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(CGE vob) illest =O) iis J 5 lem 61s The. heise Written by NOW| LAY ME Copyright © 1993 stn Schmid. lights ‘stn Seid Reserved Developer: NOW ILAY ME DOW. Trademark of ans Publications nc. ands Stéphane Brochu published unde license from R. Taran Games, ln. CyberPunk sa Orne Trademark of Talon Games, nc. Derek Quintanar No part ofthis book canbe reproduced without pemision from the copy Eting publisher, except for review purposes. Jean Caries ‘Any srs to characters, situations institutions, coxporatins, et fae (witout saicinten) is sal cancienta Frere Oulete Printed in Canada. Layout Published by: ‘ent Miler Tans Publications Inc os 2360 Avene De ial, tui 211 ‘Alex Racine Mental Canada ray Inert aaah fey enn ‘Stock # ICP 104 Computer generated Art “| Jeff Fortin Benoit Miler eatve Tear: DreamPod 9 ‘Alartwork © respective artists. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Schmid, Justin, 1973- Now I lay me down-- ISBN 2-9801683-8-6 1. Fantasy games. 2. Role playing. |. Title. GV1469.6.534 1993 793.93 C93-096266-4 Legal deposit: February 1993 Bibliotheque Nationale du Québec National Library of Canada ISBN 2-9801683-8-6 FOREWORD PLAYER'S INTRODUCTION PLAYER'S BACKGROUND .. GAME MASTER'S NOTES... GAME MASTER'S BACKGROUND. HOOKS .. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS omwonn TUESDAY, THE 3AD. WEDNESDAY, THE 4TH THURSDAY, THE STH .. FRIDAY, THE 6TH SATURDAY, THE 7TH. MONDAY, THE STH TUESDAY, THE 10TH WEDNESDAY, THE 11TH . THURSDAY, THE 12TH .. FRIDAY, THE 13TH .. SATURDAY, THE 141 SUNDAY, THE 15TH MONDAY, THE 16TH .. FRIDAY, THE 20TH THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT ss MAINFRAME... SARA'S HOME OuM'PHOR THE FIRST FLOOR THE SECOND FLOOR THE VICTIMS VICTIM #1: THE TELL-TALE HEART LINDA TURING " NEWS STORIES... -sccsccscseneeneenee 4 THE DEATH SCENE 42 EVIDENCE : 412 BACKGROUND .... feel) VICTIM #2: CHEST PAINS GERALD BISMARK... 13 NEWS STORIES...... 13 THE DEATH SCENE x 13 EVIDENCE 13 BACKGROUND 14 VICTIM #3: DISHONORED RUTGER HUNG e 14 NEWS STORIES 14 6 6 6 6 6 6 ‘THE DEATH SCENE 14 | EVIDENCE... 14 BACKGROUND 15 VICTIM #3.5: THE AZTEC STRIKES AGAIN DENISE MARX.....-..cecsseesssesseeenses 15, NEWS STORIES 2000000000045, ‘THE DEATH SCENE 16 EVIDENCE: 16 BACKGROUND VICTIM #4: HACK N' SLASH ‘ALEXANDER BOOTH: : NEWS STORIES ... THE DEATH SCENE EVIDENCE .. BACKGROU VICTIM #5: LOSING HIS HEAD MARK HOPPER ... NEWS STORIES .. THE DEATH SCENE EVIDENCE .. BACKGROUND » THE LAST RITUAL VICTIM MAJOR NPCS .. : INFORMANTS COPS ....... MEDIA... SOLOS *. FIXERS ... GANGS. NOMADS: NETRUNNERS.. TECHIES MEDTECHS .. CORPORATES. WAXFIRE. KLSH TV. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS | PERSONAL ATTACKS HIT #1 (FRIDAY THE 13TH) HIT #2 (SATURDAY THE 141 HIT #3 (SUNDAY THE 15TH) HIT #3 (OPTIONAL) HIT #4 (MONDAY THE 16TH) ‘SUBSEQUENT HITS (TUESDAY+) voopoo VOODOO GLOSSARY . ‘TALISMANS ... HEALING BATHS SUMMONING THE LOA. INVOKING THE LOA .. vooD00 MAGIC VOODOO DOLLS ZOMBIES......... ADAM LOCATION. MAINFRAME CONCLUSION ... Neches risa eae Ojberpunk 2020 roleplaying game. You must have the (Ciberpunk 2020 rues to play this adventure. tis recor ‘mended that you first run Necrology, the first in the triogy before this adventure, but i is nat required. Mixcoucrion tsa day lke any other day, the sky adil re, the rain constant and strong, nothing like miserable West Coast weather. The wind canbe fet ‘evenintheheartofthe city. Scanning the headlines, youcome across “2nd Ritual layin’, so you al up the story ‘SECOND RITUAL SLAYING The victim ofthe second ritualist slaying in Night ity was found yesterday. Gerald Bismar,a resident ofthe New Harbor Mallpes, was discovered by police today slain na itval murder, ‘Approximately half doen individuals broke int is conat ater ‘ead gotten outofallon ball Hewasacusedofgrossnegligence ‘ncomecton wth ObisPharmacutas, chug company that was seling highly adeictve pleasure drags a month back The intruders decorated the apartment ina Greek syle and then ‘grappled with Bismark, then slashed him from throat to stomach, [ling im, Neighbors did not hear the struggle butts estimated the attack took place near 7PM, Friday the th, avery busy time in that ving are. The fist victim was Lindo Turing, a resident ofthe Arts Dist of ‘Nght City found on the 3rd of October. Discovered by associates, ‘she waste vitim of an Aztec ital involving the removal of the ‘heart. In that case, the apartment was fled with Aztec parapher. ali Itisbelieved that these two murders are inked since ninscrpton found on bath murder scenes read “Graveyard Shift”. The police believe this to bea gang name and ae asking fr any information about the gang However, street sources indicate tat there are no gags in Night City by that name. The motives for both murders have yet to be determined. (thisisa summary ofthe events up til this adventure for players who did rot pla the fst adventure) Amonth ago a grat plot wes reeled the meiasenices Apparent asmal rou of dedcated people managed to uncover ndstp before itmanaged to cause to much damage Fam what you were able to find ‘ou itimohed a new dain tat Rad started up Fatine 200, Obs hamaceutals ard some people a KSHV Fltine 200 was a chain that offered the entertainment of being killed and brought back to life, allowing one to see the after. The rik however was minimal since eveything was automated and they had a 86.9% succes rate. Orbis Pharmaceuticals was a pleasure drug company ‘tat sld all sorts of harmless drugs and KISH TVs trendy station that ‘ters whats popular at the moment. Ie seems that Flatine was actualy just putting people trough vitwal realty simulations of dying, and planting subliminal suggestions in peo le open minds KLSH TV was ao sending subliminal trough some of its programming Last, Orbshad designed its rugs tobe highiy adie and had managed to subvert all of the oficial through Flatine 2020 0 ‘that they would not note. ‘Thisentreplot wasbeing perpetrated bya group of four, inanassociation