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Reading : Top 5 Colombian Olympic Medallist

Maria Isabel Urrutia is another international female athlete, who won a gold medal in weightlifting at the Sydney 2012 Olympic Games. She is the
winner of Colombia’s first gold medal. Urrutia was born into a family where nine of the fourteen children died before she began her athletic career.

Jarvie, G. (2006). Sport, Culture and Society: An Introduction. p. 76. Routledge   

Two decades after Ximena Restrepo’s historic Olympic bronze medal at the 1992 Barcelona Games, Caterine Ibargüen Mena has become the leading
figure of athletics in Colombia after winning the Triple Jump Olympic silver medal in London and her country’s first athletics World title in Moscow.

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Rigoberto Uran is a professional cyclist and winner of the silver medal in road racing at the 2012 Summer Olympics. Before fame, he was a lottery
seller and his father was assassinated by a Colombian terrorist group in 2001.

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Maria Luisa Calle Williams: In the 2004 Summer Olympics, she won a bronze medal in the cycling women's points race, the first Colombian to win a
medal in cycling. She was forced to return the medal after positive test result for the banned stimulant heptaminol. The medal was returned, however,
after the test result was proven incorrect.

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In 2012, Mariana Pajon became only the second Gold medalist from her home country. With her win at the London Olympics, she was instantly
boosted in to an instant sports celebrity in Colombia. Mariana followed up her Olympic Gold in 2013 with an incredible last-minute charge to take over
the points-lead in Pro Women, coming in to The Grands. 

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2 Reading : The World's Coolest Skyscraper
Humans have built incredible structures, including the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids of
Egypt. But there's one thing that even the world´s most amazing structures can't do: alter their
shapes. Well, that is soon going to change.

Someday, it is possible that you will be living in a shape-shifting skyscraper that never stays still.
The first of these buildings, which are called Dynamic Towers, will be in Dubai, a city in the
United Arab Emirates in the Middle East. This won't be the world's tallest skyscraper, but will be
the most amazing. Each floor will be constantly moving, rotating on its own and at different
speeds like an 80-storey Rubik's Cube that invisible hands are always twisting. These building
won't be looking the same, according to David Fisher, the architect behind the idea.

This may sound like fantasy, but within a few years the Dynamic Tower will be becoming a
reality, and will be built in a unique way. Skyscrapers are usually built one floor at time, form
the bottom up. But not the Dynamic Tower: it will be the world's first skyscraper to be built in a
factory .Only the enormous central cylinder will be built at the site. This will weigh about half a
million kilos and it will contain water pipes and lifts. While they are building the cylinder, each
floor will be made in segments at a factory. These will arrive at the construction site ready to be
added to the central cylinder, and even the furniture will be inside. A machine will lift the
segments up the sides of the building and attach them to the cylinder from the top down, making
construction safer, faster and less expensive.

The first 35 floors will consist of offices and a luxury hotel. Floors 36 to 70 will have numerous
apartments, but each of the top ten floors in the 89-storey tower will be a single apartment. While
the architect will control the movement of most of the floors, anyone who pays around $ 36
million for one the top ten apartments will be able to move it however they like. Each of these
luxury apartments will be massive. They will have more space inside than five average houses
put together. And you will be sitting next to your car too.
5 Reading
Carolina writes an email to her friend about work:

""Hi Cristina, I am sorry I haven’t called you for so long. How are you? How is your new apartment? I have been very busy at work.
I arrive at the office at 7 am and leave at around 6:30 pm. I just get half an hour for lunch and a five-minute break in the morning
and in the afternoon. I am very tired when I get home so I just eat, watch some television and go to bed. In the office, I am on the
phone all day, listening to customer complaints and entering them into our computer system. At the end of the day I have to write
a summary of all the calls I received during the day and give my boss a status on the complaints that are not yet resolved. I do not
know how much longer I can do this. I need a vacation, or even better, I need another job! I’ll call you this weekend.

Something very strange happened to Tamara. She never knew she had a
twin sister until she started university!
Tamara was born in Mexico. Her parents could not look after her so she
went to live with a family in Manhattan, USA.
When Tamara was twenty years old, she started university in Long Island.
She enjoyed her university life. But one day she was walking home from
class, and a student smiled at her. “Hello Adriana!” said the student. “I’m
not Adriana,” said Tamara.
This happened to Tamara again and again. People Tamara didn’t know
kept calling her Adriana. It was very strange. One day, when a woman
called her Adriana, Tamara asked “Why do you keep calling me Adriana?”
The woman replied, “You look like my friend Adriana. You have the same
face and the same hair. Is Adriana your sister?” Tamara said that she did
not have a sister called Adriana. But she was interested in this girl Adriana.
Finally she asked someone for Adriana’s email address.
When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they both had the same
birthday, they were born on February 26th, 1990. They looked the same and both
of them were from Mexico. When Tamara went to live with the family in
Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family there. It had to be
true! Adriana and Tamara were twin sisters!

Activity # 2

1. Where is Tamara from?

2. Who is Tamara’s sister?

3. was Adriana from Colombia?

4. When Adriana was born?

5. Who called Tamara by other names?

6. Was she born in January 26th, 1991?

7. Did Tamara have a brother?

8. Where Adriana moved when Tamara move to Manhattan?

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