Education 214

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Alondra Cruz

Edu 214/ spring 2018

Jan 22, 2018
My Personal Essay
When I was a little girl, I used to love to pretend I was a teacher. My cousins and I would

set up a pretend classroom, and act like we were the teachers. I’ve had all different types of

teachers; bad ones, good ones, fun ones, and boring ones. They made me realize that teachers

have a huge impact on their students, whether it was good or bad. There were always those

teachers’ classrooms that I didn’t want to leave and those I was excited to leave. They all

inspired me. They made me want to become a teachers because I want to help children and

remind them that they can do whatever they set their mind to.

When I was in 7​th​ grade I had this teacher, I don’t remember her name. All the students

would talk about her and say bad things about her because they thought she was weird. She

always had bruises on her body. It seemed that she was always under and lot of pressure, she

seemed stressed out all of the time. I hated that a lot of the students were rude and wouldn’t pay

attention to her. It just made her job so much harder. No one ever really knew what was going on

in her home life. Everyone would say was that she had foster children, she was crying one day

and said it was because they took her kids. Although she had problems she always made sure we

were learning. I will never forget that teacher because she was always so nice even though the

kids were mean to her.

As a mother and student I know how important it is to have a good teacher. When I

become a teacher I will offer each student my support and I am determined to help each of them

in any way that I can. I will be the best teacher I could possibly be. I want every child that leaves

my classroom to have learned as much as they could. I know that not every child learns the same.
They are all different but they are all important and deserve a good education. There are children

that have horrible home situations going on that can affect their school work, but I want to make

sure that they know that things get better and getting an education will benefit them.

One thing that worries me about education is seeing that there are problems with money.

Teachers have a hard time finding supplies and things for the children to use. Sometimes what

they are given isn’t enough. Children should have all of the supplies they need.

Your scores were:

Visual 11
Aural 9
Read/Write 11
Kinesthetic 9

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