CITATION Our /L 1033

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Drug Addiction

Drug addiction, a pressing issue in the global community. Way back mid-19 th century
drugs has always been a part of the people. Booming industries of mass media momentously
increased its popularity, affecting humanity’s way of living [ CITATION Our \l 1033 ] . With drug
related cases constantly on the rise and not showing any signs of standstill, it is responsible
for roughly 11.8 million deaths each year [ CITATION Rit19 \l 13321 ] . What causes this surge in
the community resulting to a number of deceased victims? We will be digging deep into the
facts, learn more and uncover the secrets behind.

What are drugs and why is it addictive? Drugs can be of different substance this
includes smoking, alcohol consumption and use of illicit drugs. The three of which has the
highest percentage of one-time usage sooner or later leading to addiction. Illicit drugs include
cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, inhalants, meth, hallucinogens, ketamine and lastly marijuana as the
most commonly consumed substance in circulation. Drug intake releases dopamine
throughout your body, giving you extensive feeling of pleasure; a sense of accomplishment
and satisfaction. Continuous usage of drugs rewires the brain network in which constant little
dosage doesn’t work the charm anymore. This results to higher dosage consumption from
time to time and straight to addiction.

There are a number of reasons as to why the people is caught up with this so called
“disease” of addiction. For some it is the start of something fun, recreational use of drugs that
in no time becomes a custom. Others for improvement of skills in their respective areas, most
commonly observed on athletes. The most common cause is the environment the victim is in.
Influenced by the surrounding individuals who has a closely tide relationship. Peer pressure
per se as they try and confront you into using as it is customary on the lands. Family also has
a great impact, personal involvement or in times neglect of your existence. Arguments that
leads to rebellion and in due course irresponsible ingestion of substance.

Then there are your personal problems in school or work, health issues, financial
matters, social support, relationships, socioeconomic status or insecurities and the likes that
adds up to it. Most of all you need to remember it is you yourself as the enemy you need to
keep watch of. All of which, the causes stated leads to stress, depression and anxiety
disorders. These are your greatest hurdles to overcome. Have a strong sense of awareness and
patience and don’t get swallowed in.
Once you are already under the influence of substance abuse, a list of changes can be
recognized. Long-term psychological effects and physical deterioration. Drugs has a variety
of effects dependent on the substance itself, who is taking it and the surrounding
environment. Drugs transform your entire life [CITATION Wha19 \l 1033 ].

Physical changes vary among the users and what they are using. For starters drug
abuse gives you readings way above the charts such as increased vigilance and energy boost.
While others offer you a nice feel of calm and relaxing atmosphere. Others causes fantasies
and hallucinations for a period of time. Small stretch of delight and gratification but comes
with great a price.

Bodily side effects include weakened internal organs which results to the decline of
intended functions. Weakening of the immune system, adding up the risk of illness and
infections. Heart complications, nausea and abdominal pain, seizures, stroke, lung disease,
liver failure, cancer, HIV, AIDS, hepatitis and all of those serious problems in our fragile
system [ CITATION Eff18 \l 1033 ].

The most dreadful effect it does to a human being directs to our mental health.
Psychological challenges include paranoia, aggressiveness, depression, impulsiveness and
loss of self-control [CITATION Hea17 \l 1033 ]. Your brain is already not working as it normally
should. Over time the brain acclimates with your constant consumption and adjusts
accordingly by discharging smaller amount of dopamine. Users tend to increase their intake
dosage to supplement the decline of dopamine and continue to achieve the envisioned high.
To make it much worst uncontrollable cravings of the substance, the brain is actually looking
for more, this lets you consume extra. This critically increases the risk of brain damage and
may cause overdose. You are literally destroying your own body and in worst case scenarios
pertain to death. And if you are “lucky enough” this will just lead to disabilities you will
carry on your entire lifespan.

Fret not for there are treatments associated with drug addiction. Most users undergo
regular rehabilitation and seminars to give them awareness. Then there are also medications
which you can take to suppress the side effects of drugs of wanting more, this lets you keep
away from substances. Be social, interact with the people around you, but not to those who
are under the influence also. For more advices you can look online as there are a bunch of
centers around you whose sole purpose is to help the people who are in need like you. Don’t
be afraid of what’s to come be more open
What’s not to like they say it numbs your senses, ease your pain, forget about your
problems, get a move on in life. In fact, everything is not worth it considering the lifetime
consequence it brought upon you both mental and physical. A humorous circumstance when
you submit yourself to drugs because of such reasons but in the end, you are way back where
you started. Nothing good comes out of taking drugs, keep in mind. Addiction has greatly
affected your way of living. Being naïve and ignorant with drugs does not make you less
human, do not get carried away with what others do and think. You yourself knows what is
best for you, there is no going back out after all once you are in. For those who are already
influenced it is time to change, nothing is too late when you set your mind on it. “Only the
wisest and stupidest of men never change.” -Confucius

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