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F. Ramos Street, CEBU CITY


Name: Inah Krizia O. Lague Date: 09-16-2020

Topic/s: Fundamental Concepts of Community Health Nursing , Theoretical Foundations of Community Health
Nursing Practice

What activities did we do?

We had done two activities. On the activity 1 we viewed and study the given discussion. There are 9
Exercises in between the discussion. We are only given one attempt to answer each exercise. Viewing and
answering the activity would take about 2 hours. Meanwhile, on the second activity we had a group discussion
about the Theoretical Foundations of Community Health Nursing Practice.

What did I learn?

I learned so many things in the discussion, most specially the definition of Public health and focus of
public health and community health which is commonly most misinterpreted. I also learned about how health and
community is truly defined. Since we were assigned to a certain theory which is the Transtheoretical Model , I
learned so much about it. It shows the different stages of change and I realized the changing is truly not easy
because it can be like a domino effect . If you change one thing in you, everything then follows.

How does what I learned relate to the real world?

What I learned does relate to the real world because the topics that we had discussed was truly related
to what is really happening in real life, especially in the determinants of health and disease which is part of our
discussion. It allows us to see the bigger picture , see the causes and possibilities that can lead us to being at risk
for getting a disease based on each of our daily life situation or daily lifestyle. It also helps us to think how we can
prevent it.

What did I like and dislike about the learning experience?

What did I like about the learning experience is that we really have to learn how to manage our time
because our time is limited and what I dislike is that there are some technical errors when it comes to answering
the quizzes and in the pre recorded videos.

What questions or concerns do I have about what I learned?

I have no questions and concerns about what I learned.

What would I like to learn more about?

I like to learn more on the different Theoretical Foundations of Community Health Nursing Practice since
I learned only about the assigned theory to us which is the transtheoretical Model.

How might what I learned help me in the future?

What I learned will help me in the future , especially when the time comes that we will already be
exposed to the community. Even though we have been exposed before in our CHN 1 , I can say that It will be less
difficult for me since we are already more prepared because of the additional concepts and theories in community
health nursing that are introduced to us.

Updated August 2020


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