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Corl 1

Ashley Corl
Lesson Plan
EDU 202-2001

The George Lucas Educational Foundation for Project Based Learning

Objective: ​To teach the basics and process of George Lucas Educational Foundation’s Project
Based Learning methodology, and provide students with ideas on how to apply PBL to their
future classrooms.

Materials: ​Google Slides Presentation, Edutopia YouTube video: “Project-Based Learning:

Raising Student Achievement for All Learners”, PBL Basics Handout

● Google Slides Presentation
○ Slide 1: Title Slide
○ Slide 2: What is GLEF?
○ Slide 3: What is Project Based Learning?
○ Slide 4: Edutopia video, “Project-Based Learning: Raising Student Achievement
for All Learners”
○ Slide 5: The PBL Process
○ Slide 6: Why Project Based Learning?

Closure: ​How do you see yourself applying PBL to your own classrooms?
Corl 1

Slide 1: Title
● Introduction
Slide 2: What is GLEF?
● GLEF is separated into two branches:
○ Lucas Education Research
■ Nonprofit end, dedicated to researching best methods for teaching K-12
○ Edutopia
■ Website with thousands of resources for educators and students, applies
the findings of Lucas Education Research
Slide 3: What is Project Based Learning?
● PBL is an instructional methodology that encourages students to learn and apply
knowledge and skills through an engaging experience.
● PBL presents opportunities for deeper learning in-context and for the development of
important skills tied to college and career readiness.
Slide 4: Edutopia Video
Slide 5: The PBL Process
● PBLs can take several weeks, but do not always have to
● These steps are laid out in the handout provided
● Driving questions do not necessarily have to be questions, they can be key components to
be found by the end of the project
Slide 6: Why PBL?
● “In today’s world, students need three fundamental skills: they need to know how to ​find
information, how to ​assess​ the quality of information, and how to ​creatively and
effectively use ​information to accomplish a goal. These skills are critical for college,
careers and life in today’s Internet-connected world.” - George Lucas
● Students learn by designing and constructing actual solutions to real life problems
● Multiple Disciplines
○ Great Gatsby Project example

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