm)
psi pound per square inch
dB(A) A-weighted decibel
° degree

E.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this document:

Abbreviation Description
n/a not available
SN Serial number
OK Accepted (ok)
NOK Rejected (not ok)
DK Print head
RTPC Real Time Process Controller
AI Application Identifier
MVG Mark & Verify Group
MLG Multi Line Gateway
DC DeviceController
LM Line Manager

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Units and abbreviations E
Abbreviation Description
TQS Traceable Quality System
TQS-LM TQS Line Manager
TQS-DC TQS DeviceController
TQS-SP TQS-Single Pack
TQS-HC-A TQS High Performance Checkweighing Avantgarde
TQS-BP TQS Bundle Pack
TQS-CP TQS Case Pack
TQS-MP TQS Manual Pack
TQS-MP-Ext TQS Manual Pack Extension
TQS-MP-ADD TQS Manual Pack Additional

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E Units and abbreviations


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Application Identifier
Application identifier define how data content is
encoded. They are valid all over the world and
defined in ISO 15418.

ECC 200
ECC means "error correction code". The
number states the extent to which the data is
stored redundantly in the code.

(Global Trade Item Number) An identifier that
can be used to uniquely identify trade items all
around the world. GTIN is administered by
GS1. GTIN is an collective term for the code
schemes of the barcodes with EAN (European
Article Number; predecessor of GTIN), code of
UCC (Uniform Code Council; predecessor of
GS1) or EPC (Electronic Product Code).

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Access authorisations  21 Caution symbols  9
Application identifier  85 ConfigureFast  13, 47
Article  33, 50
copy  39 D
create  39
Data field  33, 36
delete  47
edit  46
Starting ConfigureFast  49
Article management  13 Flag  32

Button Layout  33, 47
Additional data  32
Book in  32, 74 O
Book out  31, 74
Deaggregation  31, 74 Order
Edit user  17 add  55
Flags  32 Complete test mode  59
Reprint label  32 copy  56
Reset  32, 74 create  55
Sample  32 Definition  50
SN History  32 delete  58
SN input  30 edit  57
Button (article) Properties  50
<ConfigureFast>  35 Start test mode  59
<Copy>  35 test  58
<Cut out>  35 Order management  13
<Delete>  35 Order status  51
<Edit>  35
<Insert>  35 P
<New folder>  35 Parameter  33, 47
<Start test run>  48 Production step  36, 57
<Stop test run>  48
Button (order)
<Add>  53
<Complete>  53 Report  50, 61
<Copy>  53
<Delete>  53 S
<Edit>  53
Safety instructions  9
<Export>  53
<Import>  53
<Interrupt>  53
<Report>  53 Test mode  13, 59
<Start>  53 Global  14
<Test>  53 Local  14

TQS-LM (Line Manager) Page 93 / 94


User interface  25

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